The rise of new genders and sexual identites only exasperates the problems that many of the LGBTQ community face.
None of these "identites" are in any wrong (morality is a spook, get over it), but when those who identify as such claim discrimination (a true claim; homosexuals may still be executed in many countries), they are making a big mistake with this list of identifying labels they now have.
The issue is not one of discrimination against their specific group, but discrimination against anyone who is different. Making more labels, dividing society into more little groups will only lead to more discrimination down the road. If the LGBTQ wish to rid the world of all discrimination, they must rid it of all labels.
I've had a trans person tell me before that it is indeed ridiculous, because the only gender identities that even make any sense for someone to have are man, woman, or neutral. No one who actually has gender dysphoria would choose to identify as any of the other 57 gender identities on Facebook.
This, and the concept of "safe spaces" (there's a difference between that and spaces by the way), leads to essentially marginalizing groups like these into their own little microcosms with their own little micro-hegemonies. Each group is allowed to feel like it is accepted and like it has power while also merely being made more manageable - and also more easy to market to.
The LGBTQ community and feminists needs to stop letting themselves become recuperated into normal bourgeois society and start becoming aggressive again.
Henry Long
Ironically, the proliferation of new genders is just a neoliberal idpol trick to get people to focus on divisions other than that of class.
That said, the whole thing is ridiculous on its face. A basic tenet of modern theory of gender is a denial of binary gender and an assertion that gender exists in a continuum.
Given that this continuum is by definition as infinite and varied as human experience, it is both fruitless and stupid to try and group people into these fucking boxes.
True gender acceptance is not boxing everyone in, but rather doing away with the obsolete convention of "naming" gender. Everyone is what they are–it's no more complicated than that
Austin Lewis
Man, if my left arm was female, I'd be set for life.
Blake Reed
I might be trans, and I really can't accept anything beyond male, female, agender, maybe genderfluid, and those culturally specific genders like fa'afafine and two-spirit. I don't vocalize this hardly ever, so it just quietly simmers inside me.
I can't even tell if I cling to the agender label because I'm actually agender or because I'm not comfortable with the female gender role, which fucking sucks. I was also raised nearly entirely gender neutral for the first ~5 years of my life and when I started going to school and had femininity thrust upon me, I rejected it entirely. I don't even want surgery or anything. I just want to not be seen as and expected to act like a woman. Female, I'm fine with; woman, no.
Maybe gender is something almost entirely socialized into people based on their sex and some people fit it just fine (cis people), some like the opposite gender role more (trans men/women), and some don't like either gender role (agender people) and it might be because that's just their personality (like me) or they weren't raised to be any one gender (also like me).
I don't really think gender is actually real anyway. It's entirely a social construct and I think we'd be better without it. Orientations could then just be on were you porn with a penis or a vagina and leave ascribing roles and traits to each out of it.
Sorry for the long ramble. I've obviously got some soul-searching to do. I try, but it's so complicated and I don't have an outlet where "gender is a spook" is acceptable to say but here.
Ryan Gray
Parker Campbell
I know the feel, kinda. I mean, I think that the idea of being agender just makes the most sense and sounds a lot more attractive than all the spooky bullshit about being male and muh masculinity and muh masculine gender roles. And from a theoretical point of view I see post-genderism as just being the objective end-goal of any kind of feminist point of view - though there are some who would disagree with that I guess. I mean I get that we're not quite there yet, but I think - crude as it is - the "gender is a spook" meme actually applies entirely to feminist theory. The issue is thinking that you can just meme it out of existence when it has been an axis on which people have been oppressed or marginalized.
But then again it's not something I talk about much IRL because the way I present, most people would just think it's disingenuous of me.
do you have a tox?
Jordan Allen
1990: "I cut my hair short because women don't have to have long hair. Fuck your standards."
2016: "I cut my hair short which must mean I'm a different gender entirely, since I don't look like a girl anymore."
How far we've come.
Andrew Cooper
Ed Wood (director of Glen or Glenda and Plan 9 from outer space) was a man, liked to fuck women, and liked to dress up as a woman.
An accuantance of mine is a guy, likes women (probably), dresses up as a woman and present .. herself as a woman.
I am a cis white male.
Is any of all this normal? Does it matter? Should we care?
I say, it's all about knowing what you like, finding it …. and having it liking you back. good luck with that.
All the theory about genders and so on, unless it can be applied, without creating schisms in society,is academic nomenklarture that only needs to promote this BS to have a job.
Now, should it all be examined, in order to help people better through psychology and sociology? SURE!
But, should it be the epicenter of all the change we want to see in the world? I think not!
On a personal level, would you be better off if femininity was introduced to you earlier? Would it make any difference? This is for science to study, not "gender studies" profesors that analyze Buffy the Vampire Slayer, as "academic work".
The facking spectacle and the facking alienation.
Christopher Gray
You're not trans. There's no such thing as transgender since gender is a social phenomenon, not a vague internal feeling. You can hate it all you want, but it's not going to erase the way you are perceived by society at large, or undo the socialization that you've undergone since birth. You're just a woman who is rightfully rejecting femininity. It's important not to lose sight of that.
Xavier Thomas
Well there's also bigender/nonbinary. Genderfluid is an expression, not a gender.
Ethan Parker
wewie eschewie
Charles Perez
Definitely. Obviously I can't speak from any kind of personal experience, but masculinity seems so constricting. Males are encouraged to be so emotionally constipated, not to show signs of weakness even when they clearly need help (see: male suicide rate), resort to violence when it's an inappropriate solution to the problem at hand. You are also discouraged from being nurturing or artistic, which are actually pretty cool things to do. (>inb4 some jackass says bc I like being nurturing, I'm a woman or some spooky bullshit. Caring for other beings and have them love you for it is rad.) This is a really shallow interpretation of the male role, but you know, I haven't really lived it to know better.
Imho… males and females would both benefit from liberating themselves from gender. Gender is inherently repressive as the solid only way to define gender is through gender roles, which arbitrarily limit what is and isn't acceptable for people to do depending on what's between their legs.
My knowledge in feminist theory has been incredibly rusty since I moved on from it about 5 years ago, but I see a lot [email protected]/* */ (not sure if it'd filter that uncensored lol) express this. Gender abolitionism is also a thing, and there's strong overlap with radical feminism. Gender abolitionists might be almost entirely radical feminists, too. I honestly don't really know, but if anyone wants to know, you now have the information to do so.
I really appreciate your post, by the way. My attention's just really divided to gather meaningful thoughts together.
Nah, no tox. Cool to finally meet someone else kinda of flirting with the idea of being agender who's also critical of gender as a whole, though. Especially since you're male.
Joshua Mitchell
It's funny, people love to say shit about >le feminists all hate men, or some shit like that, but aside from the types of people on tumblr who seem like they actually take SCUM Manifesto at face value, it's really more that feminists hate "Men", y'know? Meaning, that the concept of "Men", how males are supposed to be, is actually a component of patriarchy. Cuz it's just really shitty for the reasons you've listed, but a lot people just accept that you're supposed to be that way if you're male because you are subject to a lot of social pressure/shaming if you deviate from it. Especially among your peers. And I've also seen that it leads to really shitty relationships, and is extremely divisive between men and women. Never cared for it myself. I guess I wasn't really raised for most of my life at least with it shoved down my throat, and because of my personality just didn't care, but even then I guess you can't always escape it entirely.
And being an anarchist I fully agree, I think that gender and gender roles are a hierarchy that needs to be overcome. It creates hierarchy over each other - between dominant and submissive roles - and also over yourself, since it limits you from being the free and unique individual you are.
My familiarity is mostly with anfem and Marxist feminism. But my views on the matter have been influenced a lot by Donna Haraway and cyber-feminism, which is largely post-gender. Though it is my understanding that a lot of radfems are sympathetic or supportive of it too. It's hard to tell because feminism is such a broad body of theory.
Genders are a spook, people shouldn't identity as anything but themselves.
Oliver Cox
Being so uncomfortable with the gender roles foisted upon you that it causes you mental distress is unfortunate. But it doesn't mean you're a man in a woman's body waiting to be set free, or vice-versa.
Change society and its expectations. Don't reinforce self-hatred by insisting individuals change their bodies to conform to sexual stereotypes.
Mason Rodriguez
As long as you identify yourself as part of "the X community" you are falling for IDPOL.
Blake Bennett
Life must be hard when your left deltoid is an emu-kin, your right shinbone is a genderfluid poly-transspecies, your upper incisors are trans-black, your hair is an evil ciswhitemale, your gall bladder is an attack helicopter, your lower right arm is a wolf, your cheekbones are…
Matthew Rodriguez
No, you just have shitty friends.
Kayden Miller
Luis Murphy
I agree. Labels are generally cancer, but so is most of the LGBTQ movement. You'll never hear them stick up for genuinely oppressed groups such as pedophiles who aren't even allowed to fap to drawings and are subject to constant hatred in the media.
It would be a huge improvement if they just switched to a general policy of anti-discrimination regardless of the particular (non-harmful) preferences or identity of the individual.
Actually there's nothing biologically impossible about someone having a brain which lies somewhere outside of the standard male-female spectrum. It's unlikely, but we don't really know enough about how our DNA codes for gender differences in brain structure to quantify the improbability.
Julian Russell
Pretty much, but i think the point of these identities in the beginning was simply for what started merely as a homosexual movement to become more inclusive of all the other sexual "deviants" in order to become a stronger force. Now, obviously the use of all these different labels as a means of feel-good identitiy is politically pointless.
Matthew Wilson
Science has proven that there are definite differences between the brains of (cis) men and women, both physically and behaviourally.
This thread is the gayest shit ever. "Oppression", "labels", "freedom" "discrimination". It's all in your heads, and YES of course I am going to discriminate on people based on who they are and how they present themselves, ''there is nothing inherently wrong with choosing who I associate with" it's part of fucking life, but these people don't want to deal with the fact that most others find them ugly and unpleasant to be arround, oh but nooo we gotta accomodate the special snowflakes because they're crying "MUH OPPRESSHUN"! fuck them, fuck them.
I'm calling gender dysphoria crowd out on their shit, they just want to feel special and admired, but they are too lazy to actually *be* fucking special, so instead they resort to making social statements out of their fetishes.
And you should be ashamed you're defending their victim complex.
Robert Young
[just more proof that this poster is the worst]
Easton Howard
You could have saved us some time and prefaced your post with an admission that you know nothing of the relevant science or history.
Jacob Sullivan
Why do you gotta get upset? You're a tranny? is it personal?
Robert Barnes
Not a tranny. The post immediately above yours gave actual scientific sources explaining why half your post is bullshit.
You should also be aware of the basic history of gender and sexual minority rights movements. Even today there is very real discrimination in the form of lynchings and shootings - a recent terrorist attack comes to mind. Oh, and getting thrown in prison for sodomy or loli drawings is hardly "in your head".
Nathaniel Perez
Ascribing a label doesn't validate a criticism.
Wyatt Reed
Just more proof that I'll keep using the flag cause I'm rather happy to be critiqued by Tankies.
What a crock of shit, killing is killing. what difference is in a corpse from a "hate" crime than another from a robbery? fucking none, both people were deprived from their lives.
You can get thrown in prisson for messing with software from a John Deere tractor, pirating a shitload of movies… hell, there's a pretty long lists of victimless crimes per country, and you wanna bitch specifically to those related to taking it up the butt like if it somehow had special status?
Not gonna happen.
Parker Rogers
Well, this is why I think labels are bullshit and the GSM community should campaign on the basis of liberty for all.
Equally bullshit is your claim that "it's all in your head". There are tangible ways in which specific groups are attacked.
Jeremiah Phillips
It is the trend of our times, to take an instance and use it to promote politics and ideology.
Even if an instance could be proof of a group of people being behind it, and thus giving cause to characterize an organization as criminal, see KKK or Golden Dawn, this does not excuse the overuse of this practice to make everything bigger than it is.
"A guy shot in a cinema as Joker" VIOLENCE IN MOVIES AND VIDYA!
"Guy bombs shouting Allahu Akbaru" EVIL MUSLIMS WILL KILL US ALL!
Unless there is a conection with an organization and so on, we cannot take any seperate instance and say "It's a general phenomenon".
IF a sequence of similar events, from people of similar "identity" takes place, for example police brutality, THEN this is a social issue and has to be dealt with.
Grayson Nguyen
The social category of these crimes inflict different forms of suffering, with separate their separate consequences.
A scientific case for 'gender dysphoria'. Not for a social distinction of genders.
Jackson Adams
Gavin Lopez
video's actually pretty good. It haz Zizek in it!
Ian Jenkins
Perhaps I should adress this.
Who today in civil society attacks a fag? Who here today wants to beat up trannies and shoot them? fucking criminals, that's who, people who are unstable and would attack someone else without legitimate provocation. if not poopdick then someone else would be the target of their hatred.
It's not the existance of homsexuality or transexuality or whatever that drives some people to commit these crimes, it's people themselves who will find an outlet in someone.
Look i've worked with homosexuals, I've never had issues about interacting with them *daily*. Just because I don't pursue association with them, doesn't mean I'd deprive them of their basic human rights or that I'd be uncivil towards them,
So my point is that, a lot of this persecution is carried out inside their heads, look at this micro-agression bullshit and the "trigger" phenomenon. what is it if not victim complex? they are *convinced* that they need protection specially dedicated towards them because of their identity.
And guess what? maybe at some point they *DO* need to be assured that their preferences in the bed don't screw them over in their professional lives and so on, but as you can plainly see, this is more than just preventing unfair discrimination, this a social and political manipulation through moral blackmailing. Fucking disgusting.
Nice phrase, but ultimately meaningless, kill with hate or kill without passion, you still end up with a corpse.
Luke Clark
The entire problem is that ~special snowflake~ identity runs contrary to the core values of sexual and gender rights: namely, the right to equal treatment by the law and the workforce. Instead it wants to be treated differently, but with preference.
This is why companies pander to it so much, they're useful idiots for opportunistic cheapskates.
Lucas Hernandez
The cause for the death and its justification have an impact beyond it.
How old are you?
Jayden Wilson
We're specifically talking about murder here, not manslaughter, accidental killing, self defense or death by negligence. Murder.
We're talking about person A deciding to terminate person's B life on account of A being a shitbag, period, there's no objective difference regarding reasons for the cause of the murder since the result is exactly the same.
If you're trying to cling to legalisms and texual quotations of laws (which is pointless because different countries have different laws) then you're wasting you fucking time. Specially if you want to get deontological.
Aaron Thompson
You can't see the differentiation between the circumstance of the murder because you only see it as a criticism of judicial precedent.
Adrian Rodriguez
So what is your point then? regarding our original topic…
Isaiah Lopez
i would like to know about the one where one can apparetly have a female arm and be male
Lincoln Miller
Regarding the topic of murder, it positively impacts society according to how the murder is known. Murder is never really murder full stop. It involves the death of an individual, but only a body of knowledge beyond that.
The capacity to stratify murder implies that all other meaningful action - regarded socially - has consequence in cause and effect in the same way murder does. What you call a victim complex is really just a derogatory way of acknowledging what is in effect a social conscience for those who come to believe in it.
Even if it is the gayest fucking shit.
Elijah Brown
I have a genderfluid arm. It's male when I touch a woman but female when I fap.
Bentley Rivera
Interesting… and who should be held accountable for this?
Grayson Miller
Accountable for what?
Brody Diaz
Technically it's biologically possible, although it would be extremely rare. See the link posted earlier about genetic chimeras.
The victim complex? who is most directly responsible and who should dismantle it (if at all)?
Parker James
Blake Rogers
Hunter Bailey
I think, whilst telling people what labels they can and cannot use is silly, the individual should be defined like Oscar Wilde says by action!
also pls read De Beauvoir
Xavier Price
The stigma against trans people mostly comes from a mix of being too attached to traditional gender roles, stigma against homosexuals, and stigma against mental illness. I think gender identity harms people via pigeonholing. No matter how many labels you add it will never properly describe someone especially since gender identity is a subjective self labelling. If people stopped obsessing with gender roles, gender identity, and pronouns everyone would be better off.
Jason Cox
Gender doesn't exist. Only physical sex. If your brain doesn't match well enough with the body that formed around it, then yes, there is a problem.
Pretty much this.
Brody Richardson
This! There's only two sexes, and the guy who started this whole "gender and sex are separate" was a pedophile that drove some poor kid to suicide, right?
Henry Richardson
Andrew Davis
but then they wouldn't be a special snowflake. I have known several homos in my life and they were all terrible people. Homosexuality is a front for a sadomasochistic personality. They make a mockery of the sexes – emphasizing the worst aspects of male (cruel and oppressive) and female (fickle and nihilistic). They are projecting their negative experience with their mother or father.
Hunter Jones
Most people in general are "horrible people"
Josiah Rodriguez
Brayden Hughes
In the Philippines and Thailand they're more integrated and accepted than most places because socially there's 3 genders: male, female and gay. all the transexuals, gays, lesbians, crossdressers go in the gay gender category and it's not a problem.
David Howard
Finland and Hungary do fine with trans persons while they both have genderless and gender neutral languages; meaning a lack of or reduction of linguistic distinction between sexes and genders. The only thing holding it back from being even better was religious influence.
Camden Thompson
Please this
many keks
Jack Fisher
gender-inventors is simply trying to emphasis even slightest difference, to fracture people, make more conflicts between them, thus weakening people all around.
sometimes i just wonder, if that's exactly why western commercial world supports this shit, and even take it in as an marketing concept. maybe.
Samuel Howard
I say let people be whatever they want, but class identity is always more importand than being gay or lesbian. Also those x-kin genders are people with autism and you should understand that autistic people think in a very different way.
Tyler Russell
there are 3 genders. Man, woman and Intersexual.
Adrian Wood
I hate everything to do with this special snowflake identity movement. Do people not see that creating these labels, they are actually just dividing us more as a society?
They are no better than those stupid religious fanatics who like to stuff their religious views down your throat.
Leo Ross
You're thinking of sex, not gender. Gender is a brain/behavior thing. Sex is what parts you have. Also, intersex is a disorder. Would you classify eunuchs as a sex?
Anthony Baker
Yeah, they're usually like 14 year old autistic and/or literally psychotic kids. The whole otherkin/neogender stuff hasn't been around long enough for me to know they eventually grow out of it, but they're mostly just mentally ill kids who don't know any better and may be incapable of such.
Lucas Perry
Juan Cooper
Well, maybe they changed it, but that was a thing that Facebook had for awhile. I wouldn't know because I don't have a Facebook and am not up to date on how they run that fucking site.
Liam Phillips
Their movement is predicated on demonizing the "cis white male". They need to enrol as much of society as possible, preferably getting them to "identify" as things other than "cis","white" and "male". Just look at how many women are calling themselves bullshit labels like "genderqueer" or "non-binary" just to be edgy.
Christian Wood
There is nothing to match it against all concepts of gender are spooks. People should just act the way they want and ignore norms and petty labels for any purpose besides convenience
Nathan Powell
if calling someone by their pronouns is "just common courtesy" do i have to validate furries too
Carter Brown
Connor Martinez
What the is that picture supposed to represent? And why is the color/shape trend reversed in the last pair?
Jason Perry
Originally the term transgender was used in a narrow sense to describe a person who identified as a gender identity opposite of their genetic sex. Psychological evidence points to gender identity being innate and biological rather than the cause of socialization, unlike what many "gender theorists" claim. A problem today however is that the term transgender has been expanded to include literally any form of gender non-conformity in an attempt to get more college liberals to support sexual idpol. If you tell college students that anybody can make up their own gender and become a member of a special oppressed class, then they will only fall further into the sandpit of identity politics because they've now been given the ability to create their own "marginalized identity." I have no problem with being transgender or with gender non-conformity obviously, in fact I'm a straight dude who likes to wear women's clothes, but I realize that sexual idpol is completely cancerous and dangerous to class struggle. Liberal and Right-Wing idpol only exist to distract people from class struggle by getting the proles to blame their problems on imaginary systems of oppression.
Jack Gomez
It's not a disorder it's a rare condition (or rather a group of conditions). Most of the problems associated with intersex are a result of societal treatment not inherent to the condition (of course there are some intersex conditions that have associated medical problems)
Sebastian Perez
As a left-winger I have left-liberal friends.
This means that sometimes I find stuff like this.
Zachary Cruz
To be fair the described laws are pretty stupid and should be abolished. It's just that very few people are actually influenced by them.
Jose Stewart
It's amazing how many people equate the shame and hatred put on practicers of incest, pedophilia, and bestiality with the same and hatred put upon trans and same-gender-attracted people.
Bentley Ortiz
Incest is much more normal than homosexuality and transgenderism
Luis Flores
I mean, I get how maybe two sibling who were raised in different homes and don't know each other is not that wrong but should perhaps be disallowed from having children but within a family, people just have certain unequal power-mechanisms, certain kinds of leverage they can use agains teach other, jus tlike police officers and citizens of teachers and students. My issue with incest is that I think it's very hard to ensure true consent.
Cooper Baker
You smug idiots use "spook" as much as Holla Forumsacks use "cuck".
Joseph Myers
Hit the nail on the head. For relatives who just didn't know each other for most of their lives, and are now adults roughly the same age, I'm kinda "eh no biggie", but definitely agree they shouldn't be having children together.
Nicholas Hernandez
It's funny you should say that, because being spooked means serving thoughts (instead of thoughts serving you).
So in a way, people are cucked by their own fixed ideas.
Owen Harris
Are you saying that it should be illegal for a police officer to be in a relationship with anyone else?
Also, it's funny you talk about consent to defend laws which throw consenting people in prison.
Cooper Turner
It's amazing to me how the LGBT community are desperate to pull the ladder up behind them now that they've got their anti-discrimination laws and pride marches.
There's literally nothing wrong with having a consensual relationship with a relative or having fantasies about kids or animals. Even having sex with animals is better than anything which goes on in the meat industry.
Jose Gutierrez
funny you say that actually "spook" is just a buzzword for anarkiddies when they're confronted with things they can't argue with due to lack of materialism being the petty bourgeoise little faggots they are
Chase Brooks
Kek, Where's all this buttpain comming from?
Jaxon Harris
ask those anarchists guess it's them being stupid little whores of capital making them hungry for its big bourgeoise dick they then complain is spreading their boipussies too much
Gavin Bennett
Well, but you must understand that there are some people cops can't have relationships with right, like people they have under parole or people the arrest or prison inmates.
Anthony Reed
Yes, but that's a hell of a lot different to a brother and sister. I can't actually conceive of a situation where a relationship between a cop and a prisoner wouldn't be exploitative on the part of at least one party.
Also, the biggest problem with trying to make brother-sister wincest illegal is which party to you throw in prison? If you're assuming that the relationship is exploitative (which is the whole basis of your argument) then you necessarily have to imprison the "victim" along with their lover.
Camden Butler
So how did this conversation turn into incest defense?
Jeremiah Morgan
Well, siblings can have rather large age-difference or depending on the kind of fafmily, boys are further up the pecking order.
Therefore, it's hardly consentual if someone has a sexual relationship with his younger sister.
Landon Sullivan
So just blame the man? Or are all relationships with an age gap rape?
We're not talking about kids here.
Wyatt Walker
Also, if age-gap relationships are automatically non-consensual, then surely marrying someone from a poor country must be extremely rapey since they might just be doing it to get a visa.
Adrian Rivera
I do believe that sexuality can be complicated and that while straight, gay and bi are very useful terms for the majority of people, there are some who might be along a sexual spectrum. But you can't partially identify as a gender. Your sex is your genitalia you were born with, your gender is the chemicals in your brain that have evolutionary developed systems of behavior to optimise the survival of the species. Sometimes the wires get crossed. But it makes no sense beyond mental illness, and I don't mean that in a derogatory way, to identify outside of binary gender.
Dylan King
To clarify I don't have an issue with trying to be neutral or agendered - fighting spooks I suppose - but we don't need 8000 pronouns to accommodate some dickhead who was born with a penis, identifies as genderfluid but only when an Asian man who believes they were a chupacabra in a past life with an 8 inch dick is penetrating his asshole.
Robert Wood
"Mental illness" is probably part of the problem, since it has extremely negative connotations, i.e. schizos and Hannibals.
Nathaniel Sanders
I put it to you like this. I'll use autism as an example. This is not a mental illness, it is a condition, a disability, a syndrome. Whatever. I think that gender and sexuality can be along similar lines. The problem is when people who are just mentally ill start doing surreal shit, either for attention, or because they're delusional, etc. It reflects very badly on people who are fully functional human beings who happen to be gay, trans, whatever.
Mason Hill
No, I get what you mean. I was referring to how most people have a very poor understanding of psychology aside from meme-tier Freudian cock lust.
Daniel Phillips
Dont fight spooks with more spooks I guess.
Angel Perry
Honestly mailorder brides come pretty close to prostitution and a lot of these women are desperate.
Jacob Martin
Labels are capitalistic in nature. Shirts, organizations that write you pretty letters and hand select news for your membership etc. These will be made a profit from and nothing more.
Brayden Wright
this guy gets it
Christopher Miller
I'm glad you're at least consistent in your belief that it's better to throw a hundred consenting people in prison than let a single semi-rapist go free.
Benjamin Ross
The fuck does 'Q' mean? Is it meant to be 'queer'? The fuck is the difference between queer and gay?
I honestly don't understand the separation between gender and body. I meant I get that some people aren't happy with their gender and I don't judge them for it. What I don't get if when someone wants to be (or considers themselves to be) the opposite gender but does not want the opposite gender's body. I mean how can someone have a 'female' or 'male' personality? Yes, a girl can like 'guy' things, but does that make every tomboy a man? Does that make every metrosexual male a woman?
The only things that truly separate the genders are body and sexual preference. To suggest that differing personality types is locked to gender is counter-intuitive to the past 80 years or so that it taken to get out of that mind-set.
SJW ideologies are fundamentally opposed to those of classic feminism and they can't even see it.
Juan Lewis
"Identities" are a spook retard.
Ian Hernandez
its a disease
Cameron Reed
Mason Rodriguez
Labels are just an imperfect description of reality. It's best to forget about labels entirely and start thinking in terms of what things actually are.
Your brain doesn't have a "gender", nor does your body. They are just structured collections of cells which may or may not be similar to other people's bodies in various ways. Even labels like "cell" aren't perfectly reliable. Some of your cells will be half way through dividing so they're neither a single cell nor two cells. Others might be damaged or mutated in ways which make them almost like cells but not quite, or in some indeterminate state between life and death. Most of science is about studying how our simplistic labels and rules of thumb break down on very small or very large scales.
Once you really understand the underlying reality, then you can start using labels to simplify things, but you must be very careful not to fall into the trap of letting the labels take precedence over reality. Linguistic relations between labels should only serve as suggestions for your thinking. Any real reasoning you do must be based on objective reality.
Liam Wright
I see where you're going with this: Transgenderism is really just an affirmation that gender roles exist. I imagine that's why feminists don't like trannys.
Transsexuality is a different beast altogether, and one that I'm still not sure how to feel about.
Juan Adams
Who cares?
Thomas Ortiz
It's just the rad fems that hate them. I think the hate is pretty stupid but they are right about how it affirms the roles. Many transsexuals are walking stereotypes of the gender they identify with.