Rust Code of Conduct

I think it is good with a CoC like Rust have, because it keeps trolls, biggots and Trump supporters out of the equation. I just wonder why not all projects adapt one, first I think Linux should adapt it because it is the biggest.

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Here's your reply

I agree OP, we need to do more. I for one won't use a computer until every PoC that can't afford one has access. Why perpetuate computational privilege?

I love when "trump supporters" are all lumped in together as one homogeneous demographic even if it's ironic. Get's me every time

found the CoC sucker
CoCs are regulatory nonsense with no actual purpose other than some hypothetical indirect action that american faggots like to debate, much like laws against CP, copyright, hate crimes, and employment discrimination, off the top of my head


No one should advocate for Rust for this issue alone. Even if it were better than C++ (it's not), using another language to avoid their pozed community would be worth any added inconvenience.

Come back Hitler, we need you.

The part I find funny about that is how redundant it is. It may as well read "We don't tolerate socially marginalizing socially marginalized groups." I'd rather try and build a language from scratch than work with people this insufferable

Holy shit, look at this, which the Rust CoC was partly based on. It's the most cucky thing I've ever seen.
How quickly can we build a gas chamber?

My god the virtue signalling and internet power tripping is strong with this utter omega tier faggot. It's embarrassing to read this shit

Shit I don't even want to post anymore but this is just too much

I can't wew enough. My whole fedora collection is tipping simultaneously at this GentleXir

Let's look into this beta.

top kek. As euphoric as this cuck is, I guess studying four things was too much.

He's a node.js programmer.

Twitter bio:
Non-ironically listing your pronouns, especially when they're assumed defaults, wew.

Pick related, some recent tweets. This faggot is terrified of Andrew Jackson. Did Holla Forums meme this loser into real life? He's like a parody.

Cont'd. This is actually how he signs his blog posts.

Am I missing something here? Does he mean like... psychic...? Is this ironic? Does he even actually exist or is this all one big meme?

While he should be our lolcow, I'm rather concerned that his brand of cuckldry is rather wide spread in the tech world. Serious corrective measures are going to be necessary soon.

He's behind If any of you needed a reason to ignore use nodejs, you now have it.

> npm is not a typical product, and we are not a typical "work hard/play hard" startup. We are responsible adults with diverse backgrounds and interests, who take our careers and our lives seriously. We believe that the best way to iterate towards success is by taking care of ourselves, our families, our users, and one another. We aim for a sustainable approach to work and life, because that is the best way to maximize long-term speed, while retaining clarity of vision. Compassion is our strategy.

I hope his pet niggers rape and murder him.

Of fucking course. The made with

Fuck off white male Nazi.

The entire CoC is redundant and effectively boils down to "Don't be an asshole". Who would have thought that the most convoluted and overengineered piece of crap in the tech industry would end up being the code of conduct of all things. The Rust CoC does not even give any useful examples or advise on how to conduct yourself, it's just a bunch of "look at how good a person I am" empty phrases. Take the RFC 1855 for example: most of it is pretty self-evident to anyone who is not a total sperg, but at least it is grounded in reality and gives useful advice.

CoC is the same as not wanting to contribute to a project because you don't like something about a contributor or project manager. I don't care if you're a trans-nigger Jew or a Hitler-worshiping trap Azn. I will fucking work with you if you're willing to work with me. Don't act like a faggot and just fucking code.

but my identity is very important to this project, if you can't accept me for who i am then i won't participate!

Liberals want to infiltrate the tech community. They already have in large part. Nothing new.

Perfect! You can enjoy your non-participation.

If Mozilla put even half the effort into their language and tools as they spend on virtual signalling maybe people would actually use Rust.

People do use Rust and Mozilla do invest into their technologies. What are you talking about?

Do you mean virtue signalling?

Yes sorry, was a typo

I wasn't talking about FOSS brainfarts on github.

Capped for historical reasons and because of cloudflare man in the middle service shit.

This basically resumes why CoC are completely ineffective and even dangerous.
But in this discussion they are lucky because CoCs people are really zealot when it comes to push their shit.

I am trying to archive/catalogue events when COCs where abused.
Anons if your autism has a memory of such or a backup/link of event please share it.

For now I have the recent drupal events
Karoly Négyesi (chx) ousted from the Drupal community from being a BDSD

The drupal demand for Linus Torvalds to GTFO but that's not really an abuse but more of a irrational demand.

This isn't CoC related but still a good example of persecution from SJWs and irrational people.

CoC related but only forcing and menaces from the pushers
Capped the link since it uses cloudflare too.
I found an archive

Ruby community rejection of CoCs

Trap faggot please show moar GTFO

How old are you ?

That sugary tone they always use really grinds my gears.

People are always more open to suggestion if the words used aren't aggressive.
This isn't new, a lot of hypnotist/politics uses these methods (with also body posture control).

Actually if hackers learned to express themselves nicely instead of being autistic like RMS for speeches then the GPL would be used in firmwares now imo.
It's sad to see that the people who use these methods are people who brings discord.

Anyway see for example this user >>>743159 who was baited by Allan Webber's sugary tone.


Woah buddy, take that bigoted pre2010 attitude to hacker culture and shove it. This is about correcting historic wrongs and decolonizing institutional whiteness, slave and rape culture. I am a UNIQUE individual, and I deserve to be heard, and taken seriously.

Only left answers allowed.

I know this is a bait thread but Rust is actually a very good language.
Here is a good introductory video for those interested in learning it.


But I don't want to use a language with that CoC nor that community. If it was just a non-political language I would had considered it. Now I will not even care for it and speak against it out of spite.

fucking lel



I don't like Rust. It's too verbose. If I wanted a verbose language I'd use Java.

Far as I know, certain sociopaths refer to non-sociopaths as empaths.

All the snowflakes hate him and always have/will. He's like an unbeatable sith lord to them. I'm not worried

W-W-We'll just FORK linux! Then we'll show him, right guys? Right?


I like C and I like Rust, ignore LARPers.

I hate C and I hate Rust, ignore LARPers.

I have mixed feelings about C and I have mixed feelings about Rust, ignore LARPers.

the only reason to use C is if you're being paid by the NSA to put backdoors in and you can have plausible deniability by saying "it's a memory bug sorry". Why do you think there's so many anti-rust shills and people trying to ruin the project form the inside(rust CoC, faggy sjw devs)?

They pressed too hard then, because they forced the Military to swap out Ada for C++.

no one used Ada so they couldn't hire anyone, that's why they switched.

I can see clearly now the rust is gone

The consequence of lowering IQs, dumbing down schools and pushing more niggers into higher education.

I bet you bought a betamax too, faggot.

The current trends are for simple languages and making programming more inclusive, so yes the user base is getting dumber.

Why is all of the rust doc written in the condescending tone of a childrens book?

I-is that you?
Post more.

Seconding this, Rust barely has any technical merits. The point of the language isn't really "muh (one kind of) memory safety," it's to attract developers from the diverse web dev community to replace the evil white male C++ programmers. Seriously, go search Hacker Jews for Rust and every other article is something like "WOW I never thought I would get systems programming before this but I'm learning so much with Rust! t. Jessica Shekelbergestein" or "we NEED to recruit from outside the C++ programmer community"

liberals are the real manchildren

There's this concept called "training" that they could've done. It doesn't take very long for anyone competent to learn Ada.


Code the most racist program you can in Rust to trigger SJWzilla. Watch fireworks.

Do they marginalize National Socialists? We're a small group often discriminated against for our beliefs. It has gotten so bad that we're not even allowed to wear our armbands or even perform our customary salutations in public. There are even groups of people, in the Rust community that think it is acceptable to punch members of our group, not cool. Sometimes I think no one cares about my struggle.

The user base is getting bigger. Just because tech is being flooded by pajeets doesn't mean the competent people don't exist anymore, they're just harder to find from the pile of poo.

Obvious bait is obvious, no one would actually come here and say something this blatant and mean it.


only nazis use c and java

dont be hitler

I'm know I'm late on this but all of that is terrible and I'm sad to see that the community has sunk this low over the years. In the old days someone like that would have been chased away for begin lazy and never contributing anything of value. Which is what probably happened so often to them that they invented the Cancer of Conduct with the intention of spreading it and taking control of others people work by proxy.

At least it brings people like pic related out of the wood work. I swear these people are just rehashing goon tactics from 15 years ago. This cancer spread far and wide while I wasn't paying attention.

wew lad

If i didn't know better, i would think this was parody.
At this point, rust seems to be nothing else than a shithole of SJW and other progressive idiocy.

I'm part of an underrepresented demographic for my political beliefs as a national socialist.
They can't even avoid using the Gbotnet


It's too generic fro them to understand what you mean.

ESL mexicans need to leave

Beliefs is correct you stupid nigger.

I expounded on that throughout the rest of the survey.

lol you dense motherfucker

Rust: dead on arrival

and then the reason crockford was banned:
Yes you certainly are following a trend of being retarded faggots, but nobody even cares about your JS garbage or drupal in the first place. I had to open Twatter to dig up this shit and my CPU usage shot up to 100% and browser froze for 10 seconds.


Found this gem, typical millennial feel good empty fag speech.

two rust contributors got ousted for being """mean"""

They did him a favor.

Drupal has always been a horribly coded and bloated piece of shit. Even in the days when horrible php was excusable they were finding creative ways to half ass every thing. I've seen pajeets that could put together a better code base. I'm serious, phpBB is a master piece compared to Drupal. Drupal is a great example of attempting to do every thing and doing none of those things well. Everyone I know that used it at some point quickly ran away from it. Why does it even still exist? Are people still salivating over CMSs? Aren't they considered too old school by all the normalfags and hipsters?

Drupal has been around forever it seems, but the idea of a CMS is so disgusting, I never even wanted to look into it. Same as Wordpress really (can't comment on their codebase), just a tool that I'd never need or want. It would probably take me longer to read their manual than to accomplish write a basic site in something like Racket.

Rust isn't a programming language, It's the communist infiltration of tech.


To be honest the CoC is not that big of a deal, sure there are some tards whining to change some "he"s to "she"s in some comments, but besides that nobody cares.

The CoC is mostly to keep the shitposting on the repos at a minimum, and that's hardly a bad thing.

Yes it is. CoC is bloat. At worst it's a problem and at best it's yet another benign thing I have to skip over. You bring that shit to my code and I'll smack you in the face.

Do you even know what that word means?
Do you consider readme files and those obligatory shitty_license_v27.txt files to be 'bloat' as well?
If so, congratulations, you are officially more retarded than the suckless faggots

your comment is bloat. mods pls ban


cat coc.txtgolden rule, asshole
this shouldn't be needed, unless you are forced to work with uncivilised brown people

I know your face is red, I can see it through your prose.

it is red and sweaty because i fucked your mom

Are you sure it was my mom? Because I have two, and one of them was the other's fuck toy. So did you fuck the fuck toy or the butch? The former and you'd have to tell me where she's at because butch put her in a shipping container and hasn't told me the coordinates. The latter and you deserve a spanking being so naughty, only a fool would have the balls to fuck her. She has a myriad of disease beyond the scope of your comprehension.


CMS systems are a solution looking for a problem user. Everything they do can be done better with off the self scripts designed to do one thing great. Drupal and similar projects will tell you if you don't like their built-in solutions you can always drop in something like phpBB/vBulletin and integrate them cleanly. Problem is they never integrate cleanly because the bridge is always a half ass attempt at interrogation so you just end up with a system where user accounts are stored twice and you're constantly fighting the permission system of two or more scripts. At best Drupal will end up just begin a news script for most, a bloated news script that doesn't even function as one well. Good luck getting the design to flow well between the various scripts that make up whatever shitty website you're hosting it on. Most people eventually run away screaming and just do what they should have done from the start; make their own or hire someone to do it for them.

Don't even get me started on Wordpress. Most "web designers" these days just apply custom (well copy/pasted) CSS to Wordpress and call it an afternoon. I know one of them IRL, total flaming faggot, talks like the ones you see on TV, fancies himself a real developer. I once dropped a book on C in his lap and told him "here is the bible, you can borrow this as long as you'd like". He didn't even thumb through it.


He's living in USA though.

>>>Holla Forums