Downfall: Donald Trump now a full Neocon

Inb4 Jew, CTR, blablah

Greed won again: Trump now one of (((them)))

Holla Forums is always right

Other urls found in this thread:|publisher=St.|publisher=Mount


Kill yourself OP


we better vote clinton this time

Wow going to vote for Hillary now



Trump has said he was gonna protect Israel for a while now. Pretty much everyone here knows that by now. We know Trump ain't perfect, but he's still a BIG step in the right direction.

And besides, who the hell else are you gonna vote for? Hillary? Get the fuck out of here.


Looks like I'll vote for Bernie or Gary Johnson.

Thank you for correct the record!


stupid newfags don't know how to sage.

Good try though, lad. Trump is going to win the presidency, sorry to be the bearer of good news.


I honestly don't give a shit about Israel so long as they aren't dictating our foreign policy. And Trump's stated foreign policy is 100% opposed to Israel's goals.

wtf I hate Trump now #SiegHill

Thank you Moishe, we'll shit on him after he wins.

Till then, you can fuck off.

Truth hurts. Deal with it.
Too bad there is no real politics left in the U.S. It's bought and sold by the Zionists.
Well, at least that's over then. I'd like to say recall this post in a few years", but America will likely be gone by then. The NWO right on track. Damn this Prophecy. :(

What the fuck, //\\IamaHillarymissilenow

Thanks for the info OP!

I'm #HillfireMissile now!

Thank you for correcting the record

No wonder america is zog central, even a lot of burgers on Holla Forums are bluepilled retards

he was one of them to begin with

why do you think his children are married to kikes

Lets play find the shill. Who could it be this time? Is it op? Yes it is! You did it yay!

I guess it really is hip to be squared. #hillarymissile

Weak arguments OP
Your dick is this big:

8 is balls
= is shaft
D is head

Measured in centimeters, not inches

12 centimeters
/ |


^— 2 centimeters

The fuck? I'm #MentallyHill now

Brb, shooting up a post office

t. FBI

I think it's you who's a shill, and a bad one at that.

None of your links are about Trump supporting Israel.

OP is a butthurt illegal alien sandnigger.

You got me op. I am ill for Hillery now

He was always a sellout this shit hapoens ever election and the 18 year old who have never voted thought thing were diffrent

The US is bluepill the country

There are other options :^)


The fag that didnt know about Aleppo?
No thanks

But that's another neocon.



lel, thanks for proving my point you dumb faggot.
(different id because phone)

Thanks for correcting the record OP

no one cares, CTR

Thanks for correcting the record.


So much ass Paine

"We must abandon the failed policy of nation-building and regime change
that Hillary Clinton pushed in Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria. Instead, we must
work with all of our allies who share our goal of destroying ISIS and
stamping out Islamic terror. This includes working with our greatest ally in
the region, the State of Israel."





Point me to a reference anywhere proving that Donald Trump knows anything about 3D chess, never mind 4D, aside from it being a "game of strategy".

It's all part of his secret plan, user. Trump is playing 4D Chess! That's 25% more D than 3D chess.

You just don't get it, do you?
There is no alternative, your shilling is for naught.

"I am with Johnson, who is in the line for her." That should be his slogan because he is a hillary pet to drive votes away from Trump.

Just because you said "inb4" doesn't make it false.

wtf i hate trump now

Nigger please

That's it.

I'm staying home in november

I don't agree with that.

Logical supremacy can break everyone. It's more likely that your arguments are weak than your dispute being cause of the opponent incapable of reason.

Mainly subhumans blame their opponents for "not being reasonable", everyones logic can be broken .


requesting Hillary's charming water drinking skills.

What are you doing?

fuck that faggot.
what are you, retarded?

what are you, assburgers?

That's 33%, you ungering, knuckle-dragging retard.


Probably a Bernie voter.

We can shoot up the post office after november


You might want to learn what neocon means before you try to employ the buzzword against us.

Are you one of those SECOND AMMENDMENT PEOPLE ?

wtf im a #johnsonmissile now

Anyone else screncapping all the Trumpcuck posts?
I can't wait to repost them all once he wins the elections and turn his back on all of his promises

What do you suggest we do instead?
Who should we vote for?


Forgot to sage shit nigger fuck



I keep hearing that bullshit.
Vote for Trump of course, but don't fall for your own God-Emperor memes.
You're just setting yousefl up for disappointment


there will be mass triggering.


Hillary: KOSHER

Is he high? He sounds like some random upset idiot from tinychat.

Since when does every Trump voter thinks he's the God-Emperor?

It's just one small step in moving the overton window
OP on the other hand is a CTR faggot that wants everyone here to stay home in november

Alexander the Great has been dead for longer. So he should be the first to come back and save us!

whoah you mean trump really isnt the literal god of mankind?

you've really opened my eyes, thank you for correcting the record!


God, you r/The_Donald rejects made this place almost unbearable.
I can't wait until elections are finally over

U mad that were not waiting for Hitler?

There were kikes that supported the brexit, I guess everyone up there should have stayed home as well?

We need to have a revolution like bernie wanted guyz! I am one of you, please accept me because I learned some new words!!


Jesus Christ is the best dead-guy-to-bring-back option. His Second Coming means the definitive and permanent destruction of the Synagogue of Satan after all.

But honestly, why not just bring back everyone against who was against Jewish interests? Hitler/Alexander/Jesus/etc. coalition. The only downside is such an astounding display of BTFO might never be topped in all of eternity and make life more boring in the end.

If Trump wins, we might lose.

If Hillary wins, we surely lose.

Not much of a choice.

It's all about moving the Overton Window.


But goy! Hes not Hitler!
You wouldn't vote for someone that shaked hands with a Jew right?

Yes, exactly, and before this influx of Trumpcucks everyone understood that Trump wouldn't SOLVE the issues, but buy America time and make it possible for a new candidate to.


PHOTO: Board Volunteer Imkampfy

No, you are just suggesting things that I have not said.

The only Revolution should be a TRUE NATIONALIST Revolution and/or RACE WAR.
Trump will only numb and conquer people with his pro-Israel civic nationalism/neoconism.

kill yourself chaim.

Back to the oven, Shlomo!

They're getting desperate. Check these.


So why won't you lead the way?

You're the same autists who LARPS for and masturbates to second coming of Fuhrer.

It won't happen you delusional fuckwit

It was fun to troll the fuck out of you and ragequit the thread.

Few threads later the kike is still mad



Very nice.

wew lad

Dubs thread? Dubs thread

Just watch the 53 second video you tards.


Holy shit, you're the same butthurt sperg. Don't drop your spaghetti that hard this time around

Why are shills pretending like their shit works? It's been this way for more than a year and you haven't made a single dent, why not just go to plebbit where the low-brows might be convinced?





I'm convinced Chaim, #ImWithHer


The word is mightier than the sword, or gun.

inb4 the b&

Tell me son. Is Hitler responding to your negromantic spells?

You have a LARP world to build and all.

Not when your words are all shitposting and lame Anglin-tier memes.


This is why you're losing.

Anglin is a Trump supporter


ID checked. Nice save!

Do you like Huey Lewis and The News?

Their early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.

In '87, Huey released this, Fore, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip to be Square", a song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity, and the importance of trends, it's also a personal statement about the band itself.

Israel is a nationalist ethno-state. All nationalists should support it and look to it as an example. It is also our strongest and most loyal stronghold in the middle-east, essential to maintain our sphere of influence in the region.

However, this does not mean we should be selling out our country in order to support it, and Trump still would say America first.


dysnomia here bo of Holla Forums

i don't think that's imkamfy, i think its one of the ponyfucks.

Israel has attacked the US more then Iran, read about the USS liberty retard

Checking only the best digits shills don't count

what the fuck I'm a #HillMissile now

dammit forgot to sage

Fine, but I mean his other memes. Try exposing normies to DS Nazi memes.

Therealmoonman is a horsefucker - supposedly.


So, where to go for some words that aren't shit and shillin' for the latest Zionist puppet?

Iran sponsors terrorism all around the world that has killed more Americans, and others, than that military incident. Israel has their own interest in aggressively defending their waters, and incidents like that occur pretty frequently because humans are fallible.

Where is that lain poster when you need him?

Saddest part of this one for sure

So you support Israel then?

Where do you think we are? You can shill at easier places like reddit you know.


Did you come here from kikebart?
You have to go back


Well they are running the campaign now

Who da nigga?


Is this traced from the manga where he impregs an immortal person, does the baby and then puts them in the blender?

wtf im taking the #HillPill now

The only "terrorism" that Iran sponsors is Hezbollah and Hamas, the only "Americans" are ones who deserve it because they've betrayed their country and served a foreign country that attacked us on 9/11, the (((others))) deserve it too.

Did you remember that hillpills are taken in the anus, only administered by a certified hillshill? Not to worry, a few in this thread should be able to help you.

This has been his position since the beginning, you fucking dipshit. He's always called for building up our military.



Found today's JIDF assignee.


Also, kill yourself.

I've been saying this for years. Those who adhere to ideology (in this case, memes) while ignoring reality will always fail. As much as I'd love to be able to blame Jews for all our problems while kekking, the truth is they are not the root cause of our problems. Diversity is.

We have an opportunity with Trump to change the political discourse for decades to come. Do you really want to risk blowing that chance because of a meme that isn't entirely true?


There's been multiple threads every day like this.

Oh yes because its not like jews support diversity on a large scale through government, the media, and hollywood. Nope.

I have to ask, do your superiors ever brief you on the lingo or do you have to find that out yourself? Must be hard to just be dropped in as a babe and have to shill at the same time.

What came first? The Jews or diversity? Moron.

please commit suicide


The U.S. military has been ZOG's golem since at least World War I.

The jews, they have been around for centuries and centuries. Now natural diversity has been happening for a while, but multicultural/diverse communities has been a newer invention. Looks like your superiors didn't brief you, that suck a lot faggot. We are much more brutal then places like reddit if we want to be.

Only shills, Jews, sandniggers and idiots give a fuck about Israel one way or the other. America's internal affairs, like immigration, are far more important right now.


Thanks OP.

You just had to make your faggotry obvious, hmm op?

That picture is pretty bad user.
You forgot to sage.

And yet as recently as 1965 there was no mass immigration problem in America. Jews have their views and their interests, but they are powerless unless and util the goyim listen to them and do as they say.



Who the fuck here does not know pic related by now?

Why are you here?



Who here #JohnsteinMissile now?

Since you are clearly new, you missed the part where jews have slowly amassed the power they have today, starting around the late 1800s-early 1900s. The end of ww2 was a massive boost since their own nation, israel, was realized as well as taking shitloads from the defeated germans including positions of power.

So do you have to write a report or go to your other shills and find a solution to a post? It always seems like you guys take forever to post the smallest of shit.

Reminder that being an Israel-bashing "bad goy" is perfectly compatible with being a pro-immigration, sandnigger-cocksucking, race traitor leftie cuck.

I always forget about the palistine fags.

Since YOU are clearly a retard.

Because Hitler was the worst thing to ever happen to the white race. His fratricidal war paved the way for all the cucking that started a few years later. Hitler worshippers are the cancer of white racial awareness.

Since this is now a shitposting thread, Pence is on TV saying that he wants to repeal Roe v Wade. I'm really not a fan.


Yes, I knew you couldn't give me a source for Trump's alleged chess prowess.

Thanks for playing.

It's a metaphor, autist.

stop helping them



who is "them"?

It didn't even took him to take office to trip over his "I will never let you down BS.". OP is sick to his stomach.

Kek's Wrath will be terrible when it descends onto him, his Family and everything he owns or holds dear. Terrible.
That's a promise.

Prove it.


Looks like KEK's Wrath has been uleashed already.

WTF im a good goy now

You made the claim with zero evidence. YOU prove it.

It has

wow this is it, this time im not gonna vote for trump!

thanks op


What the fuck. Maxcuck.

Sure he ended up allowing jews to fuck us over, but we don't know what the world would look like if germany did nothing.

Either way this thread has gone from us attacking shills to everyone attacking eachother. This thread just needs to die already.

Vote for the gungrabbing lolberg

We have ID.
It's easy to prove, why not just prove it?

wtf I love hilldawg now

If he had managed to avoid war, I think Israel would exist (Haavara agreement) and white countries would still be alpha as fuck. But of course, it's just conjecture.

The IDs of the posts are different, you can see them, just look at them. So why do you claim samefag?

Ah, you're right.
Well played user.

Thank you, sir. I'm glad we sorted out this little misunderstanding.


Wow, is that what he did?
Can't trust anyone anymore I suppose.
What a huge let down.

You're 20 years too late.

Not really. Trump is Holla Forums's candidate. If Holla Forums wanted to be right, then they'd have backed someone else.


Is that what he did? I don't know, and you don't either. The only way you could really find out as a user if try a bunch of different VPN exit nodes and if you happen to find the right one (very unlikely) then you'd have the same IP as him. It's not worth being that paranoid though.

good, indians should be finished once and for all, fuck them.


take all the middle east oil

Did everyone suddenly forget that Trump's been saying, since the beginning, that he was going to build up our military to enable the U.S. to negotiate from a position of strength? I can't be the only one who's read Crippled America, or his policy positions, right?

Come on, CTR. Be the shills Mr. Rogers knows you can be.


I give you my gentleman's word I'm doing no such thing.

Reminder that Israel is pushing for all of those things in white countries so they feel sympathetic with the poor Schlomo and wage wars for him. And don't forget to pay reparations!

The two problems with our military mainly has been the F35 and rebuilding shitholes in the mideast. Fixing those two things, military cultural problems aside, would be great for our nation.

An user with that kind of etiquette can be trusted.

You misquoted me. It was:

> Only shills, Jews, sandniggers and idiots give a fuck about Israel one way or the other [emphasis added]. America's internal affairs, like immigration, are far more important right now.

I'd bet you are a sandnigger.


F35 is finished

Autists like you will be among the first to receive gas.



Thanks for correcting the record, OP!

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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

ya naw



Are you speaking of yourself in 3rd person or are you just trying to samefag? We have IDs here you dingus. You're that reddit/voat user that made 2 anti-Trump threads already aren't you? lifting1488/eagleshigh? The fat faggot who can't lose weight and believes the Earth is flat.

No matter how many threads you make, you will never change our minds, so stop trying.

Nice try, Herschel.


Shill aside, anyone who thinks Trump is 1488 white master race is fucking retarded. Trump is a step in at least saving western civilization from becoming goat fuckers.


Do you remember how much his book cost on Barnes and Noble

It's a really bad analogy, designed to further the myth of Donald Trump's superior intelligence.

We autists are not impressed.

A fucking kike wrote The Art of the Deal.

Donald Trump is an empty-headed windbag Jew World Order tool.


Nah we President Trump now


I hate you normie niggers

You don't need that much intelligence to play 4D chess, you only need intuition, social insight, people skills.. those things aspies lack.

We non-autists are not surprised.

Okay, I can see how you would interpret this as acting to Israel's interest… Buuuuut, that's by no means necessary… You must be aware of that, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

… How does moving oil through the Dakotas benefit Israel?

Okay, this one is actually a legit complaint.

wtf i hate trump now




You mean this is a pro-Trump thread?


I was gone the whole summer, what is CTR?

Coincidentally, terrorism occurs in countries who's governments support Israel.


Every thread is a pro-Trump thread. You just have to remember how 4d chess works.

And that is by no means requisite.

There are no good Jews - not the Zionist Israeli rats, not the immigration-pushing Marxists.

Correct The Record, Illary's official paid shills.

"Correct the Record" is a group of paid Hillary shills who got doxxed and anons took pics of their working place.

He's not perfect, but he's more useful than you, LARPcuck.

top kyke

Fair enough, but attacking the Israeli Zionists is beating a dead horse, it alienates right-wing normies, attracts leftie scum and goes against the nationalist narrative we are trying to promote. Just ignore them and focus on American issues.

Poland: highest ammount of jews, got provoked into war due to anti-german lynching in towns neighbouring Germany
France: a state who bullied Germany and assumed supremacy over it ever since the Treaty of Versailles finally got to pay for its injustices, the main french casualties (that is before the brits and americans landed in France) were partisans and any other forms of irrational french resistance. The Germans made sure that the infrastructure and monuments were to remain intact. There were many French supporters who collaborated with the Germans (they got executed and their lovers/wives humiliated, this was officially documented).
Soviet Russia: going to war with it is a justification in and of itself. If you consider fraternizing with them, then it is obvious that you are the problem.
UK: they refused each and every peace offer from Germany. Churchill said that it doesn't matter which person or which ideology Germany was under, the war had to happen because Germany stopped using the gold standard (correct me if I'm wrong).
the US: they had no justification for going into Europe. Japan was provoked into attacking Pearl Harbor. They were at war in Asia and America decided to impose a fuel trade embargo, which is in and of itself a declaration of war.

Israel is mostly taking care of its own issues. Very little can be done against white countries from Israel. Diaspora Jews are the ones actually pushing for mass immigration.

You're pretty dedicated in defending Israel for a non Israelite. Or.. I happen to be missing something? ;^)

What manga is that?

wtf I'm a #hillaryunprotectedhombrewemailserver now


Wtf I hate trump now

Maybe if you say it five hundred more times, we'll give a shit.

Well now you have convinced me Mr Shekelberg. I am just going to give up. Tell Soros you earned your shekel

Pick one and only one, you probably buy into the big bad russia meme to huh?

I remember when we use to drive these reddit fags and there horrible memes out now the rule this board because one orange bastards campaign

gtfo niggerfaggot

what do you mean to accomplish by posting this? who are you trying to get us to vote for? out of the 3 options on the table, he is the best choice.

fuck off, cocksucker.

Iran is being shit for trying to provoke the U.S. navy. But then again, I really wonder how the Middle East would be without Israel or at least with out American interventionism.

Here you go, kike.

Have another. And remember, almost every country Jews have lived in has tried to remove or kill them at some point, but it's obviously the goyim who are the problem!!

Maybe if Holla Forums wasn't founded and run by ==expatriates==, the ==patriots== could get a word in edgewise.

500 to 1 seems to be about the correct traitor/patriot ratio here now, you dumb fucking nigger.

I didn't say that I am pro Israel and American-Interventionism. Do you know how to read?

Also I already know the images. That's why I asked. I wonder how it would've looked like today if they kept going in the same direction.

There's some truth to what you say, but it's a bit of a stretch.

Poland: whatever Hitler's motivations were, the fact remains that he knew Poland had a defense treaty with the allies. By invading Poland, he started the war.

France: "irrational french resistance", so the rational thing to do is to sit while your country is invaded? That's not rational, that's cowardly.

Vae fucking Victis. They got the traitor treatment because that's what they were.

Soviet Russia: that was the enemy. Hitler could have joined forces with the Allies. Instead, he joined forces with Stalin (for a while) to invade Poland.


After the war started, all bets were off. The mistake was starting it. There was a strong pro-Germany sentiment in England and he ruined it.

Churchill was not in charge when the war started. Chamberlain declared the war, after everything else failed, when HItler gave him no other choice.

Do you have a source on that? I haven't heard it and it sounds like an odd argument to go to war, from a PR perspective.

Blame Hitler for picking Japan as his ally against fellow whites. He also pandered to Arabs and Turks.

All wars are "provoked" in one way or another, but Japan chose to start the hostilities. Without warning.

It's not a declaration of war, it's a form of diplomatic pressure. Japan could have delivered an ultimatum and forced a negotiation. They chose to attack without warning instead.

im not going to lie and say it wasnt dominated by dictators or fairly backwards but women didn't use to have to dress like ninjas and you didn't get your hands chopped off for shit. The resurgence of Islam is almost entirely a US invention

Oh, yeah, that's why his first campaign manager fired himself.

Bull fucking shit on the Hitler could have joined with the allies, he let 300 thousand brits escape in France he could have knocked them the fuck out of the war but didn't because he wanted to be bff's, Read Hitler, Churchill and the unnecessary war or get the fuck out nigger tier reddit faggot.

holy fucking shit you are a neocon just wondered off the boat huh? This whole post scream I dont know fuck all about the war outside of what state sponsored television propaganda tells me.


When Hitler let those Brits go, the war had already started. As I said, his mistake was invading Poland.

educate yourself or get the fuck out new fag

How Fantasy Democracy Works in America

America is a one-party state with two right wings. Fantasy democracy substitutes for the real thing, tyranny by any standard, might over right, equity and justice be damned.

Independent candidates are shunned – at times grievously abused. Governance at the federal, state and local levels exclusively serves wealth, power and privileged interests, no others.

Elections when held are farcical – easily and often rigged with electronic ease and by other devious means, most people none the wiser.

Power brokers run things. Ordinary people have no say whatever. Voting is a waste of time. (…) your choice doesn’t count.

Its shit like this that makes me "accidentally" give an a o.k. for radon (even when they have it) at jewish temples.

The whole point is to exhaust every peaceful option.

I have no doubt that they will pull some shit.

And come november, when they do so will I.

But only if trump is not elected.

I won't read you piece of garbage book when you haven't provided a rebuttal for a single one of my arguments, loser. Go back to stormfront.

No it isn't, Jew.

It alienates cuckservative scum, Jew.

Only so long as it takes for them to realize you aren't cucking for muds, Jew - and it opens a dialogue: Israeli Zionist Jews are some of the best means of starting the redpill for liberal twats.

You lying Jew.
Hostility to Israel does not go against the nationalist narrative we are trying to promote, AT ALL.
The Israelis manipulated white Western nations into betraying the local mudslime Arab folk, and this has created no shortage of hostility since.
Israel is not a nation, it is a festering scab upon the world, filled with vermin, Jew and Mudslime alike.

Israel is an American issue, you lying kike.

I thought you MIGHT be a kike, then I saw this:

Lying Jew.

Lying Jew.
Israel-based Jews are some of the most vicious and underhanded in terms of their promotion of these issues.





I like how you say that there is "some truth" in what I say, but then you decide to disagree with all the points. Trying to instill a false sense of confidence in me, fellow Chosen? :^)

Poland: I see that you ignored that ethnic Germans in Poland were getting killed pre-war.
France: irrational since it was an ideological occupation. It wasn't like Mongolians invading Europe and raping, pillaging and destroying landscapes. Most of the anti-German militants were partisans with politican motivations, not reason.
You like seeing whites getting humiliated by the ones who perpetuates racemixing and multiculturalism, don't you? :^)
UK: if you are suggesting that what Churchill said before and during the war didn't matter, then you are just dumb, and I say that with a heavy heart. What ever the sentiment, it cannot be ignored that The Third Reich did not wish a war with Britain. Not a typical feat for a "warmongering nation." The quote apparently appeared on:
From Nuremburg to Nineveh by Mark Turley (Vandal Publications. Sept. 2008), pag. 15
I haven't checked it myself, but people confirm that it is legit.
Japan was fighting in Asia. No whites in Asia. I believe that the plan was to have Japan, after defeating China, that they would help against the Soviets. No citation on that. Also, if you claim that you care about the depth and complexity of how wars are started, then you are being disingenuous by not recognizing that America was aggressor in this case. Financial aggression is the same as military aggression. People die.



Reminder that this user believes that this man is a Traitor and should be lynched along with his family. Such is the immorality of both semites and philo-semites.


Fuck off Renegay

Only jews and lelftist are gonna hang namefag.

Also faggots.

America is not a country, it's a corporation.

By creating the defense treaty, the Allies started the war.

Creating such an agreement is as much an action of military force as an armed invasion, especially given the Brits knew exactly how WWI started - they made that treaty so they'd have an excuse and could claim themselves the good guys, nothing more.

Deal with it faggot.

And yet, the two pictures in your post are of Jews who DO NOT LIVE IN ISRAEL.

So much butthurt.

Got it. You are a Mudslime. Your thought you could hide your smelly kebab hand by using racial slurs against yourself and your kin? lol, you are so transparent, Ahmed.

Yes it does, because you are making an exception for Israel. Exceptions always weaken the narrative, Ahmed.

Only if you make it so, Ahmed.

One down, 499 to go! You can do it!

Corrupt and Deranged

The war on terrorism is a mother lode. The enemy is whomever the government deems it to be, wherever the government chooses to fight it. The war itself creates more terrorism. Victory cannot be defined; the war will go on as long as the current ideology remains in place.

Wew.. user. Trying to think what logic brought you to this conclusion is giving me cold sweats.

If I had access to my files, I could dump more at you - but it doesn't matter, because living in Israel isn't the point.
Being an Israeli is the point.
And you can do quite a lot of damage to white countries without ever changing nationality in any respect.

Like I said, you're a Jew.

Like I said, Jew.

Nope, Israel isn't a nation.

How about the billions of dollars in aid we give them, eh Schlomo?
Is that me making Israel an issue?
Is the vast quantity of Israeli-derived propaganda and other faggotry, manipulation of our governments and what have you, me 'making it an issue'?

No, its not.

Only Jews and those who espouse Jewish ideology genuinely support Israel in any way, shape or form.
Its not a nation, so no worry on the nationalism front, and they constantly and actively interfere with the functionality of white nations the world over.
Zion must burn.
Deal with it, kike.

Jew, CTR, blablah

Forgot my image.

I have a list of every jewish family in my town.

On the day of the rope/ if we lose the election my towns militia moves to secure our town.

We will then begin hanging and burnign the corpses of every jew, nigger, and leftist cuck we encounter.

I actually took the time to organize an RWDS for SHTF and because my town only has 12 police officers total (three of which are actually part of our militia, and joined the police force AFTER they already where in our militia) we stand a good chance of success.
Of course nothing happens if Trump wins/ there is no day of the rope.

Heil Hitler.

Their will be a happening if he loses, come hell or high water!


I understand that, but namefagging isnt cool user.

if you belivie in democractic process why don't you faggots just move on to twitter or reddit?

+1 dimension is actually infinitely larger.

We are fascists, the only reason we are voting for Trump is to either break the system or force people to capitulate and let trump in.

National Cyber Security Center Employee Suspended After ‘Revealing’ that “ISIS Is A Zionist Plot”

The Silence of the Israelis on ISIS

Israel and the Origins of the Islamic State

Fighting ‘Islamic State’ is Not the Israeli Priority

Why Does ISIS only Fight Israel's Enemies? And why do they have so much in Common?

———————————————————————————————————– — West making big mistake in fighting ISIS, says senior Israeli officer

UN reveals Israeli Links with Syrian Rebels

UN reports Israeli Support for Syria Rebels

IDF Medics seen Treating Syrian Rebels in New Video

Syrian Rebels thank Netanyahu for Israel's Compassion

Exclusive: Israel is Tending to Wounded Syrian Rebels

Moderate Syrian Rebels say they Protect Israeli Border

New UN Report reveals Collaboration between Israel and Syrian Rebels

Israeli Analyst confirms Link between Israel, “Moderate” Syrian Rebels

Israeli DM: We’re aiding Syrian Rebels to keep Al-Qaeda away from Border

Revealed: How Syrian Rebels seek Medical help from an Unlikely Source in Israel

Syrian General accuses Israel of Collaborating with ISIS, Al Qaeda-Linked Rebels

Israel is Cautiously Arming Syria's Rebels — and has a Fragile Unspoken Truce with an Al Qaeda Affiliate
Proof of US training ISIS -

Without leaving Israel, ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, aka Mossad) created ISIS (Islamic State) and flooded Europe and the US with mudslime immigrants.

You got nothing nigger.

Trump or Clinton will escalate this war and the sheep who voted for them, wanted it. They all wanted to be hypnotized. Americans love their Matrix.

There’s a principle in hypnotism that goes like this: A person cannot be hypnotized against his will. He must be a willing subject. He must be fully cooperative.

So it goes with Propaganda. For Propaganda to be effective, it requires submissive subjects.

Submissive subjects, you all are. I pity you fools. It's all over for you.

That's it I'm a #JebTurtle now.

If we were to do only the things that are deemed as cool, we would've been race mixing lefties by now fellow 'basket of deplorables.'

At least be thankful that it is just an emote of le happy merchant and not "SAVIOUR OF THE WHYAT RACE" or something edgy. I don't associate this thing outside Holla Forums so, I'm still not breaking the taboo.

All jews must die, for even the "good" ones (no such thing) give birth to the bad ones (all of them)


If the author of this shit got the wrong message from Trump that's his fault. Likewise if you also did OP you're a fucking dimwit.

Trump has always talked about "building up the military" his reference to that fighter jet is correct being a dud that's over budget both in time and money.

While they tried to get rid of the warthog which was a hero during Iraq


I just dislike namefaggotry.


No, I mean: have enough Jews come out pretending to oppose the white goy Jew puppet and even gen-u-ine neo-Nazi white supremacists will ignore the Jew puppet's copious Jew ties, and line up to vote for him, even when he tells them to their faces: "Israel is our greatest ally".

The sad thing about identifying as fascists it is because people think we're LARPing.

Reading into it, one realizes that it is an actual applicable form of government with an ideology that makes sense. It doesn't even pretend that it is something utopic.

It was insane for me the first time I took the red pill. I still feel giddy when I think that I am what most people call a "fascist", a "racist."

Only one solution

Who do we vote for then?

Violence is for if we lose the election user.

No, just setting a non-hostile tone :^)

I didn't deny it, but that doesn't force a country to go to war. Those Germans could flee to Germany, and Hitler could complain about those killings to the allies. War was far from the only option.

People tend to get uppity when their self-determination is not respected. Everything about that war was ideological, on both sides.

Nazi Germany did much of the same whenever and wherever they got the upper hand. Everyone does.

I'm just suggesting what I said. Churchill was not in charge. He could say many things, but the ultimate decision was Chamberlain's.

I agree to that. But Hitler assumed Chamberlain would chicken out. He was wrong.

OK, thanks. I won't read it tbh. That guy is a nobody and I don't believe him.

That's a dindu-tier excuse tbh. War starts when a country's sovereignity is violated. There's no sovereign right to be accepted as a trade partner. More to the point, that's not how diplomacy works. Economic sanctions are used precisely as a last resort to prevent war. If a country thinks they are being pushed to war, it must deliver an ultimatum. Otherwise they are acting like rogues.

At least you're putting some effort into it now, faggot.

They did.
He did.

It was the only one remaining.

The Allies made a treaty with Poland for no reason other than to have an excuse to go to war with Germany - it was a trap, in the most blatant sense, baited with German civilians.

Who started the war?
Oh, Germany did?
Sure thing chaim.

Historical context
{{see also|Events preceding World War II in Europe}}
At the conclusion of the [[World War I|First World War]], the [[German Empire]] signed the [[First Armistice at Compiègne]] on 11 November 1918 as an end to hostilities with France, the British Empire, and the United States during the convoluted [[German Revolution of 1918–19]], which began 29 October 1918.

Negotiations between the Allied powers regarding post-war Europe started on 18 January 1919 in the [[Salle de l'Horloge]] at the [[French Foreign Ministry]] on the [[Quai d'Orsay]] in Paris. Initially, 70 delegates from 27 nations participated in the negotiations. The opposing nations of the [[German Empire]] and the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] were excluded from the negotiations. At first a "Council of Ten" comprising two delegates each from Britain, France, the United States, Italy and Japan met officially to decide the peace terms. It became the "Big Four" when Japan dropped out and the top person from each of the other four nations met in 145 closed sessions to make all the major decisions to be ratified by the entire assembly. In June 1919, the Allies declared that war would resume if the German government did not sign the treaty they had agreed to among themselves. The government headed by [[Philipp Scheidemann]] was unable to agree on a common position, and Scheidemann himself resigned rather than agree to sign the treaty. [[Gustav Bauer]], the head of the new government, sent a telegram stating his intention to sign the treaty if certain articles were withdrawn, including articles 227, 230 and 231. In response, the Allies issued an ultimatum stating that Germany would have to accept the treaty or face an invasion of Allied forces across the Rhine within 24 hours. On 23 June 1919, Bauer capitulated and sent a second telegram with a confirmation that a German delegation would arrive shortly to sign the treaty.

On 28 June 1919, Germany signed the [[Treaty of Versailles]], a peace treaty which formally ended the state of war and imposed various punitive measures upon Germany, including [[Treaty of Versailles#Military restrictions|military restriction]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Territorial changes|loss of territory and colonies]], [[Treaty of Versailles#Reparations| war debt, and effective acceptance of blame for the initiation of hostilities in World War I]]. At the time of the armistice, an attempted [[German Revolution of 1918–19|Communist revolution]] transpired (October 1918-August 1919) , resulting in the abdication of the [[Wilhelm II, German Emperor|Emperor of Germany]] in November 1918, and what became known as the [[Weimar Republic]] was subsequently established in the wake of the uprising. The transition from [[monarchy]] to [[republic]] was difficult, and many in the new government were not supportive of the democratic system of government. The officer class gave little support to the Republic, and Germany was forced to borrow money from the United States and others to pay its [[war reparations|war debt]], imposed by the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In the early 1920s a period of [[hyperinflation]] made the [[Reichsmark]] almost worthless. In January 1922, one [[US Dollar]] was worth 191 Marks, but by November of the same year it was equal to 4,200,000,000 Marks.{{cite web|last=Kalfus|first=Richard|title=Weimar Republic 1919-1923||publisher=St. Luis Community College|accessdate=6 May 2014}}

In 1932, [[Adolf Hitler]] was appointed [[List of Chancellors of Germany#Weimar Republic (Reichskanzler) (1919–1933)|Chancellor of the Reich]] following a contentious election. Under Hitler's leadership, the [[Reichstag (Nazi Germany)|Reichstag]] turned the government into an effective [[dictatorship]] under Hitler's oversight on 21 March 1933 with the passage of the [[Enabling Act of 1933]], and the economic hardships were significantly diminished via implementation of new economic and social policies. After five years in power, Hitler [[Anschluss|annexed Austria]], former component of the [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]] (allies of the former [[German Empire]]), into Germany, despite such an act (specifically, "prohibition on the merging of Austria with Germany without the consent of the League of Nations") being banned by both the [[Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye (1919)|Treaty of Saint-Germain-en-Laye]] and the [[Treaty of Versailles]]. In early November 1938, the [[First Vienna Award]] was signed, allowing Germany to seize the [[Sudetenland]], a German-speaking area of [[Czechoslovakia]] which was formerly a part of the [[German Empire]]-allied [[Austro-Hungarian Empire]]. Soon after, Germany invaded the rest of Czechoslovakia and also gained [[Memelland]] (part of the former German Empire from 1871-1920) through the [[1939 German ultimatum to Lithuania]].

While some sources claim Hitler still wanted more, to create [[Lebensraum]], or "living space", for Germany, other sources claim evidence of [[Ethnic cleansing|hostility]] on behalf of Polish [[partisan (military)|partisans]] toward [[Germans|ethnic Germans]] in the [[Polish Corridor|Danzig Corridor]] (territory lost to [[Germany]] as a result of the [[Treaty of Versailles]]) which may have served as a motivating factor for the [[Invasion of Poland|German invasion]] (often portrayed as [[propaganda]] to justify German [[expansionism]]).

Two [[Western powers]], the [[United Kingdom]] and [[France]], gave [[Anglo-Polish_military_alliance#British_Guarantee_to_Poland|guarantees]] to [[Poland]] that they would declare war if Polish independence came under threat, as presented in a statement to the [[House of Commons]] by British [[Prime Minister]] [[Neville Chamberlain]] 31 March 1939 (formalized by the British 6 April 1939; not ratified until 4 September 1939 by the French):

{{quote|… in the event of any action which clearly threatened Polish independence, and which the Polish Government accordingly considered it vital to resist with their national forces, His Majesty's Government would feel themselves bound at once to lend the Polish Government all support in their power. They have given the Polish Government an assurance to this effect.

I may add that the French Government have authorised me to make it plain that they stand in the same position in this matter as do His Majesty's Government.[ Statement by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on March 31, 1939.]}}

Although they honoured these guarantees by declaring war soon after Germany's [[Invasion of Poland]] on 1 September 1939,{{cite web|last=Rapten|first=Pema Dechen|title=Political Disorder: The Weimar Republic and Revolt 1918-23||publisher=Mount Holyoke College|accessdate=6 May 2014}} and although the [[Dominions]] of the British Empire quickly followed suit, so little
practical assistance was given to Poland, which was soon defeated, that in its early stages the war declared by Britain and France was described as a [[Phoney War]].

Further, neither the [[British Empire]], nor the [[France|French]], ever declared war upon the [[Soviet Union]], which invaded Poland on 17 September 1939 (17 days after [[Nazi Germany]] invaded from the West) and held sway over the former-Polish territory at the war's conclusion, having become a part of the [[Allies of World War II|Allied front]] in the course of the [[World War II|war]]. At the insistence of [[Joseph Stalin]], the post-war [[Yalta Conference]] in 1945 sanctioned the formation of a new provisional pro-Communist coalition government in Moscow, which ignored the [[Polish government-in-exile]] based in [[London]]; a move which angered many Poles, who considered it a betrayal by the [[Allies of World War II|Allies]], and, as a result, [[Anti-Communism in the Communist Bloc|as elsewhere in Communist Europe]], the Soviet occupation of Poland met with [[Cursed soldiers|armed resistance]] from the outset which continued into the fifties. The consequences of the [[Yalta Conference]] subsequently added new permanence to the end of [[Poland#Postwar communism|Polish independence]] on 22 July 1952 with the creation of the [[People's Republic of Poland]], a [[Communist]] [[puppet state]] of the [[Soviet Union]] which held sway over the territory from its inception in 1952, until [[Poland]] once again achieved [[independence]] on 13 September 1989, following the toppling of the [[Communist]] regime and preceding the [[dissolution of the Soviet Union]].

How can such nice digits go unchecked for so long?

Seriously Mordecai, do you think any Holla Forumsack is stupid enough to buy your kosher lies? Or think he can win on a platform of "gas the kikes race war now"?

Your fear of the God Emperor speaks volumes.

Ok Im Jew Steinberg missile now at least she is self hating BDS nose

Gonna reply for your point on Poland and last point for Japan (got nothing more for the other points). Trying to interpret it from a modern lens:
One way or another, Germany had to go to war with Russia, that means passing through Poland. Poland already expressed aggression towards Germany (via the persecution of ethnic Germans). Poland was not favourable of the Soviets, but their hostility with the Germans also left them out of options.

The Ribentrop-Molotov pact is sometimes seen as a way for the Germans to surprise the Soviets. Most of its army being stationed in Poland, Germany takes them out, Blitzkrieg all the way to Stalingrad. The pact giving Stalin a false sense of security. *take note, just my interpretation, I am an unreliable source*

I think the expectation of diplomacy and ultimatums are taken more seriously today and less during that time. Yes, ultimatums were a thing, but by God they rarely respected by those who give them (as in the time limit, they tend to go to war earlier). Plus, Japan was already at war and Germany was seemingly doing well. I doubt that they cared that much about diplomacy during pressuring times.

WW2 and the Bosnian-Wars are seen by me as the last moments in our history as nation states where governments really acted like they were nation states in their classical form (think Napoleon and Kaiser Wilhelm II). Now you got proxy wars and covert subjugation via financial and ideological means.

Holla Forums et al. keep circling around this false trilemma:

1. Vote.
2. Wait for Hitler.
3. Violence.

This is because Holla Forums et al. are mostly kids who –though they may have recited the Constitution's Preamble ad nauseam–were never taught the full implication of its first three words.

Violence was required in order to get that piece of paper to have any legitimacy.

It always goes to show that we're right about the kikes. The ridiculousness of every single fucking election having to pander to these inbred yids.

Also, where the fuck do you think you are?
You are on Holla Forums, you are Holla Forums.
This board is what its users do. You're using this board now.

Im going to go and kill the jew in basement now.

The war was over before that piece of paper was drafted and it took no violence to get it ratified.

Who won the war?


The US was fighting Japan, its why we sent men supplies and fighters over there, engaged in blockade and had the Doolittle raid over and done in 4 hours.
Its why the Japanese went into the Philippines, American territory dead and owned, before Pearl Harbor.
They don't talk about that all that much because that would spoil the fact that we have been in war many times without Congressional approval.

All those links are about Syria and ISIS, none of them are about Israeli Jews having a say in US immigration policy. Exactly as I said, Israel is minding its own business. It's not Israel's responsibility to decide where those Syrian refugees go or where they are allowed in.

Thanks for proving my point, user.

Why should I tell you my plan?

Are you ready to pledge your Life, Fortune, and sacred Honor, sign the Declaration with your real name, and send it to the "King"?


Reported for not even trying.

Nice wall of text, but my point remains.

Yes, by invading Poland.

I didn't make those claims. Poland was a pain in the ass and Germany had many reasons to complain, but still, by invading Poland, Hitler forced the Allies to declare war, if only to save face and avoid looking like cucks.

Then there was no reason to invade Poland for the sake of Germans living there.

It's not so hard to get. Whites are being killed in African countries. Does that mean that whites countries are forced to go to war against all of Africa?

What do you mean by that? Just because there was American presence in the area, doesn't mean they were attacking Japanese vessels or cities. If that were the case, those would have been mentioned as acts of war.

A minor point, but the Japanese occupation of Phillipines started after Pearl Harbor.

It's hilarious how asshurt you are, Moishe.

Daily reminder that if someone is using 'cuck' as a suffix in an insult instead of using it alone, they're Holla Forums. See: 'roolcuck'.

That's a much better argument than that of the Polish progroms against Germans. But then, the allies had very good reasons to seek a pact with Hitler against Stalin. So, part of the blame goes to the allies for the Versailles treaty and part to Poland for beings such cunts, but the first move that made war inevitable was still made by Hitler.

I was thinking of Austria-Hungary's ultimatum right before WW1. Something along those lines. At least the American public would know about Japan's reasons and complaints.

Yeah they were attacking, the US sent over old aircraft and your typical deniable assets and mercenaries to fight in China against Japan.

Oh, I see what you mean. But it was in China. Covert third-party support is pretty common in every war. Did Japan formally complain about these actions?

wtf now im #QueenOfTheHill

wtf im voting for hillary or gary johnson

Nice try, Holla Forums.


The rest of your posts are the same bluepilled garbage. You don't even know the reason why WW2 happened in the first place. That's your typical Trumpcuck, ladies and gentlegoys.

Vote all you want. The secret government won't change.

A fucking leaf


Fuck you and fuck the anchorer.

ADD IT TO THE LIST - Trump: Anti-Semitism to be part of vetting criteria for immigrants - Trump and the Jew. Investigation thread - Trump’s New Deportation Plan: Do What Obama Is Doing But 'With A Lot More Energy' - The Time To Take Back Our Board Has Come - How come almost every thread that is critical of Donald Trump gets deleted without explanation? - Downfall: Donald Trump now a full Neocon

No, the definition is: a more often than not jewish former leftist who became a kahnservative when arabs attacked Israel and who attacks anyone who criticizes mass immigration and open borders because that's a typical jewish obsession besides Israel.

Same with the US interfering with oil deliveries then sending in US "civilians".
It was a quiet war for a while, but not some random and happy vacationing Russians acting according to the will of 24 years of people

(((you're))) really desperate


Let me guess, Hitler forgot to correct the record?

Just a couple more months and you faggots will be gone from here forever. Can't wait!



The thread has already been anchored you dumbass. Or are you so goddamn new you don't even know what that means?



you're retarded

fuck off newfag. threads don't show as anchored unless you refresh the page

The thread has been anchored for a good fifty minutes, imbecile.

The thread had already been anchored by the time you made your first post here, . Which by the way, calling someone out for citing multiple sources to try to prove their point only stands to make you look like a dumbass, not the OP.

So you're either retarded and honestly didn't know what the anchor meant, and then tried to cover up your newfaggotry by making this lame post here, , with your pitiful >>>/reddit/ response that only stands to make you look like even more of a butthurt joke.

Or you've been in this thread for longer than your original reply would make it seem, and you've been using a VPN and switching up IPs in an effort to create a false consensus to protect your candidate from any valid criticism and to hopefully make anons that might see this thread and and see how much of a neocon cuck Trump is then read the comments and then see that "oh, nevermind, I guess OP was just a faggot, there's tons of people calling him a shill and sageing this thread, I guess I'll just ignore the sources OP provided and disregard what he had to say"(protip, this is plebbit, people here actually think for themselves and are use to your type of shilling from all the years we've had to put up with it from JIDF and alphabet faggots over the years).

Or you're just some pathetic faggot who is doing it for free because you've been cucked by a zionist billionaire. Which is even worse than doing it for Trump bucks to be quite honest.


Although faggots like you are making it harder and harder to distinguish the difference.


You wish, Shlomo :^)