How did Disney manage to get Star Wars so wrong?

It's almost like they're trying to ruin it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Star Wars died the moment TFA happened. The comics were shit but you could ignore them for the most part. Rebels cartoon at least has some effort put into it. With people that actually try to care about what they're doing with the source material.

I guess everyone can be a jedi now

What people forget is that ONLY jedi use light sabers not because only jedis can wield them, but because without proper training years of training in fact you would be an incredible idiot for trying. You have to be constantly aware of where the blade is at all times, or you are a danger to others and even yourself.

That's racist, you bigot. Lightsabers are an all inclusive product available to everyone, even the disabled (see last pic)

All these are form the same comic btw…by the writer who did Whor and Southern Cucks. Marvel needs to be purged.

First pic Han reminds me of George Costanza Baseball meme image.

What the hell am I looking at . . .
Leia- Probably could use a lightsaber and has some force sensitivity due to her parentage.
Han - What? No.
Chewy - DUEL WELDING WOOKIE?! HELL NO. Probably cut his own hair off.
Random Stormtrooper - No, unless that's a jedi/force welder in disguise.
Commander Karbin/calamari mecha dude- Ummm . . . I want to say no but could his robo limbs grant extra precision when using a lightsaber over biological limbs?

Well, managed to crop that pic. Want to make it so?

The worst Star Wars comic ever made…and there's 25 issues and counting.

…OK, since when any old fucker can wield a light saber?

Since Disney made The Force Awakens, do you forget how a random janitor was able to go toe to toe with a dark jedi trained by Luke?

(J J Abrams is a hack beyond measure)

That Stormtrooper meant to be someone important or is he just some guy?

He's literally just a guy.

I remember the janitor (who was wielding a lightsaber) got his ass kicked by a Stormtrooper with an electric tonfa.

And then he went on to fight a dark Jedi trained by Luke without cutting his own head off.

WHAT THE FUCK other words, a Stormtrooper with an electric tonfa is better than a Dark Jedi trained by Luke? I'm starting to think that Kylo Ren is Luke's shittiest student and Luke really kicked his ass out on the curb and moved far away so that guy wouldn't bother him.


You don't like lightsabers, goyim? Stop thinking so much, just enjoy the ride and buy our products.

Wait…that second pic pose. Reminds me of this

Someone call Bandai

ya think

I'm pretty sure those are taking the piss.

In Empire, Han only used the lightsaber as a cutting tool for the Tauntaun carcass. Either the cold made his hands shakey, or he was trying to be careful with that blade– far from doing prequel flips and shit.

So, and what about the dark force series with Kyle Katarn? You know, where Kyle Katarn found the valley of the jedis to get the power of the force to get revenge and stop the new empire from recruting and transforming non-sensitive forcewielders to forcewielding dark jedis.

Compare this first picture, to this second picture. You're on the side of the second picture.

Think about that.

I haven't even give a opinion and I haven't watched the new movies.

Think again, which side I am.
You left picture has characters with deeds and the right picture has characters with no deeds.


Can Wookies even be Jedi? Are there any force-sensitive Wookies out there?

There have been plenty even in old (LEGENDARY!) EU, New Jedi Order especially

I thought she became a Jedi in the old EU novels? She also became one in The Force Unleashed II's Endor DLC.

She did she became the worst jedi but had the best jedi kids.

Also this. A STORMTROOPER beat him. Finn can't wield a lightsaber for shit.

*sigh* for those who aren't easily triggered (Holla Forums) I suggest you look into these series:

Kotor II
Kotor Comics
Jedi vs Sith

Clone Wars Tv Series (Animated > Cgi)
Star Wars Tales (comic series)

Comic versions of Thrawn Trilogy, the books aren't great.
Vong War
Jedi Outcast
Outbound flight and The Rise of Darth Caedus
Skip the bugs on drugs
Jedi Academy Series

Star Wars: Legacy

I'm Holla Forums as fuck and those are great.

We're getting an influx of Holla Forums from somewhere recently. I'm not even Holla Forums but I can't help but notice all the obnoxious liberal anons who suddenly showed up in the last couple of weeks.

Simple explanation: Politically charged faggots within Disney has made the simple battle of Good vs Evil, Light side vs Dark side, into a political matter. In no uncertain terms, they have explained that Star Wars is now about Diversity, Multiculturalism, LGBTQ, and all that other SJW shit vs White Supremacy, Racism, Homophobia, Redpillers, and so on.

In other words.. Everything they like is magically, universally GOOD in Star Wars, which is why all their new heroes are foreigners and women, and everything they think their enemies are, is BAD, which is why the Empire/First Order, is all humans and led by EEEEEVIL white men


So just like in the original trilogy then.

The Empire was formed of numerous loyal planets and species, in the original trilogy, in the EU, and in the Prequels, and in Clone Wars media.

The prevalence of humans had a lot to do with the fact that Star Wars was made on a small budget initially, and that having all the storm troopers in identical armor meant they didn't have to put dozens of extras in the makeup chair every morning.

But I'm sure the organization led by the giant alien is totally a white human supremacist organization.

Right, I sure remember seeing all those aliens on the Death Star

Faggot, there's no aliens in the original movies in The Empire, only hired bounty hunters and spies.

What's in the film is canon. Doesn't matter about the behind the scenes stuff. At the end of the day, there's no aliens in The Empire in the original trilogy.

You're retarded. By your logic so was Darth Vader.

Now that I think about it, you probably would have sperged out finding out the Vader was voiced by a black man had A New Hope came out now instead of the 70s but exactly the same in every way.

I sure do remember all those times Darth Vader talked about the day of the rope and burning darkies in the movies!

The bait is strong with this one.

Tell me when in movie Snoke says anything about executing other races/species.

No it's bait to pointlessly debate the actual truth and the user, , that's speaking rationally.

Snoke doesn't. Neither does the Emperor, Vader, nor any of the Rebels. No one in any Star Wars movie has complained that the Bad Guys were racist white supremacists who hate women and diversity.

But the writers for these new Star Wars movies are making it about identity politics.

It's probably cause cartoons and comics are an industry dominated by liberals, I would say a board about it attracting them is normal

For the longest time, nearly all nerdy hobbies (comics, D&D, vidya) were very liberal. Lots of equality and tolerance type of talk. Plus you had several decades of cartoons that preached diversity and open-mindedness. Only thing that changed is that liberal politics kept getting more and more extreme, to the point that everything had to virtue signal and anything that didn't was a heinous crime against humanity.

The faggots we're dealing with now are just shitposters though. They aren't looking to debate or correct a misconceived understanding of something. They just want to b8 and start arguments because they seek attention and distraction.


Did you mean to reply to someone else? Because I sure didn't mention Holla Forums at all in that post.


…Do you even know what you're doing anymore?

Put down those pozzed cocks you're smoking, leftycuck. There's literally nothing on your list that would "trigger" a Holla Forumsack.


Read this
Weirz and Whitta are the writers on Rogue One.
In The Force Awakens, JJ Abarams said he specifically used Nazi imagery for The First Order

By canon, in the shows, movies, books, and everything else, The Empire and First Order have never been racially motivated and have nothing to do with White Supremacy… But now they do because Disney took over and they hired a bunch of SJW faggots who want Star Wars to be "DIVERSITY VS RACISM: THE MOVIE"

So did George Lucas. The Empire were always supposed to be Nazis.

Is there any actual examples in the new movies of bad guys being racists, or this all just the SJWs blabbing on Twitter and not even putting it in like they claim.

Remember how one of the guys working on the Deadpool movie said he was supposed to be pansexual (Read: Bisexual, pansexuality isn't a real thing) yet in the movie the only character he's seen in a relationship or having sex with is a woman. It's all bark and no bite.

Yeah, I fucked up. Meant to link

My mouse is semi broken.

…we threw away the EU for this

It's true though. Anytime something is said that isn't part of the Holla Forums hugbox, some retard spouts "i-it must b-be Holla Forums a-again!"

There's a difference between "evil faceless empire with uniforms" and "Literally emulating the imagery of Hitler's speeches to a massive number of lined up soldiers, complete with giant red flags"

And while the ideological pandering may never show up on screen with Luke Skywalker declaring himself a feminist and a staunch defender of LGBTQIA+3 rights, but it will continue to affect the quality of future Star Wars media.

The focus on identity politics has already led to changes in scripts, casting choices, storylines, and heavy retcons. And it will continue to be a problem as long as these people are in charge and feel like they are doing the world a favor by prioritizing ideology and SJW brownie points over storytelling and quality.

Show us on the doll where those mean Nazis touched you.

Star Wars was ALWAYS Leftist propaganda. Finn the black good guy? Lando always existed in the original trilogy. Unrealistically competent female Rey? Princess Leia existed. Oh every villain is a white male? Pfft that was also in the original trilogy.

The new "SJW" Star Wars films are just nurturing the seed that was always there and taking it to the logical extreme. No more, no less. Really getting sick of moronic fantards who ignore the very flaws of the original trilogy.

Disney just took what was there and expanded upon it. That isn't to say that Disney isn't a Gynocentric corporation.

Lando was also a traitor who sold out his friends and then tried to make up for it. Leia wasn't a hypercompetent Mary Sue who could do everything without an ounce of training. Jabba and Boba Fett were huge antagonists as well, not merely the faceless Stormtroopers.

And was a backstabbing realist who gave Han to the Empire in order to save his position in Cloud City.
And was for the most part a princess stereotype, although she was somewhat competent in some areas she still needed rescuing almost constantly because she fucked up a lot.

She screwed up? She did the only thing no one was capable of doing. She killed Jabba the Hutt. Luke was bragging "Jabba prepare to die with my trained Jedi Powers that are honestly useless and now my sister will kill you because she has common sense while I the main hero am stupid." God I hated that sequence.

This reminds me of the PSP star Wars game "Elite Squadron" where you could unlock a jedi class for soldiers.

But that means fucking clone troopers,droids could be fucking jedi

She got captured by the Empire on no less than 3 different occasions, tortured by Darth Vader, and captured by the motherfucking Ewoks after getting her speederbike taken out by a fucking Scout Trooper.
So, Jabba killing aside, yes.

Miss me yet?



I miss this guy more

Also is killing a giant obese slug even that hard? Only reason most people don't raze Jabba is because of all the guns he's got around him.

I never thought I'd say this after the prequels, but YES.
God damn it, yes I miss you.

Daily reminder

But the equality and tolerance wasn't aimed at the hobby, but at the people participating in it.
That everyone was welcome and tolerated as long as he adhered to the rules of the game/series/whatever.

Take 40k as example.
It didn't matter if the white guy, or the black or yellow one screamed "purge the Heretic" at the top of his lungs, as long as it was within the rules of the game.
The imporastnt thing was that everyone was given a chance to participate.

What changed was the the perspective shifted away from the people who want to participate, to the hobbies themselves.
Now the hobbies need to have stories, characters, settingsand so on that talk about equality and tolerance, at times going straight against everything the hobby stood for in the first place.

Hell, the only reason Leia even managed to do what she did was because everyone else was distracted by Luke's antics and Boba Fett getting eaten by the Sarlacc.

Daily reminder that they're making a young Han Solo movie.

Hopefully people will wake up and realize the only way to stop this madness is not to give Disney their money


But he looks nothing like Han Solo. Why would anyone let this get made? Are they going to CGI Harrison Ford's emotionless features on to this guy's face in every scene?

You know, at this point, I don't even fucking care anymore. They're just pissing on ashes now.

They are full of social justice warriors and leftist who are more concerned about pushing their political ideology and agenda than telling a good story.

Whos waiting for the retcon where all Clone Troopers arent maroi but instead white guys

Cant have an evil slave army be POC now can you?

Far into the clone wars life time they were making other color clone troopers for more specialized tasks

From >>>/sw/ with love

They can't retcon that we have seen Codys face in the movie and the clone wars always showed clones as being maroi

At worst they will say clones were horrible emotionless monsters



This is the only good thing out of this.

Han was always a powerful force sensitive. Why do you think Obiwan chuckled when Han called it luck?

That's bullshit and you know it.

Top perfection

it's funny because those look like Pipe Dream pieces and that games was published in the US by Lucasfilm.

Every time he says "I've got a bad feeling about this"? His ridiculous defiance of the odds? No?

Nah mate.

Why do spics insist on putting their shitty techno music into every vidya video they make?
I honest to god prefer listening to BR "huehuehue"s over shitty generic techno garbage track #3246823190564870.

sage for off topic bitching

2nd pic: the fool dropped 400 lbs of half molten metal onto his head! Regulate non Jedi lightsaber use now!

It didn't have to be like this…


it's like a reverse laser pitchfork or post driver.

Fans are scum, they always have been and they always will be. I don't blame George for selling the franchise, I just wish he could have been merciful and pulled a Howard Roark instead. Then again, he's having the last laugh now, isn't he?

the only thing worse than a faggot whining about a movie on the internet is another faggot who lets it get to him. everybody involved with this series is a massive homo.

I don't think so - in one interview (60 Minutes?) where he said he had said SW to "white slavers"' when referring to Disney.

I think some vocal "fans" drove him into selling SW…

And saved, thanks user

You can't be serious.
Is that actually what you call it?


After TFA came out he said he regretted selling it

Need a sauce for that.

Seriously, what the fuck is she doing in that last panel?

(((they))) later convinced him to issue an apology

Im guessing Freezeframe.

Yes, Freezeframe in a comic, did you expect something competent?

Oh Lordy. All that I saw was the most autistic fan fiction I could witness as an official comic. Made Mocking Bird seem more grounded in reality.

Just so you know, that comic is written by the same guy who did this

I get it's a freeze frame, as stupid as that is in a goddamn comic book, but why is she posing like that? It looks like she's trying to Dab, but hasn't really gotten the basics of it.

To be fair, there were tons of Star Wars related media that were shit before Disney's

Are they literally just giving every fucking Joe off the street a lightsaber and sticking a fish head on General Grievous?
These people are worse than Lucas ever was.

Evidence #1 Star Wars Christmas Special

Well, the original concept for Star Wars depicted light saber as common weapon for everyone.

But let us stop and see what a lightsaber is. It's pretty much a sword but with energy rather than steel. Sure it require a Jedi to find the perfect crystal but all it need to activate the saber is to push a button rather than channeling the force to it. Also in TFA the Janniger use the saber like a moron and he got curbstomped easily and ended up with burned back.

I wonder who could be behind this post?

Defend this, Dis-nigger.

The original concept doesn't matter anymore, the light saber became a Jedi weapon over the course of the movies, something made by Jedi for use by Jedi

Star Wars has always made it clear that anyone can use a lightsaber, as it doesn't take a Jedi to push a button, but it takes a Jedi to use it efficiently. A common man can not deflect blaster bolts, or utilize it effectively in combat to actually be better than a common retard with a plasma sword.

My problem is that This is like the worst of the EU refined to a crystalline CORE.

Its been like a year, and we already have reached Lightsaber overuse, repetative bullshit plotlines, and other crap.

I still wonder why they thought of putting that in.

True. I guess I should be glad they didn't touch the Old Republic stuff yet.

It's simple they were not Sith but retards that Lord Vader had employed to kill the Jedi rebels.

Not the Yuuzhan Vong? What's wrong with you man?

Not the user you were responding to but the general trend of jedi vs sith got annoying to me a bit. Though I love the lore of the old Republic and ancient Jedi.

They were just another type of alien, stop being a redditor.

How do you feel about that Star Wars underworld game that was never released. I think it was called level 1313. Its about smugglers and criminals on Coruscant.

All this in THE FIRST YEAR. God only knows how bad this can get. It took YEARS for the old EU to reach the levels of suck it reached and there was still plenty of other material to actually like.

Disney though? Year one with the license and we have a Mary Sue in the leading roll of the first new movie, the game rights belong to EA, Chuck Windig is one of the main writers, and lightsabers are everywhere and making the Jedi and Sith look pointless.

If you want conflict outside Jedi vs Sith there's still a lot of creatures in SW galaxy with their own traits and skills. Not by introducing invader from another galaxy.

Yuuzhan Vong were kinda shit though…

how so ?

Could have been cool. My favorite Star Wars games are TIE Fighter, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, and the first Battlefront.

Why is introducing an invader from another Galaxy an inherently bad thing? I find the idea of the New Republic, the remnants of the Empire, and the rest of galaxy coming together to face something that's wants to wipe them out as cool.


Rey won her first lightsaber fight, used advance force techniques without training, and beat mini-Vader.

I'm not a fan of Star Wars so what prevents any old schmuck from wielding a lightsaber? I just assume that it was inferior to a blaster to someone who isn't a Jedi or a Sith because reflecting laser blasts requires awareness of the force.

It's weightless and at least in actual Star Wars, if a non-force user tried to use one for anything even slightly complicated they would end up cutting one of their limbs off on accident, and that's if they got lucky. That's why vibro-blades exist.

A lightsaber, unlike most swords, has no real weight to it outside of the handle, and every part of the blade WILL sever body parts when touched. It takes a fair amount of time and training just to use one without lopping off a limb on accident.

Yuuzhan Vong to me didnt feel like star wars it felt more like Warhammer 40k.

just that ?

I said wield; not wield well. From the sound of it, any regular fella could still cut a door with it.

No one has a problem with a few short moments where a non-force user would cut a door, the problem is stormtroopers and random fucks fighting jedi and sith with lightsabers, they already had a way to do that:

Vibro Blades

Because it's lazy way out. SW universe got aliens that can shapeshit, mind read, channeling the force naturally etc etc. Imagine a hidden invasion when a race of shapeshifters manipulated both rebels and empires to destroy each other. And yet in official SW lore the most popular shapeshiter is a bountry hunter. Pretty much relying on tech and brute force.

sorry fella but vibroblades sounds like some weird sextoy for nerds

Star Wars invented it's own genre of music called Jizz, which is played by musicians called Jizz-Wailers.

seriously ? post some

And Kumquat sounds like Farmers like plants WAY too much, what's your point?

lightsabers are way cooler that vibro blades, so fuck canon




So we can say that Star Wars have the best…Jizz

What can I say, I'm a Jizz lover.


How bad is the new rogue one movie?
My friend is forcing me to see it.

Better than Rogue One but still shit. It's basically like watching a Transformers movie.

I mean better than The Force Awakens.

It's sad to think Detours got to a much more completed state, yet it's less likely to see the light of day. For arguably good reason, but still.

Far better than The Force Awakens, as at least the white people fall in love in the end, and Vader's scene is better than anything since Ep. III.

Still bad, overall, because they continue to demonize the Empire, when clearly the Empire is the ones bringing order and balance while the Rebels are terrorists.

So the scenes with Vader are the only good parts then?

well, yeah. they're a sword and not a gun.

That alone told me that Disney had no motivation other than to milk a franchise dry and leave it on the side of the road like a dead hooker. Who the hell gives exclusive licensing to EA and shuts down dedicated Star Wars dev studios when everyone and their mother knows that EA has zero interest in trying anything new? Fuck's sake, all they're doing is making fucking Battlefield clones with the IP.

It's a perfectly standard by the numbers movie. It definitely not bad, but there's absolutely nothing special about it. Normies seem to be liking the new droid they introduce though.


Why'd they do that? Aren't they trying to sell this shit to kids? Funny thing is, everytime I go to the markets and I come across Star Wars merch is all empire related or when it comes to the good guys, the droids and some OC troopers. Even then, sales are really poor. Disney fucked up big time with the purchace of this license. They are spending more money building it that actually making money off it. If the next few movies don't hit the billion mark (which I really doubt) then they are fucked.

Because they were worried that the owners of WH40k would sue them.

Can't Disney just buy that off too? Hell i'm surprised the Mouse hasn't tried to create a monopoly on tabletop and boardgames yet. Or have they?

they wouldn't do that because it's a convenient moneypit for a lot of their competitors.

It was a joke, but seriously, the Vong and Tyranids were far to similar to be coincidence.

Also Disney doesn't do Grimdark.

Personally I'd rather have the Thrawn Trilogy be the new trilogy. Hell, I was hoping Huxley would be an analogue to Thrawn but instead he's a shitty Tarkin knockoff.

It's actually really good and fits well between the films. I guess I'm okay with canon being LEGEN….wait for it…DARY!!!

drown in semen fagola

To be fair, if you want to do a pseudo-realistic portrayal of an evil faceless empire with uniforms, emulating Hitler's speeches isn't a bad place to start. There's a reason Hitler was so incredibly successful in gaining support.

A-at least it can't get much worse, right, Holla Forums?

yeah but these guys will never actually research hitler, and if they do, it'll be from the cucked sources that also say he was a super degenerate junkie that injected a steroid-cocaine-heroin cocktail into his testicles every day.

Well, to be fair, his doctor did keep him high on a cocktail of drugs near the end - maybe earlier as well.

first off, stop saying "To be fair", second, that's fucking bullshit and you know it. Either he died in Germany by suicide or escaped to Argentina, meaning he lived a helthy life until post-war stress caught up with him.

We're actually 2 different people, not that it's possible to prove that.

I hope for your sake you are trying to troll us.

I actually saw a thread discussion turned into Hitler today. Welp

I'm just saying, either he died right there in the bunker or died in Argentina. I believe he died in the Bunker, I don't like the idea of him just giving up and fucking off to Argentina. A man must same as the rest of his men. Anyway, Hitler wasn't a junkie dude, you can't run a war all junked up I know, I have junkie friends and they never get anything done, can barely speak the faggots.

Shut the fuck up faggot.

Hitler was a mess near the end, m8.
Footage shows he proably had parkinsons - you can see him trying to cover up his trembling hand in some footage.


I don't wanna. What you gonna do? Typing more offensive words and posted them here? Gee, welcome to Holla Forums cunt.

Yes, due to stress idiot. He couldn't very well been partying it up or numbing himself to death. Couldn't afford to do that in a damn world war.

Yeah what a tought guy. You were the one trying to make a shitty joke to begin with pal. You don't get to act higher that thou now.

People need to relax during WW2. Churchill pretty much drown himself with alcohol. I don't know about Roosevelt, maybe taking a walk in the park sometimes.

I don't give a fuck. You go ahead and scream all you want.

You abelist scum!

Roosevelt fucking died of stress. All his organs were shit by the time WW2 came to an end. And yes you give a shit, you're on 8ch, everyone wants to have the high ground.

That's what happened when you lead a country in a large scale war that going to alter history. He knew his responsibilities and still doing his job even when he's in wheelchair. He's a war hero.

Also this is Holla Forums, you can't even take the "Walk in the park" joke? Who fucked you in the butt today?



First half is weak. Nearly all of the characters have THICC accents, so you can't understand half of what they are saying. The character motivations and arcs aren't there. It actually opens huge plotholes in the original trilogy by retconning things. The Empire is pretty dumb and there's a lot of bickering over the Death Star, as if they built the whole thing without even knowing if it would work.

Second half is pretty great. It's the video games Rogue Squadron and Battlefront smashed together in a great way. Lots of blaster fire. Lots of X-Wing action. Lots of Mon Calamari saving the day.

Better than the Force Awakens, but definitely starting to show some of the problems of this Nu Star Wars diversity first, WON'T SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE LITTLE GIRLS?! mentality.


George said he based them on the Nazis. You didn't care back then, but suddenly do now.

That first bit is enough to turn me off from even pirating it. I hate hate hate movies where you can barely hear or understand any of the people. Through accents, slurs, mumbling, or just really really quiet dialogue. It doesn't matter. I hate it. Had enough of that shit in Iron Man 2.

Also the whole lack of motivation and plothole retcons. Everything about Nu-Star Wars makes me gag.

Well, there is a lost art in modern times. We call it subtlety


I was more pissed that it can't leave anything alone. Everything has to be TEH MOST BIGGEST IMPORTANT THING EVARH. Nothing can just happen. It has to have everybody go really quiet and the music dramatically play. Compare it to a New Hope and you'll see what I mean.

It's not actually farfatched, user. There's actual documents hosted on the FBI website of sources saying Hitler was in Argentina after the war.

George based them on Nazis because Nazis are a powerful, near universal symbol for evil… But they didn't act like Nazis which is the key difference. Meanwhile, his contemporaries, like Spielberg, were putting literal Nazis as villains in their movies.

It's not just the Nazi thing that's the problem, however. It's the complete picture that makes it important. They are saying that they, the leftists, the feminists, the SJWs, the LGBT, identity-politics obsessed lunatics are the good guys. That their ideology is the literal embodiment of what the Lightside is supposed to be… And anyone who opposes them, or whom they simply dislike, is a literal nazi fascist oppressor white supremacist who wants to holocaust all diversity out of the literal goddamned galaxy.

this is autism

This is weak ass bait.

So just like real life then.

Turn the name off before you samefag, you blithering retard.

It's supposed to be funny


Not him, he's a shitposter polite enough to be filter-able.

They can make as much shit at they want as long as I still get my new papa smurf book by Zahn.

Also as much I as liked rogue one, which is a lot, I really hope they can start moving foward with the star wars universe. Hell I'd take a movie about the yuuzhan vong as long as they can make it a little less shit.

I found Rogue One pretty average. Better than Episode VII, but still just another film that isn't particularly memorable.

I'd argue that the final battle scene was really good, but I like starship fights in space so thats just my bias.

Disney probably saw that EA was making a lot more money than the various other dev studios and went with them because of it. They just wanted a company that would shit out Star Wars games fast and make lots of cash, and EA can do both.

Meh, didn't think much of it.

Now the Vader scene at the end, on the other hand…

Sorry for double-posting, but also, I have to give them props for having the balls to kill everyone off.

God I wish they would have cut that scene on mustafar, but even with that scene they made Vader cool again.

Yea, it really did protray the rebellion the way it was, a fucking curbstomp in space.

I know it was James but he didn't sound quite right. I thought it was an impersonator at first.

Also it was less SJW-y. I know what the director posted online, but Jyn wasn't a Mary Sue like Rey (Still a boring character though), and they weren't afraid to kill off non-white characters (in TFA, when they show the X-Wing pilots at Starkiller Base, they're all different races and only one isn't human. Guess which is the only one to die?).

I thought the mercenary guy was cool, and the blind dude was better than the trailers let off since I thought he'd just be a monk and none of that humour. Also liked the droid; I tend to like robots that personalities and wit, like TARS from Interstellar.

Was it just me, or do they barely mention anyone's names? I didn't even know what the merc, monk and defected pilot were called.

Yea the mustafar scene was shit. What the fuck was Vader even doing there anyway? Doesn't he have a job to do?

Huh no, they aren't. If you look past their bio-punk aesthetic, you realize there is a world of difference between them. The Vongs have an organized society ruled by religious rules and a hard-ass caste society and their aim is to conquer everything on their path because their gods told them so just like Islam. The Tyranids are a cloud of alien locusts whose only drive is eat everything on their path because they are hungry. They don't even look similar - Vongs look like alien vampires while Tyranids are like Starship Troopers' Arachinids on crack.

When you think about that scene, it only serves as pointless fanservice because the whole reason Krennic showed up was so that Vader could vouch his credit for the Death Star to the Emperor. Vader doesn't give a shit about it and tell him to piss off, making this whole scene pointless.

I wouldn't say it was pointless. I just hate how they did it. He should have just met vader in a Star Destroyer or something. However Like I said earlier, nothing can just happen in these movies, everything has to be TEH BIGGEST MOST IMPORTNAT THING EVARH


Who else were they going to give it to after LucasArts shut down?

Star Wars is littered with fuck ups though. Pic very related.

(His Sith armour was cool though)

Is it true that the Vong vindicated Palpatines actions in creating a unified militaristic society because he foresaw them coming and realized that only that kind of society could repel them?

No you are right, they barely said their names. I just called the main cast Mongol, Donnie yen, Girl, and Frenchy. Still more likable and memorable than TFA/Prequel characters.

Yes, that's the reason why, or well what he used to justify it. He really wanted power and to rule over the galaxy. But he was right in that the empire was necessary. The vong and the sith invasions previous to that killed billions. The Empire would have prevented that.

Otto Günsche (Hitler’s personal adjutant) & Erich Kempka (his chauffeur) cremated his body behind the Reich Chancellery – one of Hitler’s bodyguards, Rochus Misch, who died in 2013, & was present in the bunker as well, described how he found Adolf & Eva’s bodies after they had committed suicide.

You have to go back.

You wouldn't lie for your Fuhrer?

That was the plot for the Vong war, if I recall correctly: That Ol' Sheev was doing the right thing by forcefully uniting the galaxy under one militaristic banner, because all those Death Stars and Star Destroyers would allow them to survive war with the Vong.

No one needs a weapon that can destroy planets. That's fucking dumb. Planets are valuable in so many ways… But when your enemy is flying in on planet-sized ships, well that's entirely different, isn't it?

Imagine the damage to a Vong fleet that the Death Star could do. That's literally billions of Vong warriors killed in the blink of an eye.

You would let him take off without you?
Why didn’t he take his personal stab (adjutant, bodyguard & chauffeur, &c) with him on this daring getaway.

Occam’s razor, user.

I found Rogue One to be pretty shit personally. It had some good ideas, but whoever directed it apparently didn't know how to make it look like a Star Wars film. The majority of the film looks like a generic action movie that's merely been skinned with it, the jokes were 90% miss (I think I heard one person laugh at the droid's wisecracking in the theatre), and there were stupid parts where an action was included just to show the audience something that was bleeding obvious.

The only part I enjoyed from the film was that they got the final sequence and the ending right. The rest was a snorefest with little common sense attached.

Sheev really didn't do anything wrong


Meanwhile W40k openly ripped off the Death Star with the World Engine.

Rogue One is basically Halo: Reach with a Star Wars paint.

Come on.

Eh, not so much

Only the last 30-40 minutes are worth watching. Everything else is just filler designed to bore you and waste your time. Seriously, it's like the entire movie just got jammed into the last third and they had to come up with random crap to justify the runtime. "Err, I dunno, let's just shoehorn this TV series character into the movie for fanservice, but change his characterization!"

Yeah but how they got rid of the world engine was pretty badass.

I was under the impress Rouge 1 was basically Rouge Squadron or am I wrong?

Yep, no relation at all.

A Rouge Squadron movie would be better

Isn't cannon anymore

What's this "Red Squadron" shit?

what the fuck, why couldn't they just put him in the mask

It's easier to edit it in rather than doing complete re-shoots.

It's less noticeable than the prequels, maybe?

Obi-wan comes right out and says that lightsabers are leftovers from an earlier age of warfare only Jedi use. Considering that laser deflection can also be done by Jedi without the lightsaber they're a pretty niche weapon.

logically they would be inferior to blasters for anyone but apparently jedi never need to kill anyone more than an arm's length away

Jedi are constantly shown deflecting blaster shots back at the people who shot them.

So what star wars stuff is actually worth reading?

Nothing post Disney takeover, I can tell you that much

it was

Fuck off Holla Forums


Are you triggered?

It's not good bait if you come off functionally retarded user.

Fuck Sturd Whores and fuck the retarded fantards that keep fueling this soulless beast.

What is the quote on pic 3 referring to?

this does not seem to be an adequate reason not to carry both a lightsaber and a blaster

It's referring to the casting of episode seven you dingus.

the title crawls are pretty cool.

Some stupid cultish reason. Gun was supposed to be brute weapon and uncultured. Jedi path is stupid someti….. all the time.

That's as far as I've read, but it's a start.

I like the Wraith Squadron books. They're what I had hoped Rogue One would be like. Entertaining characters, clever problem-solving, comedic timing, and a puppet show inside a TIE Interceptor.

Also the Thrawn Trilogy is pretty good too.

Sort of like the last days of Star Wars Galaxies.

haha is disney trying to sell toys they assembled from leftover bits?

Is this "ruining"?


Why are you guys so salty over this? (it's for kids)

wew lad

bumping with pic related


i don't want to live on this planet anymore


I killed them all, and not just the men, but the women and the children too. They're like animals, so I slaughtered them like animals.

"Anakin Tiberius Skywalker, go to your room. You're grounded!"

I hate you, mom!

Just how bad is Rogue One? I'm thinking of seeing it knowing nothing about SW outside of the canon films

only the last 5 minutes is good.
you spend all movie hating the good guys and when they bad guys finally get into gear and slaughter everyone it's great.

Especially the children

Especially the women

That's a funny way to spell sandlets and sandcunts.

Aside from the JoJo posing, why does that art remind me of that shit from Civil War 2 where Doctor Doom kidnaps Tony Stark and it's all obviously Poser models?

Because it's poorly done cgi shit, wanna see something really spectacular? It's from the same comic.

Do you see the gun the rebel in the bottom panel is holding? What does that look like to you?

Same artist. Mike Deodato Jr. Fucker has been a hack for years, but it only seems to be now that people are catching on. Use to be that he just used a bunch of cheap Braillian interns that would never get any credit to "help out". Now, he just slaps photoshop filters on Poser models and throws in some unnecessary hatching and calls it a day. Greg Land puts in more effort.

That's Salvador Larroca. Not the same artist, but one equally lazy. Somehow he catches less shit than both Deodato and Land.

They're all garbage.

Holy fuck. Marvel amateur hour strikes again.

Is there ANYONE in the comics industry that knows how to draw a fucking gun?

For a moment there I thought this is /k

I don't know anything about guns other than they go bang bang, saying "clips" triggers people, and no one in the entertainment industry knows how they work or how to design them.

The only exception is several "operator" moviet, HEAT and of course John Wick.

Also I used to frequent /k/ several years ago in halfchan. They are pretty polite folks. Well, the /k/ mods were very strict. I don't know what happened to them after the SJW takeover.


And to think, all this could have been avoided had the "fans" stop bitching about the prequels for 15 years straight.

Lucas couldn't deal with the stress anymore so he sold the rights to Disney, sure he may have believed that they would have stuck to his original ideas if they made any future movies but even he didn't know that it was gonna be THIS bad.

And what pisses me off so much is the "fans" eating this shit up and claiming that everybody who hated TFA was a sexist/racist/whatever, because they're a bunch of worthless shits.

You made your bed fags, now it's time to sleep in it.

He probably trusted Kennedy and the rest of Lucasfilm more, which is why he sold off the entire company rather than just the franchise. I don't if he expected them to actually move forward with the projects that existed only because Star Wars wasn't omnipresent and he gave no fucks.


RLM are to blame for thisnew shit. If they hadn’t gone full sperg and made three fucking feature length ‘reviews’ nitpicking the most trivial shit, outright lying and quote-mining people to no end, we could have been playing Star Wars: 1313 and watching the live action TV show now, instead of this glorified SJW-approved fanfiction by Disney.

We also could have got more licensed parodies from Seth Green and more movies like Red Tales and 3-D rereleases

Would Family Guy do their Star Wars parodies of the prequels?


this is so obviously traced it's pathetic.


actually the weightless thing isn't the end of it

the blade is both weightless and generates a strong gyroscopic force so it would either want to say still, rotate on an axis around the wrist or move in a straight line depending on its orientation. the blade can also cut through damn near anything with little to no effort and it's inherit ability to carry through with a cut on its own makes it impossible to wield for most joe shmoes. it requires immense strength, the force, or both to use as anything other than a cutting tool.

at least that was before nu-wars ruined everything.

little triangle at the top left of a post is there to help. the filter function is your friend.

do not pay attention to tripfags

do not make eye contact with tripfags

do not validate their attention whoring with attention

Thank you I didn't know the triangle actually worked.

There are non force sensitive duellists, who use lightfoils in combat, but lightfoils are inherently inferior to lightsabers, as it take force sensitivity to correctly align the crystals for best effect. Both are based on "frozen blaster" technology. Kylo's trick with the blaster bolt in TFA may shed fresh light into the origins of the lightsaber…

Boba Fett and General Grievous are the most prominent non force sensitive lightsaber users. Both use sabers they've taken from Jedi they've killed. Grievous was trained by Dooku, and Fett just kind of hung around Dooku when he was a kid, then tried taking on Darth Vader in a lightsaber fight. I don't know, amphetamines may have been involved.

Never post again, faggot.

Kylo's trick is pure mary sue faggotry and lightsabers to me are force weapons that can get difficult with the different designs and can be dangerous in the wrong hands with even the basic one leading to decapitation.

Why are you talking about a fanfiction character?

Just because he's a mary sue villain who's an edge lord.


Not to defend the eternal gungan, but I did get the impression from TFA that Kylo Ren was really just a wannabe. I reckon he'll be wiped out in Episode VIII. Not that I'm going to stick around to see it.

There was never going to be a KOTOR 3. Hell Lucas paid so little attention to the gaming division that they got bamboozled into giving EA exclusive rights to putting out a Star Wars MMO and Galaxies had to be shut down.

Damn she's so hot in the fanart. Hell why is it the fanart depicts better characterization than the movie?

Because they're retards at Disney

Maria Hill from Secret Warriors.

During Dark Reign.

Apparently retarded cringe is okay as long as it's approved by committee

Its lego so it'll sell.
