Daily Beast namedrops Holla Forums in piece about Alt Right


Guys, they know about h8chan.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hey guys, Betsy here, the person who wrote the article.
I've been doing extensive research into notable alt-right communities like yours, and how serendipitous that I come across this thread during my research.

Ask me anything.


At least they're being honest about the general disliking of jews. Instead of, you know, propping up a homosexual coal-burning jew as the face of this subversive label.

Verify your identity please.
Post a link to your twitter and tweet your thread ID (dde7ff).


Nah, that's OK.

I don't want to shout out to the world that I'm browsing racist alt-right sites. Even if I tell them it's only for research, I don't want to take the chance of harming my credibility and image.

You choose a really boring character to LARP as.

Do you think anyone is going to have any clue what dde7ff is even referring to?

Fine, just tweet "Good morning!!!!!!!!" with 8 exclamation points and link it here.

Twitter will just think you're excited.


Sure thing, give me a moment.

That's nice, do you have any hobbies Betsy, what kind of animals do you like, are you more of the walk-at-the-beach type or more the explore-old-cities type.

Have some gore, cunt.





Hey guys, Richard Spencer here, the figurehead of the Alt-Right.

Ask me anything.

He guys, Adolf Hitler here, back from the death and speaking English for some reason.

Ask me anything, just not about losing the war.



You can stop spamming gore now, it's just an user having a bit of a haha.

He's triggered user, let him vent.

I miss you







(((Richard Spencer)))



I don't really mind the corpses I guess. I always just usually tell myself "Well, at least they are at peace now and feel no pain."

Helps me cope, I guess. Meh.

Typical garbage reporting.

Betsy, if it is really you browsing the thread, why are you such a coward?

Look at the opening, "Oh, Ok". Followed by, "Alt-Right Leaders: We Aren’t Racist, We Just Hate Jews". The juxtaposition here seems to indicate that you disagree with it. But the story itself is descriptive and whimsically ironic in parts, as if there is underlying, "haha, who believes these people, amirite?".

Why not just write an argument? Why not build up the opposing side's descriptive account a bit better than "gotchas"?

How hard is it for you millennial piece of shit journalists to write something that isn't dripping with irony and half-assed garbage?

Are you looking forward to journalists being killed by deathsquads in the future? Because this is the exact sort of reporting that leads to it.

there's something peaceful in dead women; they don't complain any longer

Why the gore tho

Also, if this is the real article writer, why did you decide to out Holla Forums to whoever reads your article? Did you think that would be a good idea?




I just want to know why Betsy hates the white race.


Titties or GTFO.

Pro tip: Pictures of dead niggers and kikes will probably trigger the normies even more.


I'm getting to those.






Anyone can be a journo these days.

I won't go on. Only a few lines in that trash heap aren't her own.

If you are reading, Betsy, try to show rather than tell, you fucking hack.


Is this Holla Forums?

This is old guard.






Given their "Diversity is our strength" narrative, how is this a bad thing?

First of, stop capitalizing this name, either jews, or JEWS. Period.
We should now call them by their real name, JEWS, all caps. Because 'capitis deminutio maxima', civil death.


Ryan Faulk


If you have patiance to watch the whole thing, you can see how much lil' Betty lies in her piece.

For instance:
Spencer explicitly stated that they aren't "leaders of the alt-right".

Lügenpresse, smdh.


Thanks, I was looking for this but couldn't find it.

A woman who flaunts her femininity on an anonymous board without serving her purpose can't be expected to tell the truth.



You can stop spamming gore now, it's pretty clear there is no Betsy here.


Dude, what are you even trying to achieve here?

Everyone with a half a brain filters you. You are nothing but a minor inconvenience to anyone.

One more.

I wonder if he isn't a shill and feeling pretty good that he is spamming Holla Forums with gore right now.

i don't know who's shilling who in this thread

They're liberals, journalism is dead and buried in favour of liberal blogging and virtue signalling.

It's also a massive mistake, there is a non-insignificant section of the population that absolutely requires a cerebral argument (not even necessarily a great one, but something) in order to change their views. The establishment has at this point in time jettisoned all attempts to reach these people, for no sensible reason whatsoever. There's a segment that will never be swayed by anything but actual hard truth, but there's a much larger section that will be swayed by something that at least seems reasonable enough. Such people are no longer going to be reached by the Jewish establishment that now only cares about pure emotional argumentation, even though there was actually a way for them to fight back if they weren't so far up their own asses.


And filtered.

We already have enough halfchan faggots, int and goons on this board. I want even less normies here.


daily beast is owned by hillarys daughter

Why do you want this?


This. All the more reason why we should fuck with them when they pester us. We should them some stuff about Webster Hubbell stuff as well.

Fuck off.

Do not bother coming back
Until you Watch this.

in b4 epic troll takes us for a ride




sage report

where is the picture about it?

tits or gtfo

A little advice, lurk more. It might surprise you.

Obviously, Betsy… you didn't lurk here very long. Typical reporter, you came to a pre-concieved simple-minded conclusion before understanding what was going on. NYAAA! I can't believe you people make money doing this kinda shit. And you pull the same stunt over and over again.

Holla Forums is not just a hangout for bigots. It's a place where anyone can say anything. And in the time-honored essence of humanity, it's a place where everyone toss insults however they want. Thus, Holla Forums is an open battleground for ideas, and in this milieu, the 'alt-right' (as you've termed it…) is winning. This, because we present chip away at the bullshit to derive the truth. Truth makes for the best insults, you see, such as this little tidbit - nobody wants your normie attitude here. Tits or GTFO, and personally, I don't think your tits are worth viewing.

Oh, and by the way, it truly is the Joos, you idiot.

(((Alt Right)))

Then gtfo


Sage in every single fucking field.

Holla Forums is about the least bigoted place anywhere. "Bigoted" means not considering any opinions that aren't your own, whereas Holla Forums is made up of debating the dominant worldview (ideally), something that intrinsically means considering ideas other than your own.

It's not like anyone here was born a Nazi.

It means whatever the left wants it to mean. Stop trying to use logic/reason to "win" arguments with leftist pieces of shit… it doesn't work and they just laugh at your impotence.

Smash them Physically

Unrepentant Bigot,

Nice to see you caught that. Thanks for redeeming my faith in Holla Forums.

Literally 'bigot' means someone who is unwilling to consider ideas other than their own. This describes the foundation of the Lefty religious-think very well, where all people are the same because they are supposed to be. Because the Left can't own up to the term, they've twisted its definition around in their more common politically-correct, emotionally self-justified vernacular. Deliberately using the word as she would understand it, I was addressing 'Betsy' in the tongue that she presumably speaks. Communication with idiots sometimes means using their language.

'Bigot' is very similar in usage to 'anti-Semite', wherein the literal meaning has nothing to do with how the word is used as an insult. Jews are not Semites; they are a racially mixed bag of religious nutters who believe in the inviolability of their race.

I don't really see how an anime imageboard owned by a degenerate racemixing kike is really "h8chan" more like kosherchan with the exception of Holla Forums.

Holla Forums is the only good board on Holla Forums.

sage for alt-kiking thread.

Because I'm in a good mood, I'll help you out with pic related.

Are those his kids for real?

I mean, I wasn't planning on racemixing either way but, fuck.

Welcome newfriend.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

This isn't Holla Forums. These gamergate-tier shit-tactics are not going to have the results you expect them to have.

glhf fam.

Fuck off sunshine.

Yes, they're his.

server took too long

Alright lads, I'll dox one more for you.

I'm starting to get a little concerned though as I'm the only person I've seen that ever does and the FIB is starting to catch up to me.


Just in case this isn't a LARPing faggot
It is.

good god, give it a break you dizzy bitch


Her address came up as being associated with a chris woodruff and a "charity" for refugees.

As well as another 2 people with the surname "Woodruff".

Pretty much confirmed you an fuck with her at this nonprofit if you like I would also be willing to bet the nonprofit is doing some shady


I'm sure you are. Do as tradition says and get a picture of your tits. If not get the fuck out.

Jared Taysachs is such a piece of shit.

The international communist subversion of Holla Forums has escaped containment.


Holy hapa, his kids are gooks.

Wait, is he just raising his wife's kids?

how many kids you cucks have?

still would tbqh

Holla Forums STRONK


what happened to them? also requesting that gif with football heads

I think they have a cold or something.

I'm not a doctor though.

y tho

there you go buddy

playing football with heads

White supremacist here.

The article was ackchuyally breddy gud.


Why are you such a faggot?

Do you seriously believe that 6 million jews were killed in a "Holocaust"

Hey guys, Ben "Kikes Belong on Spikes" Garrison here, the person who personally gassed over 1400 yids this summer alone.

Ask me anything.

Why do you hate Niggers?
Did a nigger steal the girl that you loved?


If that was really the author trying to do a reddit-tier AMA they really fucked off quick after the gore posts.

I saved a few of those. Gore really is the greatest normalfag deterent. We should be using it liberally at the first sign of the luggenpresse or other subversion types.

the only correct question

Cartel violence


Underrated as fuck.

Show us your tits or im coming for you and your family.

That's what I've always taken 'bigot' to mean, but I remember looking it up and there was actually an alternative definition. My guess is that the other definition has basically been memed into existence by its constant (as was) misuse by leftist cuckolds.

Obviously you are correct though, that literally every leftist ever is as bigoted as a person could humanly be by the old/proper definition, and the use of the word 'bigot' has only ever been in aid of their own bigotry: ie their desire to shut down debate and free thought.

Isn't it one of Alinsky's rules to accuse your opponent of doing what you are doing?

Maybe it was machiavelli, I don't know.

Fucking duh?

I especially like the part were you conflate wanting to keep our race from going extinct with "supremacy".

Also do you actually think any of us give a shit about those three "visible leaders of the Alt-Right"?

We know what you're trying to do (box us into one convenient strawman ideology for you to torch) and it's not going to work.

Buzzwords don't cow us, and threats don't scare us.

We are young with everything to lose, and if you think we're going to soften our rhetoric when the fate of Western Civilization and our entire demographic hangs in the balance, you are quite mistaken.

And on the very likely chance you're just some LARPing faggot, well done user I couldn't resist that juicy bait.

Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor will need to be killed on the day of the rope.

We kind of like Spencer.

Nice joke, lügenpresse.


The only thing he is guilty of, is using the wrong strategy for a time, and that is something almost all pro-whites are guilty of.

That pic is obviously photoshopped, no black can swim.


Eh, I am kind of conflicted about Alex Jones/Jared Taylor etc. types. On one hand their goal is to coopt and subvert opposition, on the other hand they are extremely effective as entry level redpills and starting people on redpill paths and they have a lot of influence, Jonestein gets more views than MSM combined. As long as you are capable of critical thinking and don't follow them religiously they are useful, I started out listening to Jones at 14 and it was only one small inference before I realized the "Globalists" he criticizes are (((globalists))). While there are a lot of people who will be misled by them, quite a few will become redpilled in part by them if they don't drink the kool-aid. They have done a lot to mislead people but also to catalyze redpilling. I don't think they are really enemies, but certainly not allies either.

We're not alt-right. The alt-right does not exist

Sharpie in pooper

Dubs of truth.

I also like to use scat porn, the nastier, the better. It is underused, but also seems to elicit a visceral response from people.


hey while we're at it I recommend this as well.

He's a faggot, tried to run a pyramid scheme and is therefore possibly a kike


Why does the MSM keep linking us to the Alt-Cuck? Did they fire all their journalists and hired bloggers instead?

How the fuck do these retards even get to this conclusion?

Nigger and kike shall all cower alike.

There won't be a WWIII, not before the return.

Also faggots shall be tortured in front of cheering crowds. How else may we frighten you, Ms. MSM?

The Alt-Cuck is just Cuckservatism in a new wrapper.

Machinegun fire on gay parades?

You won't get good answers if you display your credentials here. We don't like journalists at all since they constantly wrote hitpieces about us. They were one of the people responsible for cutting the main source of viable funding for this website.

In order to get good answers, you just have to lurk here and pose as one of us to ask questions, like:

You can either post it as a thread or you can post it in a thread. You're good to go with the information above. Happy shilling!

They lost like, 90%+ of their base already.

Actually 'bigot' means Swiss protestant.


so a SJW calling you a bigot means he sees you like a pre-revolutionary Catholic French would see a Swiss Protestant.

Ouch, that hurt.

This meme needs to die. White pride is a more fitting phrase. If you want to see people who believe in racial supremacy go look at jews and what they think of the goyim.

Some of you guys are white supremacists though, you just hate the label because it has a negative connotation.

Maybe some of you aren't, there's nothing discriminatory about being opposed to crime and terrorism. However, the showhosts of the Daily Shoah are atheists who want to deport minorities, repeal the civil rights acts, and remove their rights on the basis of skin color.

The alt-right is actually split between Civic Nationalists and White Nationalists. The press just likes citing the white nationalists since they're a prevalent voice on Holla Forums. There's plenty of civic nationalists on r/TheDonald though.

Now THIS is the meme that has to die.

Even if they were albino it wouldn't change a damn thing.

Dont you know that race is a spook, and we are one human race? /s

You're not really fooling anyone but yourself when you demand for an entirely white ethnostate free of asians, blacks, hispanics, and jews. I really doubt that you want Tyrone or Paco inside.

Quit doing mental gymnastics by switching labels and admit what you truly are.



Race is more than skin color.

The "ALT RIGHT" is just a term which some people choose to go by. If you aren't near it, you don't understand it. That's really all there is to it. The more people try to define it, the more slippery it becomes. You don't get it. I can just tell you that right now. And you probably never will. You have to be inside of it and be one of us, or you will not grasp it.

You prefer to suck liberal cock and play along with the Cathedral like some kind of sycophantic opportunist, and it shows in your disgusting behavior. How did you get that kushy job working for your neoliberal media outlet? I sure would love to do that!

Guess what, the opportunity isn't available to free thinkers. We aren't like you. We kept our minds open. We reject the system which you suck up to with every fucking breath you take.

You're the polar opposite of us. No virtue, no soul, no brain. You're a walking husk. Your work is of zero real value. Your historic significance is nil. You chose this but you can chance to change by grasping or trying to grasp the reality of life, and turning your fucking TV off for more than a day in a row - try a month - muting the advertising that floods your frail brain, getting off your Facebook and Twitter circlejerks, and actually trying to break out of your conditioning to see things as they are.

We both know the chances of that are nil - you love writing for the Daily Shit and you wouldn't have it otherwise. You like your trite little trinkets and social attention, and you would take that over the truth for every moment of your fucking life.

I'd tell you to kill yourself, but you aren't even worth it. To us, you're just like a random dog running through the Zone. You scamper away and are forgotten forever.

Bad news, white traitors: You don't get to be a part of Adolf Trumpler's white ethno-state.

What do you consider white supremacist? You mean believing in racist math?

oh, and
So does 'white pride', 'racist', 'sexist,' and a lot of others that we accept. We don't accept "white supremacist" because it's not accurate.
Like I said before, jews are supremacists and some black groups like the Hebrew Israelites, but not Holla Forums.

What does that have to do with supremacy?


Chelsea Clinton Joins Board of Diller’s IAC


>A securities filing issued on Monday disclosed that Ms. Clinton, 31, is now a director of the company, whose portfolio of Web sites includes the Daily Beast, CollegeHumor and Match.com. It also publishes Newsweek magazine.

So, did you really live in Argentina, or southern Brazil?

They literally said you could be altright and jewish at the same time. And I laughed at them for it. That's why you don't give an inch to these dogs.

Bigot is just the lefts version of accusing someone of blasphemy.

Race mix and no one will be able to recognize they are your kids.



Nice man, bit of a pooftah.

1) we aren't alt right
2) lurk more
3) watch the greatest story never told

then you may have minimal chance

until then you're wasting time and ink

To clarify, the alt-right is more of a normalfag offshoot of pol memes and the dying libertarian movement.


Yes and?

Minorities already have their own countries.

You have less than nigger-tier IQ, go kill yourself.

White supremacy isn't racist math, but it's believing in imperialism and deporting minorities. There's nothing hard to comprehend about it.

Yeah, I can see you're totally interested in deporting slavs.

That good goy does not even remotely compare to Dear Führer. Don't insult Hitler like that.

The entire world including a gorilla is superior to Africa. That's what his pic is showing.

How is that even 'white supremacy'?!

Your hatred for whites is showing. I suggest you undo your indoctrination first.

In what way is that 'white supremacy'?

And stop crying about deportation of minorities. They aren't entitled to other people's countries you Leftist piece of shit.

So you're trying to tell me that despite niggers having less IQ than gorillas, that he isn't implicitly stating that whites are superior than other minorities? Are you retarded?

How is it not white supremacy that you're kicking out races on the basis of them being inferior to you? Do I need to spell it out to you?


Here's the difference, you don't want to deport recently immigrants or refugees, you want to deport all minorities.

Now you're really grasping for straws and putting words in other people's mouths.

Start gassing yourself anytime.

I'm not the same guy you mongoloid fuck.

Blacks are on average taller than jews. Does stating this fact imply that blacks are the best race ever?

Flustering and saying "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" doesn't work here. You have to actually make an argument.

And the fact that you unironically call them 'refugees' tells me all i need to know.

I'm done here. Perhaps you'll find the following shithole to be more to your liking: >>>Holla Forums

Stating that blacks are taller is different from deporting them on the basis them being inferior to you. That's what makes it white supremacy.

You really are retarded. You have the literacy level of a nigger and you're also incapable of reading your own ID. Go kill yourself before you pollute your bloodline.

Oh no! I can't use a term for immigrants who flee their countries.

That little faggot you're replying to has already resorted to strawmanning.

No one ever fucking said this. They want to deport them on the basis of them being not fucking welcome.

This intellectually dishonest and disingenuous Leftist traitor is exactly the kind of trash i'd have no problem with cleaning up.

You're the mongoloid here who can't keep apart different anons or even refute a single fucking argument.

They don't flee, they migrate for gibsmedats.

A bullet through your skull is the only attention you deserve.

I'm simply going by what your figureheads state on the podcasts that you hear weekly, don't blame me if I can't your mind.

Yeah we don't have those.

Great journalism there you vapid cunt.

You just said saying whites have on average higher IQ than blacks is white supremacy. Why is it different when it's saying blacks are on average taller than jews? Is that black supremacy?

Also, if white illegals were committing rampant crime and massacring groups of people while shouting ALLAH ACKBAR you really think we wouldn't care? It just so happens these things are a brown phenomenon.

So you're not arguing the points we bring up, you're arguing someone else you once listened to. Not a smart way to go about things.

Fucking alt-right faggots.

Every non-white must be wiped from the Americas and Europe. All niggers must die. All of Asia other than China, Korea, and Japan must be completely cleansed. Korea ruled under Unified North Korea, Japan and China ruled under Unified Japan after being purged until the total population is 100 million or less. Absoltuely no freedom of movement between these two countries and white countries, absolutely no-one allowed to enter or leave.

You're a dishonest dumbshit who can't do bare minimum of reading, it's hilarious.

I didn't even state their motive, I just stated the fact that they LEAVE. It seems that you have less IQ points than the average gorilla.

Nope, I stated that taking the action of deporting all minorities (offending and non-offending) due to average racial IQ is white supremacy. You didn't have an interest in deporting Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh for committing acts of terrorism against white people.


At you're being honest about white nationalism being white supremacy. Those morons above want to play the PR game by intellectually dishonest and moving goalposts.

He just repeats the 'ebil whitey' narrative.

This board has Mexicans wanting their retarded cousins to fuck off back to Mexico, this board has blacks sick and tired of niggers and BLM fucking up their community, it has non-whites being pro-white and vice versa.

But no, better disregard that and parrot the anti-white hatred he got indoctrinated with at a Leftist diploma factory.

And now he's using big words he just picked up from someone else.

What a pathetic sight. Get out of here you loser.

Do you even know where you are lmao
I'm just stating basic facts and that's all it's taking to turn you into a floundering mess of spouting strawmen and moving goalposts.

They're not used to having to argue with people so they end up looking like savage retards when they try.

Yup, you're totally ethical for deporting all minorities, including the law-abiding type, out.

How ironic that you don't value the words created in your own culture. Go end yourself, because you're going to be nothing but a blight to your race.

Apparently a place where white supremacists are afraid to call themselves white supremacists. Pretty damn pathetic.

Out of curiosity, what do you think about those IQ stats?


That guy is such a fag.

Betsy… even your characterization of the presentation given by Jarod Taylor, et al, is blatantly disingenuous.

But beyond that, there is so much more to this awakening than you know. And we don't trust you to report objectively on it.

Trans Nazis helping the Jews again. And Hillary.

Spencer and Duke need to be iced. Frauds that do nothing for Whites.

You're like a little child that just heard a new word. You can't even construct a single sentence with your own vocabulary.

This comes as no surprise seeing as how infantile the Left is.

So what happens when whites are a minority?

That's a nice way of saying "I am a racist"

use ffmpeg for converting to webm, 7.4mb is unacceptable for a 1 min. video

The persecution will kick up a notch and violence will be openly used against them, as is already happening in places where mudslimes and African niggers outnumber whites.

The Left will say that this is a good thing, as they're already doing right now.

Kill yourself out of Holla Forums faggot.

Well he's not totally wrong. White people (white women in particular) are the demographic who are least likely to racemix and White Flight proves it. The real threat to white people is demographic replacement (immigration, high births for nonwhites, low births for whites).

racemixers should still be gassed though

Huehuehue this nigger's face

No I want to deport them on the basis of being a different group. There are plenty of African-only countries in Africa and I want just one European-only country to exist on this fucking planet.