Tor Alternative

Is there a such thing as an alternative browser that has the same popularity as Tor but is not mainstream enough for twelve year olds to go on once they see a jewtube video? If so please share.

Why do you care who uses the same browser as you?

What kind of browser are you looking for? What is your goal?
If you want to be hidden on clearnet, you'll need VPN. There's something called l2p but it doesn't reach outside.

tor isn't a browser you idiot


He doesn't want to risk the 12 year olds being arrested for his surfing.

He doesn't want to risk the 12 year olds being arrested for his surfing.

this tbh

He doesn't want to risk the 12 year olds being arrested for his surfing.

But the Tor Browser is.

was going to say this. tell him whatever you want, this is the retard that gets caught doing stupid shit, which is good for people that know what they are doing. he's an easy catch for the feds which is what they really want, someone to show off to the press.

I don't think him watching hacking videos raises an eyebrow though. They'll still go for your dad's cp.


I mean, are you a retarded nigger? Do you want to browse .onion sites without using the Tor Browser Bundle? Cos that's easy: Practically any browser can use tor as a proxy and be used for browsing illegal content.
Or are you looking for an entirely different (non-publically-routable) darknet? I mean, there's always i2p, yay. Or you might just realised that if you spend as much time learning as you do masturbating that there are literally millions of clearweb servers which can provide what you want. They just aren't in the Top Ten Google Search Results (you faggot-tier faggot).

t. Holla Forums anti-spam squad

t. Holla Forums anti-spam squad

Not really "Tor Browser" is just Firefox with special sauce added.


Duh it's named TOR BROWSER because it's a TOR browser, not a firefox browser

Yep, you're right and I was mistaken. Thank you for clearing that up for me.

No problem

This is the Internet police, you are under arrest for spamming without a license. Step away from the computer and come with us.

Don't twelve years old go on Tor to see other twelve years old naked?

12 year olds go on 12chan to see other 12 year olds get naked.





you know what he means

chaos is fun

P.S. Don't use windows, MS spies on you whatever browser you're using.

These kind of questions need to be ask over on >>>Holla Forums
They are very kind and like to help anons like yourself.