Will women become less shallow in a communist society?
Will women become less shallow in a communist society?
the only shallow cunt here is you mate
>>>Holla Forums
Dude chill. I'm not some Holla Forums invader saying ALL women are like this but just asking the question because a lot of the women (again not ALL) I've met have the mindset that a man has to worship them instead of a relationship being equal.
I just wanted a reasonable discussion about if there will be significantly less of these types of women in a communist society.
Tbh I don't blame you for going full defence mode since places like this are getting overrun by reactionary posts from Holla Forums and the like but I assure you this isn't one.
everybody will.
shallowness has its origins in class society because shallow thinking promotes class cohesion. if you subject society to the minimum of scrutiny, you will see clearly how we're all being massively screwed.
but by adopting simple-minded moralism, you can be made to identify with the interests of the ruling class, by believing that general "goodness" in a society is what is lacking and that it is only maladjusted personalities that cause society's problems.
this kind of thinking is impossible to maintain unless people remain shallow emotional reasoners, and that shallowness infects other areas of their thinking, including the way they relate to others in their lives and the things they prioritise.
i hope that after the revolution i will finally be able to get a gf :(
Will OP be gulaged after the revolution?
Still the basic of your argument is biased as fuck mate
You ignore a HUGE NUMBER of MEN having the same mindset seeking material wealth and hyper sexual """beauty"""
Lets get to second part
The very core of relationships will change for the family structure is no longer the only thing that relationships end up as
And relationships will be instead based on beauty and culture alone with less restriction on what your soulmate could be
kill yourself
communism won't end spooks
radical individualism will
We all do comrade ;_;
This, basically.
Men are just as materialistic. Attractive men the moreso. You probably don't notice as much because you don't want to fuck them.
Physical attraction and individual shallowness will never disappear, but, sure, if capitalism is out of the picture it at least won't be encouraged as a level of cultural attainment.
In all honesty mate I would've just included all people but nobody would've replied.
Women are women. Don't be naive.
Tbh this isn't just a female thing
Also it guarantees your relationships will never work out
Who knows. With more time to get fit and better working conditions there will be more chads and qts though, thus allowing more gfs.
Upwards of 95% of all humans are shallow as fuck. The genders tend to blame each other, but it's ultimately a human problem.
Just going to leave this here.
mind explaining it?
This is hilariously true.
It's Lacan's formula for sexual difference, there being no relationship between the two. The man looks to the cause of desire (a), and the woman looks, in men, for the signifer of desire (phi). They don't look for each other directly, but rather for objects they have.
There is no problem.
The question was an accusation that only women and all women are shallow. Its the same as saying "How do we stop men from being rapists". Not all men are rapists and not all rapists are men.
So no, I don't have to discuss such an idiotic question, now fuck off.
I made a thing
He asked if they would become less shallow. On it's own, this doesn't imply that he thinks the majority of them are shallow, or even that there any who are unacceptably shallow. Most women could be incredibly deep in his opinion and he could still wonder if they could be less shallow