Hows the job search leftypol?

Hows the job search leftypol?

Full time job at a hospital.


the government doesn't need any engineers at the moment

Terribly. They want sheep who can be ordered around and are try to format me to their needs. When I claim I am an individual who has unalienable rights and tell them about my struggles with my identity, they immediately brush me of and lecture me on how to be a productive member of society. I'm sick of this bullshit and of these wage slaves who can't see the world for what it really is.

Unemployed. I've been searching for a summer job since May, can't find shit.

Fuck them pieces of shit. The worst is that on the second interview the girl bragged about how "philantropic" hard rock café is.


At least I study and do what I like.

I've been applying around but no call backs. Just finished a PhD in physics this May.

Yeah, then they claim you have to "add value to others" or else "you can't get what you want" and shit. No, I don't. Fuck off.

Iam in the US military… Do you think I was successful in getting a job comrade!?


I wish that all this job searching shit, specially for summer jobs for students wasn't so hypocritical.
"You are a dynamic, hard-working student who seeks and interesting job blablabla"
No, I just want a job to grab some money and pay rent and buy food. These jobs are shitty anyway.

People who say that are from HR. Try to go to places where the people interviewing you are the ones who are going to supervise you, or else you're going to get bullshit.

And if you speak thruth. You don't get the job. What a system.

I need money to live a normal life man.

They want your willingness to follow what's expected of you. If you don't show that willingness, they think you'll be a excellent worker and don't hire you. And why would they? They have more meat lined up to replace you.

If you are qt try prostitution mate at least then you will own the means of production

I did not write excellent but the opposite.


Man try international, German industry is actually looking for physicists afaik

Summerjob in construction doing some electro stuff.



Just a reminder for comrades. Don't let joblessness get you down, I know sometimes the cultural spook of no job = no worth can make you feel like shit. The purpose of it is to make you get *any* job for *any* wage.

You're all beautiful humans.

Uni is going great, thanks.

that would be me
I admin a ceph cluster, a x-ray computing farm and way too many special snowflake servers with crap hardware for institutes.
Pay is underwhelming for the amount of work, but I enjoy tinkering with lunix too much to quit.

Bombing the king palace tomorrow then
Thanks for the advice

Good luck user

I just got an offer yesterday. I sent them a counter offer for slightly higher pay. Its govt. so hopefully that means the purse strings aren't to tight

No, there's IT Administration (baby sitting PC's) and then there's Administration (paper work, phone calls).

Dude I honestly dont give a fuck what kind of retarded acronym you use.

Thanks tumblr.

Looking to get my first full-time IT job, my degree project is taking time so I thought I should start early.

But every fucking junior position they advertise wants 2-3 years of experience and a long ass Christmas list of technologies they want you to know.

What kinda degree you got?

Computer and system science and I have worked a year as IT-support, which I thought would have counted for something.

Thats odd, they have a high shortage of IT and CS sorta people here.

I'm doomed to be an artist or a killer, and I'll be damned if I can decide which is more fitting.

Yeah there are quiet a few jobs to apply for, but low enough that they still can be damn picky about it.

Technically self-employed, but honestly I do warranty calls on pool equipment for a manufacturer with the occasional job where I bill some fucker or hotel directly. Would likely be better off if they employed me, but in Texas it's apparently cheaper to contract to avoid liability and all that.

Almost finished with my degree and when I do I'm moving with my gf to Austin and start doing something else. No fucking idea what, but I can't take much more of 10 hour days fixing shit for cunts I would like to see face the guillotine.

and you guys wonder why you're so depressed and lonely



I got a job.
Am "doing" it right now.

But I want a day off…

And if I was fired.. I'm not sure I'd be sad.

This tbh.

When I was back in high school everybody told me it wasn't a representation of the rest of my life; it's pretty upsetting how that wasn't the case.

I know that feel user.
The worst part is that no one seems to understand where you're coming from. I have no problem doing work but I'm still perceived as being lazy.

Basically given up at this point. NEET for life I guess. ;_;

My gf was out of work for two years before she finally said fuck it and went to Med School overseas

My friend graduated in Mol Bio and CS a year and a half ago and is still jobless, now looking for jobs in marketing because there's nothing for a girl in those fields

My other friend took time off from college and got a shit job so he could afford a shit car, he got lucky because he knew a guy.

I've been looking for a job for 10 months, I have hope, I have a potential connection for a campaign job in Nevada (I know, grotesquely selling out, but I am in desperate need of money). And my brother may be able to get me a job working with some union people in New England

(Not the Same Yugoslavia poster as OP by the way)




I am intimately acquainted with that feel

good thing it's "anonymous" :^)


stupid hippies

Yeah, that's fascism all right

whatever makes you feel better about yourself bub

Not being a house nigger feels pretty great thanks

Such a generic and dull post.

Don't you know those weer the best years of your life?

Didn't you enjoy the careless lifestyle, the partying , the going out with friends and above all the absolute wonders of teenage love/sex?

OH wait, those were other people teens.
For you(me) there is only anxiety, abuse, unrealistic expectations , indoctrination and ostracism.

Aren't you glad you(me) got done with the bowl of dogfood? Here is the mountain of dogfood that will be the rest of your(my) miserable life, better start reminiscing the past with rose tinted goggles, otherwise you(I) might not have the motivation to clean your bowl.

It's actually pretty funny, because i know for a fact that most of the people who told me these bullshit are lying through their teeth about their own experiences.
I guess everyone wants to retcon their young years to the model of an american teenage comedy.

I work at an airport, so aside the shitty hours it's cool.

Everyone wants to live in a fantasyland because their lives are fucking miserable and a lifetime of ceaseless misery is too much for many to contemplate.

So they think back to the time when their lives were the least awful which for some happens to be high school, before they were enslaved to a job they hate to support their awful spouse and wretched children as they watch themselves slowly deteriorate both physically and spiritually until they're released either by the pink slip or retirement or if they're lucky the sweet embrace of death.

But no really capitalism is the best system there is because it lifts so many out of misery.

Confirmed for not knowing shit about fascism.
At least, if you said lolbert you would have been coherent.

You can make an art of killing

It's not going great. The worst is my family asks me every day if I have a job yet knowing full well I'd tell them if I did. Never be around people who make you feel like shit for existing. Their underlying perception of society, and most people too under capitalism, is that your existence is only justified by employment. This is the great cause of the mass depression from which we suffer. Even those who are employed think to themselves,"I have a job, shouldn't I be happy? What right do I have to be depressed?"

I've just realized that perhaps the truth of the matter is that they resent that I can be happy without being employed

you're still a stupid unemployed hippie tho

They have a lumpen attitude.
The real lumpens aren't the people who have been cast away by our corrupt economic system. It's the people who eat shit with a smile on their faces and start rambling on about muh bootstraps if you dear to question the economic hierarchy as it exists.

Gainfully employed.

that's not what lumpen means, but I get what you're saying.

need to get a job by August, I have a CIS degree, but unfortunatily I've gotta take a class that cuts about an hour into the morning for most place's office hours (9am). So basically nobody wants to hire me until I finish that class which will be two weeks before I have to start paying rent myself (parents helping currently). My dad wants me to go a certain way with my career which would let me work for a certain large company in SanFran, but I'm not totally sure if it's the best path for me. I got an offer recently for a company that builds software to interface with mainframes so that data can be migrated to more current archetectures. It sounds like a headache, but I think it will be more useful for me longterm because it involves Java and C++ on top of web stuff, rather than just web stuff. Not even totally sure if coding is what I wanna do because the pay is only worth the effort a while down the road, but I want to get better at coding regardless so I think this will be the best way to force myself to learn. I'm really just getting a job to fund my hobbies and financial independence.

Im a drop out who cant make something good of myself because when i try it ends up with me getting lower in life. i tried Gas station clerk and dishwasher but i always end up burned up to tears. My whole life is aliennation…

I understand it generally refers to the criminals and the people with no revolutionary potential. However, I feel as though the term is evolving along with capitalism. A lot of the things that Marx predicted would happen have not come true. We have reached the peak of industrialization and decadence, yet capitalism has still not collapsed and there has been no workers revolution.

Cynicism fuels the leftist. Do not be angry with us. We don't mean to sound ungrateful to the kind words you say.

The second I opened this thread I heard Zizek say that "cynicists are those who are most prone to fall into illusions".
It's off topic but I thought it was kind of spooky and not in the Stirner kind of way.

It's ok user.
We all feel the same.
Being a dropout or not doesn't make much difference in the end.
In the end noones does what he wants to do.

at least you've got a career of some sort lining up. when you get a good financial situation, you should code socialist software as a hobby.

Implying the bourgies will leave you enough energy to have a hobby.


if he's a coder, he can get a job that has humane hours. he just has to turn down the big money gigs and go for something more low-key. it might take a while before he has a position to do that though.

Now, it's time to wait for two weeks without a reply or anything from this piece of shit agency. Finally, I'm tired of waiting.
That was yesterday. Today I get an email from the agency telling me to do these English, Maths and IT assessments online through some website.
Now, I manage to struggle through the bullshit test, and clicked the finish button. That's when I find I got like fucking 50% correct on the "No wrong answers" test. Go review my wrong answers, it was one of those piece of shit proofreading things, which was perfectly grammatically correct, but had a shit tonne of apparent "errors". My grammar and spelling is pretty good, really. However the agency and subsequently my potential employers are now going to think that I'm weak in that area.

I wonder what other hoops they'll make me jump through in order to have the gracious opportunity to become a wage-slave for the rest of my life.

All this shit is not worth the effort.
I hope I can find something more than this shell of an existence in the future, otherwise I might as well just an hero or something

There's really nothing special about having a job, I don't have a problem with NEETs.

Given you need to make like 80k a year to not live in subsidized housing where I live, the majority of the jobs where I am are basically a scam due to what they pay.

Regardless, I work just to keep myself preoccupied and to save up money to spend on future health bills.

Was in the Army

Going to collage soon

Best choice I ever made

I'm down to about $80 in my bank account. Unemployed student. I think the tax man wants money from me as well because my ex-employer fraudulently listed me as an independent contractor, making me liable for extra healthcare fees.

Add to that the fact that I'm probably failing at least one paper this semester and I'm doing pretty wretchedly.

This is the plan for me I think. I do want to code Open Source, or at least release some of my own shit when I have time. I've got other hobbies too though. I hate that I can't dedicate time to all my interests, but I like that I have a lot of interests too because I don't wanna turn into a workaholic. I've seen what happens to people who work too hard, it fucks with your brain.

No, a lumpen is a person who exists outside of the capitalist system. They are dangerous to revolutionaries because they do not have obligation to the proletariat or the capitalist, they can sort of choose either side and benefit. People who sell things on the black market are lumpen.

The term I think you're looking for is liberals.

this shit should be illegal

That's what you get when shit's run through private agencies.



no ones hires loser stoners what a surprise

Yes, yes. Good worker. You tell 'em.

Honestly, help me Holla Forums I'm so conflicted. On the one hand I know what's right, on the other hand, I can't lie it changed my life and it's really really fucking great. Everything I ever wanted growing up suddenly is a reality.

I don't know what to think anymore.

do you ever get tired of being a meme cuck

Do you own private property with which you exploit the labor of others for surplus value? No? Than you're still a part of the working class m8.

Having money doesn't make you porky. Personally, I'm happy for you.

I really hope so, they told me I was starting on the 1st of july, just gonna turn up if they don't give me a call..

Feels great. Got any more porky? I can do this every year for the rest of my life. Thank you for the opportunity to earn peanuts because you won't give me regular hours, and making me compete with literally hundreds of other workers for permanent contracts. I can't get enough of scarcity and precariousness. My life would be so dull without that undertone of fear and loathing. Please, please, don't end it. I couldn't take it, a world without our little dances. Not a wink or a nod as you pass me over again. Let me bask in the frustration and choke back tears. I'll do it all again, for you.

I'm a talented artist and I'd like to help the world but fucking hell I just want to kill myself already. I feel like shit every day and I have nothing to look forward to but more depression and money problems.

If I could hire a hitman on the internet to kill me when I wasn't expecting it, I would do it because I am too afraid of death to do it myself.

Pipefitters Local 1917 would like to have a few words with you, user.


quit drinking so much, it's revisionist

You have made a lot of money because you had the ability to, why on earth would this make you feel guilty? why on earth should you apologize for having the ability to improve your life?

Here you are sitting on a big pile of cash and you are whimpering like a little girl about "what's right"?. Who do you torture yourself for? There is no point in seeking moral or ethical guidance beyond what your own will dictates, this is what every grand conqueror of men knew as they rode and trampled over history on their way to victory.

Let me tell you right now, the only thing in this world that is right, is might. Not in the sense of "might makes right" like a totalitarian, but on a pragmatist-utilitarian sense. Ultimately, what really matters, is that which we are able to do. All the thoughts of men, without their accomplishments, are ultimately the musings of apes and nothing more.

Think about it, think about how amazing it is that you've achieved what you've achieved… and think about how this makes you feel, "not wanting to overthrow the capitalist system" no more. Of course! why would you? you are riding in its waves and you are doing just fine… any of your faggot lefty friends, should they be in the same position as you, would they all reject this newfound power and do what "is right"?

You have emancipated yourself in ways others here could not even dream of! You have a chance at being completely free from the chains of scarcity… and you did this while emancipating youself from the ideological trappings of Capitalism. What chains you even now, if your own pure ideology? The need to do the right thing as you project it unto others? if you had true belief you would not hessitate to forsake your richess and your chance at overwhelming victory in the name of your ideas, so you come here searching for sympathy, or rather - for someone to project your desires as if they were their own, onto you. You want someone to tell you it's Okay being porky if you're secretly not porky? I say, who are they to have you pidgeonholed? why would you that to yourself in the first place?

Do what you know you must, Take that final step and become a true Master, one that the world needs.

And alternatively, if you don't like any of this… Man, you live under capitalism, and it has given you the keys to the upper floors, are you a dumb enough dude to miss that chance?

Nigger do you even fascism?
the whole point is that you are owed certain things for your fidelity to duty and you're membership in the nation

Lmao nietzsche please geh raus



to be fair, owning shares, having money in the bank which is then used by the banks to do the same does KINDA make him part of the problem

Its easy to get but the job is shit. Im waiting for my entry exam scores so i can go studying economics.

I just did an interview for a job to work at home. I hope to god I get it.

That's why I keep my money in a credit union famalam.

I wish I didn't have to wage slave
working part time for McD's is awful

Went on an interview today for IT-technician role, the interview was held at the recruitment agency. I have just finished my degree and I have 1 year experience in first-line support, so this seemed like a nice next step.

I come to the interview, but after my sales pitch, which they seemed to love, I get told that the IT-technician role was probably "too heavy for me" but they have this first-line support role for me instead at another company! But dont worry! This recruitment agency has [big IT company] as a client, so if I play my cards right I could end up on [big IT company] helpdesk in the future!

It gets so fucking frustrating, I´m applying for all kinds of positions (developer, DBA, technicians etc..) but all I´m offered is first-line support roles,You would think I at least could get 2nd-line support roles considering I have already worked 1 year in first-line, but NOPE!

Why did I get this stupid fucking IT degree if it can only get me jobs that a fucking high school student could do?!

/personal blog