Tfw no qt commie gf


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Feels bad, maaaan :(

I have to say, coming from an Italian heritage, I look very much like a Kurd. I have black hair except for my blonde body hair and light tan skin. I think I'll go marry one.

post face

No. Gotta go marry a revolutionary.

post face
may be i am the revolutionary that you are looking for

Oh shit.

Post tits.

face first comrade




if you're the poster that was backing Brexit, then no thanks.

Don't pretend to be me you fool.

I'm trying something out in life. If I fail, I'll personally go to Kurdistan and kill some Islamists and some Turks too as a bonus. See ya there!


>tfw commie gffiancee





I'm not him, but this is me.

Pls show us ur qt face



Naw user, our lives have been shit and we deserve the happiness we got.

Doesn't mean you can gloat about it in a thread geared towards commie robots venting about >tfw no gf

cute!! be my bf

I can and will faggot. Being a robot is giving into desperation, get fit and you can get a gf too.

Let's have a /fit/ thread.

I'm not a classic 4shit robot. I'm perfectly healthy but I have issues talking to women.

I dont want an anarchist girlfriend tbh

I used to too. Stop being a pussy and talk to them. It's not that hard, fuck be yourself and some will even think it's cute you're awkward or whatever.


Betty handsome my dude

Getting fit for Rojava thread when?

Not bad lad, pretty handsome.

But I'm handsomer. ;^)

I'm a gay guy, not a girl.

You know what to do comrade…

Thats pretty cure user. I wish I had a gf, but then again I would rather be alone than have a shitty "gf".


tfw when surrounded by hyper capitalist christcucks who have never even heard of hegel before, and all think marx was a satan worshipper.

tfw your local social circle thinks you're weird for being too educated and so you have to prattle on about things you don't care about.

tfw local girls creep you out with their ideology and spooks.

tfw forever alone unless you move.

You guys think I could get a kurd qt?

hint: I'm not the tiny chinese janitor

With more muscles and most importantly a better haircut you probably could. Don't do quite what does, but I've found that having some hair works better than close cropped.

I got /fit/ and I liked it so much I became a personal trainer.

Still no gf.

We better /fit4rojava/ then.

Who's in?

Also post them faces


Meh, I understand your reservations.
There's not really that much risk to it, though.

Been working on getting /fit/ for a good 8 months now. It does help with depression, self-esteem, and so on.

Do you have trouble talking to grills or did you go for body builder? I could try and help you with the former.

I'm in. We should have bits for losing fat for the whales and building muscle for the rest. In a year Holla Forums will be the chad board.

I live in a densely populated country with the highest percentage of internet culture involvement in the world.

I wont take chances.

Yeah, and we need to have a can do attitude. No shitting on people. Just "yeah bro, Will to Power" can-do shit.

Not my comrades

does this seem like a good running programme?


If you can handle that, you can do it. As far as running programs go, there's also "Couch to 5K", which would be bit less intense for a beginner. Up to you.

For anons interested in getting into lifting, I'd recommend "Starting Strength" for beginners.


Not trouble.

I mean if I'm gonna be honest with you I look super jewish and I'm a mix of jews from all over Europe and even the middle east - so not exactly the most cohesive appearance( I have ears that stick out and used to get called dumbo when I was a kid). I also live in a bougeois neighborhood and my family and I live paycheck to paycheck. So I think my visible lack of expensive clothings and using a phone that's 4 years old is a turn off to people who can spend 50 grand on a horse like it's nothing or bet 250 grand on a boxing match.

Then again my other jewish friend get's a lot of girls and he's a small guy and skinnyfat to top it off. Must be the green eyes.

Not to mention the vapidness that comes with being bougeois so I find most girls to be uninteresting and I have yet to meet one interested in politics beyond idpol.

I've made out before but that's it :(
I'm like 175 at 5'10 so not exactly bb mode

If you have any questions ask ur friendly neighborhood leftist trainer :)))

Join the Self-Revolution, conquer yourself and then conquer the world

Together, we'll get there.

Dude I'm not depressed or anything. I wanna read more and I'm focused on self improvement and defeating the rise of the right wing. I was just pointing out getting /fit/ doesn't guarantee a gf and you're gonna be disappointed if people start to think that's the secret.

No, kek, I know. Bodily force will allow me to enact my Will upon the world to a greater degree. that is always a plus!

I know that it sucks, but I hope I can create some class conscious in him. Plus he's not ensured about that, considering that he agrees with some Marx's statements.

I'm not a SJW, but it's simply unnecessary.

Shit man, that's a downer. Quite honestly if the only grills around were bourgie I'd want you to stay single because the year I spent with a bourggrill pretty much derailed my life. If you just want to fuck them, a haircut that plays down your ears and some fairly plain clothes that fit well and are cool(as in blues, greens, and purples) or black can work pretty good. Bourgie girls are almost uniformly dtf dudes with decent bodies, so you'll be able to get laid without much trouble. Granted it's purely physical pleasure and won't give you any emotional satisfaction, but if you need to blow a load it works.

Is there are uni where proles may be around you? It's pretty cliche but there's generally gonna be grills working jobs at whatever is around those. Even if they aren't class conscious, I find prole grills easy to relate to and fairly approachable. If not then you're fucked unless you move.

If you're a fudge-packer, then you're a fucking degenerate, you queer. I hope trump deports you fags

The fascist intellect in work

No I live in Vancouver m8. 2nd richest city in the world, I'm gonna move back to the U.S. (of which I am a citizen) at some point but first I need to finish uni.

I dress fine. I just wear H&M type clothes that are cheap. People notice what brands you have, not so much what the clothes actually look like.

I'm not autismo but I'm not uber extroverted.
I'm just gonna wait and see what happens.

I bet that tiny Chinese janitor could.

Shouldn't you be masturbating to your 1TB of cuck porn?

Well fuck man, that sounds like a shit situation. My condolences.

Idek if I even want a gf, leftist or otherwise. I feel like everyone who wishes they had a gf forgets all the stressful parts of actually dealing with people, going through all the shit to not only meet them but then also build up a relationship, make a move and then maintain that relationship, all for someone to talk to who you can also fuck. Is that really worth it? Just find friends online to talk to and fap or hook up with no strings. It would be much easier.

I hate these threads. Just masturbate you shitheads. Why don't you post the unattractive Kurds, huh? You don't want just a commie gf, you want qt commie gf, despite you being not-so-qt. Shallow assholes.

What about equal dickings for all the proletarian women, eh?

Kill yourselves, all of you

t. butthurt tumblrtard

shouldn't you be prepping your mother's senegalese bull?

It's about finding someone that can understand what you want to say, before saying it.

The shallowness goes both ways. We are not free from A L I E N A T I O N.

Are you Groucho flag guy? You repeat this in literally every post you make

But I agree that it goes both ways. Seeing that you all are aware of it though, you could at least try to subvert it

But it is alienation!
We stopped seeing people as people and we now see them as products and images.

Wanna start calling it "The spectacle"? Can do. But the cause is simply capitalism.

Are you a girl ?

That which pleases me, this is good.

On an imageboard, I'm whoever I want to be

are you batman


I tried to get /fit/ this past year at college, went about 5 times a week to the gym and did about 5 miles on the bikes, lost maybe two or three pounds, but didn't do much. I think my bigger problem is controlling my diet. I weigh about 255, but I've got a naturally stocky figure so it doesn't look as bad as it should.

What's you're advice?

I'm good at building relationships, just not romantic ones, never got the chance tho.

The general rule of weight loss is that it's 80% diet, and 20% exercise. I was able to lose 72 lbs in 8 months through a combination of calorie counting and walking for exercise. I'd recommend reading the sticky on /fit/, it's pretty thorough advice.

that's actually a really helpful piece of info, I was kinda treating exercise as more important while letting my diet go. hopefully I can do better this year.

Fix yer hairstyle and your gold my man

Count all your calories or you won't know what you're eating.


Holla Forums's really trying his hardest isn't he?

Are you actually implying Holla Forums is a single person?


serbo-croat sound cute, even when it's vulgar :3

The anthropomorphization of ideas is a very good ways to make said ideas identifiable.

