What is wrong with these five image files?

They all look the same, right down to the size, but all show different SHA256 signatures.

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Here,s the other two.

the problem is whatever was used to check the sha256 of the files, when i checked the sha256 of them i get the same thing and the hex editor i used said there were no differences

dude it's the same size

But what's with the SHA256 differences??

you are doing it wrong

The file names of the uploaded files are the SHA256 signatures!

are you fucking retarded?

I am not, use the sha256sum command!

The second image doesn't hold true to that, it tells me the SHA256 is 81FF96F8C... not 124d65... like the image file...


Did you try doing a diff on them?
My theory is that some pixels simply have slightly different values, which does not change the file size and isn't perceptible to the eye but does obviously change the hashes because the content is different.

I just checked them in gimp, they're all the same except the second one which has odd transparency artifacts in frame 12, 8, and 2.

I also checked the pixel colors and the website I'm using says all the pixel colors are the same in the various frames, which is odd since gimp shows transparency in those three frames on the second image.

Maybe it's because GIMP's shit when it comes to GIFs?

Why are all the others the same then? It's only the second one that has these discrepancies. I'm running some image steganography tests on the frames with those discrepancies now...

That wouldn't make the file sizes the same. I mean, I haven't checked myself if the sizes are actually the same, I'm just repeating what OP claims.

The only file I'm testing is the second one which has three frames with transparency that are different from all the other frames from the other 4 images. He could have inserted something into the second image and modified the other images to match file size.

You are either stupid or have a shit monitor. The colors look quite different here.
Go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, we don't want you here.

The real question is why do you have 5 gifs of moomin titled Mōggio 1-5?

What's your findings?
I found them on an SD card.

The song Mōggio was written by Frank Zappa, Diva Zappa and was first released by Frank Zappa in 1983.

who knows..

The colours are not "quite different", that's you being stupid (or having a shit monitor).

Interesting tidbit.

dummy file

Not the same user, but they are.

I used KColor to pick the color of the top right corner, and the results are, from left to right:

So, again, they're not the same.

gif distract

I bet OP just made five copies of the same image and posted them.

Look, this bread slice and that bread slice look the same, so they must be the same!
Look, I weight them and the scale reads the same, they are the same!
I am sure if I bite the one, the other will also get the bite mark!

tits legits

They didn't contain anything odd, but inverting the transparency of those three frame I mentioned did provide some whacky images...

I'm not exactly sure how to investigate this further. Probably better off in the hands of /baph/

That's some fucked up Moomintroll right there.

I think this was the intended "Mōggio 1.gif" file.

Why does the size of this particular variant of the file match the sizes of the others uploaded here when the original variant posted by OP doesn't? Its SHA256 hash is also different from both the original variant and the others.

Are you retarded?

Also, since you're retarded enough to think that avalanche hashes should be the same just because all files look the same, what you're really looking for in this context is "perceptual hashing"
This category of hashing is the method youtube uses to block upload of copyrighted videos or music, for example.

The hashes are different because the file is different. The size does not matter, the imagery does not matter. It's an avalanche effect, even a single differing bit will produce a different hash.

Quit being retarded, retard.

you could have prevented this

There are several differing bits between all the files.

jesus christ they are different

case closed

let this cancer thread die already

But why are they different? What's wrong with them?

It could be anything. If a single pixel in a single frame has an ever-so-slightly different shade of blue that's enough to get a completely different hash. Hashing functions are designed that way to make it hard to take a hash and artificially create a file that will match that hash.
This belongs in the tech support sticky, though, so if you have more questions about this please post them there instead. I'm going to delete this thread soon.

There are almost an entire megabyte of differences between all these seemingly identical images though! That's what's got me on edge!