Infiltrated Reform Jewish Synagogue -- What I Learned

I wanted to learn about kikes and got an appointment with a rabbi at a Reform Jewish synagogue to talk about (((converting.)))

The rabbi grilled me for an hour on what I do, my family and why I was interested. I said some of my family was in the LOLocaust, and I thought Judaism made more sense to me.

He tried to say shit like, "most people who convert are women getting married to Jewish men, it's unusual for a man to convert to Judaism since "muh matrilineal bullshit."

He saw I was (((game))) and told me to attend conversion classes to learn about Judaism.

Basically, they do something like 11-14 classes. It was full of chink bitches marrying kikes and the rest were white bitches marrying kikes.

The men were a dude who thought he was a kike and some old dude who was converting because his wife finally got him to.

(((They))) teach you basic shit about the holidays, rabbinical essays on shit like why (((G-d))) exists. They also teach you basics regarding Hebrew.

About six weeks in, the (((Chosen People))) question was addressed and what the rabbi said made us goys – even the chink bitches kind of say "Whaaat? That's…. rayci…s…t…" (Well, we all thought that.)

Basically, the rabbi and his assistant told us that because Jews are the "Chosen People" they must guide the goyim because (((God))) ordained them to.

A chink bitch was kind of obstinate, asking why there is the term "goy" and why did kikes view themselves as "better" than goys?

Rabbi said that they're not "better" but that kikes were (((chosen))) to guide the goy in what was the best interest of (((G-d.)))

Holla Forums won't be surprised by this, but the chink said that didn't make sense because "muh equality" but the rabbi said (((God))) "chose" the Jews and they were (((shepherds))) for (((God.)))

They talked about shabbos goys, which the goys in the group were like "WTF, Jews used to hire non-Jews to do things kikes couldn't religiously do on le (((Sabbath.)))

When we walked out of the hall, the butthurt chink was bent out of shape.

I went to her and asked if she was OK.

She said the whole "goy" vs. "Chosen People" thing went against muh (((equality.)))

I said it seemed kind of like a religion based on ethnic and religious superiority over others.

She nodded.

I said: "Well, at least we'll be one of (((them)))."

The rabbi was so smug and really believed the bullshit when he said the Jews were chosen to guide the goyim.

The kikes helping him teach really believed that shit too.

The rabbi essentially admitted that Judaism is a completely racist "religion."

I stopped going about two classes after that. The racism they had towards goys was so obvious in that one class.

These fucking Jews really believe they are better than goys and really look down on all non-Jews. I couldn't believe how open they were.

Fuck them. I still remember the kike smug smile on the rabbi's face.

I didn't do anything stupid, don't want to get knocked for a bullshit "hate crime" or something.

Kikes basically live a self-fulfilling prophecy:

1) We're chosen by God, goys are beneath us (they never assimilate)

2) We're always persecuted (why they are nepotistic)

3) Jews, even if they don't practice, are part of one (((people))) (perpetuate their bullshit myth to other generations)


Went to Jewish conversion classes and learned kikes look at all non-Jews like Holla Forums looks down on niggers and shitskins

Kikes view all non-kikes as shitskins.

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, we know that.
Unless you provide pics or vids, we have no reason to believe you are not just talking out of your ass.

You don't say…

And all you had to do was watch a video on youtube.

But, uh, jews don't help each other, that's neo nazi pseudo science from Kevin Macdonald

Never mind those critics are jewish.

OP, you don't have to hit enter so often. We can handle full paragraphs.

Very interesting perspective OP, nice thread.

Not true.
We have reasons to dislike niggers and sandniggers and kikes - logical, factually based reasons.
Also, we don't all necessarily "hate" niggers and shitskins. Do you hate the spider for sadistically entrapping innocent flies? No, as it is in his nature.

Kikes just outright hate us and consider us animals because .

Sounds like vid related.

It is good that you decided to uncover truths for yourself, but these claims are not revelatory here. We know the kikes by their own words and deeds, not just their disgusting appearances.

Fuck you, OP.

Just remember, OP is talking about Reformed Kikes. They are the liberal branch of Judaism.

I imagine it's much worse with Conservatives and Orthodox Kikes.

you waisted your time.

today being jew is a blood thing and about controlling the money.
you dont have to be religions to be a jew as jews are a race.
judaism was a useful tool to take over the west hundrtes of years back now its outdated unless jews lose control over money again

imagine, even Ivanka Trump had to go through those classes

You have to go back.

I am european tho. and she really is a kike.

We must "guide" goyim because D-G told us so

Goyim are cattle made to serve us

All goyim must die

Her name is Yael, goy. Get it right.…why did you take this class again?


top kek, capped

Jews arrogantly take the position of priest, teacher and judge amidst the Goy. They believe they are "priests to mankind" obligated to guide us filthy goyim in morality.

The problem is a priest, teacher or judge should be unbiased whereas Jews are never unbiased. Their motivation is always tainted with what is good for the tribe.

The tribal nature of their religion disqualifies them from being "priests to mankind". They use the position simply to press for tribal interests.

Also, they are hypocrites to the last Jew. They have no concept of universal standards. One morality for the goy and one for themselves. They do not have to practice what they preach.
A priest should be free of hypocrisy.

This arrogance and forcing themselves into positions of authority, instruction, moral guidance etc. amidst the Goy although they are totally incompetent, is why I hate them the most.

Above all things, this is why I hate them. Arrogant hypocritical self righteous self serving sociopathic turds.

Should have filmed it.

But you didn't.

So it didn't happen.


I have the impression that their tribalism is subservient to their psychopathy/sociopathy, and not the other way around.

Good job OP, the second the kike said they were the "chosen" meant to "lead goyim" i would have asked for his talmud and started pointing out all the parts where god told them to fuck off and die because they forfeit their right to his heaven by being kikes.

holy shit the fact that even the low level jews think they are "the chosen people" is fucking disturbing, I guess they skip past all the god's wrath shit when in synagogue

Last two are the same: they both want slaves. Actually all three want slaves. May as well just come out and say it:

All goyim are our slaves.

It's wrong though. Orthodox jews believe each one of them will get a thousand goyim slaves or some shit. They don't want to kill all non-jews.

This belief in being "chosen" is one of the reason Jews are so adamant in destroying our art, literature, philosophy and science.

A few images of several of our classical painters, compared to the shit art Jews make is enough to prove there is nothing chosen or godly about Jews.

The Jew is incapable of making genuinely beautiful works of art, or writing genuine philosophy, if they make something it is either ugly, destructive, meaningless, temporary or derivative.

Really, the Jew leave us no choice, they belief they are godly and that we are animals, that is sinful, there is no people so beautiful as the European, thus they sin against God.

This is slightly incorrect.

in the first case, correct, most jews see themselves as christ.

for conservative jews and orthodox, it is the same thing, just as with sunni islam, these people may hate us more than anything else, but they WILL keep us around because according to their rules they essentially couldnt live without goys. Anything from killing your food to turning on your lights, until robotics has reached a point that they can function as house slaves, we are still necessary for them.

When a goy outperforms them, they will want him converted.
If he doesn't convert, this slighest hint they may not be the chosen ones is a total holocaust.

The jew sells what he does not buy himself.

Death to Israel

OP here I needed to experience it for myself. Holla Forums talks a lot about the kikes, but to hear a rabbi talk down to you because you're not (((chosen))) is really fucked up.

I needed to see for myself. Holla Forums is always right.

To the faggots giving me shit for not recording it fuck you, I didn't know there was going to be a goyim conversation that day. In retrospect, you're right, I should have.

I guess I didn't have the balls. In any case, the shit Holla Forums talks about is real. Jews push (((equality))) but view themselves as "better" than goys, hence the (((narrative))) is bullshit.

Go take Jewish conversion classes and record them yourselves. Don't do dumb shit, but Holla Forums is right, the threat is real. Kikes think they're better than everyone because muh G-d, Elohim, or whatever the fuck they call their kike god

Later, goys. Take care of yourselves.

Naw, son. If you want to infiltrate, then go join an Orthodox or Chassidic temple.


Kek, most forms of Judaism don't accept converts as real Jews. Their kids will be gentiles.

yea good fucking luck, even just passing them in the streets they treat whites like niggers

that's Reform for you

Reforms let almost anything slide. Orthodox are much more severe about matrilineal bloodline.

IMO that probably was due to the Roman occupation during the writing of the Talmud. Roman rapes your wife, dunno if kid is yours? Rabbi says raise him Jew. That way when revolt happens you have one more soldier. Meanwhile if man sticks his Hebrew National in a Shiksa he runs like hell, and owes the kid no inheritance cause he is a bastard like Ishmael.

I dont believe your story

I've oddly yet to see them try that the issue is western art is wrong, that its like saying a meth addict single black baby momma is the proper woman to be, instead they lavish and love nonjew works.
Its rather intriguing compared to all the other parts they do, and something worth looking into.

What a bunch of retards :^)

You should have kept going. I actually have been thinking about embedding myself into my local Jewish community and scamming them for business loans. I look kind of Jewish and when I run into crypto-Jews I say stuff that implies I'm Jewish, and have never been called out on it.

this is why they hate and fear the name of the Christ: he came to replace all priests and judges. Jews confirmed as delusional antichrists; therefore must be wiped from planet.

the clarity is becoming a burden.


I don't know if you are in CA, but if you are, check this shit out:

They basically give zero interest loans to fellow Jews and only other Jews and try to market themselves as a "charity" because of it. Since it technically can qualify as a nonprofit, it likely doubles as a likely slush fund, tax shelter, or part of a bigger shell game. Devious fuckers.

Jesus fucking autism rings

Which is hilarious, considering that by their own rules, most Jews aren't actually Jews. All Ashkenazi Jews have 2-3% middle eastern DNA at most, and all have European mitochondrial DNA- meaning that the few actual Jews that came over to Europe mated with white gentile women. The resulting children are not the children of Jewish women, and cannot be considered Jews.

Maybe that's why they're so neurotic and anti-white.

the way you use echoes gave me cancer

rewrite experience for publish/viral and wider audience, outside Holla Forums

I already knew all of this OP.
Do you have a proposal of how to solve this problem?


I went to Jewish services for 2 years every Shabbos and holiday. Adherents ranged from Reform to Orthodox and I learned a lot.

This was 2007 or so and I was already redpilled and reading Commentary Magazine to understand how they thought. I remember also posting a lot of stuff on /news/ and the textboards on half back then but everyone thought I was nuts.

Anyways everything OP said is basically true but the best infiltration is to have a Germanic last name and to observe carefully.

A few words on those years:

Sukkot is pretty cool TBQH. The supremacy thing is all throughout the faith. They were even then convinced another Shoah was seriously going to occur.

I went to meet Norman Finkelstein a few years after those events and saw them grimacing at the man, but not saying a word.

Towards the end I just opened up about how I wasn't Jewish and was a Shabbos goy. I got $10 checks for simple tasks. Again, redpilled me in late 00s. Did it to understand the mentality and left more than satisfied with what I learned.

Here's your Orthodox Kike right here.

What if I've been gorging on bacon, you fucking cunts?

Sarah Silverman has been invoked, and I must once again punish everyone for this user's mistake.


Everyone eat porkchops, sausage, bacon, and ham every meal.



Wait, are you that guy who worked for jews for a few years in new york or some other jewish shithole? You said that the wringing hands is a real thing. I think I remember reading that they thought you were one of them for a while.

Reminder that Jews pretty much ripped off all of their most compelling myths and beliefs from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greek Hellenistic culture, Persian Zoroastrianism, and so on – and then subverted it all for the purpose of Jewish ethnic propaganda. For example, they took the metaphysical dualist Zoroastrian concept of "good vs. evil" and subverted it to be more specifically Jews (the "good" holy race) VS. all the Gentiles (the "unclean" and "evil" nations).

A deadly sin

But, he is correct, the jews were chosen to lead the goy
They were chosen to lead us astray by their god,

And lead us astray they have
They have all but destroyed the moral fabric of european people

This rabbi's smugness is common amongst muslims also I have noticed
They feel like they have the answer to everything, because they were given it by a higher authority (rabbis/ imams)
This smugness or pride is an indication that they follow false teachings

I have yet to meet ANYONE who has arrived at REAL TRUTH who was smug about it

I'm a smug asshole iconoclaster.
But then I am frequently mistaken for a fedora tipper so I also am ragey and sad very quickly.

Remember: A radical Jew wants to enslave you.
A moderate Jew wants a radical Jew wants to enslave you.

This definitively answers the question, 'Are Jews white people?'
As if we didn't already know, but when a Jew says that he's a white guy, he's really just playing you for a fool.

this. I've never had any real experiences with Orthodox/Hasidim, but growing up around kikes I can tell you for a fact that Conservative Jews are the absolute worse. Completely insufferable. Unlike the reform Jews who somewhat try to blend in, the conservatives wear their superiority complex on their sleeves. When i was 15 I was called a "filthy goyim ape" by the father of a conservative Jewish friend, of course I had no idea what that meant at the time.

Another encounter I had with conservative Jews, this ones more funny than anything else.

Some Orthodox kikes in Israel will try to attack you if you enter their neighbourhoods and you aren't jewish.
Their skinny NEET arms won't do much damage obviously but still.

I think this level of self-absorption is the reason JIDF is so easy to spot.

Just sign up for your local reJewvenation class at your local synagogue or Jewish community center. It will make you cringe really fucking hard. You will learn first hand that Holla Forums was right again.

What you report is good. I know several people who have believed it is their duty to atone for the lollercaust by converting to judaism or converted to marry a jewish woman.