Clinton Foundation a rogue charity, neither organized nor operating lawfully

An in-depth expert analysis into the inner workings of the Clinton Foundation revealed unimpeachable facts proving massive international charity fraud.

The Clinton Foundation and each part of the Clinton Charity Network fails either the organizational test, the operational test, or both of these tests. The consequences for failing to meet either the organizational test or the operational test are severe. In normal circumstances, a charity would have its tax-exempt status revoked retroactively.

Other urls found in this thread:



Nice find.
I bet Charles Ortel is going to have an (((accident))) soon after publishing this work.

Revoke her tax exemption retroactively?


She'd really have to…

…cough it up.

This seems to be getting slid. pph just spiked.

Gonna bump this.

It's about damn time, quite frankly.

do it, niggas

oh fug

I want to see the leftists shit themselves if this happens.

When the Clintons finally get a subpoena AND
When the Clinton's finally go to court AND
When the witnesses actually survive AND
When the Clintons finally get convicted…

I will be happy. They just keep getting away with, well, everything.

Mostly on account of that last part, conviction.
Probably because the people who get to drop the hammer have way too much shit to hide, downside of a jury of your peers.

See this is why I prefer the inquisitorial system to the adversarial, much more efficient.

Pretty sure this is way more important than sticky about earpiece

antislide Bumpd

Goddammit Carlos

You have to go back


page 3 already, that didn't take long

We're stickied now. Thanks mod.

Delete this thread or the site gets it. How dare you slander the future Queen.

Is anyone even pushing this information yet? Why doesn't this thread have at least 50 replies?

Ye gods, why abandon us?

You miserable fucking newfag we knew this from 2 months ago from the Clinton Foundation threads.
We had 3 of them stickied for 2 weeks.

Oy vey! Is it time to replace the Kremlin-conspiracy with a Zhongnanhai-conspiracy?!







so, how many get-out-of-jail free cards has Hillary gotten so far, just for being female?

Who fucking cares if it's old news, this needs to be pushed

Was interesting until that last paragraph. Color me skeptical at this point. I'll watch the thread in case someone finds something interesting in the linked documents since I don't the time to read them for another week or so.

"Whoops, I accidentally killed myself"

I hate when that happens

I hope he doesn't have a weight bench at home.

This guy has been saying this stuff for months. He goes into a lot of detail about everything on his blog. I actually posted links to it a bunch of times on the cuckchan /cfg/ threads way back and nobody really seemed to care. Sad!

Anyway, if anyone's interested here's his blog:

Didn't Stefan Molyneux have a guest on recently talking about this?

They don't qualify as a charity because they have never updated their mission statement.
Non-profits have to be very explicit in what they do and the clinton foundation is only allowed to do research in the state of Arkansas and fund a presidential library.

Ayy lmao

Not surprised


I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.



I wanna see the leftists defend this

“What difference at this point does it make?”
“What does it have to do with the election?”
“The FBI already said she did nothing wrong!”

WEW this is the real deal.

Charles Ortel

Is hot on the trail.

Also, why aren't you tweeting this?

Hillary Clinton's "47%" moment!


Could you elaborate please?

I'm sick and tired of Hillary leaks, scandals, etc.

We keep getting excited like it actually matters. Proof? These fucks can refuse to answer every question at any level of hearing and get away with it all, because the eternal normie just does not give a shit. Do you have a counter-tactic to address this? I sure as shit don't. How many people have died trying to speak out against (((the system))) embodied by Hillary? Have their deaths changed anything?

Fuck, I'm sorry for blackpilling, but I'm disgusted with this deja vu,

The counter-tactic to lies and obfuscation is to name the liar and the obfuscator to dispense with the notion that the source has any credibility on the topic.

Eh, I kinda see it at the point where Holla Forums and the circlejerk is fine. Clearly kikes are building up HILLARY VS TRUMP as something huge. In the end when Hillary losses and Trump gets in HOPEFULLY people will realize it was all going according to plan.

Former GG here (before trading up to Holla Forums). We couldn't bring down Sarkeesian's evil non-charity. How the hell can we kill Cunton's?

Thats not entirely true. Ive noticed that those guys did a LOT of reputation damage which caused her to lose a lot more than she should have gotten. There is so much backlash on her that people who had reasonable doubts and wanted to check up on that saw all the dirt that was posted about her, the boyfriend and her previous work let alone her inability to produce on time or at all.

You can do damage and it actually does work. Hell people even came out and said that their advertising suffered immensely due to that GG campaign.

That will be her new name for "undesirables".

This. (((they))) win, no matter who loses. You just know (((they))) have a plan if Trump does win. You don't get to be masters of the economy of an entire planet without knowing how to work all the angles.

Dank, except we were the target of this exact tactic decades before we were even born.Our word means nothing to leftists as soon as they identify us as something other than leftist, at the deepest level. No matter how coherent your argument, you cannot defeat the reality of human nature which demands that some 90% of our population submit unconditionally to ther emotions and larger irrationality A shortcoming from which he Right is not immune from

More people will vote Trump, but HIllary will win the election. Please Kek, do not give me digits. This shit is rigged at both the highest and the lowest level… unless by >according to plan, you mean Trump is just controlled op, a notion that is perfectly within the bounds of reason.

What would happen, dear Holla Forumslacks, if Trump institutes naught but half-measures, delaying the demographic genocide of our People for 5-10 years at best? You do realize that if he wins, Trump will represent an enormous outlet of frustration that will take more decades than we have available to us to recoup. We will remain devoted to the preservation of our race, but the normie might not. We MUST keep pushing. NEVER relent.

But amidst all of your never-relenting on the metapolitical battlefield, always remember that at the end of the day, we may not be able to secure the existence of our People from within the system. We may indeed require civil war- and I sadly doubt that civil war will manifest. The anime-watching NEET will probably stay home and shitpost until we've passed the point of no return, to be sure- but what about the engineering student? Will he spark the revolution?

Hold me, Holla Forums. Tell me I'm fucking wrong. The alternative is suicide or meaningless life.

At this point, it'd be criminally stupid to not have deadman drops, and public declarations of being of sound health mind and body, then cast make public of your fears of violence from Hillary.

Has any chance of the FBl arreste that reptile?

She's still at it, though. She just shifted focus since she realized trying to pussify vidya wasn't worth the bare minimum effort she was putting into it.

They are lying about us lying
We are telling the truth about them lying

Big difference!

smells like shill tho

Okay, this is more or less irrelevant to what I posted, but I just want you to know you are the fucking cancer that is killing this board. Once upon a time, when confronted with ideas they isagreed with, Holla Forumslacks would provide substantial and cohesive arguments Then, our board got overwhelmed with sub-100 IQ faggots like you, who just say "uh, you're a shill".

Fucking kill yourself, retard. Maybe I posted my defeatism to elicit a rational, thought-out, and intelligent argument as to why or how we can win

t. first exodus

this is the shit that will leave them broke and behind bars.

now confirmed for shill

To be clear friend, I think our memes will be more than dreams. We can convince whites to stand up.

It takes 25-75 years to execute this kind of social change. Have you heard that number before? We have to persevere and grow slowly.

The women is literally incapable of being the next potus. I remember everyone ranting about the birth certificate with Obama, and guess what… the guy is ending his 2nd term, and wasn't born in the USA. They don't give a shit what you think, or what you can 'prove'. As long as the mainstream doesn't give a damn about it, it's not going to effect the agenda in play.

She's only even up for being POTUS due to her backstage dealings for the last 8-22 years.

She's worse than Merkel ( wants to bring MORE refugees here, even though we cannot support our lower class/veterens/state employed persons ), is a well documented and known liar ( She claimed multiple times that she had to run for her life because her plane landed under SNIPER FIRE in Bosnia. Actually, when she landed there was a greeting ceremony and an 8 year old girl read her a poem. ), supported 'intervention' in Syria - wars in the middle east/africa - literally doesn't car about our military but see's them as an extension of her control, takes bribes publicly and doesn't even try to lie about it anymore, apparently speaks to dead people…

If you disagree with Obama, guess what… you're a racist.

If you disagree with Hillary, guess what… you're a sexist.

They use the main SJW culture to further perpetuate this notion of 'freedom' when it's really just a blanket of control.

She had an earpiece in… nobody is going to give a shit. Libtards wouldn't care if you told her that she was a going to die in 6 months from heart failure and bring in 10 million people without jobs or cultural understanding of America, all looking for a handout when we cannot even support our own citizens in the country.


The problem is the fucking system. It's not going to change, unless we decide to make a change on how things are governed in the country. We've let the oligarchy rule. And our demise is the lack of action, or thinking that we're capable of making an effective change USING a fixed/rigged system to do so.

You cannot beat the house when you're playing to win in the end. Yeah… you may get a few bucks here or there, if you get a little too big, guess what? They throw you out or take it away by accusing you of cheating the 'system'. But it's all part of the plan… to keep letting you thinking that free. In the end, the house wins. You're free, to do what they let you to do.

Wanna pay to play? Step up and see… Roll the dice and find out if you're going to win big! Those cameras are there for your safety.

Listen, user, I really hope you're shitposting, because if you're not, you're actually too stupid to use this board or have any educated political opinions, but I'm trying to impress something really important on you here. The other day, I saw some thread with a lolbetardian poster being an lolbertardian. Can you guess what anons called him? Shill. And now, exercising your limitd rationality capacity, can you imagine what that guy probably did? I bet he fucked off of Holla Forums, leaving us to our hugbox, having confirmed his suspicions that we're all just a bunch of racist idiots with no actual arguments.

So let's pretend we live in a world where the majority of Holla Forums isn't made up of unfortunately disabled individuals such as yourself. What happens to this poster? He is confronted with coherent arguments as t why libertarianism does not possess the capacity to enforce what measures are necessary to preserve a healthy society. Similarly, a leftist is confronted with solid arguments detailing the reality of race, and so on. In this fantasy land of not-retarded posters, these two individuals have no w been confronted with undeniable reasoning and logic- now being much more likely to consider right-wing views as truth, as opposed to going home thinking "Wow, they're literally so stupid that if anyone says something they don't like, they're forced to assume it's intentional disinformation because they're so utterly incapable of defending their positions."

So I jus want you to think long and hard about what the fuck you're doing on Holla Forums. I can't fix every idiot that comes here, but maybe I can help your poor broken brain. MAKE ARGUMENTS. Don't just call someone a shill. At th very least, even if they are a shill, you're still educating lurkers, who might otherwise also conclude that you're an idiot, as I have. Good day.

didn't read

I rarely get emotional these days, but please stop posting on Holla Forums for the rest of your life. We are ideally a community of intelligent and educated individuals, attempting to devise effective political systems for human civilization, in compliance with laws of nature, via extensive discussion and intellectual Darwinism. Your presence here compromises that mission, and that mission is sort of the most important mission in existence on the human plane.

I want to believe, I truly do. I simply fear that by the time the next generation rolls around, it might be too late. In any case, my proposed solution isn't surrender, but simply doubling down on affecting this cultural shift.

The left is not as impotent as many of us think. I'm reluctant to reveal how I came into possession of this knowledge, but there is a small minority of what we recognize as 'hippies' with a level of social and cultural understanding nearly equivalent to ours. They operate under false premises, and therefore their message is founded on lies- bu do not make the mistake of assuming that we are the only force in Western culture seeking to leverage 'memes' in the broadest yet deepest sense of the word.

Like I said, my 'defeatism' shouldn't convince anyone to stay home and masturbate to Afghani poppy ink illustrations. I merely seek to provide a more realistic assessment of the threats weface in the hopes that it will inspir anons to take this shit seriously. Chans arefun an should remain so, but we're waging a war. We're waging a war. We're waging a war.

You aren't intelligent

And horrible.

The EU does this and (((they))) exploit it.
All they have to do is take you to court and shred the evidence in order to indict you. You can clearly see the problem with that.


By winning the election.

But first you have to stop Obongo.


What if I donated to the foundation and then sued them for breach of contract through fraud?

It's not a criminal charge, but a civil charge?


Well tell Hillary to stop being crooked, then.

This is fire monkey. And Kek is on our side.

Proof of these fucks being evil doesnt matter, we can simply meme the proof to be real.

you significantly overestimate the kikes ability at self examination and seeing the consequences of their actions.

How about you stop being sorry for blackpilling and stop blackpilling in the first place? Go lick the filth off of common filth and take that sorry excuse of a pill expression with you.

Do you even deal with normalfags? The normalfags are waking up. But if you pay attention to the lying press, you'll face nothing but noise. Shillary is done. But you don't wait for people like her to stand back up, you keep hitting them when they're down until they stay down. Shillary's facade is destroyed, user. That was her greatest defense and it's in ruins. All that's left is to turn the pile of green goo that she is into a meme and use it to meme her handlers into oblivion.

Plenty. Nothing is more telling than a dead person's voice. Once you try to silence a person and their words speak beyond the grave, people - even the thickest normalfag - will be shaken to the core. This is why the media does not for one second even address this. There has been zero airtime on the bodies shillary is responsible for. The easiest form of media damage control is simple to not cover the topic. But guess what? We go around the media and it's working on the normalfags. I don't care what a shillary mangina or cunt has to think. They're ready to deny everything. I'm talking about the normalfag who knows that when someone pays with their life, they were a threat to somebody else and that somebody else is shillary. Normalfags are more afraid of being left out of information than they are being part of the ingroup. You have to actually deal with normalfags to know this. Deluded fuckwads do not apply. The normalfag is the sleeping giant and they do not sleep at all when they hear dead man's tales.

user, even the they win even if they lose, has diminishing returns. Even they can't stand constant losses. They can mitigate them but it's still a net loss in the end, even if we're talking about intangible things and not just the basis of their strength which is money.

This was better explained in the thread discussing the Brexit aftermath. When Brexit happened and Soros made profit people were falling for doom & gloom shilling. Soros' brexit plan was there because of 2 reasons:

1. (((They))) had a damage control initiative and this was part of it
2. (((They))) had to punish Britain

In the end they still lose because Brexit is a domino effect in the making. Right now we're making significant gains and they're scrambling to deal with it. They have nothing in their disposal to undo the damage we've done.

If the only positive outcome was prosecution, then you'd be right, this whole effort would be worthless.

Right now though, pointing out things like this

1. Is a great PR move.

2. Helps us to understand our system better. Foundations are extremely powerful, but rarely studied in depth by analysts as sharp as Charles Ortel I've known about this guy for years, his work in analyzing General Electric was excellent. If the economy had gone south again after the Great Recession, General Electric was done for. Hardly anyone else knew that GE was that vulnerable.

Meme it


What is up with all the OPs being (1) though?

roughly 100.000 Clinton Mails next Week. Killary "done for".

Holla Forums is infested right now due to the election
lots of astroturfing

Hillary bleeches her hair to appeal more to the female voters.


There is nothing else.

What else could there be? It's not like the kikes are just going to LET you win.

=Samson Looms==

You can't even ashes and echoes right what are you doing man

Dies anyone have a screenshot of that one user's post detailing how Clinton will go down for procedural crimes? It includes obongo hating her, her growing more and more brazen as she gets away with everything, and the emails being a distraction for her as they build a criminal case based on procedural crimes.

In a certain way I'll be glad after the elections are over and we can go back to our regular shitposting
On the other hands these are glorious times that I'll cherish after they're done


Love you Wyatt

blow your fucking brains out, you mouth-breathing cuckchan piece of human garbage


That schlomo left me wondering if it was shopped together by a Holla Forumsack for a moment.

Good to see you haven't given up on us.

Firstly, is this """charity""" under US or international jurisdiction?
You would think it's international jurisdiction - but international law doesn't impede on domestic in some circumstances.

Secondly, what are these tests for? Fraud as a criminal offense? Tort law? Trust Law? Contract? Commercial law?
While I'm sure there are criminal offenses for fraud - what does the fraud breach? I think that would be trust law??

I like this from the article:

Now we know why Soros is "feeling the heat"

Here's some useful links, if you've got legal knowledge there's some links to key facts there.
Charles Ortel's digs

Downloads (warning)

Btw what was the actual intention of the Clinton Foundation meant to be?
Feeding poor?
Or other purposes beneficial to the community?

>note - "stimulating political agitation and debate " might be allowable to consider the foundation charitable

The pants have caught fire, and there's no driver at the wheel
And the sewers are all muddied by a thousand lonely suicides
And dark shit flows



its like a visible form of autism

lol gonna keep posting
Get out.
In what capacity?
Why would anyone think they are?
Do you mean jews?

Fuck the assholes user. I appreciated your well thought out posts, and agree with your take on our end goal.

Concerning your first post, described the reality of the situation.

Lugenpresse is in full effect. Meme on, and stay the course. We know what we must do, and we know the path we must take. They are going all in on demoralization right now. We must analyze our enemies moves and tactics, but display ironclad resolution in our success and victory. Only this will influence the inert mass of people between the ideologically pure and our equally fanatical opposition Jews and lackeys

We're Aryan's after all, we are the master race

That is another yuge obstacle to getting them prosecuted. Hundreds of people have given about a billion dollars total to the foundation over the years, including politicians, foreign governments, megacorps, etc. If they had to pay income tax on all of that money retroactively it would be the accounting headache of the fucking century and would cost many powerful people a lot of money. Since foreign governments and corporations have donated also a lot of it would have to be settled through international laws.

That's gonna be a huge issue. I don't think international law is able to cover that sort of depth. Furthermore, there's issues with jurisdiction there that effectively creates a "gap" in law - especially for EU countries where the EU law impedes far more on the domestic law than other multilateral treaties.

This is the point where you decide "ok is this under US law? Or should we finally crack down and make a proper global legal system?"

This has to happen.. but I already know it's going to have issues. The countries clearly have conflicts of interest with this. I don't think we'll ever get over that hurdle too.
Especially when that fucks people's ability to tax dodge or ignore human rights.

Yeah, as a nationalist that is a huge dilemma to me. TPP and other such things are obviously cancer but having only domestic legal frameworks means that there is a massive grey area where you can launder cash, pay to play, hell even kill people or diddle kids with impunity if you have the right connections internationally. While a multinational framework of laws to handle this stuff would be necessary and not necessarily exploitative or globalist as international cooperation is not intrinsically bad, it is almost certain that it would be co-opted for TPP bullshit or to advance world government. Instead of having valuable international cooperatives like Interpol which work without necessarily infringing on sovereign nations, it would be more like UN blue helmets kicking in your door for hate speech and gun confiscation. I really don't know how to solve that, you can either have strong nations at the expense of degenerate international cliques being above the law and pulling strings or you can risk enabling world government which is the same thing except those (((rootless internationalists))) would then be unstoppable. Honestly RWDs operating to take them out is the best option.

The thing about treaties is that you make deals though when deciding legal precedent. International case law is rarely used in interpretation too. So only the deals matter.

Guess who America might have for president in a couple months..
Guess what his book is called..

We missed the boat with shillary though, don't think you can apply new legal frameworks to past actions that easily.
But I bet Trump would be good for finally organizing the UN properly.

Either that or we abolish some borders to make it easier. Or maybe create large unions for specific countries and then organizing a structure between those unions.
I propose making a tight Anglo union, mainly because our legal system is already so entwined the transition will hardly be felt outside of the parliamentary system. Hell, Australia now allows US cases to interpret precedent to a degree.
Not even the EU does that to that degree.

Off topic, but does anyone else see that the color of greentext changed? It seems darker now.

Excellent post, a meme in itself.

my rule of thumb when I call someone a shill is to construct an argument for it. In other words calling one a shill become the conclusion of my argument, and not an ad hom argument in and of itself.

I really wish others would do the same, one can dream, but man I`d love if single word posts were reprimanded somehow, even if it was just a 5 min ban.



Here. Take FBI user with a grain of salt, though, he never did anything to verify.

Obviously fake, man. We KNOW this. Look, I even have a write-up done about 48 hours before Comey’s official release. It was totally plausible. It was literally just about the only sane thing that could happen. And what happened? Not it. We know why, of course, and we know more now that we know Comey’s family works for the Foundation, but here it is, just as fake as the other shit, and further proof that the world’s insane and that
save for maybe two or three individuals who are actually following the constitution.

One of the problems (which a Trump presidency will solve) is that by the time you’ve been indoctrinated to believe that Gabriel’s Mighty Trumpet blaring through the Heavens will signal The Rapture, and herald the impending doom of Israel and the consignment of the jews into eternal damnation and hellfire, it becomes easy to believe that an army of geriatric hitmen have been murdering Hillary’s enemies without leaving the slightest clue or making the slightest mistake for the last 30 years.
Which is kind of a ridiculous direction to take it, since her legions of crimes are in the public record, and only in dispute in the most pro-forma way that only a lifelong Democrat could be stupid enough not to see. Conspiracy theories about phantom murder squads move the anti-Hillary message into dismissible territory. Her RICO-teering at the Foundation and reckless disregard for the national security of the United States is more than enough to kill her campaign.
They got Capone for process crimes.
They got Nixon for process crimes.
They got Bill for process crimes.
They spared Reagan–but had him dead to rights–on process crimes.
They are not sexy or easy to put together, but the mightiest they’ve fallen have been because of arrogant disregard for the details. Hillary has been warned–over and over. Every press leak has been a warning. You can tell by the choice of source. Leaks to WaPo–warning–Guccifer paraded out on NBC–warning–a HuffPo regular writing the word indictment over and over again–warning. That’s why I am convinced she is in deep shit. If the e-mail and Foundation things were confined to Breitbart, Fox, Daily Caller, and WND, it would end up on the trash heap with Vince Foster. But the community is bending over backward to try to get her to save some shred of legacy and dignity, and she just can’t help herself.
In standard counterintelligence practice, there comes a point where the target proves they are going to be uncooperative beyond the point of no return. At that point, you help them build their arrogance to towering levels, because it makes it so much easier to cut them off at the knees. They say ever more incriminating things, make ever more arrogant statements–in the public record–and they dig a hole so deep the shovels of dirt start falling back in and burying them in a grave of their own making.
That point was when she laughed at the FBI question on NBC–the same network that took the Guccifer leak and tried to warn her. They’re going to roast her on a spit for that. Alive.
Let’s start like the intel pros do–with the profiles.
Obama’s reason for living is his insatiable arrogance and narcissism. He believes he is smarter, more insightful, and better qualified than any underling, or any prior president. Which is why he surrounded by ass kissing sycophants like Valerie Jarret. No one–not Michelle, not Uncle Joe, not even Hillary Clinton, not even the dignity of the Office of President of the United States–is more important than the chained-to-his-wrist, guard this with your life priority of his Legacy™. Über alles, Obama hates Hillary Clinton with a hard blue flame. He held her beneath contempt during the 2008 primary and bought her off, as is common among the Chicago organized crime circle, with those you wish to keep under your thumb until such time as, etc.

He hated her throughout her term as SecState, as witnessed by his damning with faint praise throughout, and his documented (thus far) attempts to marginalize her neocon warmongering influence–witness Libya, Afghanistan, Russia, Crimea, Ukraine, and Syria. And IS. He hates her now, for being such a senile ditz over her handling of documents critical to the national security, including ten of his own e-mails, let’s not forget, which were announced to be in there by the State department, because they had to explain the presidential privilege reasons for not releasing them.
In short, Obama hates Hillary Clinton. She threatens his Legacy™, and she puts him in actual legal jeopardy himself.
Hillary went through three key phases: Wife of power. First Lady of power. Wielding her own power. In Arkansas she learned that everything that can be corrupt is. In DC she learned that given the right timing, obfuscation, and enough disposable lackeys, she can get away with crimes. As Senator and SecState she fell into the delusion that she is invisible and untouchable. Again, arrogance and hubris of self-consuming proportions.
There could not be two more potent enemies than BHO and HRC. They hate each other with white hot hard little flames of rage. Obongo probably knew, though it is not necessary to endow him with insight, that Hillary would be a disaster at Foggy Bottom. It was, not by a small margin, the worst possible cabinet job for her natural disposition. Everyone in DC had known for decades that she is combative, rigid, unpersonable, prone to tantrums, emotionally retarded, and ill-informed. Everything you want in the nation’s highest diplomat.
So, I assert the first prong of the case: Obongo set her up to fail, and on purpose. She fulfilled his expectations of failure brilliantly. Her delusional belief in her own superpowers began even before day one. Set up her e-mail on the server they already have, at the Foundation, in NYC. When we get around to it, move the server to Chappaqua. and put it in her house. No one will ever know. It’s in my house.
Next: need more disposable lackeys. She learned from Arkansas, and from Obongo’s Chicago machine, and from New York, that crime bosses need lots of filters. She has seen Godfather II. Pagliano, the Denver hosting firm, and so on. Lackeys installed, move on. Loop in the first layer of high lackeys with strict instructions to keep this in the vocal air. No written record–confuse, deny, obfuscate–Huma, Cheryl, and Kennedy will do. That’s three, plus the geek. Looking good!
But then Benghazi finds the server. Guccifer finds the server. None other than the WaPo and the New York fucking Times blow the story open. Of course, the NSA had been on this since 2009, but it’s not their bailiwick. Comey, formerly the federal prosecutor on Whitewater, remember–who made the case against Hillary but was forced to drop it since the FLOTUS doesn’t really do anything, and besides financial security is so important to women–saved face by running out the clock on the prosecution. And got his career saved and eventually became Director of the FBI.

The criminal investigation begins. As do the public warnings. The whole Community can hardly believe what is happening. They all want in on it. Not really sure if there is any it there, they start small and easy. Catherine Herridge, at Fox (safe first pick–vast right wing, etc.) gets a leak that there are dark rumblings. “Counter Intelligence Headquarters: Comey himself. Washington–not a field office.“ Herridge’s story gets legs. Leaks go to WaPo, NYT, LaTI, AP. People start thinking this might actually be a thing. Meanwhile, team Clinton? Clueless. Absolutely fucking clueless. There are rules. Eisenhower was the last official this high to disregard them. He blew up the entire Paris Conference with his dead-from-the-neck-up military handling of the U2 affair. Hillary is even worse. She doesn’t even know which game is being played.
So the warnings get louder. The leaks become more sequential…
“Nothing classified” Leak proves it wrong.
“Nothing really classified” Leak proves it wrong.
Nothing classified at the time” Leak proves it wrong.
“Others did the exact same thing” Leak.
“Others did mostly the same thing” Leak.
“Others did mush worse” Leak.
“Nothing marked classified” Leak.
“Nothing not personal deleted” Leak.
“Nothing not turned over already” Leak.
“No intention to deceive” Leak.
“No evidence hacked” Guccifer paraded out on NBC. Not Breitbart. Not Fox. The Nationalized Broadcast Company.
This is not penetrating investigative journalism. This is taking out the garbage. The Community leaves it in the bin out back, the MSM picks it up and put it on the Internet. It’s signaling. Hillary thinks it’s just going through the motions, but at every step her legalese defenses have crumbled one after the other. No one wanted to be here–Comey has other fish to fry. This is a fucking hairball of massive proportions and it distracts from moderately important other stuff. Like the Chinese and the North Koreans, and oh yeah, the Russians haven’t laughed like this since the Admiral, in his jingoistic wisdom, executed the Valentine’s Day massacre and kneecapped CIA’s visibility into the satellite states for a generation. That sequential signaling is not just a warning that “You are caught. Stop resisting. Yes, you can breathe. Make a deal and stop this indignity to the process.” It also includes “There will be point after which if you don’t stop we will have to make an example of you so severe that we will have to head off a constitutional crisis.”
Constitutional crisis. Remember that phrase. And also, “Why is this taking so long? Comey should really just wrap this up. If there was going to be anything they would have shit or got off the pot by now.”
No. Basic misunderstanding of the hairball. Every hair has to be unraveled, intact. When Hillary exposed the true name of four CIA field officers, here is what she did to Comey’s life: He now has to run to ground every single contact those four officers have made on every single operation they have ever touched, then run those contacts all to ground, then damage assess every contact and contact’s contact, as well as report all this back to CIA (they still hate each other, don’t worry), so they can wrap and tie off and call back and protect all their methods, sources, and people. Now multiply that by every classified e-mail (2200 and counting) and it’s a CI nightmare of existential proportions. God Himself literally is the only one who knows what she gave away to whom she gave it, or who is going to be blackmailing the USA for the next thirty years with it. But wait, there’s still more! If you order now…

…you also get: the server was at one time owned and operated by the Clinton Foundation. Which Foundation is mentioned prominently in the e-mails?
“Oh Jimminy Jesus Christ on a popsicle stick; kill me now.”
I can hear those words clear as a bell out of Comey’s mouth when the CI chief came in and told him this is now a RICO case. Because one of those leaks to Herridge, at Fox, was that the FBI had recovered the 30,000 e-mails that Hillary thought the geek deleted.
Hands up: who thinks that there might be something in those that will be remotely indicative that Hillary Clinton was peddling influence and laundering money through a charity fraud that spends 70% of it income on administrative expenses and salaries, including to Bill, who is married to Hillary, and was forced to resign from a multi-million dollar a year job on the board of some college thingy the day that NYT reported that the Foundation received massive donations from that same college thingy, within days of receiving massive grants from State for some other deal? Please don’t raise a hand, please don’t raise a hand, fuck me skating, every fucking hand…
This is now a RICO case. Influence peddling, bribery, quid pro quo, immunity deals, and for all we know, wiretaps, phone phreaking, computer cracking, the whole nine yards. Meanwhile, the leaked warnings continue to get louder, as Clinton continues to get dumber and more senile with each passing week. But wait; there’s still more!
Comey’s position on all this is unknown, but if I had to guess, my assessment of his position would be–fetal. In a classic counter-intel maneuver, he correctly instructed, and all the other agencies did not have to be told, that the leaks should focus on the e-mails. E-mails, e-mails, e-mails. That’s the euphemism the MSM have already chosen, so keep it there. That is the shiny object that will distract everyone from the real target–the Foundation. So for months, e-mail, e-mail. Look at the shiny object in this hand. Pay no attention the to giant pile of donkey shit in my other hand, e-mail.
With any other target, whose attorney had not successfully got a POTUS acquitted of the only presidential impeachment trial in 150 years, it would have worked. Any other target would have realized that the whole jig is up, they have everything on you, there is no defense that any career federal judge will be able to keep a straight face at; it’s over.
But not Hillary Clinton. She just keeps digging. Now the acronym RICO is on the wires. The jig is not just up; it has been launched into the actual air. Comey can’t believe, with all his accumulated experience of the completely amoral human venality in Washington DC he has seen over a multi-decade career of dealing with the worst hive of scum and villainy, that this woman is
Because you can’t unsqueeze this much toothpaste. Too many agents, officers, and cops know too much about it. It can’t go away. Too many public records already show, beyond any evidentiary requirement, that at least four federal laws were broken. Clinton has publicly humiliated the FBI, not once, but several times, as have the president and the Attorney General. Comey could be the Galactic Champion Cat Herder for the ages and he will never be able to keep a lid on everyone who has enough dirt to ring up congressional hearings on this from now until Trump’s third term expires. He has to do something. It’s all bad, from an optics point of view. All paths are foreclosed on the “get out of jail free” fronts. He has no choice. The charges, the evidence, and all the messy details, they all have to go to Justice, with a recommendation to prosecute. There is no way out.
Comey, however, will be tarred and feathered no matter what. Left, right, both, inside, outside, whatever. Pilloried by Hillary. So–and but–there is one thing he can do. He can call a press conference, when it is all wrapped and tied with a bow, and he can present it Lynch (or her designate) and tell the same assembled press “By the way, I’m out of here. I announce my retirement effective the instant my successor can be sworn in.”
This would cause several things to happen.
First, Lynch would now be in possession of the hairball, and she will spend a couple of days hearing over the transom exactly how big, slimy, and radioactively toxic it really is. Comey will be sitting on a beach, practicing. We’ll come back to that. Lynch will come to realize that she has three choices–there will not be a fourth:

Indict the presumptive Democratic nominee.
Appoint a special prosecutor.
When she sees how fucked into a cocked hat the foreign policy of the US will actually be–and not after she and Obongo are gone–but starting right there and then, and maybe already–I have no doubt that she will, in secret, tender her resignation to the president.
And he will reject it. Because he hates Hillary.
Lynch will then have only one realistic choice. She will appoint a special prosecutor to convene a grand jury. And we will go through all this again. Huma will testify. Mills will testify. Pagliano will be granted immunity, again, and will testify. Kennedy will testify. The goal, of course, will be to string this out past the convention, and the election. But it won‘t work. Everyone knows that the SCOTUS will be invoked to insure that a candidate under indictment by a federal grand jury for multiple RICO, espionage, intel ID, FOIA, and practices felonies is not going to be allowed to be elected president of the United States.
She would be on trial during the presidential transition period, between November and January. She could be convicted as her first act in office. Immediate constitutional crisis.
“She could pardon herself.” No.
By then, everyone will know how badly she fucked this up. Putin will weigh in, either publicly or privately, probably both. And the leakfest will dwarf Watergate.
And here we can wrap it up. Comey will return–tanned, rested, and ready–and will testify, under oath, before the Senate Intelligence, Judicial, and Homeland Security committees everything he knows and everything he can say in the open source. Congress will make sure everybody knows that his testimony continued in the classified quiet room under the Capitol. More leaks.
This will happen before November, and probably before Labor Day. Though October Surprise is not ruled out. There will be a sign. Senate Democrats will turn over. Draft Joe will become a thing again. Draft Warren will be a thing again. Obama will ultimately play the card he has been sitting on for nine long years: He will hand pick the Democrat candidate to replace the disgraced Hillary Clinton.
It doesn’t matter who that will be. The process will be over. States deadlines long past. Trump wins unopposed in all 50 states.
Any trial–and it also does not matter if there is one; the outcome won‘t matter, either–will almost certainly end up with some kind of deal that puts Hillary in Chappaqua on “probation,” but she will keep a significant portion of the loot, and the Foundation will be quietly dissolved in a phased sell-off that will take months to years. She will be radioactive in DC for the rest of her lonely life, and die of spite probably a few days after Bill finally kicks it, of the side effects of righteous living.
This whole thing is stomped ragged with spy hunter footprints, and that’s the way these things have to go. If any of that–as reported, as leaked, as signaled–is true, Hillary’s campaign is a dead effort walking. And for triangulation–consider if all that were true–what else might be true? Who else gets classified briefings at the presidential level in campaign years? Who else is wired in to these networks of whisperers?
Would it explain the prissy pants foot stomping among establishment ninnies who know–in advance–that Trump has this in the bag? Would it explain the Trump campaign’s relative nonchalance over ground games and polling numbers? Would it explain why Bernie (he gets the briefings, too) is still in the race, and now walking back his pledge to vote for Hillary? Would it explain why Obongo, in his tepid, and late, and lawyerly phrasing, has endorsed Hillary in only the kind of terms that he can later “deeply regret, and under the circumstances, must choose, with the deepest regret, the rule of law over the loyalty to party politics” etc. etc? Would it explain the otherwise unrelenting stupidity of the “still can’t believe they are doing this” #NeverTrump insurgency among the delegates, who must know something is up to be this dedicated to the proposition of ruination at the convention when it turns out that the risk of violent rioting was greater inside the Q than outside?
Maybe its all smoke and mirrors. But I doubt it. There are too many records already out there–too many footprints already fossilized in the open. I think she’s Caesar in the Senate. And the knives have already been drawn.

I mean, do you see how much sense this makes? Never mind sense, it IS accurate. Even the speculation is accurate. Even the assumptions into Hillary’s mindset is are accurate. It’s all truthful shit.

None of that matters. We’re not dealing with truth-tellers here. Kikes don’t tell the truth. The only time they ever tell the truth is to other kikes, and even then they try to jew each other over as much as their laws allow (kikes get no interest loans from other kikes, and I’m sure they’re cursing YHWH for that one).

Going into any of this with the assumption that “good things will happen because we have hard evidence that would get a lesser person executed for treason” is really fucking stupid.

Though I did read a link today (no hard evidence for it) with a fun new hillary quote.

“If I lose, we all go down and that Fascist Fuck will have us swinging from nooses! What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?”



I got all these guns just itching for the blood of traitors.

Whats a boy to do?

All he needs to do is declare the result of the FBI's investigation null and void due to coruption, retry clinton/comey/lynch and have them hand, then kill the clinton foundation in the process.

Shills always give themselves away through their poor writing. After all, shills are people who don't belong here - they're middle of the road people hired by CTR to destroy any sense of community. Utterly average individuals who can get no further than throwing around our nomenclature arbitrarily in a desperate attempt to not sound like

I'm speaking to you personally now, shill. Your writing will always give you away. You are not intelligent. We will always be able to see a shill for what he is. Either join us or leave before we destroy whatever remains of your soul.

Do not listen to demoralization shills

HRC is a corrupt and dishonest individual. She works through her own channels. Every scandal is a slap in the face to her overall ability to have power and influence via backroom dealings. She can only withstand so much and for god's sake. she's dying in front of our very eyes in a matter of weeks from who knows what amount of stress or sickness she's under. Are you only satisfied if we can take down HRC in one go if we get just the right scandal? What simplistic thinking.

Shit talking will affect you on Internet IF you let it.

Honestly only insecure fags are moved by shills.

Whenever it's CTR that 'second of coming of Hitler' autist who ends every sentence with 'trumpcuck', Jews or trannies who push their agendas.

Reading through list of fallacies, developing a indifferent attitude toward shills, etc.

Like Trump said it best


If anything I fuck with shills for the hell of it.

You are an embarrassment, mate. I AM on your side, you fucking mongoloid. You assessed the situation and came away completely off the mark.

Or are you the yid here? You are the one posting Filter man after all

Filtering you for being a faggot, I wasn't even talking to you. Don't bother responding..

I'm right and no amount of pressure or lies changes that. Your are shills. HRC is dying and losing her power. We have won.

Are you sure about that?


She can't even stand up.

If we keep meming does she grow weaker?

Oh shit it's real

It would be extremely painful

"unexpected early departure"; she stumbled off curb, "knees buckled", lost a shoe as she was helped into van

That shoe belongs to us now, just like the election

Maybe she had a coughing fit again










What she wrote down, the 50 man crowd goes so loud
She opens her mouth, but only coughs come out she's choking now, everybody's joking now
The clocks run out, times up, it's over now!


Yes and it was the same man, Charles Ortel


Are those looking at eachother?


Hillary is clearly a reptilian.



Goddam you Russian haxorz

half pol has been talking about the metal that fell out of her pants. What do you guys think it was?

A bolt from the mech suit she has to wear to stand upright.

Kind of like

Check this one out.

I wonder how it feels to be the son of the most evil man in the world.

Does anyone have the list of "suicides" (assassinations) connected to Hillary?

Looked all through the catalogue and random Hillary threads and can't find it.

I think 47 in total have been killed?

Need it to redpill my mom.

Hillarys blood clot conspiracy theory finally confirmed: She actually has a blood clot. Real Diagnosis: "Right Transverse Sinus Thrombosis"

Constant looking over your shoulder.

The Clinton Foundation was set up to launder bribes, nothing more.




Her Foley catheter fell out as she had a seizure and fainted and lost a shoe hahaha

I-is this an original?


Yup, That's a fresh swipe by AWM at the evil old harridan, herself … here's another toon I just reworked to apply to the current day …

It wasn't long ago some tard shilled 'hey, I bet we can redpill that guy'

webm not actually related

antislide bump