Self Exile

What is Holla Forums's opinions on someone rejecting and disowning their country in protest of its ways and going somewhere else? I'm not talking about mudshit migrants or anything like that. What I mean is, when a man grows sick of his nation's decadence and deems it beyond saving, so he moves to another culture that he believes is a better example of civilization? Would this be a practice you'd codone, or do you decry it as defeatist and a betrayal to one's people?

Tell me what you think, I'm all ears.

And yes, I'm… considering doing this.

If I had it to do all over again, I'd bank about 12 liters of baby-batter at a sperm bank and I'd do my level best to become a rich recluse somewhere far away from it all.

…do I want to know why?

Yes, I do. My common sense says no, but I don't listen to it.

Where should we run away to, shlomo?

You're Canadian aren't you

it's true theres no country anymore to be proud of…everywhere is a ziobit shithole to varying degrees depending on how the elders are feeling in a particular year. Don't run though mate there is no escape. Fight to the last drop of blood and maybe youll go to valhalla

Nobody cares.
You're just abandoning your nation and its people.
Because you're weak.

You better not be faggot.

He is a coward.


Instead of running away to some other country, why not consider suicide?

If you're too much of a pussy to hang in there and try to fix things, why would anyone want you in their lands?
Just kill yourself.
Its for the best.

Nice slide thread, nigger.

I hope you at least meant it to be a slide

No, but it's pretty god damn bad in here. We're getting a slower form of what Yurop is going through right now.

Niggers and border-hoppers everywhere, shitting up the street and mugging people in broad daylight. Worse, we're bound to get our own load of mudslime invaders.

The police is a joke. It's an open secret many of them open the jails so criminals will go out and steal and give a cut to the pigs.

You have to jump through a thousand hoops to get a gun, but if you dare fire it against a crack-addled nigger trying to stab you to death, it's YOU who goes to jail for excessive force. Hell, even if you fight on the nigger's own terms i.e. knife to knife or whatever, which is still retarded, it's still you who goes to jail if you kill him, even in self defense.

The political class is not even pretending to be human beings. We don't have a strong leader of our own, and what's more, we just managed to shake off our own Hillary but not the devastation she has wrought on the country.

There's no alt-right to speak of here, even our stormfag equivalents have no fucking balls.

The list goes on…

All in all, I'd rather be a second class citizen in Trump's America than be a prisoner in my own homeland.

You're not doing shit nigger.

Nah, better to stay and fight the degeneracy, it is way more fun too.

My consideration is that we need a cultural-revolution of some sort (hence why the Chink one is so demonized by western medias) anywhay. Delete everything that goes in the way of White survival and interest.

Suicide? That just removes one weakling from society.

Like going innawoods? Its a good idea

Defeatist and betrayal


Consider creating or joining a more morally upstanding enclave within your country. Somewhere quiet, away from the city where you can cultivate the virtues you'd like to see in future generations.

take your country back instead of letting them conquer it you defeatist cuck

You are free to travel wherever you want and choose your own nation; but don't assume for one second that anyone gives a shit why you do it.

1. So that my white seed will strengthen the white race and weaken any others
2. So I'll have some handy if I need it do to some horrible industrial accident in my self-contained compound.
3. So your mom won't get thirsty

Canada is fucked. National pride isn't even a thing here, let alone racial pride. We are Islamic gomminist now, may as well be a white south African if I stay.

there's nowhere on this entire planet to go and feel safe about anything and everything. that is the truth.

I thought about this alot.


We are all whites.
Our "country" is Europe and the US.

It's all about culture. American mutts with Jewish culture should not taint any European countries. I'd rather not see Europe become just other white mystery meat nations. There is enough of that in the US and Canada as is.

The US isn't white anymore, more minorities are already in primary schools than whites. The exploding spic population will overtake as the majority by 2050, probably sooner than that knowing how often they breed.

Come on now, where are all the typical Holla Forums faggots sitting there shilling
like they normally do to posts like theses?

…Oh! Slide thread of no value.

Better the weaklings are gone than in someone else's lands.

You were born in your lands.

Stay and fight for them.

Or just fucking kill yourself.

Well, at least something in this thread brought me a smile.


If we deport a bunch of them, we'll be in better shape.

If we deport them and its shown to be a major positive for us, we might have more options.

Until birthright citizenship is gone and the borders are secured, the US is walking a tightrope over a pit of demographic demise.

Yeah why don't you stay and fight instead?

What is Holla Forums's opinions on someone rejecting and disowning their country in protest of its ways and going somewhere else?

Unless you are someone like pic related, or you are being persecuted… it's usually a virtue signalling bluff. It's fucking stupid.

Are you going to fight for country that doesnt exist and noone is going to help you and the government will want you jailed?

Do you honestly believe that the common man is clever enough to not be brainwashed and want you to die because of the jewish influence? Imagine if nearly all people are like this and all the rulling class.

What are you fighting for then? Its terrorism. Its as if someone in japan decided he wants the samurai caste back. Even if it would benefit its people you wont get anywhere alone. Jews wouldnt be strong alone too.

I am getting tired of pols heroic fight and die. YOU CANT WIN SHIT. Who are you going to giht for? Your country that is all jews? Your people who want you dead? WHO? The past glory that only like 1% remembers? You wont change shit with all this stupidity. How can you be so naive to believe that you are not actually going against your countries interrests? What if most your people want to get the jew dick and arabs in and want to be genocidal and the rulling class too?

Are you still fighting for your country if it doesnt exist?

The question is, where would you go?

Well I moved from Sweden to Finland but all my grandparents are Finnish anyway. I just couldn't take all the mudslimes.

Honestly user I'm not going to abandon my country just yet.
If Hillary wins I hope to see some of you faggots on the battlefield.

Actually, for my people, duty does not end at death.

The western world needs to suffer some more or it will never learn nor will it ever reverse its own decay. Two world wars with the latter rivalling that of the Mahabharata, with some 100-200million dead in that time frame, and still they crave flimsy nonsense like democracy and equality, still they are deathly afraid of being heretics.

I was born an exile. Rootless and lingering among foreigners everywhere I went, right down to my own people who have betrayed me. A dying world populated by soulless automatons that don't deserve it; bereft of spirit and beauty, they cling to the material for dear life. The west deserves the judaic cancer in the same way stagnant waters deserves to breed clouds of mosquitoes.

A flood is coming to wash this all away and light will once again break through the darkness.

Einherjar… destruction and creation are one in the same.

Are you german? Swedish?

if nothing else one must throw themselves unto the machine that they are opposed to if the beast lives off of the labor of the many then relinquish its feast from it. be the first to abandon the meaningful labor that supports the machine and then deal another blow demand of the machine grind its gears throw gravel into the mechanism. and fist and foremost encourage others to do the same. abandonment self exile is cheap for the machine, while it cannot afford all to do so, such an act by the few will be ultimately meaningless.

This is kind of overblown. I beat a pickpocket with a wrench in Vancouver a couple months ago. The cops came and talked to the guy and then the cop said to me "he said you roughed him up with a wrench. Did you do that?" And I said, no, I just punched him a couple of times. The the cop said "it looks like you beat him pretty good, do you still want to press charges?" And, I just said nahh. Let him go. He learned his lesson.

I hate the imperium but some of their quotes are pretty based.

As a castizo huemonkey, i feel a bit too. This sensation of being unable to create links with my father/mother family, national or local culture is slowly breaking my soul. None of them feels right to me, all i have is the generic Western legacy, which is now being dissolved by ruthless kikery.

are you not getting it? He's from brazil

As an American, I can't entirely reject the idea. Our country was built upon the right to leave.

But now every inch of land is claimed and enforced by international treaties and military might instead of savages like in the 17th century. So there is no longer the option to leave.

What is your opinion on datamining and sliding?