Why is it, that, in the past few years, people have retroactively started hating this awesome show? Is it the fault of shoobie propoganda?
Why is it, that, in the past few years, people have retroactively started hating this awesome show...
I couldn't say OP, but what I do know is I remember them doing beach stuff more than I remember sports stuff. Also the first squids (Reggie right?) Older brother was designated bully character.
Frankly, I believe it's just the way times changed. We're not much into the extreme sports era of entertainment anymore and Rocket Power seems more and more like the relic of a bygone mindset. To sum it up, shoobies haven't propagandized Rocket Power into being bad, the shoobie mindset has become the norm and soon, very soon, you too will find your potato salad with sand in it, Lil' Cuz.
I knew the shobbies were behind this
9/11 ruined everything
And that one special where they went to Hawaii and had to deal with their Dad forming a new relationship was pretty well done, so if anyone on Holla Forums is shit talking Rocket Power I don't know what era of Nickelodeon they fucking grew up with.
Most of the people who hate it, I've seen, are folks in their early 30s who grew up with early-mid 90s Nick and hated the the new stuff coming in at the late 90s/early 00s
I actually liked that episode where they had to skate out of Tony Hawks house of XTREME
Don't get me wrong Rocko's modern life, Kablam, Rugrats, Ren and Stimpy, that was all good original programming for Nick. But nostalgiafags (Pretty sure all of Holla Forums are nostalgiafags for something) should do well to remember early Nickelodeon also had fucking Doug.
Actually 2007 ruined everything, when the iPhone came out, the economy crashed, social media took off, the big bang theory was released, Stuart "Jew" Snyder took over Cartoon Network, and Obama started up his presidential campaign.
Makes me glad Current Year+1 is essentially anti-2007.
9/11 just ruined the american dream 2007 broke whatever balance was left
Right, so Squid is white and Twister is hispanic, but what the fuck are Reggie and Otto? They're dad looks white but they have darker skin than he does.
Mixxed idunno Uncle Tito was Hawaiian
Like the Ancient Hawaiians said
Can't trust fuckers who can't embrace the feel of sand between their toes user, they're weak willed queermos.
Blame the reviewers in jewtube. Acting like manchildren and spouting hate because that what sell (I blame Angry Video Game Nerd) and gullible kids took them by the heart because they can't bother watching a season or two.
basically this. Holla Forums likes to talk about modern cartoons being too much the products of their era, but Rocket Power did it just as bad if not worse. In all fairness of course, no one really thought that kids would start becoming lazy couch potatoes and abandon outdoor sport on the scale that they have.
There's a lot of factors. Like how parents nowadays eating up news from Foxnews about crime everywhere so they keep their snowflakes locked indoor. Also economy is in the shitter since 2008 so it's cheaper to stay inside rather than going out for camping or joyriding. Sure the fuel is cheaper now but it's already too late.
No one can relate how it feel going bike joyriding with friends now. Man I feel old.
Truly these people are scum.
As someone who used to live near a beach for over a decade, fucking this. Beach can be a bitch sometimes.
Extreme sports were NEVER big. Skating, sure, that took off, a bit, in the 90s, but biking around the neighborhood or swimming in a pool during the summer are about the most "extreme" activities kids experienced.
Hell, Ed, Edd, n' Eddy does an infinitely better job of tapping the zeitgeist of an American/Canadian childhood in the 90s or early 2000s. Rocket Power taps into nothing but marketing schlock garbed in the most godawful art style.
You're talking to an autist who's trying to be ironically funny by pretending what Holla Forums likes while using buzz words and shitty terms. Just ignore him and watch him samefag this thread to desth.
It's never about "doing" but it's all about "watching." The common suburban kids still watch xtreme sport tournaments on ESPN back then. So shows like Rocket Power is more like wish fulfillment show.
Your reasoning sounds like "If boxing is popular sport then everyone who watched it must be doing boxing as well"
The characters, setting, and art style for the show weren't bad… but the formula was terrible.
90% of the time the episode would play out like
Really, the only time I can remember them not getting fucked over was that Tony Hawk movie.
Oh I remember this show now. It was ok to me as a kid. Though I did like the special. Hell, I actually had the video game for this show. Looking back it was fun but not one of my favorites.
Part of it is because I grew up in ultra-suburbs. I couldn't find anything to fucking do outside because everywhere was a no bike/skate zone and there was no local lake or anything. Not a single piece of wilderness for tens of miles, just endless houses and shady empty strip malls. Also anywhere that wasn't a neighborhood didn't have sidewalks, so you got in trouble for walking in the street or the side of the road. Also, since it's it was the southwest, summers would be over 100 degrees F, so even if there was anything to do outside it wouldn't be for more than an hour or two anyways. A lot of places in the US just aren't very outside friendly.
Fucking HOA and their ridiculous rules. Fuck them in their wrinkly old ass.
I thought the show was set in Hawaii? Though I have a very poor grasp of American geography.
You don't remember the 90s? Extreme sports were a big thing in media and marketing, even if very few people actually did them. Hell, especially so, I think, since most people could only dream of having the money, fitness and balls to do it.
Funny thing, growing up in the country can be exactly like this, especially when your parents can't be arsed to help you do stereotypical country hobbies. You're basically in an open-air prison, and they wonder why you spend all day playing video games. It's either that or literally ride your bike around in circles.
every fucking episode, it wasn't good, it was the kind of garbage that you watched as a kid because you just wanted to watch cartoons and there was nothing else on. Like Angela anaconda, as told by ginger, or whats with andy.
don't, things only get worse at an increasing rate from here on out
Pretty much. It had its moments, at least.
Go back to /woogidywoogidywoogidy/ sportsfags
That comic is funnier than anything that ever happened during the show's entire run.
It was California
Haha okay you joyless shitpale, be a cycnical bitch.
I lived in rural Australia growing up, and that's exactly what happens.
You can't do anything easily because you're away from town/friends, and when parents go to work, you're stuck there all day.
At least video games kept me sane :^)
Someones mad, butthurt because your little thread is shit ;^)
Woah user, don't you remember that metathread were he samefagged until people stopped telling him his threads were shit?
I actually had a co-worker talking about how much she loved Rocket Power yesterday.
I fucking hated this show as a kid. Maybe people are calling it trash because that's what it was.
Hawaiians don't even have the letter T in their language. Find me a full-blooded Hawaiian named Tito.
I honestly can't tell if this is a term from Rocket Power or not.
But if you call RP's artstyle godawful…what does that make Rugrats and Real Monsters? hm…
Also shit
I didn't know you could say that.
What about now? Those show are shit.
God damn, do you just f5 the catalog every two minutes? Fuck off.
Gas yourself, kike.
It's time for a dicking!
Good taste, I approve of her.
He may be part Hawaiian. A lot of Hawaiians are mixed race. Usually with Chinese or Portugese or other Polynesians.
Surfshack Tito was the only good thing about the show.
Trust kek.
Say it Tito, Coolarooni
Rape her