Picture Is Self Explanitory
kek is subverting tumblr from within
kek is daring
isn't pepe the "nazi frog" now?
wouldn't that be a great way to get normies on board?
even better.
You just have to absolutely flood tumblr with nazi-frogs now.
We really should try to get #froglivesmatter trending on twitter and tumblr, appeal to normalfags. Tell them that if the UN gets hold of the internet, that the dank memes are going away since they're illegal in Russia.
Never forget the 700 million
more than half? it's more than 2 fucking thirds
women in managemanet, not even once
After what they did to YM they deserve a slow death.
Nobody can stop the spread of our memes.
but they didn't use the correct color
Isn't Pepe's actual color something like #148800 in RGB?
Did somebody choose that deliberately, or is that Pepe's original color?
Fucking meme magic is real if that was "an accident".
I think his original color is a bit of a different shade
What could go wrong?
OC incoming, spread the red pill
added foreskin pepe to mock the jews
This isn't the first time they tried it. Remember back in 2014 when everyone knew who Pepe was? We took back what was ours when we created a high influx of peepee and poopoo images and no normalfag dared to touch him after that. All we have to do is remind them who Pepe belongs to.
Does that mean Tumblr is our new eBaumsworld?
You stupid frogposting nigger. Kek isn't real. The "egyptian god" you think is called "Kek" isn't. It's just "Bur" or "Lol" or "jej" or whatever gay shit people say now.
brobably this
Not forced frog!! I was almost beginning to like that pile of amphibian shit (not really)
Anyway, let's sage nuke this flopfrog thread.
Did they already forget that Trump used it? I'm honestly a bit surprised that they're still using him. New operation when
no one cares about tumblr
go back
this is a shitty slide thread
Is that why there's peepee poopoo Pepes?
Well fuck, everyday I learned something new here.
what a shitty video
Where's the link?
nigger, where the fuck do you think you are?
naive fool, this is good for us. any normalfag seeing this will eventually run into the ANTISEMITIC NAZI BASTID EXTREMIST RIGHT WING FROG articles and will either run the fuck away or get redpilled.
This is a slide thread, not seeing it anywhere on
I'm not saying this is a slide thread, but this board needs sliding. Too much Trumpshit on the frontpage. Having said that, i'm going to sage, because the slippery slide is real.
This. All the "evil frog symbol of racists" articles will look even more absurd than they already did.
the "complaining-of-memes"-meme is the worst meme of war.
The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
-Old german proverb
Oaths are white
Kek wills it.
Just get their memes and make OC that would make Hitler-sama proud.
There is a reason they are trying to steal, because our memes are dank.
Both of your posts instantly out you as one not from these parts, read your manual again, lurk for at least a year and then try to fit in.
Tumblrtards only invented 187 genders because the alternative is realizing they're all boring wojacks at heart.
user….. meme magic builds on itself thru us and others by his will. It doesn't hit the ground running and it takes time to fully summon the real powers that can be brought to bear. if you don't know that you need to lurk moar.
Bretty weak man. Even using an very jew like narcissist pic. Care to try again to salvage any pathetic shred of dignity you have left?
Also, I am going to pretend Kek is flipping you right back in my pic since that is about all that you are worth.
Well, if some nu-male faggot or bloated landwhale dyke really wants to take an easily-dodged bullet for me that badly, I'm not gonna stop them.
Who is she?
i love this one
Kek won't allow it, Tumblr is dying, kids are moving to instagram, imgur and so on. Old people are using pinterest.
Currently Tumblr is alive through inertia and ridiculous amounts of porn.
Wasn't "that green frog" supposed to represent far-right racists?
They can't have their cake and eat it.
You think Kek belongs to you?! You do not rule Kek. Kek rules you.
I don't by any means wish to legitimatize the autist, but I'm pretty sure that Pepe and the background color are meme circle colors.
Tumblr is behind meme circles confirmed.
For those who don't have tumblrs, tumblr has gotten a lot less liberal. A lot of the sjws have left for universities, and there are a lot of alt right accounts and stuff now
fucking CHECKED
fucking checked
Wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. We know leftists of every stripe come here to subvert us through any means possible.
I want to face fuck her so hard, then nut all over that sanctimonious face
someone needs to photoshop her lipstick to the same shade as the hat
tumblr is only now coming out with an app?
I think the Shillary "far-right Pepe" meme came off strangely even with normal internet users because of Pepe's brief excursion into the mainstream.
That said, it probably tarred him enough that he won't be used on major sites anymore. Moonman was obviously out from the beginning, kek.
Just more of that "It's 2016, get with the program, we're super-relevant and edgy" mentality. Indulge their desire to be a martyr and let them be sacrificed for our purposes.
this would be a great opportunity to false flag tumblr as the home of the alt right
fuck the alt-right
Who game for spamming feminists, undertale, Steven universe & pro choice tags with pictures of dead and aborted babies?
So does this mean tumblr is the home of those dastardly alt-righters that Hillary is talking about?
>Never forget the 700 million godawful laugh
That was fucking creepy.
I guess you haven't seen reddit lately
Definitely do this
Fuck off SRS /r/The_Donald faggot
fuck off.
not only is that childish Holla Forums shit, but little kids look up undertale and steven universe stuff (unfortunately).
unlike leftists, Holla Forums actually gives a shit about protecting kids
Maybe if you care about muh babies you should give up your scary, baby killing assault weapons, while male.
Granted, last time it happened, 4chan got a wave of "the fappening" (((leaked))) into one of the boards.
Nah they've had an app for a while, the site immediately directs you to it because tumblr is the least fucking mobile friendly site in existence.
fuck reddit and the alt-right, that better for you?
>>>/blzb/ ?
(fucking CHECKED)
Can someone explain to me what is that unfunny/irrelevant meme is?
What is the joke? this is as bad as the leftist memes.
it's raid time
Hmm a double 87, this could be the will of kek.
checks the double 87. double 33 or quads, take your pick. Kek is definitely observing this
quads checked by double dubs. Kek's will has been made known.
Whelp tumblrites are you ready for the Frog God of the Coming Dawn?
I believe
We Independence Day Raid 2: Electric Boogaloo soon?
What if we took over tumblr fandoms with things like the 14 words
You seem… upset
Didn't we already take Pepe back and don't have a shitload of Nazi frogs and PeePeePooPoo pictures on standby if we need them?
Tim Kaine is Wojak. he is the real democrap presidential nominee since Hillary will likely die from whatever terminal illness she has in less than a year.
Fuck niggers lol
If anything, it's more like the precursor to DotR: it'll be our current "Hunter" to the eventual "The Turner Diaries".
Fuck that line of reasoning. It's about time children learn what consequences are.
Found the homosexual kike atheist
They'd be looking up furfag shit and lesbian rock aliens anyway. How much more could we be hurting them?
Nice IMAX projector, moralfaggot.
Ahh that brings back memories. Funniest part is how so few know it was some user who made a tumblr account during june in order to instigate the kikemind over there.
that'd be nice, but my rage would be soothed by tumblr "raiding" the chans again.
Kinda summed it up to the only things i can think of that don't care about children besides trannies and pedos.
You are certainly one of the above
It feels fucking great knowing that they can never steal moonman from me.
They'll never steal him from us. They don't want it.
We should cram Moonman down their throats
they think moonman is a vaporwave meme because of a saint pepsi video.
How many Holla Forumslacks troll Twitter? Just get them to also make Tumblr accounts
She's a cringeplay model
KEK, simply ebin
You really think tim kaine is Wojak and not Mike Pence. Besides, trump has to shit on pence to keep him in line during his daily dose of redpill sessions.
How is this subversion?
The truth is not subversion.
Lies are subversion, censorship is subversion.
Getting a meme that redpills is not subversion, it's simply opening their eyes.
Heil kek
Shut up stupid retard
No you shut the fuck up for trying to change our method from "seeking the truth" to "subverting like a commie"
I hate subversion with a passion. It's as strong as it's weakest link.
Truth is infallible.
Dumbass, subversion applied to lies either changes it into different lies or the truth. Anons are supporting subverting tumblrs attempts at promoting mainstream friendly facebook froggery with Holla Forums-tier facts. This is subversion of their subversion.
Wut? I never did this…
Good. Let the normalfags get exposed to our memes.
Pencelspine is jewak, wojak's neo-cohen alter ego.
I cant think of an person who looks more like wojak.
Praise Kek
Memes evolve, get reshaped and change…
Nobody really owns them, but we can mark our memes with out ideology and let them multiply and spread across the web
This is a good thing
Fuck nigga. Checked and keked
hello newfriend
this is all part of kek's plan
oathsvoided tumblr
but do (((they))) know
That didn't really end up working
weww laddd
tumblr oaths voided, current year
What are these dummies doing?
My sides got holocausted on that day.
The fact is browse this board with people who even think this is funny makes me fucking cringe
what the fuck are you on about?
Proof is in the tendies.
We could do a 9/11 raid tomorrow.
So you think we should censor the internet because kids might come across our goreposting and memes, you fucking slag?
If you truly cared about kids, you wouldn't even let them on the fucking internet in the first place. If anything, you're a bigger kike than I could ever be.
Genious! But how?
Same way we do all Tumblr raids. Spam gore and racist shit under fandom and social justice tags.
Better yet!
Spam as much of our pepes and right wing pepes and redpills and all of our brutal chan shit on there, and pin in on cuckchan!
Are you talking about a false flag event?
Step your game up.
I feel this.
Lets see those faggots try to take Moon Man.
Tumblr can't into RARE PEPES
Let's do a 9/11 raid and spam all the moonman, ben garrison, and nazi pepes we got. Hell, let's throw redpills and other shit, too. Make the jews there feel extra welcome.
Checked and Keked.
They shouldn't be looking that shit up in the first place.
The only thing they'll take from moonman is both barrels.
9/11 is going to happen again isn't it guys
RWDS confirmed
Every kid that browses tumblr is as a lost cause as a kid born to Islam.
Well? Are we gonna raid them with redpills and dank memes too strong for them, or we gonna circlejerk over the prospect of it? These GETs aren't just empty digits, you faggots.
Not after we trigger mass suicides on dumblr they're not.
I made a thread about it on halfchan Holla Forums. I think they're more suited for this job since they have the numbers. If this was something purely Holla Forums related I don't think they would give a shit, but since it's about chanculture they just might achieve something. Holla Forums Holla Forums is a mess. A waste. A big fat mistake.
Anyone got any motivational material about past Tumblr raids? Besides and ?
But Michael Jackson was one of us, that's why the kikes killed him.
It's better for kid to get burnt by shock content once, than for it to be corrupted.