Who /Alexander Gordon jahans/ here?

Who /Alexander Gordon jahans/ here?

Other urls found in this thread:


I like him he's a Holla Forums hero


Idk who that is but he's right



Post timestamp then


You wanna see me shirtless you fucking faggot?

Pathetic cowardly pussy faggot

Why would I post a shirtless picture of me with a timestamp for some faggot alt-rightist to blow his load over?

whatever you say Alex

How about you go first, let's see how fit the alt-rightist is? don't forget to time stamp.

Why would I post a shirtless picture of me with a timestamp for some faggot leftist to blow his load over?


I was replying to you saying the average leftist looks like this dude.

fucking leftists, it's their fault my gf keeps having sex with black people.

Those disgusting niggers! They're just like primitive apes!

truly we are the arian Übermenschen

We are proud individuals! Not just a horde of degenerates!

Our Women are virtuous and pure!

Our people high-brow intellectuals!

We value the aesthetics of the optimal male physique

The others are stupid orcs

We are proud and we were meant to rule

Leftists are just stupid LARPers

We har masculine and women love us!

At least they would if we were above the age of consent

It's not just nazi propaganda! It's all true!

So let the strong and beautiful rise!

Remove the jewish rats who are taking away our women!

We must think for ourselves; not just imitate others

White people are good!

We stand together


… and well-bred

Protecting the beauty of the American family!

And males, both old…

… and young

We arm ourselves with pride, numbers…

and of course the trust stahlhelm

We come from many nations

Of which we are proud

So let's end degeneracy

and promote beauty!

and proper art!

For our women!

Our intellectuals

The proud people whoo protect us

our promising youth

and those who pay tribute to the past

Hail, I say!

To those in the south!

And those in the North!

Fascism is on the rise







Litterally the master race

Someone got triggered


The holocaust didn't happen












The "original" was the outcome of a series of "X is behind Y is behind Z" and you destroyed it all with your "truth".

True fundamentalist destroying historical progress.




I see the stale Holla Forums memes are in full force in this thread.

Enjoy being lined up against a wall and shot you useful idiot


I never understood these Holla Forums memes. You know thhat a Nazi is against Capitalism and for Facism right ? Nazi = Not Socialism
Meme better you commies.


wew lad

I agree :^)

In all seriousness, the Nazis were never socialist, they all but straight up admitted to aping the Left to raise their appeal among the working class. Even Hitler all but outright admitted this, saying that socialism wasn't what everyone thought socialism was, it was actually a system almost indistinguishable from nationalist capitalism.

Dunno why I ask you and not start thread but I do. Has actual socialism ever been done? And by actual socialism I mean worker ownership of memes of production?


Don't just meme me asshole. YPG for example. Are they actually doing public ownership? China, the common refain on here is 'China isn't communist'. But is it socialist?

And how come you include all these people but no based Gaddafi?