Bluepill me on jews

bluepill me on jews

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There are no "pill".

If you think you can achieve truth through some easily digestible medium, then you're awfully mistaken.

However I would pose to you that judging people on their personal merits is the best idea.

really makes you think

really makes you think

stopped watching after that

feel better? I know I do. Being bluepilled is great

So where's the argument?

This sounds exactly like

It's about feeling like you're in The Matrix, not having a factual worldview.

No I actually consider non-whites to be my slaves. Next.

ebin meme, bro. Unfortunately, it was the right meme but at the wrong time.

I tried to watch the video, but it was so retarded I turned it off at the one minute mark. please explain.

Are you really saying that at least most of that isn't true (in the reverse sense)?

you mean after you get rid of all those nasty european whites that always fight back? they would make better slaves, but you're going to have serious productivity problems. Also, unless there's a violent revolution, jews will probably die out first bc their birthrates are abysmal.

See how I didn't provide a single argument? Yours was quite the same

No argument was necessary. He simply asked to be "bluepilled"

I'm joking you dolt. Jews arn't some mystical creature we're just savvy.


I appreciate the Dvorak in the video.

One of the very few composers that came after Beethoven who wasn't total shit.

What about Mussorgsky?

Jews being disproportionately represented in wealth and power has the exact same reason as White Anglo-Saxons being disproportionately represented in wealth and power: that's how history happened. The history of the Jews is very interesting. But it's not some kind of racial conspiracy.

He's okay. The Five isn't very good. Prokofiev and Shostakovish are the only two Russians I can stand listening to.

But I'm tellin' you m8 it all turned to shit after Beethoven.


So it's just coincidence that they've been persecuted by many different groups of people throughout their history? They ebin meme nuffin?

Pictures at an expo is a favorite piece of mine

It's like you don't know history.

I mean the history of the Irish and the Italians involves them getting fucked over on a regular basis (except when they get to do cool shit, of course) yet those nationalities now have examples of great riches and social acceptance since they are no longer considered to be anything other than white within American-influenced socio-political discussion. Back when they weren't considered white, they got fucked up a ton.

It's not coincidence, no. It's the fact that history is connected.

History isn't a series of dice rolls. If you kept getting 6s, it would make sense to assume the dice was weighted.

But history isn't like that. Each event affects the next, people have memories and events have consequences, and so when patterns arise it's not coincidence, it's history.

really makes you think.

It usually played out as both persecution by the dominant culture as well as self-fulfilling prophecy on the Jews' part.

Jews tended to be undesirable in Christian and Islamic cultures so the Jews preferred to be "nations within nations," with ghettos and Jewish quarters, etc.

It's just one spooky desert fairy tale in competition with the others. The Jews having a lot of shekels can also be explained by their religious peculiarity within Islamic and especially Christian culture: Jews were permitted to be usurers, whereas the New Testament forbade it. That made the Jews one of the few demographics who could profit from lending money. Ergo, the banking stereotype.

It's really not that difficult to understand, pol.

this retard
jesus fucking christ

No, you're ethnocentric assholes who fuck over the goyim by convincing them to be atomized while you work in a group. Furthermore, you damn well know your religion teaches you that you get to make slaves of everyone else, and that you should create revolutions. "the candles go in from right to left and you use the slave candle to light them up from left to right" …. no?

oh god, this shit spam article again. yeah… not really. Maybe you should stop looking at "theory" as an "explanation" but as a mean of manipulation, like mememagic. Once you do that, maybe your eyes will open. Hegel was a sorcerer, after all.

Yes. We must gas indians.
They control and wish to undermine africa

brb need to make some OC real quick


This sounds vaguely like Satanposter.

And Christianity preaches pacifism.

Still a lot of Christians going to war last time I checked.

HAHAHAAHAHHA that's the most retarded explanation of Chanukah I've ever heard please consider suicide. I literally never even knew jews were supposed to view people the way you tell us we view them, until I came here, and I was raised in a secular jewish family; but a lot of my family is religious or follows customs.

You've never read Eric Voeglin's "Hegel: A Study in Sorcery" or pic related?

Dude, you're really missing out if you don't understand this. See if you can find the Voeglin article, if not I can dig it up and post here. I think he also wrote a whole book on it.

I'd also like an apology, btw

I'll be here, but if you're going to mock me, then you're going to feel bad if you have any conscience.

Soon we're going to have enough Holla Forums memes for a dungeons and dragons setting.


Well, then a Jew lied to me. But, that's pretty common with you people, eh? Maybe your parents didn't partake in the esoteric tradition?


I'm using these terms essentially as synonyms.

I love how you low-IQ poorfags get all your aggression out by being assholes online. Doesn't bother me one bit. Its a mixture of laughter and pity, tbh

What was aggressive about that? Just gave you hug tbh fam.

oh sry. thanks. pic is just a joke :^)

Maybe he lied to you because you're a gullible retard who couldn't be bothered to look into the religion beyond what Holla Forums tells you. Chanukah is an insignificant holiday in the religion; it's about oil lasting for more days than it was supposed to. The "slave candle" is supposed to represent the Shamash at a temple. A person who helps ceremonies run smoothly.

what you radio god worshipping COMMIES fail to realize is that with OPTIMIZED triangulation enhancement of the celestial sphere the SNEAK THIEF ASSASSINS of the new world communist order will be prevented from extracting lahryngital depletion of the prescious bodily fluids that we all seek to protect. The pyramids were built many quadrupeditial AEONS agon with the clea intention of creating SUPER-CHARGED DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS that could solve the very dialectical ortagonal orgone energy flow Without Introduction Of Niphilim Elements. It is the duty of those who study theozoology to protect the electrical aryan star gods from breeding with the ape-men that will cause degeneracy upon ALL axis of existence including the 11th dimension that is controled and guarded by THOTH

Sorry to break it to you, buddy, I didn't learn any of this from Holla Forums. Direct experience/observation or drunken jews… or from books (not ones by retarded christfags, tho)

Okay. Well the best book to read is the Torah if you want a good understanding of the religion. Then you can make all your judgements. Also, the Talmud is rarely, if ever followed by jews nowadays. Only Talmudic jews you will ever find are Rabbis.

When do you think the "left-wing/right-wing" dichotomy was invented and how old do you think Chaunikka is?

I've read it. What a dastardly book!

Care to elaborate?

Well, there's two different (but possibly related) angles. I tell you about one, and give you sources for the other.

The whole history of the Jewish people, of the Jewish lineage and story, is a history of lying, thieving, destroying, infiltrating/subverting and genocide. Jacob tricks Laban out of his "sheep" and steals the birthright from Esau by deceiving his father. Joseph infiltrates the Egyptian government and uses it to benefit his people. Moses as well. They always tell you that Pharaoh's "heart was hardened" and that's why he went after the Hebrews, but if you read the text you'll see that they raped and pillaged their way out of Egypt. Or, at least, pillaged in order to get supplies for their journey. Moses is clearly a liar and never talked to any god, but made it up for control reasons, but if you believe in god we can leave that one out. We do know that Moses had his elite guard (sort of like his SS) slaughter something like 4/5s of "the multitude" for "idolatry" – so basically they killed all the non-hebrews who went out of Egypt with them in order to get their supplies. Or, at least, slaughtered a huge number of their own people. Keep in mind they didn't kill Aaron, even though he was the one that physically made the golden calf. They genocided the Caananites, in one occasion my saying, "no yeah man you can be one of us just get circumsized" and then the next day when they were basically incapacitated came in and slaughtered them all. They opened the door of Babylon to invaders (and later Constantinople, but we're talking about the Torah so obviously that's a pure cohencience, amirite). Judith slept with that king in order to cut off his head. Ruth infiltrated the kings court. I could go on and on. The whole things screams to be as dastardly as possible and you win! (but of course "god" told them to so its okay; just like tikkun olam supposedly means "heal the world," but in practice it means control everything - another cohencidence!) It's all there if you just read it without preconceptions. I actually had to walk away and become secular, then go back and read the whole thing from cover to cover in order to get it.

The second thing, I would suggest you start with Strauss's Persecution and the Art of Writing and then go read RamBam in light of the techniques outlined there. This hermeneutic opens up all these new perspectives.

For a fun read, you could read Hans Leibenfelz's Theozoology, which seems crazy but there are some really interesting perspectives there which sort of smack as true bc I remember reading weird stuff in the Torah about stuff like in order to be a Rabbi you had to have a large bridge of the nose (if you put a brush to their nose it cannot touch their eyes) so like asians and others need not apply. Anyway, there's a lot there.

I hope that makes sense and I apologize for any typos because I just slang this off the top of my head and didn't proof read.


I never said I took it seriously. I said it was an interesting read. It's only like 76 pages and its not like everything in it is completely incorrect. Also, its not about whether I take it seriously, but whether others, now or in the past, take/took it seriously. So, it has anthropological/historical implications.

Anthropological implications like…

If you're electrical star-gods don't fuck neanderthals?

What great fucking insight.

After Moses asked to set his people free and god sent plagues to Egypt as a result.

Or like it, and stuff like it, gave birth to Nazi ideology, maybe? Are you fucking retarded? Also, alot of stuff like that was floating around at that time, and still is today - blavatsky, etc

please, try not to be an insufferable faggot. I know its hard for you

Right. And Pharaoh said, you win go in peace. Then they raped their fucking way out of the country. Not part of the deal, bro.

I never said it was peaceful. They were let go and they striked back. I don't want to get into whatboutism but its a pretty typical thing to do 2000 years ago.

I thought you fuckers over here were holists? jesus, man. get with the program. i was listing a whole slew of shit one right after another as examples – and that's just what I could do improptu! The point is, the book teaches you to be a fucking piece of shit, or in Holla Forums terminology it teaches you to jew, how to jew, and that jewing is good/works

It's 3:00 AM I'll respond tomorrow

Not really though. Almost no rank-and-file member of the nazi movement had any idea about these theories.
The real causes of the core of nazis is born of economic reasons and goes further back.

top kek retard. Why do you speak when you have no idea what you're talking about?

so much ideology

Why don't you just go to bed and stop talking. You're boring me. This is too easy.

just to add… nothing ever has one cause. Yes, I know there were economic problems yada yada. Actually, the main reason was the Nazi masturbation fantasy the Jews were engaging in against the German people – the JQ goes way back.

But, as you must admit, the Nazis were a top-down revolution. And, that is where they got it from. I mean, its not like they just pulled the black sun out of their ass

The Thule society were rank-and-file members of the Nazi party?
Is this an elaborate joke?

really makes you think.

If this meme conspiracy is true they are the good guys.

It's almost like you're trying to be a retarded faggot

Guys, guys what if the nephilim really created the Jews, but then the reptilians are really Jews created by Satan. That would mean the nephilim Jews are really Satans children. So Jews really are reptilians, and so are the freemasons and the builderberg club which tries to create the NWO with public healthcare, in reality the NWO is a communist banker conspiracy, thats why the reptilians created the FED and FEMA, the FED owns all of your money and soon will use it to arm robots to take all of our guns and use EMP to shut down the internet. Also did you know the use fluoride to make us dumb? Surely we must start rebelling against the NWO by supporting the good capitalists in power which are the Republicans and the psychotic privately armed neo-nazies, yes they are out best bet out there, to save capitalism from the communist NWO agenda.What do you mean capitalists are pushing things like the TPP, that's just the jews haha

Just a front for the Irish

Jews are absolutely fucked and I pity them, we just never reached a society where they are the dominant caste with no external threats to reveal how their psyche will cause them to destroy themselves. Basically you have the talmud which posits all other religions and philosophies, including the torah, which says that the Jewish people are chosen people and all others are to no better than wild beasts. You have rabbis beating into every jew that they are a jew first and an individual second, and leading them to believe they are racially superior to every other non-jew at very young age. Deception is promoted to as the main method to power collection.

This leads to a group of people who seethe with inner hatred to non-jews when they should be reconsidering their allegiance to their racial community. While it's easy to trick a pacified goy herd, I'd imagine most jews haven't considered what happens when the majority of society is jewish, or basically everyone is well versed in deception. The room for social mobility is lost because deception is no longer a possible avenue for upwards mobility. This kind of society has no chance at lasting and civil war is inevitable, unless you do what Stalin did and purge everyone not in your inner circle.

tl;dr when there's no more goys, ourobouros will begin to consume his own. You can't build anything lasting when you make the base out of deception.

You dont seem to understand how history works


wait, so JQ is filtered to masturbation fantasy on this board?

Jewish Question

You realize there was a really long history of the JQ going back hundreds of years in Europe, right? So, this board is completely controlled by k!kes, eh? What is with the subversion of free thought and real, true history? Btw, J3ws did USSR; just so you know.

don't bother. this board is full of such immature, insufferable faggots that I'll never be back.

Well, actually, I'm going to go full autist and come back now and then while bored and rape the fuck out of your board, but other than that, I won't be back.

Have a nice day, shlomo. I know all Jews aren't bad, per se. But, I know they're liars - if nothing else but the fact they don't want everyone else to know what they (and others) have been up to.

I suggest you all cut your shit out before the goyim public wakes up and fucks us all over.

Have a nice day.


Well, I guess it wasn't Jewish Question after all. Anyway, later

Marx said all that needed to be said about the Jewish question. Read it:

This is why the "Jewish Question" makes no sense to begin with. It's based on the idea that the joos exist literally for the sole reason to be the Big Bad Evil Guys/

In my expert opinion, that's the wrong perscription, this entire thread is in dire need of its Daily Dose.

t. dr. piccolo man

It was based on the idea that jews are an existential threat to everyone, including themselves.

people don't think jews are that bad until you realize they are the older version of Mormons

none of this is true and I'm willing to bet you have never actually had a conversation with a jew about his religion.

I-it's just the bourgeoisie! S-so what they're overwhelmingly jewish? It's just those ebil capitalist!

take the brownpill polyps


In the talmud it says to deceive non-jews at every possible opportunity, what good would that conversation do?

It also says not to eat shellfish or masturbate and many of them do those anyway. Almost like they don't follow their own rules just like every other religion or other rules-based association ever.


And I'm similarly not interested in whether they eat shellfish or masturbate to portraits of Hitler.

But jews are stereotypically known for being deceptive and their programming manual tells them to operate that way. I'm sure there are honorable jews but why would you even take that chance and pretend that they're all ebin meme nuffins.

You realize every quote in the Holla Forums picture is made up or taken hilariously out of context right?

I'm talking about the entire thing in general, as in like reading it cover to cover. Wasn't talking about epic memes from 14 year old Holla Forumssters.

Where on this page is your argument that jews aren't deceptive? They're overrepsented in moneylending and the media which are cancer.

give me an argument that whites aren't deceptive?

They're over represented! 77% of all billionaires are white! And all top 10 are!

Then why act like that's a part of the Talmud when you don't know what you're talking about? Why do you believe this?



because there's a better way to spot shitty people than muh stereotypes, it's called following the money.

They just wanna make money, if you put regulations on how they can treat their workers than there's nothing wrong with them.

Whites makeup roughly 17% of the world
Jews are 0.-fucking-2% of the world

Are you are retarded? Why are jews so grossly over-represented? Also, whites have invented probably 95% of everything in existence so it's not really outrageous that they're represented well in the billionaire category.

Because whites aren't a real ethnic group. Before the 1960s, you were English, Italian, German, Polish, Lithuanian etc. However none of these peoples have a religion or culture that prides deception, besides perhaps Calvinists.

This still doesn't address how grossly overrepresented jews are in just about anything that involves power.


I don't see how those are mutually exclusive.

In professions that everyone else but jews were barred from entering

gee I wonder.

[citation needed]

They aren't. You could have a witch trial and a trial based on actual evidence simultaneously. But there's no point in doing the former.

There is nothing going on here :^)

You're projecting again, Holla Forums.

Unlike you, we don't believe that there's some malignant Other corrupting an otherwise harmonious natural order. Capitalists aren't intentionally evil, they're merely actors within the greater edifice of the capitalist system, and act in accordance with the pressures of a capitalist economy.

We don't have a good system being run by corrupt people, quite the opposite. We have a corrupt system and people behaving in accordance to that system.

It's incorrect. The top ten billionaires are all non-jews. They're over represented in businesses that they historically were condemned to be in(such as banking and the media) as well as residing primarily where these professions operate out of (like California and New York and Chicago etc).

For example jews make up 1/4 of new york. It makes complete sense for them to be making up a similar percent of businesses that operate out of New York and even more in businesses that were historically jewish(such as banking)

A quick look into the history of jews from a non-biased source can explain all of this.

They historically abstained from those because they could be kicked out of the country and loose their land and business at any moment.

These are professions they were involved in as they were barred from almost everything else.


It doesn't.

[citation needed]

That's kinda the whole point. I mean if you ever read leftist literature at all you'd realize the whole thing is about pointing out why capitalism itself is flawed.

That metaphor doesn't apply to what I'm saying. What I'm referring to is a general distrust of jewish people because of what their religion tells them to do. This can easily be changed upon learning more about a specific individual, for instance learning that they never went to a synagogue growing up or a disinterest in judaism in general. Unfortunately, this isn't possible in most cases, so with a lack of information one has to rely on a more broad source of information, what rabbis preach and the talmud.

And Americans make up a plurality, if not a majority of the world's billionaires despite only comprising ~4% of the world population.

It completely applies. Point me to the passage that tells jews to do X and why you think we should ruin innocent peoples lives because it might be to hard to investigate into your nonsense?


Okay here's a better one: a person can be arrested for an actual crime, or indefinitely detained on suspicion of future crime. One is based on the person in question actually themselves doing something illegal, the other is based on the fiat of the people in charge, and can be used for fishing expeditions to try to turn up or fabricate evidence against people they dislike or have somebody on whom to pin blame for their fuckups.

I guess every iteration of communism has just been acting in accordance to their system, in that case we can agree.


11% is a lot for 0.2% of a people to be anything, is it not? Especially to be extremely wealthy.

Not when they were confined to the industries that became so important and amassed wealth as a result of. If 80% of jews were involved in banking, and the banking blew up the way it did it makes complete sense.

The point is that we look at how the system is set up and go from there.

Anyone have the source for this video?

The "it was da joos" argument falls apart once you realize that most Jews aren't rich, making the criticism of a few Jews being rich pointless and divisive

There has never been an iteration of communism.

That's the point of us saying, again and again, that countries like Venezuela aren't socialist. We don't really give a rat's ass if the leaders of a country call themselves "socialist" if they haven't created any fundamental, systematic change.

The one I have a problem with is Talmud IV / 2 / 70b which allows for jews to lend money with interest to non jews. Leading to a concentration of wealth naturally.

Where in my post do you see that?

Woah relax, didn't mean to trigger you if you're actually jewish.

Again, I'm not saying we should arrest all jewish people, not understanding where this projection is coming from.

Quote the direct passage.


Whoops sorry

Posting in normal sentence structure instead of allcaps redtext and multiple parentheses of kosher wifi doesn't make you sound like any less of an ass when you >imbly that people who disagree with you are butthurt and probably joos. And that everything the board hates is secretly run by joos. Especially if it's the thousandth or so time you've posted that. Also, you either don't know what 'projecting' means, or you hope nobody else does. And stop acting hurt and offended and surprised, you're shit at that too.

Your next line is 'woah, no need to get so defensive and mad while I'm chill and cool there looks like somebody can't handle the bantz and truth lol butthurt.jpg'

No this isn't the one

I don't know where I lost you but none of that was related to my post. Perhaps you should just leave the thread.


Who gives a fuck about the Talmud you autistic fucks?

Jews who are Capitalist exploiters and the legion of Jew capital propagandists will be fucking gulag along with all the rest of their kind. I don't give a fuck what their little ethnic club does or pertains to. People like Zuckerberg will be hanged irrespectively of his ethnic background.

As for their religion? Its fate will that of all other religions:

"In its perfected practice, Christian egoism of heavenly bliss is necessarily transformed into the corporal egoism of the Jew, heavenly need is turned into world need, subjectivism into self-interest. We explain the tenacity of the Jew not by his religion, but, on the contrary, by the human basis of his religion – practical need, egoism.

Since in civil society the real nature of the Jew has been universally realized and secularized, civil society could not convince the Jew of the unreality of his religious nature, which is indeed only the ideal aspect of practical need. Consequently, not only in the Pentateuch and the Talmud, but in present-day society we find the nature of the modern Jew, and not as an abstract nature but as one that is in the highest degree empirical, not merely as a narrowness of the Jew, but as the Jewish narrowness of society.

Once society has succeeded in abolishing the empirical essence of Judaism – huckstering and its preconditions – the Jew will have become impossible, because his consciousness no longer has an object, because the subjective basis of Judaism, practical need, has been humanized, and because the conflict between man’s individual-sensuous existence and his species-existence has been abolished.

The social emancipation of the Jew is the emancipation of society from Judaism."

-Karl Marx

Of what. Jewish racism?

Clearly you are not well versed in psychology or how humans are programmed.

You dumb fuck, read what it quoted, the religion of the Jew no matter what it says or what it preaches should be cast aside.

The emancipation of the Jew as Marx says will come only when the secular hucksterism of Capitalism is stopped and the Jews stop worshiping Mamon.

But this is true of all religions who justify in one way or another the law and authority of the ruling class, both in a religious and in a secular state.

you >imbly that people who disagree with you are butthurt and probably joos

And that everything the board hates is secretly run by joos.'

And stop acting hurt and offended and surprised, you're shit at that too.

If you're going to lie, at least lie about something I have to switch tabs to disprove, you failure.

And I'm saying it has to start with jewish rabbis who preach the talmud to kids, saying that capitalistic practices are okay if it's done against non-jews. Otherwise capital will continue to pile up due to a perceived racial superiority from a book.



At least stormfags embrace Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy.

If you pick B you have to pick A too

I will confess, I was jesting. Can we get back on topic and that the jewish religion actively practices usury and promotes general racial superiority to non jews?

No I mean, that's the Holla Forums version. Quote it directly out of the Talmud.

But it wasn't communism because communism is the lack of classes and of state. Are you telling me that the Soviet Union had no state or classes?

The difference is you're saying jews as a "race" are indoctrinated into the Talmud. It's fair to say Christians who practice are into the bible.

Also Talmudic jews are very super low minority in the practicing jewish populous

If thats the case why are the so called "goyim" the best capitalists? Even better than the Jews? Look at all the richest exploiters, Gates, Bezos, Jobs , Ortega, Buffet, Bloomberg, Koch etc. all fucking "christians". Capitalism has no religion.

Of course I pick both , ALL religion is indoctrination, its only purpose is to alleviate suffering and keeping you from revolting. The point is Capitalism doesn't need religious indoctrination to work.

Except there has never been a society that claimed to be communist. So if you embraced countries like the USSR, you'd have to respect their view that they had never reached the communist stage of development.


There have been successful full on communist-esqe states before. Military failure brought them down.

That's the point you dense retard, it's impossible to accomplish, because it's a Utopian society idea and Marx was a NEET who just sat at home shitposting, the fact that it's been tried countless times and never accomplished the simple goal of abolishing class and state.

Again, in comparison Fascism was tried twice and worked both times, accomplishing their ideological goals before getting gang raped (partially literally) by the allies.

You're telling me Jews don't teach their children out of the Talmud?

I don't know much about jewish practices, what do the rest do to practice? They go to their Synagogues, don't they get read out of a book anyway? Regardless they get taught traditional jewish values.

le 21rst century marxist view of religion

You don't think people ever genuinely believed in religion? That's bullshit

You don't know much about judaism at all and yet here you are talking about it. The talmud is for orthodox jews - so if you think the vast majority of people from jewish ancestry are orthodox you're dense as shit.

Fascism has never worked any time it's been tried and it's been tried 4 times you retard. The only moderately successful one was Nazi Germany which ended up with the city in dust.

I don't know how it's possible to be this retarded.

This meme needs to die. Marx specifically rejected Utopianism.
Also a meme that needs to die. Marx was a journalist and something of a workaholic, even if his work never made him much money.

He certainly worked harder than the failed artist and chronically unemployed draft-dodger that became career politicians that you fascists worship.
Top fucking kek

Are you admitting that the fascists only wanted to get into power and their nationalist rhetoric was just bullshit?

But comrade doesn't he have a point that socialism hasn't worked when enacted beyond the free territory and the like?

This thread is bad.

it could be a massive worldwide conspiracy among a single religion with no infighting between the rulers of the world spanning centuries of meticulous planning and no discovery by people

or it could be coincidence

both are somewhat of stretches, one less so than another

There's been multiple instances of socialism having been tried and working. We have threads about Rojava all the time, remember?

You haven't really stated any arguments. I mean I could just as easily state communism will never work and pretend its a fact without providing an argument for why its true.

But there was in fighting. its like they planned this all out. They only started planing it out in the 18th century. Before then they just naturally acquired power by manipulating currencies and stuck together. Manipulating currencies to make money isn't something you can do if everyone knows its going to happen. It just sort of naturally formed as they would become the rich and powerful and still held allegiance to their in group.

I know. But is fascism really less successful?

It's something "they" can do if it's the only industry they are aloud to be in. This is something you keep neglecting to respond to.

i dunno, i always thought the concentration of power among the few was natural in any circumstance which allowed people to obtain that sort of power
some people know market forces better than others when it comes to capitalism, and some people will have to allocate consumption of resources when it comes to socialism

Fascism, which is supposed to be a cultural and military system set in place to strenghen the nation-state rather than an economic system, has lost every time it went into conflict with other nation-states.
That's not a great measure of success anyways.

There is no fascism in itself, fascism is an extreme reaction to political antagonisms exacerbated by the crisis. Instead of proper theoretical analysis of what is happening in society (the Left) you get irrational/poetical mythologization and playing on the 'gut feelings' of something wrong (the Right). There is no special doctrine behind this, fascism is eclectic, as opposed to the communism which is sectarian with every group thinking of itself as the last bastion of true Faith.

You get to decide what the topic is now because you were only pretending to be retarded?

nice pic

They're humans. Most humans do terrible things.

Of course the irony of this video is that he does exactly the same thing he criticises others for. He takes quite complex, nuanced issues and then distills them down to "haha, look at these stupid conspiracy theorists".

Shallow, uncritical thinking might be common under the banner of "red pills", but it's by no means exclusive to it.


Exactly, you see you don't need to be shouting "take the red pill" to make stupid posts.

And the guy in the video wasn't doing that. It would be hypocritical if he were, but he's not.

Did you see the examples of "dumb redpill comments" he picked out?

There was at least one which was literally just someone on youtube saying that it was a bad idea to blindly trust the government. That's hardly a controversial opinion here (I hope), but because the comment included the word "sheep", it got picked out.

Basically it was a stereotypical "reddit liberal" video which makes you feel smug and superior by pointing to all those stupid people who hold different opinions and how stupid they are for doing so.

Is it? I quoted it straight from the source.

All of which are completely at the mercy of the heavily jewish influenced global markets. Those people would be worthless if it weren't for jewish usury.

I must have triggered you causing you to go revert to earlier programming when you argued with a predominately christian userbase. You could give a reply to this post if you want

This. I've been friends with jews that were poor as fuck, but stormweenies probably believe that they are secretly rich and just pretending to be my friend.

Except that wasn't me with the talmud quotes, Champ.

Oh you were the guy who was so triggered that he replied to the same post twice? I don't see what the big deal is.

Boy you polyps sure are original and bright.

Which posts do you think are mine besides this and ? Like your other claims, it's based on overly broad and completely unsourced.

Based on overly broad what? It's pretty well known that jewish people are extremely racist to anyone not jewish.

Why are you lying? One: phrasing in the talmud isn't written that way. I have yet to see a translation that reads like

However, all the fake Holla Forums quotes ARE written that way. I'd like to see where you quoted it from. Like which translation you found online.

Another way I can tell is the way you used the numbering system - the Talmud numbering system does not work that way however, all the fake Holla Forums quotes are numbered

Interestingly enough, looking that quote up reveals crackpot conspiracy sites discussing it but no actual discussion or references to any digital talmud.

The Bible quote I posted IS real and is readily available with commentaries and translations online. Try again stormweenie.

You don't know how making a generalization isn't inherently overly broad? Are you retarded?

Here I'll do the same thing

prove me wrong.

Pic related.
What part of 'proofs' are you having trouble understanding? idgaf about your 'I know everybody agrees with me' bullshit with no evidence other than your word to back it up and I'm sick of you trying to use it like it actually means anything.

Also way to try to evade my question about which posts you think are mine.

If they are misquotes, show me what it actually said.

I simply go off works of many historical people and then personal observation. Either the jews are the most misunderstood race of all time, or there is a large conspiracy between multiple unrelated parties across history that is running a smear campaign. I could show you youtube videos in israel to show what happens when jews become the true bourgeoisie rather than operating in secrecy, but you will simply dismiss them as not proofs with #notalljews.

wow this thread is anti semetic

You seem a tad bit Jewish. Are you Jewish, lad?