well, I came here to have a nice conversation, but I see that's not going to happen, so I'm going to leave now. Tbh, I'm not sure if you're sperging bc
a) you're pissed off that I'm talking and pulling damage control
b) that its some wild shock to you that communists, communist fellow-travellers or communist sympathizers actually made it into the US government
I'm going to assume it is (a) in order to give you the benefit of the doubt - a benefit, I might add, that you really don't seem to deserve. If it truly is (b) then you need to get your head checked, retard. Did Alger Hiss not make it into the government? Do you realize he was part of a whole circle that had infiltrated the government? Do you not realize that we know for sure that this wasn't the only group? I mean, if you're so shocked by the possibility that you're sperging like this, then yoiu really are truly naive, poorly educated or down-right fucking retarded. Think about it: in the 30s you weren't an intellectual unless you were a Marxist. I can show you where they had Marxists testify in front of fucking Congress, because Congress wanted their advice. I don't know what else to say. Your reaction is preposterous.
But, maybe I was thinking of someone else, maybe not. I've been willing to put in the work in order to find out, but all you seem to do is want to scream at me. So, I guess we'll never know since I won't be back here again bc of your faggotry. I'm tired and I don't have the patience or inclination to put up with this sort of abuse. I've been more than patient already.
Have a good one. talk to your doctor and get a change of meds bye bye.
Don't bother responding bc I won't see it.
No, I haven't. I know that other faggot is a nutcase. I'm too tired for this right now, though. Alot has come out since the USSR has fallen as well, and it keeps coming. Hell, man, half of the fucking "anti-communists" were actually communists, just Trotskyites (people claim Orwell was till the day he died). Like the Neocons/Trotskyists who took over the Republican Party for awhile there, and who just recently went bonko and admitted it. anyway, I'm tired. Report that faggot. If he's banned by tomorrow I'll come back and talk. If not, then have a good one. It was nice talking to at least one intelligent person ITT make a thread on Holla Forums and maybe I'll find you – or on one of the other chans. I usually go over there to Holla Forums to shitpost and shoop OC, since the userbase here is mostly insufferable faggots that lack any creativity whatsoever
you're only making yourself look like retards. you know that, right? I'm not even hurt. I'm just shaking my head. check your meds.
that retard labor party guy who lost; his dad was basically the most influential Marxist in his generation in the UK. this is some serious damage control going on here, I guess.