Satanic Vatican - Full Length

Satanic Vatican - Full Length

Wow, this is an insanely detailed and long look at the Vatican and its satanic beliefs, practices and doctrines.

Could somebody download this video for me, and put it on a filesharing site, like Mega or Mediafire? It's blocked, and I don't know how to download it here. Thanks!

Other urls found in this thread: Vatican.mp4

Use a vpn, it allows you to get around geographic blocks.

Get a vpn, it allows you to go around geographic blocks.

Is it just banned in the US?

reup now

Looks like it's probably blocked world wide, but you aren't missing much, black popery is a jewish diversion.

Just look at the kind of websites that we promoting the video.






holy shit its 4 hours ….

Is it actually a good video OP?

I downloaded it before, the 4 hour version, but now it is blocked. I do have the 20 minute version. I'd like to download it again, as I haven't seen the whole thing yet, but need to get around the block somehow.

It's pretty good vid, got it on an old hard drive in storage.

Is it "ghost hunter" tier shit, or does it actually drop green pills?

It is red pill actuallly, tells how the Vatican is totally satanic and everything, controlling the entire world, lots of neat info on the vid!

Sure it does, kike.

Oh yeah, Obama bows before the Pope, he must have some REAL POWER!!!

Tried watching this video from maybe 10-12 different countries, and its not available from either. So much for "Worldwide".

Obongo bows to everyone.

Bush sure did a lot of bowing too!!!

Barack Obama Kissing Bill Clinton

Bill doesn't look too happy there, hmmm…. I wonder why?


world is not black and white, both vatican and jews are using this planet for their playground in order to dominate it

ok fuck off bbc and suck some big black cock

obama sure like to blow in front of everyone

Are they ALL in bed together?

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (left) presents Pope Francis with a menorah during their meeting at the Vatican on December 2, 2013.

The Vatican has no real power and has been fully jadaized since at least Vatican II.

If the jesuits really have so much influence, why did all the Catholic sex abuse stories come out? Why are anti-Catholic conspiracy theories tolerated in the mainstream, while anti-Semitic ones aren't?

The big secret is that Vatican conspiracy theories were pretty much dead, save for those retarded Jack Chick comics. But when Pat Buchanan ran for president, the jews started spreading them again to weaken his support from patriotards, militias, etc.

This has nothing to do with Holla Forums

Go back to >>/christian/ and stay there

Oh? The Vatican is ALL about world politics, (and world satanism too). Jesuits Control the Vatican and Are the Real Spiritual Controllers of the New World Order

would probably have better luck finding it on BTN

This is truly one of the worst conspiracy theories. The source material always consist of a shitty kiketube flick with some spoopy music in the background. Stills of symbols flashing by and some baptist preachers pissing their pants about the whore of babylon. 95% conjecture.
I agree that the vatican have satanists/faggots/pedophiles in the top hierarchy. They ruled once and had massive power but not anymore, they are subverted and under the thumb of kikes and commies.

The Vatican Full Of


That faggot is still promoting material by his buddy "Pastor" Tony Alamo - convicted jew pedophile and purveyer of jesuit conspiracy theories.

They also have those pages of quotes about the Jesuits, the vast majority of which are made up.

You know who secretly controls the world?

The Vatican!

I wonder what they were thinking when they built this place?

dude are you insane? Do you know how many people died that spoke against Vatican?

Why do you think Vatican wont make their archives public but have several layers of classified shit, not even the White Pope has access to those archives

Keep giving power to these Jewish memes and then be surprised when they run your country, dumbass

They're already prettymuch running it all already.

That's a nice looking sculpture, I like it.

The vatican, like any great bureaucracy, is averse to scandal and scrutiny. Why would they give away any sensitive information?
Who controls the access to the archives?

Funny how american Holla Forumstards are so dumb and cant see who is behind mexican migration to USA that doesnt benefit atheist jews but CATHOLIC shitlords at Vatican who have a unique TAX system based on number of catholics

{spoiler]Why did you throw "atheist" in there?[/spoiler]

It is interesting that the Jesuits are an intelligence agency, as well as being the military arm of the Roman Catholic Church. They have been active with intel for 500+ years, and have many secret operations around the world, attempting to foment wars, overthrow governments, and assassinate anti-Catholic aligned world leaders like JFK.

The Jesuits: In President Lincoln’s Own Words

“…The Jesuits have not yet killed me. But they would have surely done it when I passed through their most devoted city, Baltimore, had I not defeated their plans, by passing incognito a few hours before they expected me… The Pope and the Jesuits, with their infernal Inquisition, are the only organized powers in the world which have recourse to the dagger of the assassin to murder those whom they cannot convince with their arguments or conquer with the sword… New projects of assassination are detected almost every day, accompanied with such savage circumstances, that they bring to my memory the massacre of St. Bartholomew and the Gunpowder Plot. Our investigation indicates that they come from the same masters in the act of murder, the Jesuits… So many plots have already been made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed, when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands of skillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained by Jesuits. …The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood that Henry IV said that it was impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he did all that could be done to protect himself. My escape from their hands, since the letter of the pope [Pope Pius IX] to Jeff Davis has sharpened a million of daggers to pierce my breast, would be more than a miracle.”

Our beloved President Lincoln was murdered by the Black Pope and his Jesuits, and it was covered up by the White Pope Pius IX and the dangerous monarchs of Europe and their minions in the US.

The breathtaking story has been chronicled by Charles Chiniquy in his landmark book, 50 Years in the Church of Rome. There’re several other excellent primary-source materials that corroborate Chiniquy’s painful revelations, as well: Burke McCarty’s The Suppressed Truth About the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; Rome’s Responsibility for the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln by T.M. Harris.

I've encountered multiple people in the past few months going on about how the vatican is behind all evil in the world, about jesuits controlling all the wealth and about secret gold in switzerland.

This was brought up in the context of jewish media control every time. Can't tell if legit retards or a new kike tactic to divert attention away from them.

And now you start with the fake quotes…

It's a kike tactic, but a lot of retarded goyim - many with legitimate mental illnesses - buy into it.

he's not bowing, he's presenting

Jews push atheism worldwide, Vatican collect huge taxes based on Catholic population

You do the math who benefits from CATHOLIC migration

Why Is The World So Diabolically Evil- The Black Pope

It's not "CATHOLIC migration", they're flooding White nations with non-White hordes.

You MIGHT have had a case if Catholic spics were the only ones they were dong it with, but that obviously isn't what's happening.

No one denies their cuckstian praise and support to third world invasion. The vatican is subverted just like all the institutions of the west. To claim they are "the powers that be" when all evidence points to the kikes is a lie and a distraction. Now fuck off to /r/conspiritard.

They sure did to some extent. The 19th century is over, we have a new "spiritual aristocracy". The vatican continuity as the TPTB does not match what we observe in the real world. The catholics lost the culture war and along with it the internal order through subversion by various agents of destruction. I welcome any redpills on the Jesuts and the power they wield today.

Mexicans are hardcore catholics, it doesnt matter if they are white/black/spic

blaming kikes for everything just makes you look like tumblr retards who blame patriarchy for everything

Mexicans aren't the only non-Whites that are being used to flood White nations.

The Jews wrote the Bible and run the vatican you MORON

Mexicans are estimed to overtake every other minority and even become a majority in next 40 years

They are in conflict, only time they are working together is when they are fighting a common enemy like Russia or China

The main difference is that we are right.

you are horribly misinformed!

christians are a fucking plague upon this earth just like the muslims, for the exact same reasons and in the exact same way. FUCK YOUR HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILE CHURCH YOU FILTHY FUCKING KIKE WORSHIPERS!

cuckchan shitposters are not WE, yes jews support refugees into flooding Europe that is evident but you are making connection to catholic migration to US and muslim migration to EU claiming they are done by same people while they have different effects

like i said, world is not black and white and blaming kikes for everything is just stupid because its clouding peoples judgement and not allowing them to see the big picture

The Vatican and The Jesuits

The Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus



THE JESUITS main menu contents

The Catholic church is 100% in ZOG's pocket

At one point, the Church was fighting the jew, but those days are long over.

White genocide is White genocide.

they are allies against common enemy but on thier playing field they are in conflict

Thats end goal but with different methods, if you look at things in such simple manner you are no smarter than an average tumblrkin

The church never got subverted because it was always acting in the interests of kikes. What a shocker right!? That a bunch of made up stories written by kikes, spread by kikes, based on the kike's original made up story book with the original version in then new version spread to goyim would cause the goyim to act in the kike's interests.

The church is anti White because it is anti race. It wants ALL races to mix together and be in communion with christ. It pushes multiculturalism in the real world and for heaven. HA! what a joke

Actually, you have a lot more in common with them than we do: you're both falling for jewish lies.

Obviously you have confused CATHOLICS with Christians, between the two there is a world of difference like night and day. It is CATHOLICS who are the Pedophiles and Satanists.

all christians are anti White globalist communist scum. read your fucking bible

so i am trying to argue with a retarded cuckchanner who doesnt read entire posts

You do know that sage isnt a downvote, right?

I read your entire post, that was the only part that warranted a response. The rest was "they're fighting because I said so".

What you say is nothing new.

My research has uncovered the dark plans to arrest Christians under martial law, and to haul them by prisoner boxcars with shackles to FEMA camps for termination. CIA and other insiders have told me all about this personally.

Military insiders, including Pentagon, and actual military trainers have confirmed to me the presence of modern-day guillotines to behead all who offer resistance to the NEW WORLD ORDER and under martial law in America. Christians again will be heavily targeted, due to the fact that their beliefs forbid them to participate in a world government and cashless society under Lucifer's control.

I guess i have you too much attention

I was redpilled by Christian websites talking about the evils of the synagogue of Satan - Jews tbh fam

You have nothing to back up any of what you said other than "most spics are Catholics.".

Fuck off back to GLP.

..Or, "Basic NWO 101" and what EVERY Christian needs to understand!

I want to simplify the NEW WORLD ORDER and Revelation 13 for all my readers. There is so much misconception and misinformation out there that confuses people trying to understand all this and what the NWO is all about.

I want to take the mystery out of it and make it easy to understand and very plain. It is important that everyone understand the truth about the NWO. Especially for Christians, who are called to spiritual warfare and conquest against the kingdom of Satan/Lucifer and his henchmen.

Revelation 13 in the New Testament speaks of a last great kingdom of darkness on the earth before Jesus Christ's return to establish God's eternal kingdom on earth. Revelation 13 makes it clear that this kingdom of darkness is directly under Satan/Lucifer ("the dragon") himself. It states in Revelation 13 that the dragon will give to this kingdom his throne, power and great authority. Yes, Satan has a kingdom of darkness over which he reigns (for a season until God himself destroys both Satan and his kingdom forever!) And his kingdom is forevermore opposed to the Kingdom of the Living God and His Christ, Jesus.

Revelation 13:2-And the beast which I saw was like to a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Revelation 13 speaks of that people who worship the dragon, who then gives his power to "the beast" (or world government and it's leaders and satanists under it.)

Revelation 13:4-And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Whois like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

The dragon is obviously Satan/Lucifer. Who worships Satan/Lucifer? Satanists/Luciferians/Illuminati, also known as THE CRAFT or THE BROTHERHOOD.

HOW is Satan worshiped? Primarily by HUMAN SACRIFICE.Keep this in mind as you read further.

It is as simple as that. The NEW WORLD ORDER is simply Satan's manifest kingdom on earth. And the Satanists, or Luciferians (Illuminati, etc.) are the backbone. They are the mover and shakers and instigators and financiers of their New World Order. And they ALL worship Satan or Lucifer, or THE DRAGON for money and world power. Ask ANY Satanist or member of the Illuminati! They will tell you this is true! And every former satanist or Illuminati member I have ever interviewed has confirmed this to be completely true. Doc Marquis, former Rothschild Illuminati member who I have previously written about, is able to confirm this completely.

This is WHY the Christians are so hated by the New World Order! NO OTHER PEOPLE ON THE EARTH have been given a mandate and power and authority to come against Satan and his works and kingdom, like the BORN-AGAIN, BIBLE-BELIEVING CHRISTIANS! Therefore Satan hates THE CHRISTIAN, and subsequently his NWO followers also hate THE CHRISTIAN.

Former Illuminati and satanists working for the NWO agenda in the CIA told me personally, how the would sit around discussing, "How the heck do you get RID of the Christians in America who stand in the way of our NEW WORLD ORDER?" (The CIA is one of the most wicked and satanically controlled agencies in the world.)


bullshit, jews, christians, catholics all the same.

jesus and satan are literally the same person.

both are refered to as the morning star

remember that the devil is fake though, they just worship it as a false idol

This is satire, right? This is one of the dumbest things I've ever read.


Read it, no bull!!!

I read the whole thing, it takes the most ridiculous coincidences and misinterpretations and mistranslations and turns then into a ludicrous and blatantly wrong conspiracy theory.

If you're really interested in knowing more about what's been happening at the Vatican, you need to look up a priest by the name of Malachi Martin. He was a jesuit and an exorcist who talked for years about how the vatican had fallen to satan and possession after vatican II. He wasn't on the edge of things either, he personally knew every pope during his career.

They hated what he was saying so much they ostracized him and eventually pushed his 80 year old ass down the stairs and killed him. Windswept House, read it.

your entire argument is LE JEWS, so pack your shit and go back to cuckchan

Btw sage is not a downvote retard.

Satan is our ancient native god, he is light/knowledge bringer, other gods assumed people not ready yet and need to suffer more but Satan believed in us and took the risk for which he was severely punished. Our savior was demonized by kikes.
Vatican secretly worship the true kike god

Yeah, I'm the one who doesn't belong here…


do you really think that will work here on Holla Forums underage idiot ?

Gas yourself.

It's a fact that the jews are who opened America's borders, and are behind non-White immigration (Mexican and otherwise). They're also currently in control of the Catholic Church.

You aren't going to convince anybody that it's all really the Black Pope.

Are you a highschool dropout or just a cuckchan shill ?

Lurked here for years. Rarely post.

Sadly can confirm the vatican are the real power though some of their (((minions))) are truly despicable.

History proves it.

Book please?

He was an agent for the jews and directly involved in the destruction of the IHR and "The Spotlight".


there are reading references included within

Here it is OP, enjoy:

Satanic Vatican (Full, Uncensored, Banned From Youtube)

Anyone who preaches a God of joy and mercy is a fool, one who has adopted the material as a deity. Always keep searching, as it is the only good left. Emptiness and depression are the purest parts of modern life, the true modern faith's virtues.

The Kind Of Thing Jesus Had In Mind.jpg


Do they talk about the Vatican's observatory called LUCIFER? I always found that really weird.

You're fucking pathetic, the Catholic church has no power.

Hi Alex, thank you for your filter recommendations.

There is a youtube called MHFM

With some dude brother Michael dimond also this one is the same movie mitout the precious BBC jive

Lucifer is etymologically "light bearer" in Latin. It refers primarily to Venus. The identification with Satan is based on a passage from Isaias, which is only referring allegorically to Satan anyway.

I had to stop, pic related. The video creator blames everything on masons. And we all know masons are the good guys.


Download it yourself.

Wait for it to grab the video, and hit download. I do this all the time with stuff blocked.

It's - But you remove the https and www., replace it with ss = win

Just tried to snag the video but it's been deleted…


someone call that meme circles guy

I looked up a documentary on that recently because while I've heard the term thrown around before I never looked into it.

Holy shit man it was just plain delusional.
These people go to so much effort of painting a picture of this shadowy NWO cabal orchestrating the world behind the scenes and naturally I get a little interested, only for it to explain that it is those darn evil Christians standing atop the world beyond reproach and funnily enough claim that they also run international finance.

I was really let down to see how somebody could look at the world around them and come to such a wrong conclusion.
Of course it was no mistake and just intentional misdirection placing muh ebul Christians as doing everything that the jews are actually doing.

Oh and I just remembered.
They also fingered Hitler and all of national socialist Germany as being a part of this NWO cabal and how great it was that we beat them.

i thought the beast was the antichrist (the person) not the govt

wrong fag go read your KJV bible

one is son of the morning and one is the morning star

2 different things fam

Satanic Vatican (Full, Uncensored, Banned From Youtube) Vatican.mp4

Satanic Vatican - Full Length
Wow, this is an insanely detailed and long look at the Vatican and its satanic beliefs, practices and doctrines.

Satanic Vatican (Full, Uncensored, Banned From Youtube) Vatican.mp4

Satanic Vatican - Full Length
Wow, this is an insanely detailed and long look at the Vatican and its satanic beliefs, practices and doctrines.

It's all in this archive–

The Vatican Full Of

Satanic Vatican

Satanic Vatican - Full Length
Wow, this is an insanely detailed and long look at the Vatican and its satanic beliefs, practices and doctrines.

It's…it's the JEWS for fuck sake, have you learned nothing?

The jesuits also rewrote history in the 17th century.

To give an example of the creator's bias:

Very misleading. Half the Supreme Court is indeed Catholic. The other half is juden.