So how many of you guys are unironic autists?
So how many of you guys are unironic autists?
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Kek. Actually tried to be honest for this once rather than try to appear autistic, yet here I am.
I should probably go get diagnosed so I can freely call people retarded for doing retarded shit and then use autism as an excuse.
Out of curiosity clicked on "Get Help".
Get pic related.
Holy shit, the crazies are running the asylum.
Maybe the non-binary links to >>>/oven/
These tests are always full of bullshit questions, they assume only dumb normies are sane people.
m8, a test that is made for crazy people will obviously have some insane answer options
let them select that they're an aromatic submarine-kin with polynomial pronouns, if that is what it takes to get them into the loony-bin
That is kinda how sanity works
If everyone is a child-molesting axe-murderer, being one is the social "norm" meaning those people are "normal" and thus "sane". If only a tiny fraction of the populace entertains such pastimes, they are considered odd. If the general populace is also strongly opposed to such shenanigans, these people are considered insane.
Also, all those questions about "what friends say or think about you" without the no-friend option.
What if A and !B. Dumb fucks.
Does this test also detects if you're retarded?
You're wrong buddy. Sanity != normality.
Mental illness is having uncontrollable urges that aren't vital for the individual or the group.
Looks like I'm almost an autist. Woohoo! kill me.
Jesus Christ the meme is real.
Thanks, Mr. Dataminer. That's a fun site.
I got 63/80 on the Empathy Quotient and 10/50 on the Autism Spectrum Quotient. Guess I need to find another excuse for acting like a retard.
I think flipped works better
High functioning autist here (got 44/80 but can't post because Tor). Never diagnosed and never would be unless I was leading the psychiatrist. It's obvious my mind works differently but I don't exhibit any of the negative symptoms.
I actually have above average empathy, which sometimes makes it difficult to figure out a solution that will please everyone. I'm also very good at controlling my emotions when they get in the way, which is why it's sometimes tedious to deal with people who are slaves to them and can't look past their own narcissistic self-worship and discuss something transcendent.
Autism in the chan sense is just the next stage in human evolution. It's a mutation that can produce mental potential far beyond what is possible with the canonical h. sapiens genotype. Much like any evolutionary breakthrough, it's not exceptional to the point of being a superpower, and it comes at a cost of impairing other faculties. Think of the wings of the archeopteryx: barely any good for flying while being clumsy and unwieldy otherwise. A couple generations of optimization will easily take care of that.
Autism in the Rainman sense is a completely different phenomenon. Normies don't actually get autism, their dumb asses can only appreciate the neurotypical state of being, so they lump everything together as if it all fits on the "autism spectrum" line. This is also why psychiatry has produced no effective remedy to autism, and no clear understanding of why it happens exists in the research community. They're just blowing smoke up everyone's ass, they have no idea what autism is or why it happens.
Not quite. The deciding factor is maladaptive behavior, not majority. It's only a true pathology if it interferes with your life. For example if an utterly antisocial man has found a happy existence being a lighthouse keeper, it makes no sense to call him insane or to attempt "treating him".
If you truly have no friends that's red flag by itself. But again the question is whether you want to have friends in the first place.
Hello, brother. Our opportunities are boundless.
You sound like a narcissistic asshole.
Get over yourself.
We're all becoming autistic, it's only natural. When the whole world is organized around statistics and data, and everything is controlled by so called "AI" (autistic intelligence) then you get a literally autistic world. And people simply adopt their mentality to such a world and become autistic themselves.
lol the test maker has no idea what empathy means. I think we know who the true autist is.
These tests as such are autistic. Who the fuck comes up with an idea that you can map person's psyche to a bunch of simplistic quantified choices that are supposed to be unambiguous and then use algorithms to evaluate them? Only an autist.
Seriously, this actually started when cybernetics began influencing psychiatry around the 60s and humans were starting to be considered as mere operating systems. That's how psychoanalysis was replaced with CBT and popping pills.
Jews, narcissists, psychopaths, and autists. The same people who started applying cybernetics and game theory to everything.
The way these are supposed to work is that your answer become an n-dimensional vector, on which they do PCA and then use the top 1-3 principal components to score how autistic you are. It's a sound method if your starting data isn't total shit.
But then js monkeys and other math-impaired social scientists try to just add up the scores and use that, that's retarded. Vulnerable to all sorts of retarded confounds and statistical artifacts.
You seem like you're knowledgeable, what's wrong with CBT? It seems like a non-invasive, effective strategy for a lot of minor issues.
The good thing about CBT is that it's similar to stoic and epicurean ethics where basically you put emphasis on continual exercise - contrary to psychoanalysis which is more similar to Christian confession where the priest analyses the hidden corners of your soul.
But then they fuck it all up by trying to make it ultra-scientific and measurable, so the therapist asks you to quantify each of your emotions so that they can track your progress on a graph. The therapy generally becomes very management-like, they basically tell you to become a manager of yourself so that you can increase your performance as a productive member of a society.
At this point a lot of similarity with the true spirit of stoicism is lost. Stoicism is more about internal battle and self-care and is actually a philosophical outlook.
Tbh I just generally dislike psychiatry. If you look at ancient greeks and romans you can see that they had far more holistic ways of dealing with the "soul problems". In our age it's just "you're not performing well, let's apply some duct tape".
The problem isn't the math it's that they can't imagine someone who is empathetic, can understand others moods, but is not sympathetic, doesn't really care. So they ask a bunch of questions based around this wrong assumption and it makes the test junk. Ironically them not being able to imagine such a mind is itself the symptom of autism they were supposed to be testing for.
want to do a lolis RP ?
12/80 and I was wondering if I was going to get a normie score as I answered the questions. Guess I'm a cool, calculating fuck but I do understand emotional shit even if I don't "feel" it.
Wife got 76/80.
I noticed the burger first and didn't realize it was an ass for at least ten seconds. Am I autistic or just American?
Interesting - makes a lot of sense actually that our modern psychotherapy is just the same shit, except with a new sciencey veneer on it to make it seem new.
Well, my thesis is that regardless of whether the question themselves are getting at the heart of the matter, autists and non-autists will presumably have different response patterns. If the questions are actually asking about key symptoms of autism, then math doesn't matter. But with tangential questions such as these, or if indeed there is no single definite hallmark of autism, then you absolutely need to get the math right. And even then you will only be able to detect who is autist and who is not, without gaining much insight into how they are different.
35/80, but some of these questions are b.s. They confuse empathy and sympathy, empahy and sensitivity. They also don't take into account the very situations they lay out. For example, the worm one. Presumably if you cut it up you aren't empathetic, but this is a kid and a worm doesn't really lash out and give you a queue as to it feeling pain, so you wouldn't feel inclined to pay it any mind. Empathy should merely be the simple question of: can you understand another person in their entirity without having to believe as they do. A true understanding. all the rest refer to some other word (sensitivity, caring, socially acceptable behavior, sympathy, etc.) and misrepresent this notion.
This is basically a "are you an extroverted normie?" test. Apparently people with rough childhoods that had to become analytic fucks to get by everyday have Assburgers or autism.
Empathy is a meme.
Actual confirmed diagnosed sperg.
Got a 54 which seems somewhat accurate.
I am actually good at social interaction i just really hate people
The only abbreviation with these letters I know is
Cock&Ball Torture (a BDSM thing)
Yeah that's it.
Are you a Hitler derivative?
Ouch. Right in the feels.
What gave it away?
wright in the benis
Should I book an appointment to a shrink?
Same score as you, and same complaints. It's like where it asks about whether people complain that you're too blunt. What if I know damn well the effect my comments will have, but do it anyway because I don't fucking care and rather take a degree of pleasure in triggering them because I hate their guts and deliberately want to cause them suffering?
careful with that edge now kiddo
/metatech/ is dead as hell, stop sperging
Britbong here, I spent 20 seconds trying to understand why the bun was so misshapen
Won't hurt. I get autismbux each month for being debilitatingly depressed, but my "main" diagnosis they use is the 'tism. Might as well.
literally how?
so if i'm depressed and want to die then norway will pay me money?
I mean, it's not quite so simple.
Basically, I get money to study. This is part loan, part stipend, and any full time student is eligible for.
What I also get, is a small additional stipend because I'm considered unable to work due to depression. This requires documentation from someone authorised like a doctor or a psychologist, and also has several caveats. First of all it's a fairly small amount, and secondly if you work at all you lose it all, not matter how little you work.
I also get a loan and stipend in the summer with the same caveats, although that one's much larger.
are you actually clinically depressed tho?
Yes. I can barely get out of bed, spend almost all my time in my room, don't eat, drink heavily, don't get my schoolwork done, live in a mess and just generally have all the typical hallmarks of it.
You need a goal in life like that famous norwegian hero
He already did that, tbh. Not that our government is great or anything, but they're not even close to Sweden yes tier. I'd say his plan worked out quite well.
You're literally describing most guys in their 20s.
True. I was in a similar situation and got my shit figured out after couple times of psychedelics' use.
He's talking about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
fucking weirdo
Holy shit, go back to Holla Forums you pathetic self-perpetuating cringelord.
i think this is an ideal score for a nigger with triple digit iq
mate, the numbers after the decimal point do not count...
Not him and I don't know much about CBT but I heard it's about transforming your life by controlling your thoughts.
That's a pretty bullshit philosophy and is the reason why people like us (hyper-cognitive, extremely logical but un-emotional) are often depressed, controlling thoughts is important but for an already cognitive person it's useless, if your emotions and well-being are out of place then becoming even more out of touch with them isn't going to fix anything.
I presume CBT would work wonders with a person who relies almost entirely on emotions and cannot control his/her own thoughts.
My friend is working on the final solution to the autism question.
He will get the Nobel prize.
You can screen cap.
empathy is for pussies.
you and you alone have to evolve into a superior being by stepping on everybody else.
Thank you that's very generous of you
He will begin sending all autists to Madagascar, but international autism will have everyone declare war on him. Unable to ship them out, he'll move autists to sonic camps so they don't get in the way of the war, but because they love trains they'll insist on traveling to a different camp every week.
You cannot screencap.
I found it difficult to answer questions about what my friends "often tell me", because I don't have any friend.
EQ was 17/80, AQ was 27/50.
I know I am empathetic. I love anime, that has to count to being slightly more empathetic.
Then again I'm not a normie and understand when some one is being ironic on the internet.
You apparently don't understand what irony is though.
Also anime is an extremely inaccurate representation of representation of human interaction. It's made to be over exaggerated so that anyone, no matter how retarded, can pick up on the social queues, since that's half the humor of it.
Since when do most guys in their 20s have no real life friends whatsoever?
No, I actually had one as a pet during recesses in 2nd grade, and I would talk about it with an asian girl I kinda liked.
I managed to get my arm around her once or twice, which is pretty good for elementary school
But understanding social queues and having empathy is two completely different things.
I don't think this Test actually understands that.
i have friends and got 18. turns out your analysis was wrong.
Now who's the nigger?
wait i was meant to quote OP
Assburgers is ironic autism that makes you want to kill yourself and not go outside.
I'm not autistic but I got a 9. I always considered myself a fairly social person as far as the Holla Forums type go.
These quizzes are always so transparent and stupid. I'll probably score around 45/80 based on the first 8 questions. Also everyone scoring below 10 you're all retarded if you can't even at least fake socializing and understanding basic social cues. I'm a complete shut in but I can at least hold a basic conversation
Why would you lie during this quizz?
user, I'm sorry but you have autism.
Since 1940
but i deed it mane
That's the cognitive part which I agree is total bullshit because it essentially amounts to nothing more than "think positively". The behavioral part where you make exercises is better but the approach is still superficial, to make you function just well enough to be well integrated and productive for the society, but it doesn't really solve your own problems or the situation you're in. It teaches you only how to act as if everything is fine, just like the cognitive part teaches you only how to think as if everything is fine. You're basically deluding yourself and others.
Fucking normies, who even understands them
yeah, I think you might just be retarded
B-but I thought it was like real life, sempai... Have I been doing it wrong this whole time? Baka!!
yeh tbh
I took the empathy test a second time thinking I might have been overly pessimistic and got an even worse score.
So calling someone autistic isn't an insult on Holla Forums now?
Wasn't it always a praise?
is mid 20s the standard 'just a little bit autistic' score?
25 here
I would be less privy about this, if empathy wasn't some overused buzzword in (far) left politics.
Literally aspergers. Congrats, dude.
I mean I usually get aspie/autist on these tests but I was hoping I finally got a break.
....this is just some dumb facebook-tier internet test r-right guys?
sure youre not just bored and directionless?
I think
It bothers me they only care about autism. You could very well be a sociopath. Should they be left untreated?
Yeah but if you browse /jp/ you're definitely autistic and retarded
That's like the third autism test I took and all of them have been positive.
this didnt make me feel any better
All of us. Holla Forums and /g/ makes us this way.
also, not technology
We're on Holla Forums. What the fuck did you think?
Also, Simon Baron-(((Cohen))).
God fucking damnit.
Don't worry, we don't need to test you for that.
I scanned a printout of this post and emailed it in a word document to myself. What now fagotron?
I can't even take such a test because the questions are so fucking transparent. There's no way for me to answer honestly when I can tell exactly what answer is going to give me a higher score.
test: "I try to keep up with current trends and fashions, y/n?"
me: "strongly disagree"
test: "+10 autism points. 110/100 autism points"
Have to get to a man bun now.
What about:
"I would never break a law, no matter how minor?" and "I dream most nights?"
Looks like I'm tied for lowest non-ironic score. Hitler confirmed.
scratch that, some poor bastard did get a 4.
Badge of Autism: True Honour
Oh wait, that wasn't meant to be a reply.
I found the autist