Urban dictionary definition of white genocide - get in here

Come help with this.

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=White Genocide

Other urls found in this thread:


Up-vote the second definition.

Saw you on TDS.

I also notice that the thumbs down on the second article are way out of proportion compated to several days ago, they are clearly artificially adding extra numbers.

Done. Second definition up-voted.

Make sure you Down-vote the first definition as well.

archive the fuck out of this

lads we need to trend #whitegenocide on twitter on a specific day, get the numbers really high.

you can vote once everyday

when you don't get satan quads

lol look at that faggot mudskins only two posts

by MuslamicRayguns September 01, 2013

by MuslamicRayguns July 04, 2014

fucking nigger ->>>7416607


no archive = report op

archived version here:

I don't think you understand the point of this thread.

i think you are a shill

You can't vote on an archive you retard.

it's not about voting on the archive faggot

it's about proof of any manipulation that may be happening

Its fine to archive it for that purpose which is why I didn't say anything about you archiving it. He was bitching about OP not using an archive link instead of the actual link though.


calm down autist. it's a poll.

how do people suppose to know if there is no archive version?

any shill can come up and say

I can't wait until I make them define white race and white nation.



Every person of pure or predominantly European and/or Near Eastern Christian ancestry. inb4 fedoras and pagans object: for whatever reason you are angry towards your cuckstian daddy it's a fact that all White countries from Armenia to America were for the most part of their recent history 99+% Christian

Why are you trying to cause another thread to derail with a religious argument?

Fuck off back to reddit or church.

We should pull this on BLM and rent seeking dindus


guys the cuck answer is getting voted up quicker than the truth?

is there some rigging going on or is reddit raiding the definition too?

The really funny thing about that one is that he acts like "white" doesn't have a definition but goes on to say
Since he seems to clearly know what non-whites are he obviously knows what whites are as well and is just trying to play semantic games.

Urban Dictionary is anti-White in general. It's 'White People' definition is fucking cancer.

Meant for (checked).

And make sure to down vote the current placed #1. It calls White Genocide a 'crackpot' theory

This is some real esoteric sargonianism.


Urban dictionary confirmed for leftist cancer

no kidding, like said, look at this shit

oh wow

Good luck

OP you probably should have specified to DOWNVOTE TOP ANSWER AND UPVOTE 2ND ANSWER

I think some Holla Forumsacks are accidentally upvoting the cuck answer

seriously there must be a counter raid or something going on… 200+ votes for top answer within last 15 min or so, I know UD is fairly well trafficked but there is no way that that many people just happen to stop by that specific definition in that short period of time

The anger i feel will only make me stronger.

I doubt its people from here upvoting the first, we have very few people that would be that fucking stupid but you're right that something is definitely up.

Most of Urban Dictionary's coontributors are niggers, what did you expect?

Other races have tried to colonize. Whites are just the best at it.
Which is why both white males and females are so desired by other races romantically and sexually.



I'm on my phone, but if i wasn't, i would scour the internet for the most furious image i could find for a >mfw

Fucking assholes.


Haven't mudslimes objectively raped more people?

recognizing the violent history of shitskins is racism you CISWHITEMALE

whites aren't even close to the amount of rape that mongols, mudshits, and niggers have done


The continued existence of niggers is proof of systemic rape.


Their entry for black people is not even a definition. It is a half-assed attempt to classify niggers as human.

There exists the bias that the only people who search "White people" are almost entirely antiwhite & scornful. A normal person doesn't search white people.

Watched the second definition for a couple minutes. It's being actively downvoted in real time.

Apparently, the voting works on cookies, so remove urbandictionary.com cookies after voting and vote again at least 10 times!

got you covered fam

It's probably posted on leddit, tumblr and the like. Get this out on the twatter et al people.

oh shit I'll try this

I've been voting with proxies, I've put like 100 votes through already


Checked, but surely this is a job for our followers on 4chan!

gap is closing, within 100 now

Someone should make an info graph comparing and contrasting terms like Wikipedia's definition of white/black/asian pride and urbandictionary's definition of white/black/asian people and perhaps the same with what comes up on youtube or google images or facebook groups, twiter key phrase search (whatever the fuck its called), etc.

Would be a huge red pill

Will the second definition overtake the first once its number of likes passes the first's, or does it need to surpass it as (Likes - Dislikes)?

Thanks man. I jave an addon that automatically destroys cookies as soon as a I leave the site. I'll see if it works… it doesn't.

This. We need their numbers.


At least I think it works on cookies, that's how it's usually done by everyone who knows the phrase "dynamic IP".


what the fuck, now when i refresh the page or go to OP's link, it brings me to their main page…

I remember faggot larpers jerking off over the fact that some viking warlord was called "baby lover" since he refused to kill children in raids like the rest, saying shit like "what happened to our race to stop being so badass?".
So, taking into consideration the entire world was conquered by different breeds of europeans at some point in history, the 2 most devastating wars in human story starred the white race, and every amerigoy military incursion into goatfuckingstan, which is it? are whites goody good people too good to be true that didn't do anything or world conquerors death squad warmongers?
It seems to me the animosity caused by this definition comes from being framed in a negative light rather than being a lie.

alright I think it was just my browser fucking up

The left really needs to pick one.

wew 1488 votes

Im so happy it was me.

I made a thread on cuckpol. I don't imagine it'll gain much traction as it doesn't have any maymays.

It's the same doublethink thst allows them to say that toxic masculinity is the most powerful force for evil in the world, and then turn around a minute later and say "lol masculinity so fragile".

remember to down vote the top one as well

You might have problems imagining a world that isn't as connected as today, but the truth is that if you just go back 150 years it was a 'dog eat dog' kinda world where you didn't have some vague "right" to be left alone by a neighboring nation.
Shitskins have enslaved whites, and their slavery was way more brutal than what you learn in black history month. Males were castrated and females were used as sex slaves.

Pointing out Arab slavery or the Barbary Slave Trade is rayciss.

Out of curiosity, could anyone tell me whom the Portuguese and Americans that acquired slaves in Africa bought them from?

Is that the best they can come up with?

That definition could be summed up as


is it because of downvotes?

Well it is certainly evil to those white kids being thrown in the air and catched with spears by other white people, or to those german men, women and children being burned alive by american incendiary bombs purposefuly targeting civilians instead of the military.

And where did I said they didn't? I'm just asking for a little coherence here, you can't pull the "we're acshully magnanimous and good and victims not evil at all" when you have done the same things any other group of humans have done, and "better than anyone else" using your own words.

The jews, Holla Forums is always right

Fuck yeah, our answer has more upboats now!

ya but it's still not the top answer


kek, what a bunch of butthurt fags.


Which race made it their project to end slavery around the world? And who still applies slavery on their own people?

whites did
shitskins do


If you haven't downvoted that cuck answer, do it now!

Of coursh!


Not useful when you want to interact with the actual voting site.

I'd call it as useful as using nerve gas on a lefist.

Which race made their project to rule the world under the threat of nuclear holocaust on top of turning everyone's brain into mush to be easily governed? Which race helps them the most and constantly wages war against anyone opposing this plan?

Jews did
Whites do

Go fuck your goat mohamet

You're fucking retarded

Jews latched onto whites because whites were the most powerful and successful. Also because some Jews can pass as white.


more upvotes and less downvotes and STILL not top answer


Aaand here we go.

There is kikery afoot.

Alright by UD's definition, we should have the top definition

but we don't


Both definitions are shite to be honest.

It's not like urban dictionary isn't collaborative though, if you feel like making something better, feel free to, it'll still be possible to upvote several definitions and downvote the bad one, and it's not like we would spread ourselves thin or anything. Also the more propositions on our side get to the top, the less we see the bad ones at the bottom of the page. Plus both are such walls of text, they'd easily sink under a short, concise, strong definition that isn't cringeworthy. And ideally ambiguous, and why not, neutral…?

Here's what I'd write:

I'll try to improve it when I get back home and post it. Think hard, write your own and publish it on UD.

Who owns the website?

It's not uncommon for programmers to put delays into their software.

It would be chaos if only one vote could flip it back and forth, it would be like a flickering light, annoying. It may take an extra 100 votes to flip it over.


not sure why you're surprised

The fact that OP direct-linked certainly didn't help anything…

May be that there needs to be a human involved to confirm larger entries changing over?

It could be cache (the votes obviously have it), but I doubt it.
I can try to test it.

So, white race needs to be defined because it's such an abstract idea, but they have a solid understanding of what a non-white is even though whites don't exist? This is some top notch Jewry.


What is more believable? some desert fucks whose only trait is manipulating money and looking kinda white tricking an entire people composed of "the best the world has to offer" to do their biding, or those people being cooperative out of mutual interest?

Assuming "jews forced us to do absolutely everything evil and bad we've done" is a valid argument anyway, it is still completely irrelevant to the point I'm making, whites are still helping, they're are still waging war for them and their interests, and they're are still happily prancing along believing whatever bullshit justifying it, just like every other human group, but better.

Stop claiming whites are poor saintly victims who din du nuffin while exalting how successful and badass conqueror warriors they are on the same breath, it makes you look like those double think cucks you like to poke fun at.

this tbh fam

You're responding to a lot of shit that I didn't say. Of course in the beginning whites cooperated with Jews. Christians weren't allowed to engage in usury and other unsavory business practices, but Jews had no qualms about it. In time, the Jews took control of almost all financial institutions and many of them became incredibly wealthy, giving them a lot of power in society. With this influence they became dis-proportionally represented in media and politics, as well as finance.

I never said Jews were responsible for every "evil" thing whites have done. I don't think colonizing the world and destroying lesser empires is evil. In many cases whites did and do cooperate with Jews out of perceived mutual interest, generally financial. But whites did not intentionally sabotage their own culture to damage relations between men and women. Whites did not choose to import shitloads of nonwhites into their homelands to outbreed them and rape their women. These are ideas popularized by globalist elites, most of which are Jews. Control of media is a very powerful thing.

I see Holla Forums has a thread on this also.

Do you understand that money is basically the only real power left in the world?
Who controls the central bank of the most powerful nation in the world?
The same central bank which loans money to so many other central banks around the world.

Please point out where I've said any of these things. All I've said is that your demonizing of superior military might is retarded and that whites made it their job to end slavery while shitskins still decide to enslave eachother.

You're either a butthurt mud or a leftiecuck.

They took control of financial institutions because the gentiles let them. Whether it was through active collusion or simply through omission, whites let jews into power.

I didn't see what your dispute was about, but I get the impression that you tend to believe that whites are individually angels. Don't make that assumption.


That's what I said, user. Non-Jews were foolish and let the Jews take control of these things. In time, with control over financial systems and the like, the Jews no longer needed anyone to cooperate with them. By consolidating political power, buying favors, and controlling the finances of powerful empires, they were able to influence the decisions of those empires.

And neither did I say I think whites are all angels. You keep making shit up that I neither said or implied because you have no other grounds to argue with me. White trash is a thing. But the thing is, violent and antisocial behavior correlates strongly with low IQs. Whites and Asians have the highest average IQs (Ashkenazi Jews have the highest of all). So white trash is a lower percentage of the population total than say, blacks.

Fucking look at this.

They never seem to have any trouble finding Whitey when they need someone to blame for something, and now he asks for fucking 'proof' of Whites?

current archive link

the numbers are different between the archive and the page when I visit through chrome, could explain the reason why our definition is still 2nd

Shouldn't be that hard to figure out which generation in Western countries let the jew rise to power.

And you're assuming that the "gentiles let them", are you really that dumb? Finance is practically an invisible force. Manipulation can be done if you're in control of the banks, and once you gain control you can silence and stop anyone who would try to remove that control from you.
The average person won't want to speak about banks or financial manipulation. Just because people are ignorant doesn't mean they "let" them into power.

I would trust a random "white trash" before trusting some random mud.

you're overreacting, dude. i entered the thread here and with the exception of didn't read anything above the post of mine that I indicated.

Done. But still, urban dictionary? What is it, 2010 again?

archive reads poll at, 1099 up, 1247 down.

on chrome it's currently, 2050 up, 1541 down

I don't think it was any generation in particular. But some members of some generations did more damage than others, mainly because they had greater opportunities to do so.

Muds have an average lower IQ than whites or Asians so yeah, a random white is less likely to be stupid and violent.

I'm overreacting? You're accusing me of imagined arguments I never made, and defending myself is overreacting? Go be a victim somewhere else.

Try Boomers.

That we were fools, does not imply that one should not gas all the jews this time around.

If I accused you of imagined arguments it happened once and accidentally. You should be able to see this.

I wouldn't even just base it on IQ. I just think they're more opportunistic in a sadistic way generally.

So… Not so great now, then?

I know what you mean, but my point is that most Boomers did so unwittingly. They didn't have access to the internet and the wealth of information that we do. All they had to go on was government sourced info, and whatever truth trickled by. Now some Boomers of course knew full well what they were doing. But most of em didn't.

For the time being, I'd be quite content if the Jews just fucked off back to Israel and got the hell out of the West's politics, media, and financial systems.

Voted like 25 times.

If our definition doesn't go above that stupid muslim's definition I'm gonna be pissed

Got a good few from halfchan to vote as well. Hundreds of cotes in the difference now.

I think you're retarded.

Good. I'm gonna vote again for good luck.

Neither did their ancestors.

So did their ancestors.

Boomers aren't some 'unwitting victims', they are hedonistic, greedy, unsatiable pampered degenerates, indifferent to the future of their nation and those that will inhabit it after them.

This whole Leftist obsession with nigger-tier foreigners, spread by jews of course, started with the Boomers and their unnatural and out-of-nowhere 'love for Africa'. I still remember it as if it were yesterday.

It's called 'mudslime'.



What we call the animals doesn't matter, it only matters that we put them down.

Why is the less upvoted definition "top definition"?

Your points are valid but I think it was in the Boomer's time that media indoctrination really took off. Edward Bernays (1891-1995), the nephew of Sigmund Freud, really pioneered modern practices of advertising and propaganda. His work has been built on and improved a lot since then in regards to mass manipulation. But it was around the Boomer's time that governments and corporations really learned to take advantage of these principles and make truly effective propaganda.

Anyone interested in this subject should watch "The Century of Self". It's a really great documentary on the matter.

So far the mudslime one is:

Ours is:

Not sure what's required to make it switched. Maybe just 14 dislikes on the muzzie one?

You forgot to add: Permanently.

not your personal army OP done

as of now

I can't imagine why it would give fuzzy results like reddit, so purposeful manipulation is about all that's left

unless brigading makes it revert to an earlier state

Touché. I'll give you that.

Good to see there are still well-informed people aboard, glad to have you with us.

So the mudslime has less likes and more dislikes, yet his anti-white 'definition' stays on number 1.

How very unsurprising.

There's definitely something fucky going on, a previous archive of the page had the +/- votes on both definitions higher than the votes are on an archive from 5 minutes ago. At least the libshits that look at the page will get a different perspective.

What's interesting to me is how much more effective propaganda and advertising has gotten in the last 30 years or so.

So… everyone really wants to stick to this shitty definition?

I just submitted this:

>- the rise of multiculturalism in historically white countries, mostly promoted by immigrants and violently opposed in their own countries where racial preference is usual;
>- the fallacious association of white identity with racism;
>- the lackluster prosecution of anti-white racism, considered to be anti-racist, and justified by an hypothetical white privilege;

>White genocide is so cool! Europeans were never really white, and race is a social construct anyway, everything should be fine! Right? RIGHT?

I hope I'm not the only one. Won't be up before some time though.

Also the votes with and without javascript are largely different. I'm smelling some fuckery with content not updating before some time, let's wait until tomorrow maybe.

Well done user

Some things deserve to be preserved.

There has to be some kind of co-ordinated attempt to get Really obvious Anti-white shit to the very top of every definition.
I'm not sure when it happened, but every fucking Anti-White post having 24,000 upvotes is extremely suspicious.


Expanding on that, with a little bit of research, it's DEFINITELY the Tumblr/SJW/Feminist crowd that has raided Urbandictionary.
Look up "Feminism", "tumblr" or any single thing that would pertain to their ideology.
It's all mass upvoted, without a single dissenting piece making it to the front page.

They've completely forced marxism into urbandictionary.

This shit is fucking disgusting.

>To understand what definitions we publish and reject, check out this blog post: blog.urbandictionary.com/post/49469679426

You can tell a black man wrote that because of all the out of place capitalization and abuse of caps lock.

Glad its finally switched

That's probably a better definition but it's kinda late to submit that one when we just got another one to the top. Is there any way OP could edit his definition?

No surprise there. Bummer.

Those definitions are from 2013.



dindu nuffin u racist

Why do leftists always say "Define x" as if its an argument? Any non retard should know which nations are "white nations."

I guess that's why straight-up niggers are making a beeline for whites then.

I don't know what kind of community urdic has, but it seems afraid of political incorrectness, and even more afraid of the truth.

What about we overtake it? It's a more important website than is usually thought for it plants the context of every single trend, buzzword and meme. And while we cannot control the content, if we can control the context with which people subjectivise the content and form an opinion, we can have a pretty big influence.

Anyone familiar with the whole thing? How does it work exactly?

Can't you automate it by changing IPs?

Back to how it was before despite the top definition having 1567 up and 2795 down, while the second definition has 2869 up and 1552 down. Coincidence or manual manipulation?

We won lads.

Make sure to check periodically and ensure the kosher (((definition))) doesn't rise back up.

I wonder if it has drawn (((someone's))) attention as a result of user's efforts here:




Let's hope it triggers him so hard it sets off his belt bomb.


Well he is a notorious mass murderer, he doesn't need discipline.

Which Molyneux video is this from?


Anglocucks are the askhenazim of the White race. It was their colonialism semi-warranted elitism and greed that allowed flat currency and modern banking become the norm allowing the kikes, they were suspiciously tolerant about, to take over.

Former Great White Empires all treated the Jews with suspicion and had not allowed usury to become the basis of their economy.

There is no rule that you have to archive shit nigger. It's a good idea in most instances, and breaking links to polls is a good idea so they don't get referral links, but it's not a rule you illiterate. Why don't you go try to stumble through trying to read the rules page again.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You fuckers are worse than vegans.

Can some computer science III faggot do something about this? You'll have my thanks.

well done lads.

I don't think they want to bring that into definition into existence.

Whatever though let them do it.

Top Kek!

Actually, I just reported you Chaim.

Get back to your real job, UrbanDictionary sysop…

Gas yourself, jew-lover.

A white nation will either come about WITHOUT /christ/-cuckery or it won't come about at all.

Nobody made that assertion, cock-mongler!

Masturbation is related to clinical depression.