Attention journalists

Those of you lurking Holla Forums for material to write about will all hang and we will hunt you to the ends of the earth. You are all going to pay for the crimes done to our people. You will get a traitor's death. We are coming for you.

May your descendants curse you and piss on your graves.

Other urls found in this thread:

Instead of making a list of terrible, biased journalists, we should take this time to make a list of good people who care about informing the public.

I'll start:

R.I.P. Journalists

And that's the list.

Excellent thread.

Post your faces when the 21st century is going to be bring the mass death of journalists all over the planet.

This is now officially a shill thread designed to make Holla Forums look more violent then it is.

I think you just need to fuck off back to cuckchan.

There is nothing wrong with wishing that journalists will pay for their treason, as they are the dregs of humanity.

The only shills here are the people trying to roll back the directed hatred against a specific tool and information arm of the (((elites))), because MUH PR.

If you don't wish to see journalists violently disemboweled and set on fire, then obviously you haven't lurked here long enough to witness their many crimes.



Day Of The Rope when?


isn't media and communications essentially propaganda degrees?

Aren't there some ethics in videogames you should be rallying anti-Whites and trannies around?

Seriously I see that fucking mistake everywhere, but you may not entirely be wrong, I remember some screencap saying that shill threads would be everywhere so journalists could have their gotcha with Trump supporters and mix it with the whole alt right thing.

Who cares.

The war now on media sites is between the article writers (blue pilled, good goys, and actual jews) and the comments' section (red pilled).

If the comments' section realizes there are fellow-traveller journalist-haters from the article writers that they already hate, then it is more likely they'll feel the need to not be so afraid anymore to voice their open hatred against the opinion-giving (((article writer class))).

Such stories only works in our favor. It polarizes the already blue pilled good goys, makes the Jew afraid, and galvanizes and makes the connection stronger between the media-haters.

Seems legit…

Fuck off niGGer.



If a race war situation actually ends happening I'm going to target journalists. It's possible I get taken down before the first one, but I have a list and I'm checking it twice.

If the whornalists had not been scared of giving the sheep dangerous ideas, they would have published lists of people that officially want them dead a long time before the Alt-right got started.

I agree with OP, just stopping by

You will HANG! Do you understand what it means to be a traitor?

Many a traitor in history have been killed by the same people they helped. Why you ask?

Because everybody hates traitors! If you are willing to sellout to others, you are also willing to sellout "the others", so best to kill the traitor!


ooo so scary.

Sup (((Bernstein)))


I hope men in black masks kill you and your family at 3AM.

the thing is though bloggers ARE journalists these days
thats the whole point dude

Journalism was never respected, there is no superiority between Buzzfeed and the New York Times

Found the future lamp post decoration

Reminds of something else.

Top kek.

The sad thing is, is that this is true.

Who cares about the truth, no matter how horrible, demoralizing and disgusting it may be, other than us?

The Truth. It's really too much to ask for.


Yes. Half the reason we've become so well noticed is that we openly point out the enemy, with proof, and have slowly gained support from anyone who has listened enough to realize we aren't out to deceive people.

In turn the (((writers))) don't know how to stop it (since the lies they resort to are increasingly obvious) so have turned to actually naming and attacking us which has done nothing but provide a bigger audience and accelerate things. It's backfiring terribly for them but at this point they're in a losing scenario either way.

I think their tactic may have worked before the internet, but now that everything is archived it's near impossible to cover up each time one of their false narratives fails or a double standard gets exposed.

Glorious times these are.