
vim is for faggot hipsters who write javascript
real men use emacs

how do i get started with emacs?

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This site: ergoemacs.org/emacs/emacs.html is probably a good starting place.
Personally, I just read the tutorial that comes with emacs while looking up anything that became relevant later on (reloading, and making a directory in dired).

I've tried to use Vim a number of times on Loonicks & android and wanted to shoot myself.
I couldn't type anything, shit didn't load up correctly, I couldn't tell where anything was, and it spazzed out on me when I tried to do anything.
With Emacs, I could type stuff, shit loaded up correctly, I could tell where things were, and (aside from a couple starting things and starting up SLIME) it never spazzes out on me. Plus, I can use a terminal emulator on android and use emacs.

Emacs is a reflexive programming environment and it has the documentation to help you within itself.
C-h k -- key binding
C-h f -- function
C-h v -- variable
M-x info emacs

real men don't edit text manually nor do they bicker about which editor hurts their feminine hands less.


C-h t -- Emacs tutorial. If it's not obvious, the C- prefix means control. You'll see M-, which means meta key. Not a key you find on normal keyboards, but it'll be mapped to something like your mac/windows key or alt.

Pro tip: Map your caps lock to control, makes many combinations easier.

you really only need Cc-Cc for comment-region

Some bendy faggot will probably prance in here with a lisping voice shouting spacemacs at you. Ignore such inferior men. Learn real emacs from the ground up yourself, and then inspect their "community config made with

Spacemacs fucking sucks. If you want Vim, go use Vim

Completely agree.

Forgot to add. When you're in that "info mode", press h to learn the keys which help you navigate it. It can confuse newcomers.

Sublime Text shits all over emacs/vim/you name it. That's why I paid for a license instead of crying about it not being free.

Yes goy waste your time learning how to configure a fucking text editor.

Silly goy, don't learn how to use your tools.

how much different is elisp to lisp?


Still waiting for a single legitimate report of it sending your text to the FBI/NSA/CIA. Hasn't and won't happen.

Make sure your system meets the minimum requirements for Far Cry 3.


You need adventure game.

The brain of the Vim nigger and the Sublime chimpanzee cannot comprehend metaprogramming.


You didn't even glance at any sort of documentation or guide before trying to use vim, did you? I can tell you right now that a dumb faggot like you isn't going to find emacs any easier than vim, because you're not going to read any documentation on that either. You'd probably be more comfortable with gedit or nano like the stupid illiterate nigger you are.

not cool my nigger

Vim werks out of the box.
Why should anyone bother to learn how to use Emacs and Emacs Lisp just to configure it?

real men can take dick in their ass
only faggots are too weak to do it
i use vim

Probably even RMS doesn't use Emacs.
I quite sure that on a retro Thinkpad, Vim would run much better than Emacs.

nano is a frustrating retard of an editor. it's not his fault, but it's true.

if that were true then why are there a billion vim configs around?
why do people even need a vim config when the editor works fine by default?
i am on to your lies vimboi

People generally don't speak of this, but Emacs isn't supposed to be used in practice. It's only a proof of concept of the Stallman's "not-unix" philosophy taken to the extreme.

The arrow keys work just like in a graphical editor and you can just start typing shit as soon as it starts. It's basically perfect for people who want to feel 1337 for using text-based programs but are also too lazy to read documentation.

Not user, but you can install vim and immediately do like 99.99% of what you do with a configured vim. Configuration is only to fine tune a few things and to add a few custom functionalities that you personally find to be useful but most probably won't.

Lisp is not a single language. It's a family of languages that share important basic properties. Elisp is a language in the Lisp family.

Emacs is slightly more useful without learning it than Vim is. It comes with a menu bar and emulation modes for several other editing styles, including CUA (i.e. ctrl+z is undo, ctrl+x is cut, etcetera). Without those conveniences it's still not harder to learn than Vim.

Stallman uses Emacs for literally almost everything. It performs fine.

It's the same for Emacs, in my experience anyway. I have quite a bit of configuration on the computers I run Emacs a lot on, but I manage fine with no configuration at all, on my server and on my phone.


real men use butterflys

Good advice

Nope. Emacs was odd to use when I first loaded it up, but I learned how to use it and used the tutorial (and eventually read some of the documentation) in order to use it better.
Point being: I could load it up and use it from the get go. Vim not so much, and I'm not going to sift through several hours of documentation just to type "this is text" in a *fucking text editor*.
If I could, I'd use programs that work like Emacs for everything. Hell, I'm using Stumpwm for my window manager and am starting to use conkeror for my web browser (personally, it'd be nice if, you know, the documentation was better for it so I could install ublock origin without too much hassle)
If I *have* to read documentation/guides before using any software in order to do anything, including just typing a simple sentence, then I'm not going to use it. Stumpwm was tricky to get used to using, but it was easier than fucking Vim.
LMMS doesn't require you to read it's documentation to start using it. GIMP, krita, Synfig, and Mtpaint don't require you to read their documentation to start using them. Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Palemoon, etc. don't. Zsnes, Fceux don't. VLC, Parole, OpenShot, gmusicbrowser, etc don't. Emacs doesn't.
Vim, on the other hand, is a special snowflake that requires you to read documentation/guides before even using it. If these were the days of the commodore, I wouldn't be complaining because most software back then necessitated you read the manual/documentation that came with it, from my understanding.
If it's a quick edit, then I'll use nano.
It is the ugliest fucking text editor I have ever come across. Wordpad on Winbots is the Mona Lisa compared to gedit.

vim doesn't even require it, you just run vimtutor to practice the basics which is enough to get you started.

Or about two seconds since the incredibly simple procedure for entering text insertion mode is very obviously going to be one of the very first things you'll find in any docs, tutorials, or fucking google searches. You're just fucking lazy or too dumb to know how documentation works. There is no good excuse to not even attempt to check, not for vim, and not for anything else either. You will never learn how to use anything properly unless you bother with trying to learn.

So which is it? Are you fully proficient without the docs, or did you have to look at docs in order to use it properly?


Let me elaborate on what said. Lisp was originally invented by a (literal) Jew at MIT in the 50s and was just intended to be a theoretical construct, but then someone wrote an implementation and Lisp became a thing. Being a piece of genius it attracted a lot of other Jews (literal and figurative), and being Jews and MIT autists hackers everyone made their own special snowflake Lisp and so you had a million Lisps that were sort of kind of compatible with each other, except for when you needed them to be.

Fast-forward a bit and after all the Jews exhausted the research funding given to them all the various Lisps crashed and burned. In order to salvage whatever possible a new Lisp called Common Lisp was created. Common Lisp is what most people mean when they say "Lisp" and it's a hodgepodge of various dialects thrown together.

Another surviving Lisp is Scheme, invented by a Jew and a guy who may or may not be a Jew as an academic toy to sucker students into learning something that will be utterly useless outside of academia.

The problem of Common Lisp and Scheme is that they have both inherited the autistic hacker mentality of "if you don't like it, make your own". That's not a bad idea in principle, but you cannot apply that to a fucking language standard. The standards all leave too much up to the implementation, so code that runs on one implementation might not run another. Common Lisp is much better than Scheme in that regard, but that's not saying much when the language does not even have a portable way of opening a file. Your best bet is to pick one implementation that looks like it will remain around for the foreseeable future and just stick to that one.

As for Emacs Lisp, it's one of old Lisps from the wild MIT days, but since its purpose is highly specialized there is no reason that anyone would use it for anything other than scripting Emacs. Expect it to be sort of like Common Lisp superficially, but still different. For example, it uses dynamic scoping instead of lexical scoping (both Common Lisp and Scheme are lexical).

pic related.
Daily reminder that being hired by the govt doesn't necessarily mean you're smart, if anything, programs that are good for CIA are generally the kind that are idiot proof.

It's a big text editor.

Just use mg. It's emacs without all the useless features.

Is this pasta? It's very delicious.

Emacs is an extensible, customizable, self-documenting real-time display editor. At the core of Emacs lies an Emacs Lisp interpreter, the language in which the majority of Emacs' built-in functionality and extensions are implemented. GNU Emacs uses GTK as its X toolkit, though it functions equally well within a CLI environment. The text-editing capabilities of Emacs are often compared to that of vim.

What extensions do you use/recommend? I need auto-completion and syntax checking/highlighting for Typescript/JS, PHP and C.

10 braces have been deposited into your emacs config

Javascript and C syntax modes ship with Emacs, for Typescript and PHP you can install typescript-mode and php-mode with the built-in package manager.

There's generic autocompletion built-in and accessible with M-\. There are a lot of packages for smarter, more specific autocompletion.

I enjoy ag.el, magit, multiple-cursors, rainbow-delimiters, undo-tree and window-number. Take a look at flycheck and flymake for your linting needs.

Nice, thanks. What about a control-p style thing (fuzzy search of files inside the current directory tree)?

I don't mind reading documentation to become proficient with a piece of software, but I do mind it when I have to look something up from the get go.
If Vim had dropped me into text insertion mode the first time I used it, I'd probably still be using it, instead of sperging out about it.
I looked things up as they came up (i.e. how to change & close buffers, how to change/install themes, etc.). If I started Emacs and it did what Vim did, I wouldn't be using Emacs.
The whole entire thing that makes me sperg out about software, is when it runs in a completely unexpected way. I'd expect a text editor to allow me to edit text when I type a key, not require me to enter text-insertion mode first, and then let me enter text.
If I open up a paint program, I expect to be able to paint, If I open a music player, I expect to be able to play music.
Look up tuts/docs to figure out how to make a straight line/set up a playlist? No problem.
Look up tuts/docs to draw a line/play an audio file? Big problem.

This, probably:

Just like I would say in a vim thread (but I don't because I'm an emacs user and they don't want me there), instead of looking at someone else's configuration or suggested plugins, use the editor as it comes when you first install it
After completing the tutorial, just use it as it is for a while for your usual tasks that need an editor
After a while, you might need to do something and you are not sure if you can do it, at which point you'll open the built-in manual (control+h followed by i)
It takes a bit to actually find anything, but the "Emacs" category is where you'll spend your day (figuratively speaking) until you have the basic commands for your usual tasks memorized
When you have them down, you will definitely reach a point where the provided commands are not enough
It could be anything, even just executing the same bunch of commands over and over and you want to save time (think of shell scripts), so you'll have to look at elisp, which is the language used to program emacs
The best thing about a programmable editor (vim is one too), is that they can be changed in a way to completely suit your needs: if I need to often swap lines in a file I can write a command to do that for me, but then if I get a different job I can write another function to help me with that instead
Reading someone else's config/plugin list means nothing because you are looking at someone else's needs, not yours, and the only way to get the editor to really help you is to use it without anything and add to it yourself as you become more proficient with it, that is, by using it for your daily editing needs

No, I wrote that rambling myself in one go. There are times when the state of Lisp really makes me despair.

For auto-completion there is either the built in options, which just expand words or snippits based on previous use, or company which provides 'intelligent completion' with pop-ups via various backends for different languages.Flycheck handles syntax checking through simmilar means. For JS I recommend JS2-mode which should provide its own syntax checking out of the box. For auto-completion with company you can take a look at this, I haven't used it but it looks good. github.com/nim-lang/nim-mode

Projectile is my package of choice for things like that. It has a lot of functionality for working with projects without regard for their actual file-structure. A project here is defined as anything under a directory containing a .git file, which is very flexible.

If you're new to emacs I would strongly suggest installing which-key and helm too. Which-key provides a dynamic pop-up showing possible key-bindings when you press a prefix key like C-x. Helm is a completion engine that provides regexp fuzzy matching and visually shows candidates in basically every selection within emacs, everything from 'find-file' to showing what's been killed (cut) in the current session. It's a huge package with a lot of functionality, but the basics are extremely helpful and don't require learning anything.

about as different as espresso is from coffee

Great explanation, user.

What the fuck is an espresso

A type of coffee:

Just like Emacs Lisp is a type of Lisp.

Real coffee.

Fucking burguers.


for you

Nottu dis shittu agin

emacs and vim are bloated and overly complicated for something as simple as editing text.
just use gedit or kate and fuck off.

I've given emacs a shot quite a few times. Every time I eventually stop using it. Why? Because it annoys the shit out of me that it never starts with a simple clean empty buffer, unlinked to some fucking file.

One of the main things I use a texteditor for is to paste some text, edit it, then copy it again to paste to it's final destination.

I'm sure emacs can be configured to be that editor, but so far I've only found workarounds. Workarounds don't cut it.

vim simply doesnt like you cause of your terrorist name

You can easily make it start with a simple clean empty buffer unlinked to a file. On the start screen, follow the "Customize Startup" button. Then set "Inhibit Startup Screen" to on, and set "Initial Scratch Message" to nothing. Use the "Apply and Save" button at the top and you're done - Emacs will now immediately open the *scratch* buffer when started, which won't contain any text. As far as I can tell it's exactly what you want and it's a very simple configuration.

You can also create a buffer that's unlinked to a file by using C-x b and entering an unused name, by the way.

Perfect. And that was so simple.

Searches only gave me elisp snippets, while this was all I needed.

Thanks, user!

Emacs is jewish

See? jews aren't all bad.

it's made by a jew who wants to impeach god so that's ok

Does anyone knows a way to close all open buffers when closing an emacsclient frame via C-x C-c?

Original Emacs was made by Guy Steele, a fellow Aryan.

James Gosling (who is gentile as well) later created a modernized implementation of Emacs with Lisp-like extension language.

GNU Emacs was initially a fork of Gosling Emacs before the latter editor went proprietary.
The main author of GNU Emacs is a schutzjude known as Richard M. Stallman.
So your claim is incoherent.

This function does that:
(defun kill-visible-buffers-delete-frame () "Kill all buffers in the current frame, then delete the frame." (interactive) (dolist (buffer (delete-dups (mapcar 'window-buffer (window-list)))) (kill-buffer buffer)) (delete-frame))
You could bind it to C-x C-c, or give it a new binding.

nice larp

A typical trait of the Jew. Steal (no pun intended) gentile ideas and claim credit for them.

How do you recognize an emacs user in a face to face setting?
Flip him the bird.
If he can't flip it back then he uses emacs.
If he can but still won't flip it then that too means he uses emacs.
Cause you have to be thoroughly cucked to be fine with keybindings like these.

but dude they will totes hire me once they'll find out I spent years configuring my text editor

Thanks a lot.

First you must become a man, my son.

it's the current year.

$ vimtutor

What else would you expect from German boomers?

And he expects us to value his opinions.

lmfao. Yes. The arrow keys are just as efficient for editing. Of course. Arrow keys can totally do isearch.

God bless your faggoty soul.

You don't even know what garbage CLISP is.

What if the hostname contains his real name, like "bobs-fagbook"

the 30ms you need to move your right hand back to the keyboard from the arrow keys will CERTAINLY make you go past the project deadline i'm sure of it
fucking retard

Emacs is bloat. Fuck off with your muh emacs.

yes vim is bloat but it is a marathon runner compared to 80 yr old bariatric tranny that is emacs
b-buh vim is for h-hipsters
not true and not an argument

PS: Vim key bindings are the easiest among ALL editors

Arrow keys are easier senpai

What about LightTable? Anyone using that, lol?

I love how emacsfags have no reply to this one.

I'm an Emacs user. I can reply to it if you want. I think it might be the single most horrible technical detail in all of Emacs (and it has plenty). I hope it gets solved at some point.
But it's not bad enough to make me stop using Emacs. Most really experienced Emacs users can probably give you a list of things like that. The thing is, nothing else can reproduce all the great things Emacs does, so switching would be a net loss.

How do I use emacs if I cannot even compile it?

You can temporarily disable the protection using the method that's described in detail by the build script.

OP says only man use emacs...
doesnt know how to use it!

Vim is great, if you use emacs...fine

just dont act like you are a god or something

I think the OP is using the advanced stylistic tool known as a "joke"


You've fallen for the most basic trick. Almost no avid user of Emacs relies on the initial keybindings and settings. What would be the point of a programmable editor if that were the case?

The basics are worth knowing since they're used in evrything that uses GNU readline, but not as the basis for editing.

I've actually tried it.
The idea is good and I hope that kind of feedback gets implimented in Emacs. It's already possible, but exists in dissparate packages and libraries.

emacs? more like

pick one.

Real men use paint


I can't imagine how painful programming would be if GNU Emacs never existed. Dr. Richard Matthew Stallman is absolutely based. He introduced LISP in the GNU system and created Guile as its official extension language. God bless him.

But GNU Emacs causes pain in the form of carpal tunnel ...

I only use Emacs because of the plugins, and I'm probably not the only one.

Doesn't happen to me. I use Right ctrl, and actually I find it more practical that way.
People normally suggest Caps lock but that one is my compose key.





GNU Emacs has Emacs Lisp, its own programming language. The developers of GNU Emacs have also made bytecomp.el, their own compiler.
And that's the difference between an amateur editor and a professional editor. A professional makes its own compiler.
You know why? Because the vim cattle suck Stallman's cock. They interpret their code, and their interpreter is a product of GCC, therefore they suffer humiliation from Richard Stallman.
Stallman's Emacs on the other hand, compiles elisp with its own compiler, and proceeds to run it on a virtual machine built by GCC, another one of his own compilers. Therefore it's a doubly professional text editor.
Vim users are a herd of nigger cattle, we have a space alien.

This thing works flawlessly, is performant, open source and has a lot of available extensions.

The ebuild disables pie by default. How exactly am I at risk? Please educate me.

I like VS a lot and it has come a long way, but it has got bugs and gripes man.

That said, it's still really good software and outshines the rest in terms of complexity and useful features and is pretty good, all things considered, but flawlessly is really a step too far.

The purpose of internet explorer is to download firefox.

Lisp Alien Mai Waifu™

lisp and emacs are failed projects from the 80s

Lisp and GNU Emacs are memes come to reality by the will of our almighty lord Kek.

Yeah, I wish someone would re-write Emacs so it wouldn't be made for fucking space-cadet keyboard.

I use IntelliJ

You realize you can rebind any key, right?

Nah, it's more about the bloat. Take a look at the source code.

You don't even know how to use it, yet you think it's the best text editor there is? Don't be so impressionable.

LARPer detected

You clearly have a lot of experience with emacs so you can say this.
pic related

Here's your (you), boy.

I have 64 gigs of ram, take your "performance" meme and shove it.


Yep. A text editor to edit the files on my home server.

Thanks, Chaim

You realize that a hostname can identify you, especially if you use email, as your hostname is used for part of the Message-ID header, right?

big if true

It depends on the SMTP server and the SMTP client.

The client can conceal your internal IP and hostname.
But the server will have your external IP anyway.
It's up to the server to reveal your IP or not.
The default configuration would be to keep track of all relays.

Message-id is generated by MTA, so you can use the hostname from your return address instead.

So either you use an SMTP server which cleans up this mess or you ssh into some box and send your mail from it.

The second variant can be done with msmtpqueue, which allows to keep a local queue of your mail in order to later dump it through ssh to an SMTP server, for example by a cron job. It's also great for working with your mail offline.

fat kike stallman & lisp bloat
tips C-m C-e C-n M-o M-r M-a M-h

Hello dear novice Common Lisp programmer!
Is your progress through SICP going well today?

Javascript writer here, everybody in the office either falls into the Atom camp or the Sublime camp. Tensions are high. It won't be long before a Nerf war breaks out over it.

Does your office hold gay orgies every friday evening

If you're gonna sing vim's praises, at least make it through the tutor.

haha who knew the editor war would be won because one side is now too crippled to post about how great their editor is.

vim really is for troglodytes

If vim were emacs you'd have to hold down Esc the entire time you were in normal mode.

How do people deal with the pinkie problem?

If you haven't done it yet, kys.
Doesn't really help.
A more autistic version of (1), handy if you use Evil
Crap in my opinion.
The best way to solve the problem.
It has a side effect though, you won't be able to use the default emacs keybindings again.

I just move my knuckles forward a little and use my metacarpal to hit Control. This way you don't even have to take your fingers off the home row let alone your pinky to hit control. If you have huge hands this can be a difficult motion because the distance between the home row and Control is short.

And of course you can map something to if C-[ isn't good enough for you.


Get yourself a copy of the Emacs reference card from fsf.org.

I bought a copy directly from the FSF at a conference, but the TeX source file for the reference card is probably available somewhere.

are you a 6yo girl?

remap caps lock as control & esc

What the fuck are you talking about? [ is just above ;

I would use emacs if its tab handling wasn't retarded.

I can't force it to insert a tab when I hit the tab key across the board without editing a million and a half fucking lisp files.

C-q tab

What is ASLR? Lisp is memory safe you goddamn 70s paleskin

What is ASLR? Lisp is memory safe you goddamn 70s paleface