Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?
A Short Essay by John Doe

Is it cheaper to have sex with normal women than with prostitutes? No, and here is why.

When you have sex with a normal girl, it's by no means "free". You have to take her out to dinner, buy her drinks, and you might have to go on two or even three dates before you will have sex with her. If you add up the total costs of these three dates, it would be approxiately around 400 dollars.

Now let's look at the cost of the average high quality prostitute. You can bang a prostitute for 2 hours for 250 dollars.

What are the benefits of using prostitutes instead of dating normal women?

1. The average prostitute is far hotter than the average normal woman you can date.
2. YOU get to do the choosing, and the power of choice is in YOUR hands, instead of in the woman's hands
3. With a prostitute, you have sex with her and that's it. No emotional drama, no mind games, no bullshit, like there is with normal women.
4. You don't have to waste hours of your valuable time that you could otherwise spend on making money, taking women out on dates or trying to pick up women in bars and clubs. No, instead you pay a prostitute for one or two hours of her time, have sex with her, and leave.
5. You choose WHEN you want to have sex. So let's say you're a busy businessman, instead of wasting 5 hours at a bar or on a date, instead you'd spend only one or two hours with a prostitute, and that at your convience too. YOU are the one who chooses WHEN, and so you save a LOT of time.
6. Prostites are DEFINITELY cheaper than getting married. Overall, through a 10 year marriage and divorce, you'd end up spending at least 250,000 dollars. Now let's take that number and divide it by 250 dollars, which is the average price of a high quality prostitute in a Western country. That is sex with 1000 different high quality prostitutes. Now if you talk to any married man, who is HONEST, he will admit that sex with the wife after the first 6 months or year starts to get boring. And this is why people in long term relationships barely have sex, because it's BORING having sex with the same person time after time. Variety is the spice of life! You could have sex with 1000 different women for the same price it would cost to marry one woman and have sex with her. And considering how unstable most western women are nowadays, the chance of divorce is around 60%, with the woman initiating the divorce 90% of the time. You are likely to lose at least 50% of your assets and savings in a divorce, and so marriage to a western woman may end up costing you up to 500,000 dollars or even a million dollars, once you add in the divorce costs and long term child payment and alimony costs.

So let's take that number, one million dollars, and divide it by 250. That's 4000 DIFFERENT women you could pay to have sex with, instead of marrying one woman who will just end up turning into a bitch and divorcing you anyway. So it's your choice guys. Would you rather marry one woman, who will get bored of sex after 6 months, and end up stealing all your assets and savings in divorce, or would you rather have sex with 4000 different beautiful women for the same price?

Another very relevant point is that the world of modern dating has become quite risky. Most women see nothing wrong with making a false rape accusation against a man. Most rape cases are fake and are done out of a motive of REVENGE by the woman. Did you break up with your girlfriend? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you just to get revenge. Did you cheat on your girl with another girl? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation just to get revenge on you. Forgot to tell your girlfriend "happy birthday"? Watch out, she might make a false rape accusation against you in order to get revenge on you. At least 90% of rape cases are FALSE, the sex was CONSENSUAL and the woman later changed her mind AFTER the act and decided "oh it was rape". LOL. And this is why the police no longer take rape cases seriously, because literally 90% of women who claim to have been raped are LYING!

So that is another HUGE benefit of prostitues. A prostitute won't make a false rape accusation against you.

PART 2 next


What's another GREAT reason that men choose to use prostitutes? Because by paying for sex, they can have sex with a MUCH hotter quality of woman than they would normally. For example, if we rate women on a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of beauty. The average guy will be able to pick up and have sex with a 4 or a 5 from a bar, a club, or Tinder. Meanwhile, if the same man paid for sex with a high quality prostitute for $250 dollars (about the same amount of money he would spend picking up a 4 or 5 from a bar, club, or Tinder), the prostitute he would have sex with would be an 8 or 9 on the beauty scale. So for the same amount of money, he can have sex with a much hotter woman, and with much less effort too. Think about all the effort you have to put in to go to a bar or club. You have to buy good clothes, you have to spend lots of money on drinks and food, and also have to spend a lot of money on making sure your apartment is cool and stylish so the girl will feel comfortable there. So unless you're a man who was blessed with the looks of Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise and have women chasing after you, the easiest and cheapest option for most men to have sex with the hottest quality of women is to simply PAY for sex with a hot prostitute. One guy was asked why he paid to have sex with prostitutes and his reply was "If I’m being brutally honest, the hottest women I’ve ever had sex with have been prostitutes … I would never be able to have sex with women who are ridiculously hot unless they were prostitutes.” I can also personally testify to this point. The types of chicks I was getting from Tinder were mostly fat or at best mildly hot, I would have rated them between a 3 and a 6 on the attraction scale. Then the first time I went to a prostitute, I was blown away with the options and the QUALITY too. Here were super hot girls who I could bang for such a cheap price. Needless to say, I gave up on dating and ONLY bang prostitutes now. I'm a much happier and peaceful person as a result.

Another couple of reasons that men gave as to why they choose to have sex with prostitutes are:

"Getting a prostitute is so easy: no strings attached, you can choose the woman you want before you purchase, then they arrive at your door. Couldn’t be easier."

I can also testify to this. Getting a normal girl to have sex is a real pain in the ass and involves so much struggle, drama, and mind games. Then of course after you have sex with her, you have to deal with her stalking you, calling you so many times, and with her unrealistic expectation that you are going to have a committed and exclusively relationship with her. All that compared with the EASE of banging a hot prostitute, and the choice is simple. I chose to not waste time trying to date women anymore and only bang hot prostitutes now.

“We want to have sex without all the bullshit of pretending to be really interested in a girl. When you pay for sex, you don’t have to swap numbers at the end when you know you won’t call. You pay, have sex, she leaves. Everyone’s happy.”

This goes along with the above point. With normal women and dating, you have to PRETEND to care about her and PRETEND to be interested in her, when in reality all you want is to have sex with her. With a prostitute, there is no pretensions and that really is a beautiful thing because ultimately then sex becomes about the raw physical act as well as the pure attractiveness of the woman, and thus you are able to enjoy sex a lot more.

PART 3 next

No. Most women are whores but most prostitutes are straight up junkies.

Pls go back to

A woman's value is not in the act of sex she performs, but the act of child bearing and rearing alone with her motherly and wifely duties.

Terrence Pop has covered this before in his videos.

On phone now but ill try digging out the vids.

Having an escort once a week turned out to be cheaper than getting married.

Bets theres cucks who dont get fucked in years while paying for their wives to get fake tits for Jamal and Tyrone to play with.

This fucker can't into English.

Prostitution over marriage? What filth is this? Whoring is a vice, and will not produce huWhite sons as my wife is doing. Besides which I love her, a lot.

Absolutely disgusting.jpg


Lastly, let's touch on the issue of legalization. On average surveys, 70 percent of men said they would vote to legalize prostitution, meanwhile 60 percent of women said they would vote to keep prostitution illegal. Now it's pretty obvious why women want to keep prostitution illegal. Women use sex as a weapon to control men. So it would disrupt the economics of women's control over sex if prostitution was legalized, because then MEN would have control over WHO they want to have sex with and WHEN. Forget all those arguments about morality, the REAL reason women want to keep prostitution illegal is so that they can CONTINUE to control men with sex. In effect, women are like a mafia that is desperate to keep control of the sexual marketplace. If prostitution was legal, men would be a lot less inclined to put up with women's bullshit just to get sex from them, when they can go pay for sex from a much more attractive woman and without all the hassles and drama that dating and normal women bring.

What about STDs some of you might say? Well the whole STD scare is mostly a MYTH that has been blown way out of proportion by feminists and conservative religious leaders in order to scare men away from having sex. In reality, the rate of transmission of AIDS is 1 out of 700 during heterosexual sex. That is, if a man had penis to vagina intercourse with an AIDS-infected woman, it would take 700 times on average before he would contract it. The only way people get AIDS is through using needles to inject drugs, or having anal sex, especially with homosexuals. So the whole AIDS thing is a huge scare, a MYTH, that has been blown way out of proportion.

What about Herpes? Well studies show that 80% of the US population already has Herpes in one of it's forms, so that is not really an issue.

The only other STD that you would have to worry about is Chlamydia, and it can be easily cured within 3 days with antibiotics.

Now, that is UNPROTECTED sex. If you are using condoms to have sex with, then the chances of getting any of these STDs becomes less than zero. And that includes oral sex as well. Most prostitutes will insist that you always use a condom, even during oral sex. So as long as you are using condoms, then STDs are nothing you should even remotely worry about.

So what are some of the main reasons why prostitution should be legalized?

1. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce the STD transmission rate by about 50% amongst prostitutes.

2. If prostitution was legal, it would reduce rape by at least 150%.
Many studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces rape, sexual assault, and other sex crimes by a lot. The same studies have shown that legal prostitution reduces the STD rate amongst the general population by about 50%.

3. The real number of human trafficking victims in the prostitution industry is actually less than 5%. But if prostitution was fully legal, the tiny number of women who are forced into prostitution involuntarily would be able to go to the poliec to get help and escape from their pimps. Keeping prostitution illegal hurts prostitutes the most, so it's funny how feminists want to keep prostitution illegal and yet at the same time claim they care about women's health and women's rights. Feminism is nothing but the biggest pile of bullshit hypocrisy the world has ever seen.

4. Feminists say "my body, my choice". So if 95% of prostitutes are VOLUNTARILY engaging in prostitution, then why should those women have the RIGHT to choose what to do with their own bodies, even if that includes trading sex for money? What right does the government or anyone else have to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex?


5. It would save a lot of money and resources from our police and government. Tens of millions of dollars a year are wasted by our police and government arresting and putting prostitutes in jail. If prostitution was LEGAL, on the other hand, and taxed and regulated, it would bring in tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars a year in tax revenue for our government, as well as freeing up valuable police time for REAL crimes like rape, theft, murder, assault, etc.

6. If prostitution was legal, prostitutes would have legal rights and would not longer get taken advantage of by pimps and other shady figures, including corrupt police officers. Yes, the police also contribute to the oppression of prostitutes because there are many corrupt police officers out there who blackmail and extort prostitutes for money and/or sexual favors. If prostitution was legal, all of this would end and prostitutes would finally have legal rights.

7. Prostitution is the world's oldest profession. It is NEVER going to stop no matter how much the police or government tries to stop it. There are ALWAYS going to be men who are willing to pay money for sex, and there are ALWAYS going to be women who are willing to give sex to men for money. Prostitution has also been an integral part of many cultures and thus trying to stop it is literally impossible. And why should it be stopped? No one has the right to tell two consenting adults that they cannot exchange money for sex. So rather than waste time trying to stop it, just legalize it and tax it, the same way we do with cigarettes, alcohol, and now marijuana.

All in all, I believe in personal freedom. I believe that no one has the right to force their own sense of morality onto others. In some very ancient cultures, prostitutes were actually given very high status in society and considered as spiritual people who could heal men of their problems through sex. That was thousands of years ago though, before self-righteous modern western religions were invented and started violently forcing their concepts of morality onto people. Funny how societies that were thousands of years old were actually far more advanced than we are in the modern age in terms of sex and prostitutes.

It took almost a century for people to wake up and legalize marijuana, which is a completely harmless natural plant that hurts no one. In the same way, society and people in general have to EVOLVE and realize that they have no right to force their own sense of morality or control onto others. The modern society is actually a very sexually restrictive society, compared to cultures and civilizations of the past. And it's this sexual restrictiveness which contributes to so much psychological neurosis, sex crimes, and frustration in general. Is it a coincidence how people in America are so quick to anger and lose their temper, whereas in a place like Thailand where prostitution is legal and accepted, people are very laid back and cool headed? People need to stop seeing sex as such a big thing, and just realize that sex is a normal and acceptable part of life.

With that said, I believe that I have covered all the points as to why prostitution should be legal and an accepted part of society, and so this essay comes to a close. Please feel free to copy, paste, and distribute this essay as my goal is to influence and educate as many people as possible, the only thing I ask is that you do not change it or edit it in any way whatsoever. Thank you very much

John Doe


Alright listen here you fucking degenerate.

Yes, sex with a prostitute is cheaper. That's because they're essentially a business providing a single service and that's it. You pump and dump, which is great if you want to pump and dump but shit if you want to do anything else or have an actual relationship with another human like a regular person.

If you're sitting around for literal weeks doing shit with a person and you've only got one thing on your mind either you're spending time with a shitty women or you're the shitty one.

I'm gonna guess the OP also doesn't have a great amount of friends. Mainly because he seems incapable of fathoming being around someone because you like their presence rather than liking them as a person.

Now get the fuck out of here with your liberal arts college 101 bullshit. You don't need to justify that C in sociology to anyone here.

you sound like such a mangina white knight cuck

enjoy it when your pure white Aryan wife goes and rides a black man's cock behind your back, you faggot

fuck off MGTOW

I partly agree with what you're saying. And I partly agree with OP, but here's my take on the issue.

I've been with prostitutes before. It's a hit and miss kind of thing. All of them were very attractive (I am very picky about the women I sleep with), but even then, the sex wasn't always enjoyable. Out of the 4 experiences that I had, 2 were truly enjoyable.

Now, I've also had girlfriends and the sex with a girlfriend can also be boring and tedious, but at least it isn't awkward when it ends. With a prostitute, it can be.

Having sex with a hot woman isn't a rush unless she is into it. What I recommend is going for young, unexperienced prostitutes who haven't had many clients because they do it on the side (college girls, housewives). They tend to be the best choice.

At the end of the day, you'll always pay for sex in one way or the other. What makes the difference is how the girl feels about you, and how she treats you.

Look at him. Look at him and laugh.

Are you wearing a big top hat?

how about i fuck you off?

what kind of brain dead, limp dicked stupid cuck fuck would PAY to fuck a woman that has fucked countless other dicks.

its almost gay from how many dicks have been in the same vagina that your dick would be in



God gave us Eastern European women for a reason.

Unless you're willing to move to her country and stay there, I have some bad news for you, son. As soon as they are on Western soil, they'll abandon you.

Yes, they are.

If prostitution was legalized, feminism would instantly be eliminated.

Yeah, but the difference is this:

OP is deciding to tally up 3 dates vs one night with a prostitute.

Obviously if you aren't a desperate weirdo if the woman is unpleasant you can just cut it off after date one. Nothing binds you to an ironclad contract of three dates.

Your choice bro


And the CUCKservative losers on here who are against prostitution are supporting feminism

Moving to eastern Europe isn't that easy. You're American (I assume). Your mentality is quite different. Things such as tradition, religion, customs are not important to you, as you've been socialized in a materialistic society. You wouldn't like it there.

The only reason OP hates women, is because he's a faggot.


Canadian here, I got some bad news for you.

Out on the west coast prostitution is legal and marijuana is basically a couple of steps from. What happened wasn't a sudden right wing push. What happened was that the newspaper classifieds got three or four pages longer as everyone the whores began advertising(which was how I found out, an entire page of ladyboy ads next to used washing machines is a one hell of an experience). Other than that though, no change. The women who'd bitch before still bitched about either the same subject or other ones. The men who whined would just whine about the same shit or similar shit. You could rent any color or age of pussy and it just plain does not matter.

Killing the SJW spread isn't nearly as easy as just changing one thing, no matter what that one thing was.

Oh, it's another

The point of a woman isn't to just have sex with her. The point of sex is to get children, pair-bond, and have a family together. That's why women cost more than prostitutes. That's why lowered standard for wives creates so much havoc - dumb dick for brains like you start to think just because mummy was a single mommy whore on a stick, women are only good for sucking and fucking. And it's easier to pay for take out than make your own kitchen to cook in, so you just wanna pay for pointless sex than build a family.

Being a circumcised freak like you no doubt are, you probably never figured that companionship is more than blowing your load on a bitch ever so often. The quality of women may have dropped, but the things a man wants out of his woman never changed in essence. Man still wants to work and improve himself, explore, learn more and do things, and he needs his woman along for the ride to support him and to help him maintain the family.

What's the point of living for yourself? Acting like having children doesn't matter is a suicidal philosophy that never survives for more than a generation (also absolutely wrong). MGTOW and man-hating feminists are doomed to die and they should die sooner than later.

Just because we say no to niggers, it doesn't mean we open our arms to every other western loser that can't get a woman in his own country.

If you don't speak the language and can't assimilate in few years of arriving, you are as good as the trash that swarms your own country.
Also, see

Stop replying to your own posts to bolster consensus.

You're also implying that those prostitutes than aren't drug addled out of their mind aren't feminists themselves.

I have bad news for you, user. If you like being around women, you're a faggot. In the old days before feminism, no men sat around talking to their wives or pretended they had anything interesting to say. In fact, men tried to spend as little time with their wives as possible. That's because women were seen for what they are, wombs with legs. The idea that women are interesting or worth spending time around only appears in an effeminate society.

So if you aren't going for family and children, and face it 95% of girls today are unfit for motherhood, then prostitutes are your best bet.

Know what's cheaper than a prostitute? My hand.

OP here. Well, I do enjoy ladyboys. In fact they are hotter and better than real women, for the most part

You are partly right. But I truly wish that one day you'll meet at least one woman who is an intellectual and with whom you can spend hours hanging out, talking about different topics. I have had the luck to meet three of those.

…in 28 years…

Kill yourself.

This fucking post, man. Holy shit, I'm laughing.

Except majority of people throughout history lived with their families i.e had wives in their homes and sometimes servants and slaves on top of it too, many of whom were female as well.

Fuck off you generalizing cunt.

MGTOW virgin who has NEVER EVER spent time with an actual woman confirmed.

Thank you for you wonderful thread, lad. I'll tell my future wife and children about you.

You're a faggot. If I wanted to talk to an intellectual (which I don't because they are annoying), then I would just talk to a man.

Being friends with women or having conversations with them is a sign of civilizational decay. In a healthy civilization, sexes are for the most part segregated and have their own spheres that rarely intersect.

And they treated these women like children, as they should be treated. They did not sit around conversing with them like degenerate feminized homos.

Some women do behave like children. I have met very mature, very intelligent women in my lifetime, but they're a dime a dozen.

I've met plenty of dumb, shallow, stupid guys, but I don't go around saying that men are children.

You heard it here first, folks.
The women were kept in cages on the eastern front of the country, while the men worked on their farms and workshops on the western front. They only came together once a year to procreate. This is authentic Aryan tradition and we should return to it as our ancestors surely knew best.

You know the price of everything, but the value of nothing.

Being French, I've had sex to the point where I was tried of it. Relationships lasting a few weeks. White women, black women, arab women, asian and back again.

I don't know.

But after my bit of hyper sexuality, I don't think I can into a "normal" relationship anymore. I've thrown women around like dirty rags, all the nasty shit I've done, all the relationships I've personally broken to satisfy my selfish appetites. Seeing as to how easy those crumble, wouldn't want to take the risk myself.

So, escorts are my thing. Pay them, fuck them how you want and tell the slut to fuck off afterward. It's convenient.

Use a condom, don't kiss the bitch. No risk.

Fuck raising a family, women are sluts period.

This is all from my life experiences anyhow

You deserve your country taken away from you by Muslims, Niggers and Kikes.

Kill yourself, Pierre. Twain was right about your people. Utter scum.

And for every "very intelligent woman" there are a thousand extremely intelligent men who are a million times more interesting.

You are just a degenerated nu-male, near homosexual.

Guess what dumbass. If your philosophy cannot be applied to produce a strong country over several generations, means it's unnatural and it can only exist in a sick and dying society.

The mentally ill shouldn't give relationship tips.

Go to Russia sometime and test that "theory" of yours.

Another idiotic generalization - separation into male and female spheres of household did not denote women as inherently infantile, but simply different based on their biological role.
this division is still on going today on an informal level and most people are intuitively attuned to it when they engage in a serious relationship and have children.

Just because western cucks are subservient to their women in all aspects it does not mean that men did not interact with women, there were simply different spheres of household life where men did not go and women kept those to themselves instead, but still did them for the benefit of the entire household. Other than that, men and women interacted just as much if not more often because of lack of electronic gizmos as comapred with today and common need ot help each other in agricultural work or when running a workshop/stall/etc. Men and women are noted in many historical sources for being just as much devoted to each other, falling on love or arguing.

You are a faggot who knows nothing of traditional gender roles or history.


jacking off makes you feel like a fucking loser.

This is why we invaded and burned your heretic woman tbh, I'd do it again because you clearly haven't learned.


Look, from what I've experienced.

From what I've done. I can't into a relationship.

All the bitches I've fucked, I have an itching suspicion karma will catch up to me, the moment I truly fall in love with a women.


Good luck building your aryan civilization on the backs of women who have slept with everything in sight.

Nigga, I love Arab women, I'll tell you that! They always cook after sex.


Hahahahahahahaha, no.

Other than that, men and women interacted just as much if not more often because of lack of electronic gizmos as comapred with today and common need ot help each other in agricultural work or when running a workshop/stall/etc.
Completely false. And some necessary communication for tasks is not the same as sitting around conversing and pretending to be friends.

We are not talking about courtship here.

shame on you.

I think you've confused "western culture" for "a bunch of 19th century aristocrats with too much time on their hands".

In these times? They are exactly the same.

Though you are French so you're at about the same genetic value as an arab.

Makes me feel like a winner actually. Rub one out, go back to working on the important shit. I mean it's the most efficient option really. Hell, if my balls weren't cursed by nature to constantly fill up, I wouldn't even fap at all. Just empty the balls out every now and then and you're all set.

I think the difference between what you consider "losers" and I consider "winners" is that losers value sex above everything else in their meaningless shit existence. For those of us who work on more important shit for humanity and don't have the mental capacity of a low iq animal, sex is more or less an inconvenience.

Nope. It is legal in my country and women are still screeching feminist harpies.

Literally miles of cock

Kikes hide their names when publishing materials pushing for degeneracy over civil behavior.

There's more to a relationship than just sex you degenerates.

It's a shill thread, genius. What do you expect?

Maybe not in your part of the world, friend, but then again, you are a generalizing cunt that is overreacting to a cucked society.

Well friendo, historical sources say otherwise. but I'm guessing having common courtesy of others is alien to you, as well as having friends.

When did ever a man was a genuine friend to a woman he was not fucking? Why do you think I keep talking about it in a husband-wife context here? Just because man is the head of the household it does not mean he orders his wife around like a slave, but then again you have a fantastic view of reality built on knee-jerk misogyny.
Treating your woman like a piece of shit is a guarantee of having a stable household and good environment for kids, why, its been the Aryan way for millennia, you cunt.

am on the same boat.

too much sex ruined my perspective on relationships. However i haven't gone so low as you.

holy shit that was funny worst it's probably true. especially for pornstars.

I bet the French would put up the same resistance to being thrown in a gas chamber as they have to the Nazi occupation and their current muslim occupation.

The thread to be bump locked.

No, it is all good civilizations that do this. Declining civilizations reduce sexual polarity. The more male and female overlap in society, the more degenerate that society is. This is an iron law of the universe.

Wow you seem to be slipping moshe, lunch break more important than slide threads?
This is either an MGTOW thread or a slide thread, both jewish.


I don't doubt that. I had a french girlfriend once, although she was the sweetest thing, boy was she brainwashed. She was the most anti-white person I ever meet. I remember she once told me that:

"Whites deserve everything that's coming to them, for what they did to the blacks"

She was also a druggie. Figures

Incorrect. Unless you are talking about degenerate civilizations.

Husband and wife are past the courtship phase, so conversation is kept to a minimum.

Yes and no. If he is in a good civilization, he doesn't need to because their are social norms or perhaps even laws in place so she will obey him anyway.

Who said anything about treating them like shit? No, they were treated like women, just slightly above children. They were not treated like equals or like someone who is interesting or worth spending time with. This is the natural order.

What do you expect?

It hot as hell, here in Jaffa I mean.
And they only paid us bi-weekly to troll you autstic fucks.

You retard's just eat anything we feed you.

Buddy, come to Israel. I think you'll like it here.

Face it, the only way you're getting your traditional society is to go full Fash, and the only way you can do that is if you somehow get power via civil war. Wasting time and energy on modern women is for bluepilled cucks.

OP you need to understand something.
We are all here to plan actions to make sure there are more white children someday then there are today. Nothing in your argument comes anywhere close to promoting this. Instead just like conditioned women themselves you place the burden on women to work and earn a living and even yourself rather than making families. You are falling into the trap of the eternal Jew.

Promoting prostitution through legal escorts simply takes the most desired women out of the gene pool by allowing them to become such escorts. Women cannot control their actions, only men can lead them and that's what they seek out.

Dude she's not even white.

You just need to find the right woman to marry.
I know my wife will never cheat on me or let herself go. We will raise children and won't get divorced in the future. It happens to almost everyone these days but my woman is different!

Specify which civilizations and define "degenerate" for the purpose of the argument

Patently false. Holy hell, its like you've been kept in an orphanage and your only experience of family life is a lefitst cartoon about middle ages.

Point I've been driving at this whole time. Glad we agree on this, I suspected you knew this all along.

The time spent with a woman was not based on desire for a friendship, but it was a part of daily life - "friendship" with your partner is a necessity of making living with them possible and bearable. Other than that, traditional gender roles apply. Seeing them as slightly above children is taking the responsibility off their backs however, men used to expect a lot more than what you describe, especially when running the household was a female job.

She fucking Jamal behind your back

You know it to be true.

Better now?

This is pointless. The whole reason why I don't choose prostitutes is because I seek validation. I want to know that I genuinely can seduce and attract a woman, whether she's a fuckbuddy or it's just a one-night stand. Paying for a prostitute doesn't deliver that.

If you don't care about validation then that's good for you. I do though so this means nothing to me.

Enjoy your inevitable STD.

Gave them undeserved civilization and took them from the brink of extinction to being the most overpopulated subspecies on Earth. Whites owe nothing to Negroids.

Though OP exagerates a little and may be a D&C shill, we can remember that men used to go to prostitutes since always, that it could be for fun just like going to the cinema… and it is a fact hardcore castrating feminism tries to forbids it just like they did in France recently (the whore is no longer guilty and can promote herself, but the evil consumer male who buys this service can now be punished).

Btw prostitution is not necessarily in contradiction with the marriage, lots of married men and fathers go to whores (because indeed sex with the wife gets boring, even more when she's the mother of your children).

Anons who act shocked ITT are prudish anglos (no wonder why that new puritanism that is feminism comes from you). As we see in more and more "couple" nowadays, the men just become the good pet boy of their girlfriend/wife. Modern couple is castrating and demasculinizing.

I would largely prefer that young men discover the opposite sex through prostitution like they used too than with degenerate looney porn…

And I would recall that it went well with the institution of marriage, now all women are whores, more or less officially, although the separation was much more clearer when marriage and prostitution were two official institutions during ruling patriarchy, and that went well for centuries and centuries of great civilization.

Prostitution is legal where I live. They recently did a study into female STI rates among different populations in the same state. The hookers were cleaner than 20-somethings, they were cleaner than married 40-somethings, they were even cleaner than year 10 Catholic school girls. The only problem is that even an average whore is pretty expensive.

Australia? Where is it that you live?

….maybe I'll go and visit sometime mmkayy?

The issue stems from the fact that sex is both for recreation and procreation - sacred and profane joined in the same act. To see it exclusively in terms of one or the other is to deny the duality of it and by large, the duality of human life and experience and that fact that there is great joy to be found in act of creation.

Now, prostitution has its function as a safety valve for the appetites of men that would otherwise be frustrated or rape and for women that have their appetites too and cannot/do not want to have other occupation, but the spillover of the debased and overexposure to sexuality in everyday media desensitizes everyone and forces them to go to the extremes - prostitution end up getting unjust flack for it. Now, while it's not meant to be the main way that sexuality is enjoyed, it nevertheless fulfils the exclusively entertainment portion of sex in an established and economically integrated way, while marriage fulfils the sacred part of procreation in a nurturing and supportive environment.

Under the radar prostitution, where access to it is known but out if sight is perhaps the most common and most desirable way, where sex is accessible but does not pollute public space.

I think France is worthy of investigating as why one of the biggest European countries has such a cucked population and are so few in number on the internet.

fucking high quality prostitutes is only "cheaper" for rich businessmen who actually do have real risk to worry about it when it comes to women.

guys who read pua forums and such like to pretend they are in this class, but they are not. Yeah bro I'm sure the gold diggers are really trying to baby trap the fat dude who works retail.

beyond that, normally you wouldn't have to explain that heterosexual humans naturally enjoy intense emotional bonding with members of the opposite sex that they are attracted to, but of course, the person who wrote this is an emotionally stunted nerd and nerds just don't get women on any level other than providing friction for their dicks.

Next article will be why trannies are better than women. faggot.


i hate to break it to :"john doe" but if this was actually happening (it wasn't) the women he was "dating" weren't actually attracted to him.

I had the pleasure of having a grandfather with a very long life, a sensible temperament and with an all out good soul. The man was of mixed Italian/Austrian descent, born during the first world war.

When my grandfather had turned 18, his father had given him some schillings. Told him simply: "Don't tell your mother" and sent him up the Danube to Linz to lost his virginity in a brothel.

He spent all the schillings his father had given him, and the fucker actually mange to rack up credit with the whore house! He returned home thanks only to the help of some kind farmer hand, who had a soft enough heart to take my grandfather back to his village.

All in all, with practically no social stigma at all, my grandfather developed his sexuality naturally. My point being, prostitution does have it's positive uses.

He had the honor, even if it was on his father's behalf, to explore a whore house all by his lonesome, and explore what in meant to become a man in the process.

He didn't suffer the indignation and social stigma now associated with prostitution. In a sense, I envy him.
Imagine being 18, let loose in a whore house.

He told me, smirking as he did, that he live in "Heaven for a day in Linz".

your mother was a prostitute. why you even ask?

The whole point of renting a whore is you spend money to do what you want with a woman acting as your sexual prop. This will give them a level of self-respect and accompanying attitude well beyond their worth.

Feminist whores. Yeah. Sure. I'll buy ten.

If you wanted the market to dry up and to make bottom-tier women look for real jobs you did it, France. I approve.

Whores really like virginal adolescent males too, because they're easy on the eyes, disease-free, and unlikely to make them do something they don't like.

any women is a prostitute at heart. 'prostitution' is just the most direct, fairest and most male-friendly way to do it.

it's fine and good and i wish i was a girl so i could do it ;_;

if you get awkward after fucking a whore, the problem is you.