Let's talk about this man

OK, let's get this out of the way. Poettering has the most obnoxious, disgusting and overblown ego known in the FOSS community.

However, there are a lot of reasons why you should admire someone like him:

Although I think he is an asshole on a personal level and wrong regarding his views on POSIX and "streamlining" and "accelerating" Linux and its development, there is much praise to be given to this man.

Other urls found in this thread:

plus.google.com/ LennartPoetteringTheOneAndOnly/posts/J2TZrTvu7vd

Vim was popularized by hipster college students "coding" web frameworks on apple computers.

That's funny I've always avoided all af them, didn't know about a guy named Poettering when I started removing bloat. You can definitely see what his vision for the Linux eco-system is, however I disagree on an architectural level.

I have nothing against Poettering or people who are obnoxious, disgusting and have overblown ego's.. after all this is Holla Forums.

He's handsome.

I don't know enough about him to comment with any certainty, but egos in FOSS aren't necessarily bad, and in fact are great when they're wielded by people with actual technical skill and used to counteract SJW faggotry.

haha oy vey

lmao what a fag, literally my only complaint about pottering is that he looks literally like a gay hipster


plus.google.com/ LennartPoetteringTheOneAndOnly/posts/J2TZrTvu7vd

"The Linux community is dominated by western, white, straight, males in their 30s and 40s these days. I perfectly fit in that pattern, and the rubbish they pour over me is awful. I can only imagine that it is much worse for members of minorities, or people from different cultural backgrounds, in particular ones where losing face is a major issue."

"On one hand there are certain communities where it appears to be a lot more accepted to vent hate, communities that attract a certain kind of people (Hey, Gentoo!) more than others do. (Yes, the folks who post the stuff they do usually pretty clearly state from wich community they come)."

isn't Gentoo mostly used by Russians and few asocial sys-admins?

You'll probably find nudes of him somewhere on >>>/cuteboys/

and? the foss community is full of mentally ill trannys & legit autism so dealing with someone acting like an asshole shouldn't be all that off putting. regardless pulse & systemd a shit and i hope the faggot jew dies of aids.

Glad to be a Gentooan. Right Wing Distro Squads.


lennart did nothing wrong

systemd is good

ergo racist


heh. I think that's not how you spell either socialist nor anarchist.

So how does one avoid poetteringware?

He legit looks like a dyke.

If he's not gay, he is probably a cuck.

(of course over here we have a bunch of people who hate Rust purely on the basis of association with SJW, but they're probably right. SJW is an indicator (but not proof) of bullshitters)
Holy fuck when I ran Fedora in 2008 for a few months before switching to Gentoo I hated those fucking programs because I couldn't tell what they do or why they're installed. I've had none of that shit since.

A bunch of ill-defined bullshit components that crash every minute, shit up your filesystem, and have all kinds of weird attack surfaces, much like your typical JS or Python software.

Define socialist.