He has barebones GIMP
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Photoshop is nice software
but 95% of users would be fine with gimp
prove me wrong
The fucking wavelet decompose plugin alone makes it worth it.
Actually beats PS for retouching, imho.
That said, Gimps transformation tools are ass.
Dat "shadowed" preview that you gotta hide manually so you don't have the original position still showing.
But maybe there's a plugin for that too.
I was absolutely NOT fine with GIMP and it was the little shit like that that made me stick with PS. Even simple shit like Free Transformation is a fucking chore in GIMP and in PS its all realtime and a lot more responsive
GIMP is part of the same suite of software that actually does more harm than good for the Free Software Community and if you say its as good as Photoshop then you are part of the fucking problem because YOU are holding it to such low fucking standards that you excuse its obvious problems.
Krita is an example of a comparable program thats free software and unlike GIMP, is actually decent. Hold yourself and your software to higher standards, please
The Gimp developers do not compare Gimp to Photoshop. They will tell you that it is not supposed to be Photoshop so therefore, comparing Gimp to Photoshop will only result in your pain. Don't treat Gimp as Photoshop and Gimp is fine.
Suggest some good plugins.
How do I make GIMP usable (ie. look and behave exactly like Photoshop)?
That was the last nail in the coffin for me to not do media creation on Linux. The fact that rotation, scaling, etc. are in their own separate fucking tools is the biggest fuck you from Gimp. Were they forced to do this because of feature copyright reasons? There is no way a well built software like Gimp did not stand back and say "This is good design".
It's basically autistic programmers who are using CLI all day. They don't know how a UI is supposed to act like.
Don't encourage them, that's how we got GNOME.
Photoshop too has plugins and custom brushes. It's just that Barebones Photoshop is less of a hassle to use compared to Barebones Gimp.
Although technically you can PROBABLY do all the same shit with both tools, the fact of the matter is that GIMP's design is fucking retarded.
I don't understand anyone claiming photoshop is better for anything
It's the scientology of software
I think the mods should ban photoshop users.
You obviously aren't linux users or interested in libre software.
install the g'mic plugin, OP
one that covers all
also works nice as cli utility like imagemagick
None of these are true.
That means the Gimp developers themselves hold their own software to such a low standard they don't want to compete with PS. Because otherwise you'd think a program literally called the "Image Manipulation Program" would be competing with Photoshop but hey I guess they just openly admitted its out of their league
Then why does the header on get.adobe.com
That's a strawman. The Gimp developers hold Gimp to its own standard. They don't want or care about being a PS clone. Gimp manipulates images just fine. What it doesn't do is offer a workflow that clones the more popular PS workflow. PS is out of their league because it was never intended to be there.
still > 349$ cheaper per year.
i sense an air of hatred towards gnome throughout the internet. i am a pleb who uses buntu and i think it's fine.
Theres nothing wrong with not downloading plugins if you don't need them in the first place.
That's s bullshit argument.
Sure, there's no way they can compete with some of the PS's more advanced features like 3D effects and smart selection and sheer speed of executing everything, but there's no reason they can't add some basic QOL features. It doesn't even have clipping masks by default as far as I know, it's fucking embarrassing. Moving and transforming selections and opening new images and a lot of the most simple image manipulation things in GIMP are unintuitive and just a pain in the ass to use.
Even Krita is starting to speed ahead of GIMP IN IMAGE MANIPULATION even though it was intended for digital painting. The only problem Krita has is that some features are slow and unpolished/unfinished.
Might be easier if there was a resource telling me what the fuck all the good plugins are and where to get them. Unfortunately, the GIMP plug-in community is a fucking mess.
IT'S 2017
I use barebones GIMP without any addons. Mad?
Don't care since i don't draw, i just edit images.
I do a lot of image compositing. GIMP has such a horriblw workflow and terrible tools for that kind of work.
Do you guys prefer single-window or multi-window mode?
Krita is miles ahead of GIMP but it needs work on real-time rendering, Photoshop is still faster for me.
This is also a good option if you're already comfortable with GIMP's interface.
I change my window sizes a lot so multi-window mode is very annoying, plus I hate it when toolbars are in the way of something.
Krita has pretty bad performance with large pixel sizes, but Photoshop is tons faster than pretty much anything.
I hope the Krita devs make the focus of a whole new version to be improving performance one of these days. It's hard to draw with large canvas sizes and it's one of the reasons I'm tempted to use PS again.
Xfce4 is the definitive WM.
I use multi window mode because I use a proper window manager that can support those windows.
this guy gimps!
You can tell that I regularly gimp myself.
whats better for making banners and animations? gimp or krita?
Apparently Krita has real non-clunky animation functionality nowadays, so that automatically puts it above GIMP for that.
All I need is the pepper brush, OP.
haha no. You can have multiple animation frames, and tween opacity between them. That's about it.
I feel like an idiot for using barebones GIMP for the past seven years. I mean, that shit'll teach you patience, but I didn't know there was a goddamn plug-in community for it.
I sympathize with . How does one into GIMP? I like customizing shit.
You have an actual timeline with onionskins and can view the animation on the canvas instead of the hacked together layer-based abomination GIMP has.