Nvidia spyware

Nvidia is now placing telemetry and other data collection software that can go through your PC in their main drivers. The only way opt-out is to

install the driver
go through the hidden help menu
disable the "experience enhancement program" feature

The best part is that they didn't include this in their patch notes and only one German tech outlet caught wind of it


Other urls found in this thread:




this shit is included in the propriety nvida drivers for Linux too

No problems with muh free OS that's for sure!

It's like you want to be pozzed twice instead of just once. Double AIDS. Half of your internet bandwidth gone just for being spied on.

Go back to Holla Forums gaymercuck

what in tarnation is going on here

Old news from November.

AFAIK it's only for Windows. Like most bloatware drivers, for Windows you can extract the needed files from the installer using a program like 7Zip and skip all the crap the installer uses.

Although it begs the question why are you using Windows if you don't tolerate this type of thing?

Three letters, beginning with an N.



I have a GT6100 that's 10+ years old and I can read full hd video and more without problems
hell I can even play some 3D video games.

Noveau actually works pretty well for most 6XXX series and older cards.

So do I need to switch to xserver drivers?

Also, does nvidia spy regardless of having it in the computer?
Do I need to delete nvidia from the whole PC? If so how would I do that?

it's supposed be opt out but it's likely the same as with windows where even if you opt ou they do it anyways

I think you guys are overblowing this. Nvidia is just doing what is best for the industry.

unless I missed something this new telemetry update is built in to the driver so a minimalist install won't solve the problem

They are doing what is best for their bank accounts, it's as simple as that. Not trustworthy.

This is the first time in years I actually think I'll get an AMD card for my next upgrade. I keep hearing the open source drivers are actually alright now.

calling it now

If your drivers are so good Nvidia, why do you need all this new spyware to keep track of your drivers? Are Nvidia drivers getting worse and Nvidia needs to watch over them more closely?

They are just following the industry trends, there's no thought involved. Spying on your users is increasingly trendy.

people like that should be shot tbh

The open driver is pretty good for newer cards. If the user were to go with an RX 480 or something, I doubt they'd have many issues.

Which is the scariest part. 1984 is a fucking trend to these peopel.


Will an RX 480 with the latest open drivers beat my 560ti with Nvidia's official driver?


Using Intel or Nvidia EVER.

AMD is a long way from perfect either, but at least they support Mesa and other open projects.

I use AMD both on my work laptop (GNU/Linux) and my gaming Windows PC. No problems whatsoever, ever.
Seriously, it's like you enjoy paying more AND being spied on.

You asked for it, OP.

AMD spies as well. You're really naive for having thought that they don't.

I doubt AMD bothers putting any spying shit in amdgpu.

I'm not left with the impression that there's is anything driver side that wasn't there before.

I think they maybe mean there's an option to disable it in the nv control panel now.

If they knew about the telemetry before this update then they'd know it's been part of the main driver install instead of GeForce Experience since November.

I do wonder however if driver is monitored by the installed services/tasks and doesn't store its own data, or if the driver dumps all the data out and it's then uploaded by the scheduled tasks when they run. It's probably the first because you want to keep most of the code outside the kernel where it's easier to deal with.

I had an nvidia on my last thinkpad and just used the Vesa X server. Worked fine, because my cpu was fast enough to drive everythink in software. Anyway I hate 3D games, HD movies, widescreen shit in general, and all modern web.

OK, let's keep using the absolute worst form of botnet because the alternatives do the same to a lesser degree and you've decided you're "Nvidia team".
Are you seriously this retarded? Grow up for fuck's sake.

Maybe AMD also put shit on their proprietary drivers but at least we have the option of using the free as in freedom drivers on loonix.

And the open drivers generally have better OpenGL performance than "Pro" driver anyway.

3FPS performance difference for me while running OpenMW on a GTX 760

It's not as good as AMD's open driver, but with an older card it can work well enough. To be fair though, OpenMW, like vanilla Morrowind, is much more CPU intensive.

OpenMW is the best thing ever to happen to Linux. I fucking love Morrowind.

It is a master work of madness and autism. It's a shame that other open source replacment engines don't get the same attention though.

Just so you know AMD has started instaling ads on your desktop whenever you update drives, there is no opt out


That kind of sht never happens with AMD's FOSS drivers.

You presume I'm stupid enough to be running Windows in the current year in THIS timeline?

So, are the proprietary drivers on Linux affected or no? I can't find a clear answer to this.

Considering Nvidia uses the same driver for Windows and Linux...

Is there a way to opt out of this crap on linux? Because I sure don't see anything, fuck.

Use the freedom respecting drivers. Next upgrade, buy AMD. Nvidia has locked down firmware now too, so no reason to go that route anymore, freedom-wise.

Nouveau is no longer meme-status, it should work mostly fine.

As long as you're using a 7xxx series card (other than the 750/750ti) or older.

how are open source drivers for the RX 4XX series cards? last time I tried them I got black screens and crashes anytime I tried to run anything 3D

With the latest version of the open driver, an RX 480 gives you about 70% what you'd get from the equivalent Nvidia card (gtx 1060) and Nvidia's botnet driver. Pretty stable these days too.

like what?

I'm doubtful. Do you have any sources?

Daily reminder that Intel integrated GPUs exist and are awesome. If Sandy Bridge gets librebooted, you'll be able to use Intel HD 3000 (which is already fully open and blobless all the way down to firmware) in a completely libre environment.

Normalfags need not apply.

Being free to switch between the two, both using free as in freedom drivers, truly rocks.
Can't wait to libreboot it.

congratulations OP your nvidia thread made it to autreport lol


A few similar projects for replacing other engines off the top of my head:

Exult for Ultima 7

GemRB for Bioware's Infinity engine games

REGoth for Gothic 1&2

OpenTomb for the classic Tomb Raider games

Fallterguist for Fallout 2

NXEngine and NXEngine-evo for Cave Story

I say these are all similar to OpenMW because they are from scratch replacments for the old engines these games ran in, without even one line of code in common with the original. This is different from source ports where the rights owner/owners releases an old game's source code and the community does the job of making it work on modern systems.

Your system is RATting on you user.

Run NVidyaDELET.bat to remove the virus.

you have me worried, I am a complete newbie when it comes to this stuff.
Installed a few tools such as nethog and ether-ape in an attempt to monitor traffic and see if the driver is phoning back home, but I have no idea how to determine which IP addresses belong to nvidia.
Only managed to find the IP address in an online search belonging to nvidia.

So far I haven't bumped into that address using driver 378.13 from nvidia-378 which I got using the ppa "ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa"

This thread is about software that can't be trusted and you're telling us to install trannyboot???

Libreboot is just a deblobed coreboot. Leah being mentally unstable (and he is) is beside the point. Free software made by a madman is still free.

Why does Holla Forums even exist, other than Holla Forumstards, Holla Forumsirgins, and /a/utists to shitpost in?

Stop LARPing user, you dont know what you're doing at all.

go back to reddit

Knights & Merchants also has an engine replacement

Knights & Merchants also has an engine replacement

Pretty much, the intel hd 3000 should be able to run even the last few good games.


Why ARE they doing this???? THAT'S IT, I'm switching to open source driver now, hopefully it doesn't look shit on my screen.


okay just kill me now
but nevermind i already killed myself when Nvidia and AMD bundled their bullshit Steam-style memeware platforms with their drivers
inb4 some cock sucking apologist chimes in to tell us >this dun here be how modern QA is done son

i almost threw my laptop out the window but realized he's trolling. nobody sane would suddenly speculate the telemetry is for piracy tracking, and then claim this is a good thing, and claim something being used for domestic espionage would be deliberately made public despite the last 2 examples saying otherwise (NSA,CIA)

So nice of user to suggest a site free from slow idiots like him

Just don't use windows, normalcuck.

If you're using Windows, open drivers are not an option.

for those who don't want to click google but is ok with cf

I wonder if it uses IPV6 exclusively. If not then just look for the ports it uses and cock block that shit.

How's Polaris on Ubuntu 16.04?
Anyone who plays valve games natively with such setup?

No I'm not using using Windows!

There's no proof that using proprietary Nvidia drivers on your loonix are not the same fucking malware that were installed in wangblows machine. If they can put those telemetry drivers on wangblows, what stopping them adding these shit on gnu/linux?


How'd the yiffing go today?




Jealous, goyim?

That's fine, I'm not a stupid kid who would buy Nvidia.
Are you, Holla Forums?

Pretty good. I swallowed over 20 cocks. Do I qualify for OP yet?

what about the new 10xx series? can nouveau handle 4k without melting a home?

After Maxwell, Nvidia locked down their firmware, and unlike AMD, they pretty much wait til the next batch of cards are released before giving it to the Noveau team to work with. This has fucked Noveau progress on newer cards.

I saw this right after they did it thankfully.

Also, after every driver update, you have to turn off scheduled tasks in the task scheduler.




I believe free and proprietary software can co-exist. I'd say video drivers and games account for a majority of the software on my machine that is proprietary, excluding firmware blobs.

That's not how proof works, nigger.

Are you fucking retarded, just look at the size of the package driver between Nvidia and nouveau. It's a huge difference you dumb goyim. Might else you just use Windows.


You are cancer. Kill yourself.

I can tell you from experience that the proprietary drivers for Nvidia GPUs I use a 1060 do NOT include this feature on Linux, specifically on Ubuntu. At least not in any way I could see. I looked through all the Nvidia X Server Settings and couldn't find a single entry that would suggest telemetry in any form. As well, my internet usage has not mysteriously spiked recently.

I can tell you from experience that the proprietary drivers for Nvidia GPUs I use a 1060 do NOT include this feature on Linux, specifically on Ubuntu. At least not in any way I could see. I looked through all the Nvidia X Server Settings and couldn't find a single entry that would suggest telemetry in any form. As well, my internet usage has not mysteriously spiked recently.

I had issues with Nouveau causing my screen to get all jumbled and previously established accounts on the computer. I never figured out what the issue was there.

In any event, nouveau isn't right for everyone. If you can't use Nouveau, why not use the PPA? It is supposedly open source and I have yet to encounter issues with graphics performance.

So I have an old gt 740 lying around, does that work without blobs? If so, I could build a trisquel box with it.

Pretty sure the 740 and 750 were Maxwell. So they require blobs


In the sense that all the proprietary crapware is trust-separated from my Libreboot Chinkpad by being put on a dedicated Windows "slut box" it's true.