
Do you smoke Holla Forums? if yes why??.

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Is sex stressful or something?.

well, you try having a summer sausage rammed in and out of your anus for 20 minutes and not getting stressed


Are you a female??.


No, I smoke /weed/

dont let lolis smoke its bad for them


Weight loss
Tired of being the only I know that doesn't smoke

just do meth it'll get you really skinny

sometimes to disassociate myself from a certain type of people, not because I like it



Holy shit its a LauraB sex doll where did you get that??.

Tobacco has basically become my hobby at this point. I appreciate tobacco in many forms whether it be through a pipe, cigar, dip, or cigarette. I like trying new brands and types to try.
I dont vape though cuz thats gay

Yes, but only to keep me awake when I'm in for a long day at work.
Never get into truck driving, kiddos.
I mean, it's decent money, but what's the point if you never have the time to spend it?

I did for like 2 months when I was 19
Lost a good amount of weight. It really is good for weight loss.

Was trying to impress a girl. She smoked. Thought if I smoked with her she'd let me pound that pussy. She never even noticed me and I quit because I love to eat and it made food taste horrible

Thanks you user.

I started 17 years ago when I was in high school. Decided to become more of a faggot and switch to a vape.

No ragrets.

never user. teens, under the age of 20 or something usually smoke to be cool. The percentage is about 80% if I remember right.

For other percentage and older people, it's still stupid. I heard that smoking makes you feel better. It's really sad and pathetic way to live if you need a cigar to be happy. I'd rather suicide than live a life with an addiction like that

why do you vape? I get that if you are like 19 or something but, what do you get by smoking or vaping?

Nicotine, also vapers are niggers

nicotine does what? Something that makes you feel good?

Really not worth it man. You just can't do something just because you want it most of the time in life. Unless your parents are rich and you are still under 25, a life like that is impossible

The reasons I listed are the reasons I switched. Aside from the autistic fan base, I love it.

Rolling tobacco costs me £20 every 2 weeks im sure I can manage, And it doesn't stop me from doing anything. Doesn't make you feel good per se but it's something to do and relaxes you a little.
bonus points for looking like a dragon

you love it because? what's the difference between smoking and not smoking? to look cool?

it doesn't make you feel good but relaxes you? how? also "looking like a dragon" sounds really retarded already. Asking the same question, besides the "I look cool" stuff, what's the difference between literally not smoking? Smells like literally shit, can't even stand that disgusting smell, and smoking it? for what?

Nigga, I already told you why.

They don't look cool, kinda goofy actually, but I love nicotine and wanted a healthier delivery method.

He is just a faggot.

I'd smoke again if it wasn't literally one of the worst things you can do to your body.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no health nut but shaving years off your life to scratch that itch isn't worth it. Pics were my smokes of choice when I did, still miss em.

No and never. Shit smells and I like my health. Besides it cost a fuckton here.

I like the smell and taste of tobacco its the same as anything I do it because I want to, I could care less about faggots like you not liking it, also nicotine increases dopamine which affects parts of the brain that control reward and pleasure.

Smoking makes you cool. Marlboro is the only way to go.

vapes are definitely gay

is LSD your DOC

Boro master race. I smoked those my whole life until I became gay and went vape.

Nope, never. I do occasionally perchance to inhale smoke from a cylinder of leaves, though.

Been smoking for like 5 years,
pretty sure it's broken my dick
bloodflow to my cock is weak, dick never truly full of blood 100% and erection doesnt last long

II would smoke at least a pack a day


trying vaping

anyone else experience this

I think you have another issue, but maybe not. I smoked up to 3 packs a day back before I switched and never seemed to have dick troubles.

I hear ya man but vaping is gay and (((new technology))). I used to smoke heavily so I feel your reasons, then I switched to snus (smokeless tobaccy with actual amounts of nicotine, unlike that dip americunts are stuck with). Snus is the best tobacco product, I can highly recommend. There's quite nothing like putting an Oden's Cold Dry Extreme in the lip while going for a drive (those of you who use this stuff, amen brotha). It completely detaches you from anything that might trouble you, esp. when driving you just fall into a pleasant trance and enjoy the moment 100%.

But at the end of the day smoking does have that nice rhythm and planning to it. It usually forces you to go outside and just stand there and this helps thinking A LOT and it may even give you relevating thoughts like it has me. Also it has given me a few friendships and closeness.

You'd rather kill yourself than be comfy? What the actual hell user. The least you could offer is to kys when you get terminal cancer from the pleasure rolls (not the ones on big wymyn).

I used to smoke and I will again if I am not at my parents or I am at parties. When I am by myself I dont smoke, cause I forget it, and when I am in the mood I lighten one up. Am I addicted? Has it addictioon side effects? barely. It proves that you are just mentally but not physically addicted and it doesnt need a medical substitution to cure it.

Vapefag here again. I've always wanted to try snus, but I never can find it

Due to being a burger and all.

How does one smoke Holla Forums? Does it come pre-rolled or do you need some sort of pipe?

Yeah I getcha. You can order it online I think though. Snus is illegal to sell here as well but everyone I know always has it so it's like buying cigs basically. Snus is so much better than vaping you won't even believe it, sure it's a different kind of experience since you don't smoke anything and you can have snus in your lip everywhere you go.

The only downside to snus is that it increases blood pressure, like cigs, but also increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by multitudes, which still remains a small risk. Never heard anyone mention any gum problems like with dip. It's quite the safe alternative.

Replying because biblical dubs. You can buy pre-rolled like most or you can buy loose tobacco and roll your own cigarettes. Pipe tobacco is its own thing and is properly used with a pipe.

Top Kek


Do you spit like chewing tobacco?

I did get the e/b/in joke but I thought I'd reply based on your dubs, the reference of which clearly went above and beyond both your heads. No hard feelings.

No. You put it in your upper lip and it shouldn't produce any juice, this depends on whether it's a dry or moist snus. Dry snus is usually what young people use because they don't care for the flavour of tobacco etc. Moist snus is more of the older folks thing but a good moist snus is best, a good dry one is very easy. If snus touches my tongue I get a gag reflex but it could just be the toxic flavours I'm using (esp. Odens is infamous for this: claiming minty freshness but instead it tastes like bile from a meth addict's corpse).



Does it taste stronger than chew or weaker? I'm gonna see if I can find it next time I go to this nice liquor/tobacco store in my town that I go to that has a humidor I get cigars from.

Never tried chew but I'd say it tastes weaker since most of the time with dry snus you won't taste it at all. If you can pick and choose I'd say pick a snus with 10-16mg/g nicotine, this will give you a really amazing buzz in comparison to cigs/chew/dip but won't make you throw up (+20mg/g for first timers).
Caution is your friend and if it feels wrong just take it out and place it in a napkin or a tissue and use it later. I almost couldn't walk when I first tried 16mg snus and I threw up when I first used 22mg snus (nowadays I can use it all day, hurrah tolerance). Your mileage may vary.

I can't stand the taste of dip but every once and a while ill pick up some general snus to roll with. Don't buy shit like the camel snus or anything its ass. General is bottom of the barrel but its the lowest you should go tbh

Thanks for the info, I'm gonna continue my search to find that shit.

I just never felt any sort of buzz with snus. I used to use wintergreen when I worked somewhere where it was hard to get away and smoke. Not anymore tho, just too damn messy compared to smoking and after a year my teeth noticeably got yellower.

Yes. Only buy swedish _snus_ because american stuff is shit. General is okay but definitely not above average in any way. Epok extra strong is good, Nick & Johnny's is the best I've tried but it's expensive asf, Odens is really common in places where it's illegal to sell snus and odens is good but strong, Skruf is good, offroad is good, Göteborgs Rapé is very good, Ettan is more for the connosseurs and it is the oldest brand. Avoid Granit (there are others just can't remember them) and I'd say avoid any snus that isn't strong or extra strong because imo weak snus just misses the whole point of snus.

If a swefag was lurking he'd be able to tell you maybe a bit more but I feel I'm qualified as well. If you manage to find Nick & johnny's crushed ice snus oh boy are you in for a treat, that stuff is beautiful. It's also roughly twice as much as odens in price. It's the most expensive snus I know of.

No idea why I'm ranting so much about snus on 8ch tbh but I'm glad if it helps you.

Sure there are wintergreen snus but are you sure you aren't mixing dip with snus? Of course if it's a regular strength snus, not strong or extra-strong, your observation may be accurate. It depends on the person.

Only euro-trash faggots choose snus. Pic related is the only way to go, pussies.

I'd like to try copenhagen wintergreen or something but it's illegal to even order dip online over here. It's illegal to even order cigarettes online over here I believe.

You've seen nothing, kiddo, heh. Your weak-ass nicotine tolerance would send you to hell on earth if we ever traded pouches. You whippersnapper you!
