Warning to all meth smokers: your meth might be contaminated with Zika

Warning to all meth smokers: your meth might be contaminated with Zika

We need to get the word out there to all the struggling urban youth out there to get their drugs tested. Even your marijuana cigarettes may have Zika contamination.


What the fuck? I hate meth now.

God I hope it is.

Good Luck Zika-Chan!

OP, the Zyklon B you were gassed with at Auschwitz was laced with the very same meth.

The anti-Holla Forums shills are the only ones here that smoke meth.

Get lost shill.

Thanks man, i will stop using meth right this moment.

The point is to get niggers to bring their drugs to the police station. That's what the article is about



The funniest part is that someone will fall for this.


Who's a good goy? Who's a good goy?
You are! Yes, you are!

It's okay I make sure to mix in some DDT with my daily meth injections.


TOP KEK, I bet some dumb methead will actually fall for this tactic.

This thread shows how many lazy niggers who can't be assed to read the article browse the board.

unfortunately every time we get an influx of newfags only maybe 30% of them learn to actually read shit and then think before forming an opinion.

Hi Common Cuck

Slide it


meth opens your mind man, it helped me get grades there's literally nothing wrong with methamphetamine the nazis used it in ww2 to fight better. there have been 0 recorded deaths on meth and anything else is a lie and the meth was probably laced like you only lose teeth because you are dehydrated man

Good riddance.

methamphetamine gives you super powers

And nothing of value will be lost


Good thing he'll never reproduce.

This is definitely not the thread to post this in, but has anyone smoked DMT? In all honestly I'm in a state of mind where I want to blow my brains against the wall and put it back together.


Your microcephalia is showing.

Funniest piece of news today.

somehow I doubt people are smoking meth for their health…

To be honest, meth smokers in [current year] are probably so far gone, they wouldn't even care if their meth was laced with Zika.

Thanks OP.

Taking my meth to the police station today to get it tested before I smoke it.


Wait, can we somehow imbue crack with Zika? Maybe bluntwraps and loose Newports?

There's some serious possibilities here….

then again


this kind of shit happens all the time though

Cocaine used to be (not sure if it still is) cut at the source with a drug called levamisole because it fooled cocaine purity tests. It also had the nasty side effect of eating away at people's flesh.

People came up with easy ways to test for it and purify it though. The dumb people die and the smart people continue to live.

Me too. Smoking meth doesn't mean I won't care for my health.


The meth is already doing things far worse to their cognitive functioning than Zika will.


Wouldn't the virus just burn up in the pipe?

That's what they want you to believe. A good National Socialist is never far from his meth pipe.

Yes, so you have to smoke it with a bit of feeling. Wouldn't want to waste the good stuff, would we.

Sorry, I don't understand.
I did read the article, but what incentive does the meth head have to get their shit checked?
You're talking about taking meth to police and the only reason to do this would be the drug users health.


Meth is the new granola.

Enjoy your Zika virus, bro.

Then again, maybe you don't care if all your descendants turn out as Hartley Hooligans.

Probably the least of your worries if you're smoking meth


You mean to tell me that Zika will remove the degenerate meth users that frequently appear on daytime talk shows?
Good luck Zika-chan!

Damn it. … I don't care. I walk by dubs and not by sight.

I love how absolutely assblasted the majority of Holla Forumsacks are over CF. Looks like he's hitting the right spots.

Why contain it?

Ah, I see. My mistake.

You mean niggers.

top lel

What about those talking shit who don't take "medicine"?

It's just the resident shitskins

Not if you grow it yourself :^) :^) :^)

Zika does, what Eboldont.

So instead of babies born with a permanent craving for glass, we'll have micro-cephalic babies born with a permanent craving for glass?

That's a shit deal for them, but it might actually improve things for the rest of us.

Nigga, if you're doing meth it will fuck you up harder than the zika. But it begs the questions of how the fuck zika found its way into meth in the first place.

The the CIA trying to answer the nigger question?

Let's dance

Impressive dubs.

Fuck you man.
Ebola-chan is was more gooder than Zika-chan.

This is good news, keep the riff raff from having viable offspring.

Hitler did meth.

Hitler also killed himself.

yeah if buy from niggers. and not libshit growers.

No, Hitler faked his death and escaped to some island.

Whatever kind amphetamines they were giving weren't produced in some guy's garage with Clorox and rat poison.

i mean, you can make DMT for under 200 bucks (150 if you're savvy) and you'll have enough to get where you want to go.

thing is, DMT doesn't help with depression. not always. and sometimes, you'll see things in your mind you've been trying to suppress.

maybe if you use only a little it might help, but honestly if you're looking for a trip that might help you mentally. consider shrooms.
take enough that youll most definitely throw up. and when you do get to that point, invision all the shit in your life coming out with every hot gut wrench.

only through purging can new life blossom
you should already know that user

t. Common Cuck

Too bad that shit isn't contaminated with cyanide instead.

wew lad

sure is plebian round here


Not quite true. Hitler used amphetamines, not meth-amphetamines.

My sources say Hitler was pretty big on the meth, user. He also dabbled with inhalants.

sure the kneejerk reaction is always "drugs r bad mkay" but think of the applications of purified cocaine and a little morphine mixed into a tablet. sure could put a soldier on their feet.
and then there's sabotage operations where one could inject foods with certain hallucinogens. leave a stash of contaminated supplies around, wiat for the target to eat them, and roll on in.

granted this would take some serious science nerds, i'm sure some anons have considered it.

Yeah I'm sure they do. They must also mention a missing testicle and how he chewed carpets when angry.

Anyone with half a brain can see that Hitler was huffing turpentine near the end of WW2.

come on user, you know what the other person was talking about.

Is it bad I have exactly one bottle of dexedrin that was proscribed to me?

I faked adhd symptoms to get it, and I have only taken two ever two know how the effect would be.

I took them at the range and proceeded to hit every target with 100% accuracy.

In a shtf scenario prescription amphetamines might give an edge if not used in excess.

I only have 12 out of 14.

I got them 3 years ago.

Should I flush the panzerschokolade, or hang onto it?


I know what I saw. Hitler hit the inhalants hard. I can't reveal my sources so you're just gonna have to trust me.

Keep it. Don't use it recreationally.

Thanks for the heads up.

They're reviving the shitest bits of the 80s.



Psychedelics and mead should be the only psychoactives you consume

Also this user has the right idea

Meth/amph is actually something you may want on hand in SHTF/WW3/civil war

Otherwise its degenerate

So we get meth-zika baby combo? Neat.

t. faggot

cocaine crashes too quickly, a cathinone would be a better bet. Lasts longer than coke but isn't as fiendish as meth.

see that's the shit i'm talking about.
some user knows their shit enough to use drugs as a enhancement as opposed to a medicine or an inhibitor.
and if i can try to make a larger point to anons reading we really need to consider making different drugs in the new age. something beneficial in a non-medical/healing way that also isn't as degenerate as these new street drugs.

also, are there any other anons who are Holla Forumsacks and have experimented with hallucinogens post redpill?
i'm interested to know the effects on fashy mindsets. so far i've seen no change from DMT use, minor bluepilling (i dont want to lynch niggers, just export them to africa) from LSD, and increased ability to comprehend information that would normally cause cognitive dissonance while on shrooms.

maybe there's some way to redpill normies that are on certain drugs, like some kinda ludivico

LSD turned me from an anarchist to ethno-nationalist, so there's that

3.5-5 grams of dried shrooms or 2-3 hits of acid should do it. I recommend having some Holla Forums related media to consume, but tread at your own risk as these drugs allow you to rewrite your mind.

Dmt is not for the those who have never done the above.

It's like AIDS in the early days! Another queer purge next?

Do you mean to say


I don't see a problem with this? :^)