People Still Trust Windows 10

So this fool on IRC I was talking to thinks there is nothing wrong with Windows 10 and even advocates its use. I would like him to hear the truth. What would you say to him?

And no, he is not a payed "Micro$oft shill".

Other urls found in this thread:

The only version worth shit is the Enterprise version, and only using the settings outlined by the Dept of Defense.



Yes, but how does one make a stupid person care about all that?

"IDs FREEE!!!!$$$!$!$!$$$!$!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD "

Half that shit doesn't even make sense. Since when the fuck are you forced to use only 1 DE? How the fuck is CMD a shell of its former self when its literally never fucking changed and is just pushed aside in favor of Powershell? And what the fuck is wrong with the .exe PE format? And since when are hybrid kernels a bad thing(muh restart!)? And whats wrong with the appstore when its literally just an over-glorified package management system that is typical of GNU distros anyways? And since when does one constantly re-install drivers?

You can hate Windows man but don't just straight up shitpost we can all be adults, this isn't /g/

just stop talking to wincucks, you can't fix them

I don't think you understand the key basics of free software and non-free software for you to be asking such a stupid question like that.

You probably don't notice it, but most applications run a check to reinstall needed drivers, in example, steam. At times these applications end up reinstalling them more times then needed.
It's more or less due to how windows handles dependences.

surely this has to be bait.

fuck off reddit



Yes, he IS paid microsoft shill.

You marry him, and fuk then divorce and take all his win10 pcs

where da proofs?

So long as users can still run Win32 programs or sideload UWP apps, nothing's wrong with it.

Should that change, then everything's wrong with it. And Microsoft desperately wants that to change. They want their cut, and they want control.

It's simple m8: telemetry and no way to turn it off.
It's pretty much like using a smart mobile phone OS, it's a frustrating privacy nightmare.

Forgot to mention: fucking ads in your DE, forced updates that restart your system, and soon it will become "OS as a service".
The more you think about it the shittier it gets.
! beware the website is protected by the MITM service cloudflare and the google botnet captcha

For Tor users:

Name another DE for windows
I'll give you that but only because cmd has always been shit
Also shit
Way to answer your own question
It's forced upon you whether you want it or not. Even in enterprise environments where you don't need/want it, it's there taking up space and resources
Anyone who says this has obviously never used either
Windows drivers are shit and need to be removed and replaced, the process is much more annoying then it needs to be

Source: I'm a windows system admin it sucks ass, I'd kill to work with GNU/Linux somewhere

Not the user you're talking to, what's the problem with the PE format? Why is it worse than a SYSV executable?

Why are you still talking to him and why are you wasting our time with this bullshit?
Fuck Windows 10 and fuck the archons.

Ok genius, how do you add another repository to the windows store package manager?

like shit

Why aren`t you CASTRATING AND GUTTING your Windows 10 ISOs, you fucking normie

I am on Windows 7 for the video games, and I am mad jelly of Linux's package managers. Also I hate Visual Studio and development with MinGW is a pain 90% of the time when something goes wrong.

Wine runs DX9 games with higher FPS.

"kys microsoft shill"

Make the switch user
Wine is getting better and more and more games are coming to Linux

Given the same graphics card GNU/Linux drivers support newer OpenGL versions as well.

This has to be b8, nobody is this retarded

Gas yourself.

If you clicked the link you would see that it is explicitly referring to graphical shells.

it is, but it's so shit that i installed gentoo as soon as i saw it.

Graphical shells are still shells, you can't say it's a DE.

A DE is a collection of programs you dip. What you refer as "shells" are basically WMs.

Honestly, maybe I'm just retarded or gave up too quickly, but I couldn't get C++ to work on Windows. I tried installing Visual Studio and shit, but it didn't actually seem to include a compiler for C++ or something? Also, it's bloated as shit and takes fucking ages to install. What the fuck does it need 51 packages for by default.

Linux, it's so simple.
g++ main.cpp && ./a.out
Done. No bullshit.

It's just a shame that Windows 8 is a bit of a clusterfuck. I mean on one hand, you have a VERY stable core OS underneath, but on top you have a new-fangled way of doing things, a new app store, all which are very new and "unrefined", making it a bit of a pain.

Fun fact: Metro, on paper, is brilliant from a HCI (Human Computer Interaction) point of view. Billions was thrown at studies for that shit (just look at Windows Phone: people rave about the quality Windows Mobile OS, they just hate the no customization no apps side of it). The biggest flaw MS made was this: assuming people would A) accept the change *snaps fingers* like that, and B) that people would be "forced" to deal with the change *snaps fingers* like that. Too bad it's not 1997 anymore. Windows doesn't run 93% of all desktop PCs. Nowadays if people hate Windows 8, they go to: Mac, tablets, using their phones, Linux etc. In 1997? They could... uhhm... yeah, see my point?

you run mingw on windows and never look back

Get out of here, shill.

Anyways, I'd go with the classic pasta:

Microsoft is part of NSA's mass surveillance program "PRISM":

Microsoft informs the NSA about bugs before fixing them:

Microsoft openly offeres cloud data to support PRISM:

Microsoft has backdoored its disk encryption:

Windows snoops on the users' files, text input, voice input,

location, contacts, calendar records and web browsing history,

even after related settings are turned off:

Micrcrosoft automatically downloads Windows 10 on PCs running

Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 (between 3.5GB and 6GB), even if

users have not opted-in:

Windows 10 scans for illegal/pirated software:

Microsoft proudly presents surveillance statistics:

enjoy your botnet

To read the fucking privacy policy, although being a stupid fuck he's not going to do that. If you direct these winfags to other sources, say any website containing a honest and competent analysis of the bot nature of their fagOS, they won't take it seriously. Hence teh best possible argument is one that Microdick$ itself offers, and it does so because the law requires them (I don't know for how much longer though) to do so: the ToS. I've read it for the lulz and it is a fucking nightmare. But then again they are dumb so you are probably just wasting your time.

Anyone using their computer for things other than text editing is still stuck with Windows.

When I updated to Windows 10 I lost the ability to use my screen as a touchscreen......

I mean I never used it, but this still made me sad.


They aren't window manager, however one could say that shells are a component of a desktop environment.

Mr edgy hacker.. If you. Are on any kind of electrical device the nsa. Can get to you if they want, mr conspiracy Jesse ventura has never had a mobile he knows this too. It depends what you are up to and if it's worth wasting man hours and $$on. If you are into exposing governments or pizza. You should worry a lot more

I hope you're running a linux distro that doesn't use SELinux and doesn't run on any modern cpu. Otherwise you're as fucked as a windows user.

I wouldn't bother by that point. If he's argued with you and still thinks there's nothing wrong he might as well be a shill for all the progress you'll make.


Good stuff.
Unfortunately normies don't give a fuck about privacy (aw u just being paranoid user, the soup letter agencies are just concerned about finding terrorists and stuff XDXD) and they don't give a fuck about the technical stuff (what's a filesystem? user u such a nerd lol).

Except selinux is free software?

That's right, they did author SELinux. SELinux is free software so therefore it means users will always be allowed to fix it at any time.

Next thing you'll tell me is systemd is not botnet either.

I don't have anything against SELinux, but jesus christ. "Free software" is not a panacea, you idiot.

I want you to be aware of just how incredibly limited this is in comparison to the amount of choice you get in GNU/Linux.

Trust is irrelevant when privacy is defeated in the majority of all situations.

Free software is the panacea. You have all the rights to make the software do what you want. The only real question is how much you want to take control over your own computing.

Did you know that free software means everybody is allowed to audit it? There is nothing to hide in SE Linux.

No, free software isn't the answer. If you think it is, I challenge you to make Firefox run on OpenBSD/arm. Heck, I challenge you to make the pig not use up gigs of memory. It's crap, almost all modern software is pure crap, free or otherwise.
What's needed are simpler systems and protocols so that a single, reasonably competent programmer (somewhere in between the extremes of n00b and Terry Davis) can crank out working and non-shitty (not more bloated crapware) programs to suit his needs or those of people who hire him. This was possible in the 80's, even to some extent the early 90's. Then the hardware and OS got more and more complicated, as the software got more and more bloated as it expanded like a nasty fart gas to use all the available volume. Then more and more bugs showed up, because hey get a whiff of that!
Anyway whatever, you'll never get it. It's all a waste of time.

Did you know OpenSSL was a critical security component used by almost everyone? There's no possible way a major bug could hide in such critical code for years. ;^)

I disagree. I don't think it is necessary for any individual to burden the cost software development as long as they can find a community of people who are all willing to share the cost. If I want Firefox running on my MIPS-V machine, I will invest my resources into making it happen. I can get Firefox running many tabs at the same time on my x86 machine: I disable the Javascript programs that cause a bloat in the number DOM elements for each page.

Please learn the difference between authority, aptitude and doing the work. My point is that free software means users have all the authority to audit the software. It is then the users' own responsibility to take that authority and invest resources to audit the functions of the software. If they choose to not audit, that's up to them but as soon as they decide they want to modify something, they are more than welcome to invest into that.

You're talking from an academic ideal world POV, but that's not the world we live in.

Please learn the different between authority, aptitude, and doing the work. Having the authority to audit/change the source code does not mean a user has the aptitude, knowledge, or time to actually do it, nor does it mean the source code is any good. It might be a millions of lines big buggy pile of shit written in C. Good luck doing something with that.

You really live up to the 'freetard' epithet.

Holy fuck I thought I was on /g/ for a second, are the fuckers spreading?

Damn I love this pic. Every time I see it I re-read it entirely.

What riles me up is people think they're not being tracked by Windows anymore because they used a third party tool to turn off some user-facing settings. How can you be this dense?

Even that is shit, the only version is the Chinese government copy, China told them to remove all the spyware or fuck off.

Not at all. People have been trained into an attitude of servitude: users are forbidden to study and improve the software they use and they are trained to simply complain that the software doesn't work. People are not taught to take responsibility over their own computing. What I'm advocating is that people take responsibility and invest into their own computing. Proprietary software companies do this but I'm also advocating for individual users and user communities to do this.

Users do not need any aptitude to change their source code, this is a common mistake that many don't understand. If I need a plumber to fix a leaky faucet, I could study the basics of plumbing myself or I could hire a plumbing specialist to do it. If I need a wedding cake for my wedding, I could study the process of wedding cakes or I could hire a specialist to do it. If I need to audit one million lines of C code, I need to invest resources to get that done. The great thing about free software is that I don't need to burden this cost by myself if I can share it with a community of software users who will cooperate and share it.

Hey guys.. Just asking in here because, you know..

I am not really doing anything hacky, but I really don't like windows 10 or the company. Especially the 10 version because of muh privacy and all..

So here's the question. If I'd install Tails os AFTER a computer has gotting "compromised" with windows 10 and the computer got a ghosting back to windows 7, will "they" be able to kek my computer for sheckels, or whatever they wanna do? I don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but as far I can see it's already pretty damn far regarding how windows 10 is the final solution to owning your data..

And yes I know, any skilled hacker ofc. can pop my cherry and cum on my router and all that. I just want anonymity as far as chatting on boards and go linux/whatever from there on..

TL:DR I wanna support anonymity. Is any computer with win 10 formerly installed a nogo when installing Tails?


Regarding what you are asking and your needs, I'm assuming that your threat model is "I want protection from mass survelliance".

For your question, Tails fits a different niche than you want to use it for (installing on a computer). While it can be done, I'd recommend against it because using Tails on a day-to-day basis can be really frustating (it's more fitted for computing when on untrusted locations, such as public Wi-Fi, and needing a one-time use operating system).

If you want the same level of anonymity Tails provides for what you want to defend against, then there are two things to do:
* Install Linux. Go for a popular distro, it will save you headaches in the long run - Debian is a good choice for this. This ensures that you are not compromised OS-side, and likely won't be unless you're targeted (which you won't unless you're a governement enemy.) Make sure to install with disk encryption.
* Use Tor when going on the internet. Do it always, except in one case: a case when you NEED to log in and your identity is already "known" (basically, anything that relates to real life, such as online banking.) Otherwhise, force yourself to not do anything on the internet without going through Tor.

Alongside using Tor, you also need to pick up a few practices. Try to cut social media use, basically anything that requires authentification, as much as possible. When posting as anonymous on the Internet, be careful of your writing style, or disclosing elements which may be able to doxx you (disclose your location). Set security level to High in the Tor browser; you can do this by clicking on the onion, then Security parameters, and putting it to high.
Do not enable JavaScript unless you trust the source 100%; when using Tor, JS is the single biggest attack vector and vulnerability surface.

Once you apply this, you're basically safe from mass surveillance. Do not compromise in any of these practices, and keep good operational security, and you can be effectively invicible, as long as you don't become a governement enemy.

Show me the other components of bbZero, please.

Wow. Top notch advice there user. You really nailed it for me.

Thank you very, very much.

They didn't remove it, just told them to point it to internal servers.

What's not to trust?


Now if you want a more in depth answer: Nothing, because we're around the forth or fifth attention span half-life of your average normalfag. Most don't care about how much information microsoft gathers from your system. It's at about this point where most who jumped ship to linux have gone back to windows because it was too different and scary, and there are very few people left that'll be willing to take the plunge. Most will not be swayed NO MATTER HOW MUCH EVIDENCE IS PRESENTED.


Advertisement embed into the File Explorer? Say no more and sell me a pallet box of it!
I blame smartphones.

I would CDE as my daily driver if MATE wasn't so much fun

I can't play my DX12 videogames in Linux, not even the DX11 ones.

Bumping this

Why? Are you an amputee?

It's time to make a choice: give up games, or give up the botnet.

windows is only 1/3 of the botnet, and you can't avoid the other two
those would be the hardware backdoors in your PC chips, and the ISPs that record everything your mac address does

the main reason to give up windows is if you want out of the constant upgrade cycle, but that would only be significant if you had a PC that you wanted to keep running exactly the same for 5-10+ years. most ordinary peeples don't have that need

or, if you are an aspie virgin and you wanna pretend it's 30 years ago and use the CLI for everything (dwarf fortress much?)

I had the displeasure of setting up a win7 VM so that I could compile Windows apps.

Just install Linux like a normal person and be done with it.

VPNs for the ISP, no solution yet for the HW backdoor, so I'll give you that one

It's also significant if you don't want adware, want to choose which upgrades to pick, don't want shit forced on you, etc...

CLI is objectively faster and more efficient, as long as it's a proper one (not some skiddie toy like CMD).

A modern LispOS or a modern Smalltalk style system?


All this time it took you to stumble across a M$ loving idiot, and it was some random faggot on an IRC?

Have you ever stepped, at all?


I dont trust Windows 10.
I gut it every time i install it.
Telemetry screams for mercy as i delete its files.

Thinking about using Windows 10 within an HVM in qubes os to run games with passthrough. Is it dangerous too allow it to access my vidya card?

shit taste tbh

1. You still don't have the source code
2. You are financing Micro$hit


Even if it's already been said somewhere else, having it in webm really encapsulates things.

It will report the sn and other telemetric data that can get extracted from it.

Don't be a fag and just make a PC dedicated for gayming and firewall the fuck out of it via opnsense

CDE is fucking disgusting, Java DE is better

I'm referring the baby-boomer tier clusterfuck of desktop icons. I liked compiz I just got too lazy to install it after a while.

I don't recommend Windows 10, but stop sharing this video. This is a video of the test beta before it was actually released, so you're making us look like crackpots by posting false information.

Could anons point out what the alternatives to Foobar and MPV are for Linux?
I can make the switch comfortably knowing such information.



Thank you, sir!
I'm in the process of backing up some 6tb of data to a third copy and combing out anything worth salvaging from my 5 year old win7 machine and then it's time to DBAN and start fresh with linux.

Not AS fucked as a Windows user. Intel ME only matters if you are specifically targeted by the government. Some think modern CPUs have 3g antennas built in that connect to the government. But think about it, your linux computer isn't going to upload 4TB's of pizza to the FBI overnight using a cell phone network. (unless the FBI is already watching you.) Linux doesn't upload screenshots of your activities to anyone. Yes Intel ME and AMD PSP are backdoors for the government, but they are only useful if an agent is actively monitoring them. They aren't automated like the Windows spyware is.

With Windows, Microsoft IS actively scanning your hard drive and viewing screenshots of everything you do. Then if MS catches anything they report you to the government and/or copyright holders.


ManagementEngine and PSP are bad for us, I am not supporting them obviously. But saying Linux and Windows have the same level of privacy is like saying if you have a cold, might as well get AIDS

If you dont want to use a terminal program or clementine, you can also use deadbeef or qmmp, user.
All of those except clementine are tui or cli.
Deadbeef is also good and qmmp seems alright.

[Citation needed]
Go ahead and debunk it
Anyone with reading comprehension will know that I never stated Intel CPUs have this, I said "some think" not "I think". I really don't know tbh

The reddit post has more sources, I'm on mobile and CBA right now

This used to be true. But the Win 10 free upgrade period is over. Those updates no longer happen anymore. You can't even opt-in for it anymore. I personally use Win 8.1 Pro x64, and my most recent install in the past 6 months didn't even prompt me about the upgrade at all.

I followed the links to The Register report of it. Here's what they had to say:

So people are claiming such a thing exists but have no hard proof to show otherwise. They are making a guess about something they don't know about. Note that it should be trivial to get hard proof of such a hidden 3g modem given the highly ubiquitous nature of Intel CPUs that exist pretty much everywhere.

If you're referring to Intel Anti-Theft technology, then you've lost your credibility about your knowledge of Intel chips and conspiracies to spy on anybody who buys these chips. You have no idea what this Anti-Theft technology is and how it operates.

htt p://

What I read in that document is that Intel needs access to a 3G modem for Anti-Theft to work. Nothing in that implies that Intel chips have a built-in 3G modem into the chip itself.

Same for me running Win7 x64. I fucked around with the registry to get the upgrade to piss off, but now it thinks it's pirated and periodically prods me for a lisence key.

Also, windows CMD is eternally godawful.

We need a redpill guide to warn normies of win10.

Most of them buy into the 'it's safer' meme


he's dead, Jim.

nobody trusted them ever
even normies hate it but "there is no alternative"