Racemixing strikes again




I thought he was gay.

Isn't this old news? And anyone who considers Spider-Gwen a waifu or good character should be shot regardless.

No he's bisexual. That's the progressive way of adding diversity, except all of his love interest will be women anyways. Almost like all of this diversity stuff is hollow and lifeless and just meant to drive sales.

Thanks Bendis.


I don't mind racemixing, what I don't like are the characters.

Besides, isn't it forced?


If I minded I wouldn't be able to go in a breeding quest to assimilate and eradicate all races and replace them with superior genes.


I thought miles morlas being bi was a joke.

We have to go back!

Wait is he really bi?


Go back to your containment board, namefag
>>>Holla Forums


You're the board that created me. Recognise the template of my comics? Recognize it?

It was created by you.


Just filter him. If you ignore a namefag/tripfag they die, or at least it is extremely painful.

But I don't want to live in a safespace

Who the fuck cares? Spider-Gwen is shit.

It will be an open relationship soon :^)

Kill yourself.

Lol butthurt faggots can't accept their waifu going to have a blackdick inserted in her meatflap soon.

Amazing. Fucking blondes were made to be fucked by the black cock. I can't wait to pay money for this.

You're from 4/co/. Not 8/co/.

You have to go back.

BLACKEDposting belongs on Holla Forums

Hi louis.

Isnt Gwen from an alt universe? How did she go to 616? Is she a part of the Spiderverse universe hopping team?

Besides that, its disgusting either way, im pretty tired of BMWW, its boring.

Spidermen tend to met each other all the time. Thanks to deus ex machina that is Madame Web.

I want to see Asian Man White Woman or Asian Man Black Woman pairing.

Or hell, let's dump the blacks. Go Asian, yes?

But black and asian mixed people tend to be hot…..

shit taste.

He's not even a real lib, he's just a troll.

This guy isn't being ironic btw. He's legitimately a cuck.

This image triggers him.

who cares about those two characters anyway?

user..you are fooled. We all know that it's Asian and browns(also white) mixed are best. Why do you think some Japanese folks go to Brazil?

tumblr, Bendis, and the cucks behind Southern Bastards

Actually that is pretty fucking hot.

Wasn't Niggerman upset over Memepoolette being a murderess just a book or two ago?

Because it's literally bloody cheap to go there. Also a lot of Japanese Brazillian living there. Learn your history you uneducated twat.

God, her face looks fucking stupid. I can almost hear her going "m-mm~" from here.

At this point, I consider women to be an Issue for black men, I don't give a fuck anymore, what angers me are the cucks that fund this and the faggots that take BBC up the ass.

Blacks already should get enough from me by taxes, they wont be seeing neither more money or my ass, take the women and all the troubles that come with them.

I'll save for a sex doll or two.

The only things white dicks are more than black is that they are harder and have more textures from veins and such, also they squirt farther, black dicks can get pretty big but the bigger they are the softer they get and their spunk just leaks instead of squirt.


I can't get angry about this. At least the variant serves a good purpose instead destroying the market for profit. None of the money goes to SJW slush funds.

Still, I do have to marvel a little bit on how loyal some of these "independent creators" are to the mainstream publishers. It seems as long as it lines up with their politics, they're totally cool supporting the same company that fucked Jack Kirby.

fuck off

Deadpool was only really meme centric during Way's god awful run
Gwenpool doesn't seem to be that memey.
It has a couple, not many

fuck off cuck



Who, other than OP and the suits at Marvel, really care about either of these characters?

At the end of the day, it's still an attempt to cash in on a non-controversy that was wholly fabricated by the retards at The Mary Sue and twitter, because not one of them bothered to ask the idiot who wrote Mockingbird why she quit, and just assumed that a hatemob chased her off social media.



The SPLC labels anyone who's too critical of the government for their tastes a "domestic terrorist" or a "hate group."

The ACLU sues city governments to make them take down Christian elements in Christmas decorations.

They can both get fucked.

Incorrect. I am the son. I am the heir.

Of a comic board's formation.
I am human and I ought to be loved.
Just like everyone else…user.

As far as I know, it is. When they announced Miles the series artist, Sara Pichelli, made a comment along the lines of "in the future it won't matter if a character is black or gay." People took this to mean Miles was gay and it still gets repeated today. But since Miles has dated or shown interests in women, it's changed to bi. So he's as straight as a character written by a faggot like Bendis can be.

BLACKEDposting belongs in hell

Not since the old man died though

The SPLC is Morris Dees' own private mansion fund and the peddle fear mongering. They are about as far from "a good purpose" as they can get.

Has Miles ever been with a guy, or is his gaiety an informed attribute?

Cap deflowered miles boypussy

That's hilarious. The SPLC literally does nothing but make that shitty magazine of theirs. Like, just set the money on fire instead


OP, did you really not see this coming a mile away? I knew from the whole Crisis on Infinite Spiders bullshit where this was going. Teenage blonde white girl and teenage miscellaneous boy were a foregone conclusion a long time ago because of the shit-wits running around Marvel, these days.

Who let the chicken out of the pen?

You missed a chance for a pun there.

I'm half-black and whenever I see this I feel sick.

**because they chose to include 1610 in the main universe without any fucking Crisis tier retcons.

Because they now include Fan Fiction as totes awesome new charries.

Come on Gwenpool is fun but this is sad. This is like if Sonichu was made canon in the Sonic Universe…oh…oh wait**

It's only a matter of time until Holla Forums lose their minds for good and crowdfund a giant statue of a big black cock.

it's probably the same as Dumbledore or Deadpool.
No inclination or hint they're gay and lots of evidence to the contrary but apparently they are because diversity

The spigger can have her.

My condolences user. Try and prevent passing that weight on.

This thread again? Kill yourself.

If we're lucky he'll get rebranded as the Black Widow.

Dumbledore being gay makes the backstory make a fuckload more sense

well he is part mexican so a better name would probably be redback

Holla Forums here. Racemixing makes me sick. I get so angry when I think about an innocent aryan maiden bent over the table and being ravaged by a big strong black man. Every thrust from his obsidian tower of power violating the deepest crevices of her once pure womb, his chocolate train reaching the end of the line and delivering its dark cargo, crushing all my hopes of white nationalism, as they both grunt and sweat. And all I can do is watch helplessly while bringing myself to a shameful climax, as if shooting out a white flag of surrender from my tiny pole. Those fucking jews can't keep getting away with this.

Is cucked/muh racemixing the new buzzword for "Nice Guys finish last" now?

Fun Fact: Whites have neanderthal DNA and blacks don't. Guess you better off yourself you product of racemixing. :^)

AMC's Into the Badlands has an Asian Man Black Woman pairing. Although I think the black chick is only half-black.


What's the point of a spoiler if the size of it gives away what word you're using?


Yeah, that's an eye popping revelation.




You really need to stop projecting, Holla Forumskiddie.




Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post.


Totally unlike those Russians, amirite, fellow comrade?

Show me this alternate reality you live in, user.

Well, I was right about you being from Holla Forums, due to your inability to make arguments and being only capable of spouting buzzwords and memes. Kill yourself, kid.


Guess today's theme is liberal/CTR invasions.


Gawker's unpaid interns have risen from the grave.

>>>Holla Forums

Getting the holy water.

Blacked.com parody when?


Don't give them any more attention

So what is wrong with racemixing?

black people, mostly.

oversensitive lefties answering threads even when they know perfectly than nothing good ever comes from said threads

oversensitive righties making threads even when they know perfectly than nothing good ever comes from said threads

>>>Holla Forums



Like clockwork

I don't think you've got much of a point to prove when you can't even muster an actual reasonable argument but have to write *reasonable argument* to try and convince people you have anything of substance to say. Oh, and kill yourself.


I'm not the guy you were arguing with to begin with, I'm just pointing out that you're a useless piece of shit. Your entire rhetoric is "NO U", but keeping pretending you're streets ahead.

Oh so you're just whiteknighting him to maintain the lack-of-argument circlejerk you Holla Forumsdiddlers have goin' on here?

Weren't there a lot of stunts like that in history of comics?
This is kind of irrelevant at this point.

You kind of need to provide an actual argument before people can refute one, dumb dumb. Why don't you try actually taking the first step before jumping immediately to the defense, would probably go a long way.

Or you could just keep being a shitter shattered faggot. That's an option too I guess.

The character is shit. The lewd fap art on the other hand is good precisely because it triggers her fans and her writers.

We should bully the writer/creator by spamming him with lewd Gwen art till he an hero's.

Dude is already going blind so I don't think there is much use. He might go an hero without we even do that.

I always prefered Gwen over Mary Jane and the rest of Peter's bitches tbh. But NuGwen is nothing like classic Gwen (who had very little character anyway, exactly why she was better) or movie Gwen. Man, what a waste of good looks.

We'll wait and see then.

Why is old Gwen better if she had little personality?

She had good looks and kept her mouth shut. Mary Jane was lousy, always has been. And I don't like lousy women that have that whole "stronk indie chick need no man" schtick. And I prefer blondes too.

I'm just tired of all this BLACKED shit. Just get him a black girlfriend and call it a night. We don't need to go full Sweden every time the opportunity arrives.

I've always loved Gwen, so when I heard that they were making an alternate universe where she got spider powers I was cautiously excited.
Now, after the fact, I'm only sad. Very, very sad.


No user, pairing black people together is racist and prejudiced because reasons, the only way we can build towards a progressive future is to throw all our white women and every brown person we see. Black men aren't allowed to love black women, and if black women complain about it, that's just internalized racism.

Biologically a race-mixed person is likely to encounter difficulties in organ transplanting. Then you have to get them adjusted to the fact they have two different racial identities, even in white countries.

Well Trump just won so we can only be hopeful


Yeah just look at Latin America and you see what race-mixing could lead to.


Holla Forums GET OUT

sup tumblr

Oh come on tumblr!

How's it going rabbi?


Since I'm a hapa I'm doomed aren't I?

are u a qt gril?

That dude isn't even ugly

No I'm a guy.

Neanderthal's weren't as stupid as people made them out to be.

He kind of looks like a dwarf

Yeah, guess you are pretty much fucked then.

Imagine how stretched out her white cunt is going to be hahaha


When it comes to males who like capeshit:

Stop with those little sissy cape comics and read real comics for real men, like Mark Millar comics haha

His face is 30% nose.

I still think Anime is the greater evil.

This thread is pure cancer.



Why does Holla Forums feel the need to sperg out every time they see something that offends their delicate sensibilities?

Hey /inl/

Nigger what exactly is the point of this thread if not to whine about how terrible it is that two comic characters that no one really cares about of differing racial backgrounds are innsome contrived relationship together. No really what other point is there to this thread that isn't whining about how black men are going to steal all of your white women.

There isn't even that much whining compared to other cases because SpiderGwen was a white woman no one really wanted.

I wouldn't care if it was Mary Jane or something, but why is it always blonde white women that are forced on black/latino faggots?

Because blonde white women are the ideal and at this point and time all of them have been reduced into Arab cumdumpsters.

I will reclaim the blondes, since every other white is too busy jerking off to brown/black/tranny/traps/redheads/animu/jap/gook etc bitches.

As long as I can have the rabbits

Its called ignoring the shitty threads, letting them die and calling the OP a faggot while saging. The thread was probably started by some bored dumbass that wanted to cause shit by playing both sides knowing fuckwads like you keep eating the shit he craps out. So be a good user and let the thread die.

It's a BLONDE rabbit, therefore superior. Also, she was the best character in the new looney tunes show.