This shit is pretty hilarious. Wesearchr launches troll bounties

$600 to anyone for a vid asking Hillary if she's dying.

Goal of Bounty
During Hillary's recent Cleveland rally, she had a coughing fit and then spit something into her glass. It's disgusting.

The media will not ask the question unprompted, so the goal of this bounty is to get someone to ask Hillary, on video, "What the hell was that? A piece of lung?? Are you dying?"

The question of Hillary's health is obviously important, and speculation has been running wild about it. The media refuses to ask the question so it's up to America to make it happen.

Also that was really disgusting and someone needs to say "WTF Hillary, that was gross, carry a handkerchief or something."

Video of a reporter or other citizen asking Hillary Clinton what the deal was with her loogie, and if she's dying, along with her reply if she can manage one between coughing fits.

$500 to anyone asking Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel if he's proud of Chicago's 2016 homicide count.

Goal of Bounty
To produce video of a citizen journalist asking Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel if he's proud of breaking the 2015 homicide total in just the first eight months of 2016.

In 2015 Chicago had a bloody year of 480 homicides. In 2016, Chicago had already blown through 500 homicides by the end of August.

Rahm must be so proud, let's ask him about it.

On video, ask Chicago mayor Rahm Emanuel if he's proud to have broken last year's 12 month murder total in only 8 months, and if he thinks he can keep it up in 2017.

Be careful, Rahm is known to be pretty fierce.

Other urls found in this thread:


Praise Kek.

There's really no reason to archive it, Wesearchr is on our side. Pax Dickinson did an AMA here when it launched.

Guys, I'm all for Trump but this is getting ridiculous. I think we can debate Hillary on the issues without resorting to dishonorable tactics like this. This is the kind of stuff that destroys the integrity of journalism.

get out

Thanks for correcting the record.
You may collect your shekels.

bounty hunter journalism confirmed



Not for a long while has the system been thoroughly functional. It's systemic slant is what made this election scenario possible.

This is how retarded your argument sounds. Lurk more.

Yeah nah

it's a live one, boys.

Don't get too hyped

No Disintegrations

tfw you can't make jokes without getting called a shill anymore

Personally, I think she's a secret smoker. Obama was too.

It's physically impossible to cough up pieces of lung, but the bright green of the sputum shows that she's probably a smoker.

That seals it, this is a fucking fantastic idea

They already published the working draft of King Niggers autobiography with margin notes.

They also released John "Canary" McCain vietcong propaganda tapes.

Considering that Hillary only answers pre-screened questions at highly controlled events, the bounty will have to be much higher just to cover the DNC bribes to get into the event and get a microphone into your hands. The Clinton Foundation seems to like nice round numbers like $500,000 and $1 million.

this is the most obvious shill I've ever seen

I'm not even gonna come up with a clever comment for this, I'll just let the post speak for itself.

Also nigger, check your own fucking sources next time.

Looks like they've raised a few hundred thousand for different projects.

KYS faggot.


Kek that is a very funny way to get You killed

That's what they all say. Now get on the cart.

While I admit someone is liable to get shot doing this, you have to realize she is doing so many corrupt things to win. It'd be nice if Trump wins without him or those supporting him stooping to her level, but with her sheer amount of corruption and tricky tactics, underhanded methods may be a necessary option to stop her. You know there are people with a death wish who'd do this for kicks, so for a $600 ransom they'd jump for the opportunity (blowing it all before going out). Also trolls might try from boredom, and that's just the tip of the iceberg of people willing to try this.

Imagine offering $20 to anyone recording themselves yelling "PEPE!" at any Killary event.

$50 to anyone who gets a pic with Hillary and manages to sneak in a Pepe.

I'm pretty sure a headlining reading
would be pretty bad for Hillary.

A series of several hundred isolated coincidences goy. Nothing to worry about.

Don't you have some niggerball to watch?

This thread is relevant to my interest…

It makes me sad when people can rattle off stats but don't know anything about what's going on around them. Even a bluepilled guy attempts to try to find truth yet stumbles on all the misinfo, but a person who shrugs his shoulders just seems like a fucking cow chewing cud.

We're laughing at you, not with you.

Journalism hasn't existed for a good thirty years, there's no integrity left to destroy.

It's all or nothing now. Information warfare. Go back to the drawing board CTR.

Dubs confirm nonexistence of journalism.
Full speed ahead!

We really need to innovate when it comes to fucking with people.

We're supposed to be on the bleeding edge of this science goddamn it.

This one's too good.


I kekd user.

bring out your dead




what is wrong with you?

we should have some user in dark age rags go around with a chart and a bell at the next clinton rally and chant that.


Thanks for CTRing.

Fuck off. We have IDs here. Kill yourself you incompetent shill faggot.

What integrity.

They have no integrity. They lie. They subvert.



journalism is dead. journalists are scum and should be in prison.

I interned at a sporting internet news place in NYC and my editor praised my work and said I needed to go into journalism. It failed me when I kept getting told I had "great writing but needed to edit and mold it to fit the vision of what we need to try to sell the audience". I quit and started studying accounting

You people are fucking retarded.

I will say this - I think this is a trap.

(((Who))) would have the most resources to expend on such a thing?


It's a terrible one because it will catch on and lead to more and wild things. On the other hand such a thing can be subverted with the whole thing being made out to be a scam and all the participants actors in a grand farce.

I think this is bait for Holla Forums who are desperately looking for information.

It might be the last hope though..


I can see how it can be used for good and honestly, this may be the best way to get random people to really search for the truth. At the same time, I can see how someone (not just the person putting out the bounty but the person who is the subject of the bounty 0 they could jew the system) would abuse this. In the end, if the system is more sophisticated, it could work wonders.

Journalism for the most part is dead and desperate times for desperate measures. I don't fault the heart of the idea. I'm worried and hoping the implementation does not fall victim to scamsters. In the end, I'm willing to see how something like this would go.

How would it be a trap? It seems like a really great idea and a good way for the NEET army to make some extra cash.

This is how Chuck makes a living. The integrity of Wesearchr depends on it actually paying out.


I'm more concerned that this is paving precedent for bigger fish to use on common folk.
It will allow this type of snooping to occur on any people climbing the ladder and make sure they stay down

I don't think Wesearchr are the scamsters, which is why I hope this does not get fucked over. The bounty journos and the people getting asked may end up being scamsters. In the end though, I like the idea and want to see people do this. If anything bad happens, we can worry about it when that occurs.

our memes are getting stronger
we have to stop them

If there is a moral boundary pushed, it will soon be overstepped by sharks. Especially those with hooked noses.
They won't stop if they get money. NEETs will also "sell their soul"

I remember people being optimistic about what Reagan did too, only for it to be exploited by the amoral

The concern shilling ITT is off the fucking charts. It's as simple as "respected" journalists bite their tongues instead of asking pressing questions. The two bounties given in the OP are a perfect example of how getting, on record, a response to publicly known but not media acknowledged stats and events can benefit the greater good.

The only people who would fear Q&A style videos of politically uncomfortable questions are the cucked established journalists or politicians.

Now it is.

Give it time.
It will start to get ugly. You'll bring hackers into the frame big time…
hang on, going to learn more :^)

and esp.

Le chat is outa le bag.

Gotta roll with it, user. There already a war brewing brewing the mainstream media, and alt-right battleground sites, like 8/pol/.

Holla Forums started this trend, now Holla Forums's gotta take charge.

I hadn't thought of that. That's a good point. The one thing holding this together is that Wesearchr is at least keeping things simple, instead of asking for dirty laundry. The restrictions he has put on this should keep shit focused. I don't see the jews fucking over this system, their own version in the form of tabloids. This is a common sense response to journos not doing their their jobs.

I think that is why Wesearchr has done what they have done and simply has people outright asking questions. This is the best way to go about things really.

That already happens.

Don't step into this so quickly, think..

If this can be done without being exploited, by all means.

yeah but now we let in MANY more people.
Eventually the best diggers will emerge and monopolise. Then to maintain that monopoly they'll play dirty.

Just like anything that get's baited with money :^)


Honestly, I think we should worry about that when the time comes. When the time comes it will be apparent and we can worry about it then. In the mean time, we should make this system work (for us especially), and get some answers from Hillcunt.

Pepeee !!!

Pepeee !!!

I don't.

More corporate control?
More corporate subversion?

Fuck that.

You don't have to support bounty journalism.

But 10 billion other people will.

I fail to see how we could possibly be more subverted than letting our women join the military, letting fags marry, letting niggers run roughshod over our country and watching all this with the thought that it is all because of evil whitey. You're a pretty pisspoor concern troll.

This. It's a good idea.

That's really no different than the current system so that seems like a moot point.

I am actually fine with letting the niggers run crazy in the city. If we look to detroit, it is looking like natures way of separating the white man from the african nigger. Once the whites are out of the failed cities we can close them off and keep them as "Urban Monkey Preserves"

Yeah never mind all the rape and murder victims between now and then, or the fact that America has one less city. Just let the nigger in.

This is our country. Those are our cities. Detroit used to be a nice place to live.

We spend money, time, and natural resources keeping those worthless creatures alive and supplied with weapons to kill the white people who are unfortunate enough to be left behind in their neighborhoods. And the plan right now is for HUD to put them in all suburbs that are over 50% white. Why should we want them on this continent at all, let alone leeching off the rest of us, when they already have the second largest continent to ruin on their own?

then explain how the fuck you fix detroit? If you can save detroit then I agree with you. My point is we need to quarantine those places and evacuate YT at some point

Who counts the votes?

Oh come on now, don't be afraid to say it out loud.


Makes me wish the GNAA was still around and based. They'd definitely pull shit like this lol

Kill them all, deport them, pay them to leave, cut off welfare, gentrify and only sell homes to whites, build more abortion clinics, institute the death penalty for drug trafficking, there are lots of options.

I mean besides day of the rope. that solution is obvious but I doubt a lot of america is ready for the nuclear option

You have to bid aggressively if you want to make a good deal.


This is why I say we need to abandon Detroit and like Chicago 100 years or so ago, let it burn to the ground so we can rebuild

Journalistic integrity is dead, you concern troll. Look at this entire election and the revelations of the Hillary DNC leaks. The media collusion between political figures in a biased bash for the morally bankrupt. In the end, it doesn't matter to us. After all, we're not journalists. We have nothing to lose and everything to laugh at.


What if I ask her? do I get paid?

could start it right now

we could

right now

right this very very very NOW


I didn't say they were good user but you have to admit they pulled some funny shit like 'jews did wtc' which I'm not sure they realised how close they were regarding that or what happened with tumblr.

I honestly can't tell anymore if shit like this is b8 or some earnest cuckservative MUH PR faggot. Poe's Law in full fucking swing.

If you're going to limit yourself to considering "realistic" options, then the government will just colonize those cities with Muslims, new Africans, and spics. Even if they were totally abandoned by white people (hint: there are white liberals in South Africa right now), the niggers wouldn't self-genocide and the government wouldn't let all that unoccupied housing go to waste. And ceding territory is not going to make victory easier.

…..Which they meant 110% ironically. GNAA is anonymoose leftist faggot-tier. Back in the day, they used to pretend to be nazis because MUH EDGE. Some of them even set up IRC honeypots to "nazi hunt" and dox real nazis for lulz.

GNAA will NEVER under any circumstances be an ally.

If you watch the documentary Burn that I linked to:

They pretty much have given up on detroit. bringing more niggers, spics, and kebabs will only make the country worse. I am just saying containment zones for niggers are the best option short term until societal red pilling

Does it matter?

TBH, let's not exaggerate the impact of bounty journalism beyond the confines of Holla Forums. Bounty journalism can hardly bring the integrity of journalism any lower than it already is. Mainstream media is already a bunch of lies, and everyone here knows it.

Chipping away at the general trust in our lying mainstream media will only help Trump, BTW. Democrats believe what they are told by the (((media))) far more than normal people.

This is just one opening salvo in an ideological war between the (((Left))) and the alt-right.


Absolute fucking madmen.

"We want the hot sauce. We can handle the hot sauce."

Goal of Bounty

In April, Hillary claimed that she carries a bottle of hot sauce with her at all times. Many people have felt that this was simply pandering to the black vote, but as yet no journalist has ever asked Hillary to produce the hot sauce on video.


If Hillary was pandering, that's an interesting story. Lying about carrying hot sauce is so petty. If Hillary isn't able to produce the sauce that's evidence of her dishonesty.

If she really does carry hot sauce and can produce it, that's an interesting story too. Is it extra spicy habanero? Maybe a mild green chile? Could Hillary's throat problems be caused by a crippling addiction to ghost pepper hot sauce? These are fascinating questions about a potential Commander-In-Chief.


Video of a reporter or other citizen asking Hillary Clinton to produce the bottle of hot sauce she claimed to always carry with her and her response to the question.

if you want this to escalate make it not just for questions but for photographs

there is already a jewbag market in LA for the paparazzi; and that got even more corporate with TMZ


Like this?


Trips commandeth.


pls stop

my sides

What integrity? Have you been paying attention these last 2 years?