How did this show get memed into being good?
Sonic show
SATam is alright, I prefer the AOSTH one that 2006 YouTube memed into popularity
Pretty much all 80s cartoons. Stop looking at nostalgia mirror. Satam Sonic is just like other 80s cartoons. They are tailored to sell toys and video games first and giving half assed PSA second.
The show was pretty decent. First season had better writing than the second one. Also, if you ignore the relations to the source material, I seemed like an sci fi action packed spin on those shows with cute anthros fighting against a dark evil that threatens their home. (Smurfs, Care Bears, Gummi Bears) I heard it originally had different characters but used this concept when Sega hired the creators to do the show.
AOSTH was basically Looney Tunes with Sonic ripping Bugs Bunny's shtick. But it was pretty good at it.
Pretty sure you'd be hard pressed to find toys of the Sonic cartoon goddamn anywhere.
Let me quote my own post
Once upon a time there's a company called SEGA that make great games but then they fucked up royally and disappoint a lot of their fans YOU MANIACS YOU BLEW IT UP! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!
I don't recall it ever getting memed into greatness. The only faggots who I remember liking it was the nostalgia cunt and some furfaggots, but that's it.
AoStH is superior, regardless.
It was mediocre. Only good thing to come from it is the neverending sonic comic that started out mediocre, then became awful, then became good and recently became boring with the reboot.
Aosth could've been really good if they cut down the episode length to 10 minutes. You can tell that the writers have about 5 to ten minutes worth of great gags, but they have to pad it all with crappy writing for half the episode to make it fill 20 minutes
Only because of YouTube Poop
Any Sonic fanfics that are better written than the cartoons?
Is that a trick question?
No, I'm looking for recommendations.
What would your ideal Sonic cartoon/anime/comic/manga be?
No. It's perfectly watchable, if you're in the mood for an old-fashioned cartoon.
Have you read the Archie comics?
No, nor do I plan to. I'm thinking of making my own Sonic universe, one more grounded in realism.
Why the fuck people are so pissy with this series anyway? Compared to Sonic Boom this series actually have actual adventure fun and not just utilizing stupid background characters.
So what you want is a hedgehog painted in blue?
I get so confused about Sonic cartoons. I know there was the really crappy slapstick one, and then there was the cyberpunk one, but I think there was at least one more (not counting the most recent CG one).
Do I have that right?
The animu version? The one where Tails want to fuck a living plant?
No, no, no, that's not what I mean, gimme a sec and I'll explain… if I can ^^;
No, no you can't. Just go watch television for adults.
That's some real Berenstain Bears shit right there
It was alright
What the fuck are you going on about?
There was Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog (the comedy series), Sonic SatAm (the serious series), Sonic Underground (the series where Sonic has two donut steel siblings and they form a band), Sonic OVA (an anime based around Sonic CD), Sonic X (an anime based around the two Adventure games) and finally Sonic Boom
The missing "The" is like stein man
It also needed a slightly larger budget- the background are all weird and inconsistent with this washed out color palette that makes the entire thing feel surreal in a bad way. The pilot looks so much better in that respect, with bolder colors and more consistent geography.
Everyone called it AoStH, then, and now. Quit pulling that alternate universe crap when you're being fucking retarded.
People like you are the reason deviantart owns this shit.
I know, its weird the lengths some bait will go isn't it?
I didn't meant it like that you stuck up tightass. It just seems a little awkward/weird when you actually notice it. It's like The Beatles vs. Carpenters.
I get the impression they were going for a Road Runner thing, or at least making the most of a shoestring budget. The extras look really weird.
I don't think it would be half as memorable if it wasn't so weird, mind.
Just read the comics from 160.
And then feel horrible dissapointment when it ends due to the Penders Holcaust.
That's only when used in reference, you cunt. "I like the Beatles." "This is the best Beatles album." Learn English, you fucking CUNT.
Don't forget that it somehow has worse animation than Sonic Underground.
This show is near unwatchable.
Daily reminder OVA is gold, rest is shit.
i agree.
Even people who hates the shit out of Sonic can have a good time with AoStH cartoon. Too bad the creators had the idea of trying to mix both.
SatAM and AoStH came out in 1993
also 1993 and damn was it a fine show. Writing's so good it holds up for a more mature audience
Who let the furfags in here?
Sara is the only good thing to come of the OVA.
Early 90s, close enough
Why does stuff like hapPINESS seem weirdly intentional?
come on dude it was shit all the way to the mid 2000's, then it became okay-ish, the reboot medate it boring because all they've been doing is follow the game storylines but if you're a sonic fan it's much better now. At least now they stopped forcing the completely out of place OCs and got better artists.
Jim cummings would have worked great in this too.
But we would have been deprived of Long John Baldry.
tough call.
The actor's name was LONG JOHN Baldry and he was probably gay, so he inserted a few dick jokes where no one could notice.
Why must you lie, user? It's bland as fuck right now.
I'll take bland and on model artwork to "what the fuck is this" art and Flynn writing about his OCs. Let's not even mention any pre 2000's stuff, it's literally all shit.
Don't talk shit about Joe Willie, faggot.
was there ever a sonic/ woody the woodpecker cross over?
I remember seeing robotnik and woody the woodpecker in the same cartoon
Sure you're not thinking of the chicken?
no I'm pretty sure it was woody
has anyone said PINGAS in this thread yet? no?
>>>Holla Forums
and that's no good!
I can't believe I'm feeling nostalgic for an ancient meme.
When meme is all about random fun and not politically infused idiocy
Improved version
I wish this was how it really went. Injustice is so dumb that it would've worked so much better if none of it was taken seriously. Nightwing dies breaking his neck on a rock for fuck's sake.
muh dik
Then do it in secret. Release it after it was finished via torrent. See them lose their shit but can't do nothing about it. Just like that Final fight fan game.
I thought SEGA was pretty chill with fan made stuff unlike Nintendo?
It was the best Sonic anime.
But we are talking about Sonic cartoons here.
They're all cartoons, stop acting like Japan is so different and special from the rest of the world
Why would you want that fucking shit anyway? Sonic comics sucked all the way to the reboot. Scourge sucked, Penders sucked, Boilers sucked, Sally is and will always be a stupid american OC, the freedom fighters are useless. Eggman was shit until he got redisigned, all the OCs were garbage (especially Penders and Boilers shit, Flynn too with the anti-moebius stuff) and all the fucking plotlines ever were a bunch of badly put together shit that never went anywhere, a waste of time.
Tell me, tell me one single good fucking reason to like the Archie Comics pre-reboot. Hardmode, justify Penders to me. After all, Archie Sonic was build on Penders. You can't say you like pre-reboot Sonic and dislike Pender's writing at the same time.
And even if you dislike the 90's comics, Flynn wasn't all the better back in his early days. I could argue Flynn was just as terrible as Penders back then.
This is true contrarianism.
Is it that hard to believe that someone would hate Archie's Sonic that much? Oh and I mispelled the nig's name, it's Bollers. Bollers is the guy that wanted to make Sonic fuck all the OC chicks, as did Penders.
Fun fact; apparently Penders ruined a chance of a Sonic movie by showing producers a fan-made faux trailer.
Bollers had it devolve into a literal soap opera, Penders was more giving everyone except Sonic some magical destiny that went nowhere. Though I think both did a fair bit of each. IIRC, Mina Mongoose was Bollers' baby while Julie-Su was Penders'.
God I fucking hate Mina Mongoose. But you know who I hate more? Her boyfriend. They look so goddamn out of place. Who would have though a middle aged black man would have the same tastes as a fucking teeanger scene girl. If the design of those two are anything to go by.
So the big three are Penders, Bollers and Flynn, all of whom have their own obsessions and author pet's. Penders has his Echidnas and Knackles, Bollers had Mina, Flynn has Sally and to an extend, Scourge and his shitty gang.
pretty sure Flynn's author's pet is Bean
Which episode showed some clips?
Do credits count?
Besides that, there's a scene where Scratch and Grounder are watching the Tv and a clip of Robotnik shooting a cactus shows up.
The credits i think?
Supposedly Mina was the self-insert of someone who worked on the comic's daughter, which is why she dated Sonic for a while.
They are…when it comes to the games, or cartoons.
Sonic comics particularly Archie comics. Is such a huge colossal clusterfuck of lawsuits and Archie being fucking idiots when it comes to protecting their contracts. Also some of their major contributors like Penders and Bollers taking advantage of Archies fuck up.
SEGA is not taking chances with Archies shitshow. So if anyone is to blame Archie comics is to blame.
It's probably the most hilarious thing to watch Archie comics fuck up so bad just after SEGA warned them if they keep fucking up they'd get shitcanned.
Isn't Archie on life support right now?
Shit should've noticed that
The hell?
I agree with you there, but this new comic world is bland as fuck, and the characters are begining to look copies of the main characters just different species and altercations. All main females either wear a variant of Rouge's catsuit or Amy's dress except for the fish peoples and Breezie.
They're putting their all into Riverdale (which looks like ass so far). If it works, the company is saved, if it fails. Tough shit, it's fucking over. Either way there's chances the Sonic Comic won't be around by 2020. I don't give a shit about that though, I just want Archie comics to go down already. The only reason they survive is because literally all their artists and writers almost do it for free. Bunch of desperate out of college indie artists and writers that hope they will one day do something better, all working for pennies.
Probably because you're so used to hearing PINESS spliced apart from the rest of the clip, that it becomes more familiar when the whole clip is played.
Vid related is a similar example, where TREE stands out due to its usage in YTP (although not as often as PINGAS)
Haven't heard TREE in a YTP, so I wouldn't know
Then Pen can capitalize on its absence
Who the fuck wants to read about his shitty Echidna shit though? Oh sorry I forgot they were Echyd'nya. Fuck no one ever reads the comics anyway, they just pretend they do and every now and then and check out a few panels on Tumblr or whatever. I don't know why any of these assholes think they can make money off Comic characters.
Hell Scourge appears in many spanish Sonic fanfiction, despite Sonic comics having little to no exposure in the international scene, especially the spanish speaking one. People literally only know and bother with these characters because they're like OCs but with semi-official status and people will give you less shit for using them.
That brings ankther question, is his comic even out yet?
I mean, I do, but whatever.
They're not that bad nowadays, but they're not really worth spending money on, you know what I mean?
I would be sad to see them go. The Sonic and Megaman comics have been great apart from when legal trouble and stupid crossover event bullshit have fucked with them. As long as the artists and Ian Flynn can get work then things may be fine.
I think Flynn needs to quit being stuck writing comics and move on to bigger mediums. He could have a real shot at writing for TV. I mean i'm not really a fan of his style but at least he tries, and has matured over the years unlike Penders or Bollers who always did the same shit and never improved.
But let's be honet, the Sonic comics are better post-reboot. There was way too many stupid shit happening and even if Flynn had an arc planned it was never really gonna go anywhere. See that's what happens when you write for a comic where the characters never age except like, one year every ten years and where you can't go out of your way to actually change anything for more that a few months. You would have to be fucking crazy like Penders and just turn it into your pet project fanfiction, but then you'll be a faggot and only hardcore fanboys will care. It's better that his power be restricted before he could become like Penders (he was close to be back when all the Scourge anti-whatever crap was happening, bunch of OCs with basic and flat personalities). Really only the Genesis stuff was good about the Sonic Comics pre-reboot. Everything went from shit to meh.
Completely disagree. It just brought out all the worst elements.
Also you might be right. His Sonic Boom episode was the best one I've seen. Also I hear Evan Stanley wrote an episode. I'll have to check that out to see if Stanley is pretty good or really was nothing more than a hack fanfic writer.
Like what? I feel the comic's much better now. Sonic Mega Drive at least is the best thing that has come out of that thing in like, a decade. Though it feels that was written by the guy that drew it rather that Flynn, it just seems more like his style.
To be fair I stopped reading it a while ago after getting pissed at the reboot. I hate reboots in general and was enjoying the comic a lot so it probably would never have satisfied me. Still seemed shit to me. Flynns writing devolved to it's most basic and the attemps to tie everything in with the games which are infamous for having some of the worst and most inconsistant writing you could imagine were fucking terrible.
Shit I like the Sonic Games man, yeah I know the writing varies from title to title but I feel it doesn't happen that much. The one time I would think they really dropped the ball was in the Rider Series and Sonic Battle. I'm not counting Chronicles (which really depends on how you look at it anyway) or the Pontac/Graff games because those were written by westerners. And at least Pontaff cleaned up their act for Sonic Lost World. I'm not even gonna talk about Sonic Boom because that's a different kind of shit.
What's up with the Spanish and Sonic. I remember a lot of my Spanish childhood friends being huge fans of Sonic and Spanish deviantart having a huge fan community along with Tsubasa aand other anime.
Because we fucking love animu bro and Sonic X was always playing in Jetix, the channel all beaners and BRs watched because it aired better shit that Disney Channel and Cartoon Network and pandered to us more. I honestly think Sonic X was the most popular Sonic thing in Latin America because not that many people here could afford a Dreamcast. Fuck I even recall a Sonic X fanfiction, which wasn't even a fanfiction but just a episode recap winning a writing contest in my school. And it was titled Sonic X for fuck's sake. I remember back then reading it and thinking "What the fuck is a Sonic X?" until I realized when I got Jetix.
Funny thing too about all those spanish fanfictions is that some of then include Scourge and Sally (but Sally is always a huge slut because latinas hate her for being a Sonic thieving gringa) even though none of them ever read the comics. They just look at the designs and some pictures off google, a quick scan of a wikia and just assume everything from there.
That damn fanfiction was published along with the other winners of schools around the state. Yeah, a Sonic X fanfiction is in a oficially published goverment distributed book that got passed around schools all through the state.
Im gonna need some proof on that bullshit.
The comic still has a bunch of OCs with flat personalities, with the egg bosses being the worst offenders. It doesn't seem to be that hard to only use characters from the games.
Or sue for them in Pens case
I can understand that.
The comics are still fun, but it's a shame they'll never be able to use those old characters and plotlines again.
The actual story itself has rotten away, since my copy only goes up to page 90. But yeah it's basically a Sonic X fanfic, if I recall there was nothing weird about it. Just Sanic and Tails fighting Eggman. But yeah this was a "cuentos" anthology, like fairy tales and stuff. One of the many projects by the SEC (Secretary of Education and Culture) to promote reading to children. This is an early 2000's book (As the SEC only has the anthologies from 2011 and up) so I actually had to dig out my copy of it instead of looking it up on the internet.
ironic too that the dude in charge of putting the anthology together is saying in that first paragraph that shit like videogames and TV sap kid's creativity.
How embarrassing
Was Sonic X that fucking popular? No one gave a shit about it in my country, they always had an orgy over Pucca (Jetix's cashcow that didn't last).
fuck i miss space goofs, one of the few good cartoons which air for a short period.
I know it was popular with kids here in the states and was really popular in some Latin America countries and I know that no one in Japan where it was made gave a shit about it.
Japs don't give a shit about licenced anime, except the collect shit type of licenced anime like Pokemon, Yokay, etc. Kids love watching extended toy commercials after all
i can see a penis
the balls are messed up but its there
The hell?
Does anyone know what was the deal with Sonic liking chill dogs? Was it simply a response to pizza being associated with the Ninja Turtles?
There was originally going to be a tie in deal with the Sonic fast food chain, where they would have Sonic only eat Sonic brand Chili dogs. This was scrapped, and they just left the chili dog stuff in so that they wouldn't have to change too many scenes in the show.
I remember seeing so many recolors from Sonic X on deviantart and youtube back in 2008. I wonder if people still make those,
Sonic X AMVs n shit with Shadow fucking beating the shit out of everybody to Evanesense or whatever.
Or horrible powerpoint slideshows
God I remember that shit. I was a sonic autist
If that's true, if makes chilli dogs being grandfathered into the official canon really funny
Why are there so many Sonic X AMVs with millions of views, who still watches that shit?
Nintendo never became all that important in the spiclands and people ate the Genesis shilling instead for reasons i don't remember
I don't remember jackshit from that show aside from the basic premise, the fatso that looked like Santa Claus and the Bruce Lee reference, but goddamn that shit was popular
No wonder Sega folded
I remember a scene where a biker eats ramen, inflates and fucking blows the death star.
Does anybody else in this thread like Sonic Underground? It's campy fun.
There is a guy named Tamers12345 on youtube who likes the series. You should check him out.
I don't know why I traced it, but I did.
Looks like something from Johnny Quest or Hellboy
He looks so damn disappointed.
Naw, I loved this cartoon. The second season (which I only found out about a year or two ago) is horribly weak though, thanks to execs demanding the tone be softened. And that dragon… what the fuck?
That is one thing the comic got right, even if it took a few decades to make her look like a Sonic character.
It also used to be really big here in the UK, maybe bigger than it was in America until recently.
She now looks a generic Japanese furry like everyone else
That may be but she's definitely more fuckable now.
Fuck them.
Wait, that's why? It wasn't due to DMCA request? Is the comic doing THAT badly?
Yes. Sonic Boom unpopularity, the fanbase declining, and the reboot has turned a lot of the fans away.
Really? Why?
The movie
I confess that I unironically enjoy Sonic Underground, and all of the other Sonic shows. Even Sonic X.
I needed to get that off my chest.
Meaning they're still leery about licensing out IPs to media companies?
Eh, Universal got the theme park deal
That is why you torrent.
Some artist at tumblr uploaded his rejected pages and sketches implying that they were to shown to Nintendo… Nintendo replied: "hell no", and it should stick that way.
there was also a small animation scrap(?) from the Storybook-era Sonic games where Sonic ate a chili dog, which somehow became a meme in itself
god, the Storybook-era games were so fucking forgettable. anyone even remember the endings for any of them?
The ending to Black Knight was that Merlina cast a spell to make Camelot an eternal kingdom that would never end. Sonic and the knights opened the sacred doors that gave Caliburn power to transform into Excalibur and give Sonic access to his super form. They defeat Merlina; Sonic tells that her that we make the best things while they last (To paraphrase); and it turns out that Sonic is the incarnation of King Arthur. There is also and after credits scene where Sonic tells Amy about his adventure; she's pissed because he missed their date; and a book closes itself with the title changing from King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to Sonic and the Black Knight.
I haven't playe Sacred Rings, so I couldn't tell you the ending to thaf game.
tbh they were the sonic games with some of the best writing and storytelling. pretty good characters too except for Erazor who was kind of bland but that's to be expected.
Does the Sonic comic even sell well by western comics standards? I've never seen in the top charts which usually only DC and Marvel shit reaches, and even then it's hard for any of them to top 100k sales, so I imagine the Sonic Comic couldn't possibly sell that well. And here on Holla Forums we are always talking about how the market's been shit for decades, how western comics are crashing, etc.
It's better that way man. Imagine if an autist like Movieblob had ended up writing them. Just like Penders directed a 150 something issues of Sonic Star Trek fanfiction.
Longest running licensed comic book
I wonder why. Really, it can't be the art quality (it was shit for like 15 years) and it can't be the writing (Come on, this was Pender's wild ride for 10 or so years, and then Bollers with his autism before Flynn stepped up and sorta tried) so what is it? Is the Sonic Fanbase that desperate?
They feed off Sonic Boom's subpar writing so yes they are pretty fucking desperate. Don't get me wrong, that show can make a funny joke here and there but sometimes they take the humor so far they make the characters fucking insufferable, which is understandable because it's a kid's show.
X, SatAM, and AoSTH, I could understand, but Underground?
It's got the worst animation and the shittiest plot.
They have a magic oracle guy who can just pop into Robotnik's base whenever he feels like it, and what does he do? Say some shit about how Sonic will stop him someday and then poof out.
Of course they're desperate.
They had a pretty decent franchise with good games that went to shit for years before finally pulling itself out of the ashes and starting to get good again.
I don't know man, personally I still want to be able to play as more characters that just Sonic and Tails. Then again, it's really just Sonic that you play as this days. They have all these characters just sitting around, all these different types of gameplay that they could polish and bring back, but they don't wanna take risks anymore. Which is weird because they took a huge risk with Boom, and paid a great price when it failed to meet expetations.
And I feel like the games should also start to put more though into the storyline. It just feels really self-contained and flat now, it doesn't build up nothing or bring anything interesing to the world. It's been like that ever since Colors for some reason. Maybe try to incorporate the other characters, or take a bigger risk and make a new one. Just no more flat one-note antagonists like the Deadly Six again.
I hope that 2017 game builds on what Unleashed did right, takes itself a little more seriously, and hopefully bring in more characters for varied gameplay. We know that Mania will deliver on that at least. A classic style game with multiple playable characters again.
Because it's Archie and Archie never fucking dies. It's 2017, why is Archie still filling up the market with their shit? Jughead, Sabrina, Betty and Veronica and goddamn Archie. When will it end Holla Forums?
Sonic used to be huge, user. It makes sense that it sold well enough on name alone to keep going even though a lot of it was shit.
There was like 5 before boom
One that's basically the comics, i think? Don't know if it had any stories about sonic getting cucked but i didn't watch it.
1 that's looney tunes but with sonic
1 starring sonic and two recolors
The movie where knuckles is Australian and everyone sounds like they've got down syndrome
And another that sonic fans and weebs used to sperg about it because muh 4kids ruined sonic
Well, for a while, there were people saying the problem with Sonic was that there were too many characters. Or at least that's what I remember from when I used to go on GameFAGs. I wouldn't be surprised if those complaints got to SEGA, and they decided to limit the playable characters to Sonic and occasionally Tails in response.
Sonic still sell to niche group that willing to purchase every books, that's a guaranteed sales right there. Also Archie comics are always the safe bet for parents when they looking for comics for their kids. So when they saw a bunch of bipedal woodland critters on the cover they gonna pick them up right away.
didnt satam predate the comics?
I feel like that Penders dude tbh, because I too hope Archie goes under. But tbh they should have done that 20 years ago. I hope this Archie TV show fails and they finally stop it.
god damn it.
I hope it doesn't do that because it just means more stuff for sega to fuck up.
Yeah i believe
Or just use the existing ones. Knuckles still exist you know, or Tails, Shadow, Amy, Chaotix Team, etc.
Or anyone from the Boom universe
Same thing. More gameplay styles = more ways to fuck it up.
Just do what Sonic Advance series did, and there won't be any problems. Have 5-6 characters, but have them all play the same as sonic, but with a slight twist to the gameplay, so you're not forced to play a character you don't want. Also bring back challenge maps from generations, but make them extra content you can do after you beat the game. It's a good way to extend the playtime of sonic games.
sage for vidya related discussion
Or don't because you're the only faggot who wants more playable characters after they're fucked up at that almost every time
It worked perfectly well in sonic advance, and the original games. They're even bringing it back for Sonic Mania. The problem always came from Sega trying to make the gameplay completely different for each character. It worked perfectly fine in sonic advance
tails - sonic but can fly
knuckles - sonic but he can glide, and climb up walls
cream - similar to tails, but with a special chao attack. Essentially the game's easy mode. All the levels are the same.
They just have to do that, and it'll be perfectly fine, and it's easy to implement.
I think its been selling like shit ever since the pendering.
I wonder why they still publish if it sells so poorly.
As long it still purchased by unsuspecting children and parents who pick it up because it's a comic with cartoony woodland critters on its cover it will always make money.
I guess, still doesnt explain why megaman is still going.
Archie just removed the ability to buy a Sonic subscription from their online site. Could be a fuckup of some sort, but it's concerning.
Cutesy robot boy, that's a no brainer.
Good. By the way I just went through the ¨cuck/v/ archive and stumbled a lot of Archie autists talking about this shitty comic. Dudes, seriously, it's not a good comic. Sonic is a very simple thing, yet the comics went all autistic with walls of text ad shit that makes no sense, yet you go on Holla Forums and they talk with passion about them like they were good or canon or some shit. I agree maybe the post-penders comics weren't so bad, but there was still all the retarded shit lingering in the background, plus OCs up the ass (of which more that half were Pender's anyway). Does anyone actually care about the frenchie gaylord and the walrus? And Sally and Bunnie are just furry bait too with litte character that just take time away from better characters and one of them is a Mary Sue. Scourge and the Anti gang are an austic concept on Pender's tier of writing.
How is Megaman selling anyways?
I think Flynn tried to make the best of the shit Penders and other writers came up with, but it's probably for the best that they rebooted things.
Well Holla Forums is full of autists.
Well that's where you went wrong.
cuckchan is full of autists.
Didn't that get canceled years ago?
Nope, they still do crossovers once in a while
You noobs don't know shit
I didn't mind the first one but the rest were shit, I wouldn't be surprised if those are the real reason the comic is tanking.
They STILL do crossovers? After the poor reception the last one had?
yea but crossovers are wank. It would have been cool if it wasn't actually written into the story, ruining both Sonic and Megaman at the same time.
I'm glad to hear megaman is still going though, I though what I read was great until I got to the issue where Wiley betrays everybody AGAIN and just said "fuck it, no progress is going to be made here" and dropped it.
No, the comics were based on SatAM, I think.
The Archie Mega Man is on 'indefinite hiatus'; ie, basically cancelled but the door left open in case Capcom suddenly decides they want money again.
He has an unfortunate voice.
It's because it's Archie's biggest seller. If they are planning to cancel Sonic the Comic then they really have fallen on hard times.
Well with the new cartoon coming they probably will.
Remember this is comic books; last decade's horrible sales are brilliant by modern standards.
That and sales numbers may not be including digital sales. Comixology may have really changed the game.
Comixology got potential but I don't think it's actually make a dent. Also the interface is not really that intuitive.
So there's a strong chance it may be canceled.
The one with all the capcom and SEGA characters was so bad I dropped the comic.
but it did
Is this the end of Archie?
I hope so, finally we can be rid of SatAM shit forever.
They're canceling Sonic, one of the only good comics Archie has left, for fucking Riverdale. Good. Let Archie short itself out. I'm kind of hoping IDW takes Sonic, so we can have a Transformers crossover
I wouldn't believe that the last issue would be anything but underwhelming.
I think the future of Archie itself depends on whether or not Riverdale is successful, which is fucking sad. How did it come to this?
Either way the comic is dead.
If the comic is getting canned, the only bright side I can see from that is Ian may finally have the time to work on Lost Hedgehog Tales for the fans and the dedicated comic group. Since, ya know, he's gonna be out of work for a little bit.
Are they like getting ready for a bankruptcy auction?
Are you suggesting we pool our money to buy one of their IP? Okay people, tell us what you want to acquire.
This is what Archie is depending on to survive.
Fucking jesus they are retarded
Goodbyyyyeee Archie!
This can only be redeemed if it's a Punisher crossover adaptation.
Whoever thought this was a good idea should be thrown out on the streets.
"eh, once we get through this and the main plot starts to actually move forward, than I'll know if it's going to get better or not."
Will he commit suicide, Holla Forums?
No, but he should
When I heard they were going to make a live-action Archie series, I thought it was going to be a comedy show, not this.
Although, I'll give it a chance. It may surprise. Here's hoping it's a well made, mature Scooby-Doo type of show. Though, the mention of a "touch of evil" makes me think we may also see Sabrina show up.
It's not like an Archie show would really work as anything BUT a teen drama. And Archie's done everything at this point.
The Archie Sonic situation is looking more like a hiatus now. They're telling people the subscriptions being gone is temporary and delayed bother books by about a month.
So it's going on "Hiatus" just like megaman?
The last person who called Archie's support line was told the subscriptions being off site and them not taking anymore subs is a temporary issue and said the next issue they get is 291 next month. Archie also delayed the books to February and March.
Of course, this could just be Archie trying to buy more time to work something out with SEGA, as it looks to me like they have pulled, let expire, or suspended the license.
Hesse seems to know what is happening, but doesn't want to comment until it is resolved. So, some freelancers have info on what is going on, likely the ones who were working on issues the past month.
Suffice to say, nothing is official.
That show and Space Above and Beyond ended too soon.
I feel bad for Flynn. He's not a bad guy, he just happens to work for a bad, incompetent company. I hope he can get other comic work if Archie is cancelling the Sonic comic.
You realize IDW is full of SJWs, right? Do you want gender politics in Sonic the fucking Hedgehog?
Nothing in the TMNT stuff I've read and I'm pretty sure nothing in ROM. Only time I've seen it is in the Transformers stuff and I think GI JOE but that's it. Even Oni Press is full of the cunts but they still got some good stuff.
They also clearly won't take anything from Archie, for better or worse
This will be interesting.
Why do you say that?
Potential rights issues and Sega wanting a fresh start, since a lot of the elements aren't being used anywhere
You realise that Archie is also full of SJWs, right? They got the Squirrel Girl artist to do a book for them for god's sake
I heard something about Archie's previous boss being a batshit insane SJW, and probably a good part of the reason they're in this mess.
I'm going to regret this but I need to see pictures.
Found it.
It's called Jughead, if you want to torture yourself.
Here are some highlights.
AoSTH never tried to be serious business. SatAM almost never tried to be really funny.
Something about this art makes me want to stab the artist in the hand.
The first page looked okay, what happened to the rest?
How about 'everything'?
He won't suicide. He'll just save Sonic Boom instead.
It's fucked that he keeps getting screwed.
Why is this allowed?
Reminder that Ken Penders is the guy who made nothing but super serious furry drama for over a decade then apparently got fired when a jap exec at sega saw the issue where sonic got cucked. He's one of the many reasons why the comic is fucked.
Imagine if we bought the Sonic comic. Would would you do with it? I know that this would never realistically happen but fuck it would be hilarious if it did.
He wasn't fired. He left.
How the hell did he win back the characters then?
He wanted to make his own comic that SEGA had no control over, I think he even tried to claim SatAM Sonic as his own.
No fucking way. I refuse to believe that man willingly left the chance to continue writing the official adventures of God Jesus Knuckles and friends.
Penders started losing his head around '08 with the release of Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood and was kicked out not long after. A few years later, he went back and filed a lawsuit against Archie and Sega about the ownership of the characters he "created" while writing the comic. He was so delusional about the whole ordeal that he even stated that he owned Sonic himself. Eventually Archie just agreed to remove all the characters he actually did create, and just reset things with issue #252.
And, the saddest part is that whole ordeal happened over 4 years ago, and Penders was suppose to be going on to make his, oh so special, series The Lara-Su Chronicles (Which he hasn't done yet).
What a mess.
Supposedly, he thought Archie would come begging for him to come back, but instead, they went and hired Flynn, which pissed him the fuck off.
Speaking of which, does Sega own the Dark Brotherhood characters/story? Or does that belong to Bioware?
I've never touched the game, but I always heard there were some strong similarities between it's story and what happened in the comics. I really doubt it would happen… but It'd be funny they were able to use that game as a sort of substitute for some of the things that got taken out of the comics.
There's not a lot of similarities plot wise, but there is fanservice for fans of satam (swatbots make a return for example.)
Take this with a grain of salt, but an Ian Flynn comment from a few years back states that the game takes place a few years after the universe restart and Unleashed story arc that is currently happening in the comics. However, a SoE community manager stated that the game should be considered an alternate universe.
However however, what is and isn't cannon in the Sonic "timeline" is in constant flux. For example, the Sonic Storybook games became cannon after the comment made in Generations, Rivals 2 is supposedly non-cannon due to 06', 06 was suppose to be a reboot but ended up taking place after Rush (which causes all kinds of buggery for Blaze), and who knows how much will be rewritten with the upcoming release of Mania. So, until the comics make an official reference to it, or Sega finally releases the current "Sonic'' Bible", just treat the game as it's own thing.
So, assuming that Archie Sonic doesn't get canceled, which one of these SatAM chuckle fucks do you anons think will most likely join the main freedom fighters team?
Also, if the SatAM freedom fighters (Antoine, Bunnie, Rotor, Nicole and Sally along with pics related) hypothetically got Sonic Heroes style ability types, what would they be?
Muttski, Dulcy and Lupe have their own teams to worry about. Even pre-restart, Lupe did her own thing, and Dulcy only hung around because she was banished.
Categorically: Antoine, speed; Bunny, flight; Rotor; power; Nicole, ability for Sally (Similar to Cheese for Cream); Sally, speed.
As far as I've seen, Nicole hasn't experienced any combat outside of cyberspace.
I figured Mania would take place between S3&K and SA1, but who even knows at this point.
If they aren't written off first.
While that is definitely true for the latter two, Muttski himself doesn't lead a team. He's just Uncle Chuck's apprentice in science, so I could see Chuck sending Muttski to the Knothole Freedom Fighters once he feels that he's ready for that type of shit.
Except for Nicole, that's exactly what I thought Antoine's, Bunnie's, Rotor's and Sally's hypothetical ability types would be.
I would consider Nicole to be a flight type character because of her abilities in cyberspace. Now if only she, Tails and Rotor can figure out how to bring those combat abilities into the material realm. I can't really see her as a Cheese/Froggy type of pet character for Sally since she has a fullblown anthro Mobian body.
Now what do you think the ability types of Muttski, Dulcy and Lupe would be?
Depends what haven't they used yet?
Who's the mutt, i havent been keeping up
He's uncle Chuck's apprentice, he was based of Sonic's pet dog in the old continuity.
Funnily enough, Sonic is aware of this, and is weirded the fuck out when what he remembers as a non-sentient pet dog is suddenly a person.
I don't think the comics are enthusiastic on sticking to the Sonic Heroes thing that even the games don't care about anymore.
Besides, from all indications, Nicole is perfectly useful and valuable in her capacity as an AI without needing all the NANOMACHINES stuff she had in the old continuity. Especially since Eggman has Phage.
If IDW takes over the Sonic comics like some people are saying, maybe they would keep the DiC characters around since they're really popular. Now I've heard that both Archie and IDW are full of SJWs and all that, but the Sonic comics don't really have many SJW values shoehorned into them. Whether that's because it's a kids comic or some kind of mandate from Sega is up to debate. Though I do share the same concerns regarding the SJW leanings of IDW as a company taking over the Sonic comics.
If Sega no longer cared about those ability types, then we wouldn't be seeing them in games like Sonic Advance 3, Sonic Riders, Mario and Sonic Olympics and Sonic Runners. So at the very least, Sega still somewhat cares about that ability type system of theirs.
While that is true that she is a valuable asset to the Freedom Fighters as an ally, I would still like to see at least some kind of return to the NANOMACHINES formula.
Sega has such a tight leash on the comic license nowadays that anything these SJW writers try to pull is likely going to get shot down in editing. Sega isn't like DC or Marvel, who will go along with anything as long as it sells. They have an image to maintain for their mascot and his associated friends, no matter what the medium. The last thing they want is feminists and progressives shitting it up.
Once again, I have to give Sega applause. It seems like they've really pulled their stuff together over the past couple years.
If Sega did pull the license from Archie, one of the first things they'll do is make sure whoever is writing the comic now reboot the universe and make sure the Satam characters are gone. They really don't like any character not from the games.
Plus using the Sonic brand as your own political mouthpiece is just an all around bad idea regardless of whether you lean towards the left or the right.
To get back on this previous subject, here's my thoughts on the hypothetical ability types of these three. Lupe would definitely be a Speed Type and Dulcy would be a Power Type since she has the bulky frame befitting one. I have considered labeling her a Flight Type, but she's probably too large for that role.
At first I considered putting Muttski in the Flight Type category so that he'd fit in with a three person team consisting of himself, Dulcy and Lupe. But then I thought that was stupid because I was banking on the unlikely scenario that Muttski would get flight powers through character development. So I have considered making him a Power Type in order to fit in with Sally and Nicole as part of their hypothetical team.
I originally put Lupe, Muttski and Dulcy together as a team because they are the only three SatAM characters of of non-adult age to not have 3D renders like Pics related. I would then put Cosmo on the same team as Sally and Nicole and make her a Power Type. But then I learned that Flynn can't legally use Characters from Sonic X or the OVA in the comics. So that sucks.
I swear, Sega should just have primary ownership of all derivative characters of the Sonic brand to the point where putting them in future games wouldn't cause any legal clusterfucks.
Can I get a source for that? I'm not doubting your claims, I just want to know where I can read a Sega Executive outright state that he/she hates Sally Acorn and the Freedom Fighters. What do they have against the SatAM characters anyway?
If that's the case, then why did they even let stuff like AoStH, SatAM, Sonic Underground, the OVA and Sonic X come into existence in the first place? If you ask me, they should've thought of that before they gave those companies the green light to make derivative Sonic characters.
No fucking way. I refuse to believe that man willingly left the chance to continue writing the official adventures of God Jesus Knuckles and friends.>>771782
I wouldn't think there was a source, but it's pretty obvious if you read about the Eggman/Robotnik shit that SoJ really hate it when other people take charge of their property.
Sonic Team actually co-developed Sonic X. The 'original characters' in that one are actually Sonic Team's original characters.
As for the other stuff, everybody was doing it. Nintendo also had three DiC Mario series, as well as a Zelda series and Captain N, which had fuck all to do with Nintendo or video games in general but they used the names so it counts.
I wouldn't think there was a specific source, but it's pretty obvious if you read about the Eggman/Robotnik shit that SoJ really hate it when other people take charge of their property.
Besides the fact that they like money and cartoons are the way to bring them. They probably didn't have anything to do with the DiC cartoons, IIRC the OVA was from a company SoJ were pretty chummy with, and who did they even introduce in Sonic X, the kid and his grandpa?
Ah, so they were salty about how Eggman was given a slavshit name and made into a more threatening villain then they're more inept version of him? But then again, Eggman is funny as shit when he acts all ill-tempered.
There's the plant girl Tails wanted to fuck.
I'd stick my dick in Sally's Acorn for sure.
Cosmo was so cute.
The question is, would she be a Flight Type or a Power Type?
Could she fly? Its been over a decade since I watched Sonic X so I can't remember but I'm pretty sure she could fly.
So Sega would churn out more of the terrible japanese lore that ruined the games?
The people who created Sonic's original lore actually look back at the Western changes very fondly as something that did need to happen, despite how they felt at the time.
Possibly, I think Sega wants Sonic to return to the way it was in the 90's for awhile.
The 90s was before the Japanese lore took hold, prior to that it was a collaborative effort that was mostly spawned from Sega of America's ideas. The original games barely had any lore, and like a lot of pre-cinematic video games the lore grew out of what was there. The only reason the Japanese lore stands as official is because of SoJ's control being complete by the time Sonic Adventure dropped.
It is that lore that sucks so bad. The whole philosophy behind that lore is what ruined the series. It morphed into a showpiece of a million cringe worthy characters with no real stakes, and since it had to focus on all these characters and the "story", the gameplay was completely secondary. On top of this Sega focused on the goofy non-serious aspects to such a degree they completely missed what made the character work in the first place.
Sega being shit with Sonic is bad enough, but then there are "fans" who totally buy into the horseshit that Sonic was meant to be like it is and that SoJ gets full creative credit for Sonic. I mean how the fuck do you explain that? Sonic was good when it was a collaborative effort, and then went to shit after that, but somehow SoJ gets the credit for Sonic? SoJ having full control is what ruined Sonic. Sonic was an American character invented with westerners in mind.
The reason why Sonic will never be good again, and I mean truly good not just better than the past decade and a half of dogshit, is because SoJ hates what made Sonic great. They are in complete denial about the problems they have created. As long as SoJ refuses to embrace Sonic's origins and stop trying to reinvent them, then nothing to do with Sonic will be good.
As far as the Archie comics and SatAM they were closer to the feel most children growing up with Sonic had. Playing through those games with great pumping soundtracks to beat Robotnik carried a more serious feeling than Sega's childish shit. So at least those adaptions come closer to that.
what happened to wanda?
Back in the day Sega used to have a bunch of regional branches with some autonomy, told to promote the franchise in whatever way would suit the region. Long story short they probably don't have that any more because Sega of Japan and Sega of America's pissing matches nearly destroyed the company.
Funny thing is, the lore isn't even any good. They couldn't decide on an aesthetic or tone with the 3D leap so they overreacted from one silly extreme to the other, and ended up making all kinds of new mistakes along the way and never learning from any of them.
Yer bein an autist mate
Sad that the nips got jealous of Sega of America and destroyed everything within it.
Last time I checked, they retconned it worldwide. Robotnik being his given family name, and Eggman being the name everyone actually says. I guess that was partly a compromise.
Ironic considering Sonic's original influences
Keyword here being some, what nearly killed the company was shit like Saturnday
That also explain why Sanic Mania and the taxman ports, are being gimped. The former being watered down with rehashes of levels while the latter had almost all the original content cut out because Sega didn't like him adding content.
*or the price point of the console, which was SoJ's decision.
The little official retro game that's being released on the same year as Sonic Team's tentpole?
And being made by a group of fan modders
Who also have shown up SEGA before, like that Proof of Concept GBA port one of them did that runs circles around the official one.
What does everyone seem hyped for Sonic Mania anyway? It's looks like it's going to be nothing more than a glorified romhack.
Even if that's true, still going to be better than anything Sonic's put out in years.
Damn, Sonic really is in a bad state right now.
Whrn hasnt he?
Since this thread is on its last legs, should someone make a new Sonic Comics & Cartoons general thread?