Browser thread

Why can't you tell firefox to save zoom settings?
Do i need a new browser?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah, you really do. Stop using that garbage. I mean all browsers are garbage, so at least pick the least SJW one.

Pale Moon, the only browser that isn't complete shit.

Do other browsers offer uBlock Origin, uMatrix, NoScript, HttpsEverywhere, ToggleAnimatedGifs, and other addons that are required to browse the Web nowdays?


Palemoon still has shit tons of problems
It would be nice if it gained more traction so that more people could contribute to the code.

Better than the other options
Needs work but i go with this

But does it allow you to save zoom settings?

The chromium clones do. I'm using Vivaldi right now, but I'll happily switch if a better alternative presents itself.


Just use surf if you are not a web developer. Otherwise use Chromium.

He said NoScript. uMatrix gets close, but it's no NoScript.

Ahh, well uMatrix is good enough for me.

Because it does so automatically.

but umatrix > noscript

I think so too, but I didn't tell him that because I have haven't used NoScript enough to make a judgement on it.

yes you can you dumb fucking nigger

why the fuck do I bother coming to this site still


I'll just kill myself instead.


my zoom settings save automatically per page. OP is a faggot that somehow managed to even fuck up something that happens automatically

Fuck off mozilla shills, your browser is shit and so are you

There's only 1 browser that isn't shit and not a botnet.

Everything else is full of security holes, slow as shit or a fork joke - like icecat or pale moon pieces of NSA shit, developed by 1 or 2 paid by NSA pajeets to hide code for exploiting their autistic users that think they're safer.

Get ungoogled chromium

If you think you have a choice to not use Firefox then you clearly have garbage for your brain.

For the love of god how can I set a default zoom in Firefox? It should be built-in, I don't want add-on junk. There should be an about:config preference at least.


Hmm, you might be right.

t. noscript user who just looked at umatrix

I have no idea why people think this. Chromium has nearly all of Chrome's botnet.


Using the browser bundle is a very good idea if you mind getting fingerprinted.

What do you use Tor for that you do not want to avoid fingerprinting and tracking?

The bundled browser is often out of date. It has been used as the vector for unmasking many tor users. That is why some choose to avoid it.

Firefox is fucking SJW cancer, and the developers care more about pronouns than security. Anyone advocating it should be sent to an internment camp.

There are other browsers with good tracking protection, and fingerprinting might not matter if you're just trying to get around a block or a ban or something. There are reasons to use Tor that don't require the browser bundle.
But advising against it in general is just bad.

nice try, FBI

browser.zoom.sitespecific might do it, at least judging by the name.

Opinions on this? Seems to be getting pretty popular, seeing it mentioned around more and more. Although I have not used it myself.
Has anyone used this browser before and what is your opinion on it?

I've just started using it for about a day now and it's honestly pretty great. My only issue with it is that it doesn't support extensions yet. The second it gets full extension support I'd definitely start using it full time. Right now I've replaced my default phone browser with Brave. As of now though I plan to stick with Waterfox.

No, but THIS was a nice try by the FBI.
> While the exploit was most likely designed to identify people alleged to have frequented a child porn forum recently targeted by the FBI
> however, was designed to attack only Version 17 of the extended support release, which was included in a browser bundle offered by the Tor Project.

Doesn't it include a lot of bloat to handle bitcoin donations for sites that you like?

Only if you enable it. The adblocker has three options, one to block them all outright, one for brave ads which is the bitcoin ad service, and to allow ads.

I give it another look soon, but since it didn't seem to improve much over vivaldi, I just went back to that. Since I'm going to want uMatrix, their built in ad blocker isn't that appealing.

It is cancer. Just like everything else that gives concession to online ads.

so... just to be clear, the only thing wrong with firefox is some internet sperg-drama bullshit? i'm feeling comfy.

That is only opt-in though. And it isn't the default setting. Having ads as an opt-in thing which isn't going to track you and stick garbage on your computer is a good middle ground.

No, in addition to the poz, it's slow, bloated, and insecure compared to the chromium family. When you oust your CEO (who invented JS) because his private support for traditional marriage offends you, you're probably not making sound technical decisions anymore.

Already tried fiddling with that a while ago, it had no effect. Maybe I should try again.

I have yet to see a legitimate reason for an autist like myself to even consider using it


That's the same shit as ctrl +/-, it only zooms the current tab. I want something persistent and universal, so I can set it once for every website in general. If I weren't using Tor Browser I'd just install nosquint but I want to avoid add-ons.

You are making shit up. The only ones unmasked were using outdated tor bundle browsers. They would have been fine if using the latest version of tor browser. Stop lying.

The web is not standard compliant enough for any other kind of visual scaling.

nosquint is deprecated, use zoom page

Opera 12 kept zoom settings. The source-code leaked, there might be an updated underground version of it.

No! Don't mix them up. They do different things.

uMatrix has the ability to stop loading linked resources, but that is it.

Unlike NoScript, uMatrix can not block inline javascripts, XSS. Also it can not be configured to block http resources and only load scripts that come from https.

if you visit a page with scripts disabled all scripts get blocked, inline or not

I fucking love qutebrowser

Icecat is the perfect example of why GNUtards will always be a minority.
Looks good at first glance, has tons of issues with the most common shit imaginable.

pale moon? more like stale meme haahhahahahahahaha get lost nerds


why do i only get 2 resolution options in youtube through palemoon?

is anyone having the same problem? i open videos through firefox and they give me all the options, but palemoon only gives me 360 and 720. 720 makes my videos load slow as fuck, and 360 makes them look like shit.

SRWare Iron

The problem is with palemoon's video plugin.
It doesn't work with 60fps videos, it's not just on youtube as it happens here too.
I just run all my videos in my native player instead, it runs better then any browser player.

no-script support never ever

Whatever happened to fiber?

I used Vivaldi for a long while but after a while I couldn't stand its Electron-ness. Opening a new window took way too long, and for some reason it kept crashing with no error sometimes when I dragged a selection. Are there any better Chromium forks?

why? are the devs cucks or simply retarded?

it worked perfectly fine last week, after last update it didn't anymore.
why the fuck would they do that? im sorry but im just trying to wrap my mind around it

If you have a ton of bookmarks, does it slow firefox down?
Should I delete all bookmarks?

Why is Firefox such shit now

and Vivaldi has stupid regressive bugs like the broken urlbar popup if autocomplete is turned off..
Still use it for my HTPC as zooming in pages is more elegant than in Firefox.


I thought the developer skipped gstreamer and went full ffmpeg

What? I'm running Pale Moon right now and 60 fps YouTube works for me...

what about cyberfox..?


RequestPolicy or uBlock?


Pale Moon is kick-ass!!

What pisses me off is the screentearing.

I've used:
Pretty good overall, but they are fucking slow in fixing disgusting issues which in some cases render the browser useless. For instance, their 55.0 (IIRC) had some sort of a certificate problem which blocked some websites for good and the only workaround was setting date to whatever before the shit surfaced. Then after fucking months they released version 58 (the current one) which doesn't have this, but in return... you can't remove extensions. Which you absolutely need to do in order to update them. (
Unlike Iridium you can't install addons directly from the store, you have to use that download link and drop the file into your browser, which makes this sort of annoying, but otherwise it seems cool. The current version is still 55 though, for anything that isn't Debian/macOS.

I've finally given up and switched to Chromium. Firefox and all of its derivatives are dead.


Update to palemoon-overlay when
I'm still waiting for 27.4.0 so I can use github

all browsers are trash now tbh

actually otter browser is ok

Kill yourself, "tbh".
bump anyway

WithFirefox going slow lately, Its time to ask this. What Firefox fork would I replace Firefox with, in Windows 7 64x as OS (for the moment)? As said, I want one fork with compatibility with these addons (plus amuch addons of FF as possible), or that already have the same fuctions as these.

What are your thoughs on Waterfox? And Palemoon? Any other fork I should know?

try reading the thread

Why do you think I didnt? Besides, I need more information/opinions.

So what about SeaMonkey? Any thoughts?

The UI is pig disgusting and it has no addons.

Hasn't changed at all in a fucking long time, only has infrequent syncs with the firefox tree.

The truth is... Mozilla Firefox is basically the only halfway-decent browser left. You need to harden about:config yourself or via custom profiles, and use sensible, secure privacy add-ons. Anyone telling you to use a derivative is a hipster, since they're often behind, aren't fully compatible with said add-ons, overall make you easier to spot, and functionally isn't anything you couldn't already cook up through configuration for the most part.

Yes, there's the "Firefox is SJW REEE" argument, but you're kidding yourself if you're not treating proprietary software as potentially compromised. In the case of web browsers, popularity is a good thing since it helps users blend in, and Firefox is the most popular open-source browser period. Just avoid vanilla settings and you're okay.

People on Holla Forums are pathetic lowlifes who complain about anything popular because it doesn't pander to them.

And what about Waterfox? Im just trying it recently, and being almost exactly like FF, but in theory somewhat safer and user friendly, looks fine, plus having almost all addons compatibility.

Someone anonymoose slav haxors should get together, host their bootleg presto opera somewhere unregulated (wherever rutracker is being hosted for example) and open buttcoin wallet for donations to keep the project alive.

And if it were a proprietary project, the problem would remain unreported or unfixed, or both. Open-source makes the fuckery transparent and possible to fight; closed-source makes the fuckery invisible and impossible to fight. This really isn't a hard concept to grasp.

I use it. It's gud. Good enough for 90% of the websites I come across. I have a firefox install for the other 10% that fuck up, but it's used rarely enough that I'm satisfied.

With the eventual move away from XUL and to WebExtensions, the longer they stay unsynced from the Firefox Tree, the better. Seamonkey, too, will eventually get fucked over, and I'll have to move to Pale Meme, but hopefully that day is a long way out.

I use Waterfox because I've stopped caring and realised that every browser is shit, but at least Waterfox still has my extensions from firefox and it's x64 so my extra memory gets used, though the memory leak is still ridiculous. Seamonkey is gud as well though and Palemoon is okay if you don't mind half-broken software made by a furry.
At this point I'm just waiting for Fiber never ever

Why is WebExtensions a bad thing? It makes easier to make extensions for any browser and any relevant extension is already available as a WebExtension.

thought waterfox was more secure than firefox

but i doest have extensions, not even a good adblocker, i can still see 8ch ads for fucks sake

can it still be more secure without addons than firefox or waterfox?

Yes, opera does.
So? Linux has about 1%.

Another piece of the Google EEE puzzle
Another piece of the removing all customization options in Mozilla derivatives puzzle
Not nearly as capable as XUL-using extensions because Chrome is a locked down piece of shit
It's going to deprecate a large number of very useful and perfectly stable extensions that already exist

I don't care about other browsers. I used to use Firefox, and now that Firefox is going to hell, I use Firefox derivatives. My Firefox derivatives work with the same use case I've had for a fucking decade, on meager machines that meet my needs. Why should my browser turn into a Chrome-clone that mandates me either changing my browsing habits or going out and buying 64GB+ of RAM just to capitulate to some meme-loving normalfags that only ever have five tabs open at a tab max?

I only bothered to check for NoScript, but to my surprise, that's being worked on. I very highly doubt all of the extensions I use right now are going to be ported, though. And just because you don't use it doesn't make it irrelevant.

Excluding huge, big and small computers, yeah.

Wtf is that?

also >inb4 interjection, I didn't make that website

Google has no interest in WebExtensions.
Why do you need a browser extension to have the power to control the OS? That sounds like a security and maintenance nightmare (it is).
But WebExtensions aren't Chrome extensions, they do stuff that's exclusive to Firefox.
This is due to your own inertia and inability to adapt more than anything tbqh fam.
uBlock Origin, for example, is already available as a WebExtension but it's not a pure one yet since hybrid extensions are legacy extension wrappers for WebExtensions that allow settings, etc. to be migrated easily.

You can check extension compatibility here:

If I could get it to look more like pic 2 I wouldn't really have much of a problem with it...



I used to use SeaMonkey, but I found that it was too slow and took up too much memory.
It was probably just Holla Forums. I use Vivaldi now.

Vivaldi has this ridiculous bug where pressing the "Go back a page" hotkey on thinkpads sends the fucker TWO pages back instead of just one and the devs refuse to address it because it's been on the issue tracker for like two years.

Or maybe because it's a low-priority bug in the huge-ass list of bugs needing to be fixed.

So you're saying you don't care about the only source of security fixes for seamonkey left, now there's virtually no other developers left?

So you're saying you don't care about the only source of security fixes for seamonkey left, now there's virtually no developers for it?

I believe it is but I can't remember and can't be fucked to check

4 overlays have it, including the palemoon overlay (is it "official"?)

it's nice, it supports umatrix, ublock, self destructing cookies but for some reason it doesn't make ID's colored when I'm on h8chan

Which is why Chrome supports WebExtensions just fine.
Browser extensions should be able to leverage everything in the browser, not just the piddly scraps that WebExtensions API provides. XUL Extensions include themes, and while Seamonkey still supports full browser themes, Firefox hasn't for ages. Apparently it's shit on, but I do enjoy muh Micromonkey, considering laptop screens refuse to go over 768p, it's nice to be able to maximize screen real estate that would otherwise be taken up by the browser's UI, while also not needing to put in the effort to learn HTML/CSS and edit userchrome.css manually. No word on whether that latter, more arduous option is even available in a post-XUL Firefox, but I reckon it isn't, because how can we ape Chrome is we're affording any amount of customization to the user?
Which is why they require very little tweaking to work on other browsers.
Adapt to what? Mozilla fetish to change everything every year despite the fact that their hemorrhaging users due to their browser getting worse every time they reinvent their browser to attract the Chrome crowd? Maybe if their quit mishandling their browser and quit hiring diversity hires that can't program for shit, the looming disaster of $NEXT_BIG_MOZILLA_FEATURE would stop being such a huge annual travesty.
I don't get it, are the listed ones "hybrid" ones and the ones with "WebExtension" in the WebExtension column "pure"? Why are there so many open issues to port shit that works fine in XUL? Why are you satisfied with a reported 2309/20467 addons being even remotely compatible with nuFirefox? Where the fuck are, for starters, h264ify, Download Statusbar, and HTTPS Everywhere?

Why even bother making an API that works with other browsers if those same browsers are competing with you for users? Who wants to use a washed-up Chrome-aping wannabe of a browser when they can use the same extensions on some other normalfag-pandering piece of shit? This seems like a whole lot of work for nothing. Hopefully servo isn't a huge irredeemable trainwreck that works like webkit, and when Firefox and Seamonkey are eventually dead and buried, someone can use it to make a browser that doesn't make me want to kill myself.

I forgot about you.
Security updates would be great if anyone at Mozilla gave a flying fuck about security. Firefox is such a joke that it's been excluded from Pwn2Own on at least one occassion. Mozilla's too busy trying to innovate the internet to actually focus on making a browser that doesn't shit the bed if you look at it funny. Seamonkey having no developers is unfortunate, but I don't blame 'em, Seamonkey is constantly fighting with Mozilla for even basic levels of approval, and the codebase is probably a giant insurmountable clusterfuck that no newfag would want to even begin investigating, let alone developing for.

Yes, that is good.
To anything.
They list the most popular extensions.
Extensions like these seem useless. No loss there.

Either they do stuff exclusive to Firefox, or there's little tweaking required to get them working elsewhere. These things are mutually exclusive. Nary do they intersect. You cannot say "WebExtensions are good because they do Firefox-exclusive things" and "WebExtensions are good because they require near-zero effort to port to non-Firefox browsers" simultaneously. This doesn't make sense.
Thank you, very well put, I'll have to re-examine my whole workflow because of this, incredibly well put, bravo. Obviously it's my fault that every drastic change to Firefox is a problem, not Mozilla's. At least, I truly see.
This clears up nothing.
h264ify turns online video (read: Youtube) into purely h264 streams. h264 is easier to render than other codecs, thus, alleviating battery usage while watching video on laptops.
Download Statusbar consolidates the downloads list into the browser window, meaning a) a separate window/tab for downloads isn't necessary, and b) said window doesn't flash every fucking time I download anything ever.
But obviously these are useless and I have to uproot everything. Just learn to adapt, we know better than you what's good for you!

from PyQt5.QtCore import QUrlfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplicationfrom PyQt5.QtWebKitWidgets import QWebViewimport sysapp = QApplication(sys.argv)view = QWebView()""))app.exec()
Just like, make browser.

Everything slows down firefox, nigger

They aren't. Go read the spec.

With huge, big, and small computers he meant anything other than desktop-sized computers, i. e. supercomputers, servers, smartphones. Linux dominates if you take those into account.

Too bad the "Linux community" is too busy trying to code fancy bloated DEs instead of focusing on anything that's actually relevant to all that market share, huh?

Cyberfox fags, is there a way for me to observe the amount of memory being used by each addon I have installed? It's consistently using 1k+ MB with one empty tab open and some addon being a shit is the only thing I can think of.

For starters that isn't true. But even if it were, volunteer devs owe you nothing and paid devs only owe you something if your name is on their paycheck. You're free to code something "actually relevant" if you don't like the software available.

just switched to qutebrowser and fukn love it, good taste fellow gentoomen


I'm currently working on per-domain settings (see, which will include noscript-like functionality. So, in a few weeks.

Because 8ch is one of the few websites serving ads from their own server, and the current adblocker is only based on a host blacklist (which in turn makes it much simpler and faster). There's an issue for real ABP-like syntax support, but it's not a priority right now.

As for extensions, what else are you missing?

At least use QtWebEngine instead of the long deprecated QtWebKit (or )

This is for icecat, but it should probably still work.

You need more cores


Can you explain? Where does Pale Moon fall short?

t. Never used it

Just giving it a try, coming from Iridium. It's definitely fucking nice, man, and I would like to do the transition. Fastest performance I got on anything except chromium-based, and with just little customization the UI can be fucking great.

Doesn't seem to be the case. Says 'only on firefox' in the add-ons page. Any of the similar alternatives any good? Never heard shit about any of them.

Also, any vim bindings add-ons? Couldn't find any that would work on it either. Hate to have my browser as only part of my system that's dependent on a mouse.

Or maybe use 'backspace' button like the rest of the world?
Or 'Ctrl+

Why limit ourselves to western browsers? Are there any good browser from Asia?

HAHAHAHA where do you retards come from? pol?