Search for hardcore cp with jim and ron

Let's have some lgs then.

I know how Ron feels. My weight kept me safe at Church and Catholic school. It's a shame because there was a really cute Vietnamese priest who would have made a 10/10 twink in his day.



You could call it that, yes.


The Spammer must not have seen this Thread yet

Prove it.

Prove what?

If you're Hex.

I never said I was Hex.


opening Pandora's box again?





*blocks your path*

Deserving it's own thread.

*blocks your bread*

Smell her feet

Who's that?

*sniff sniff* (ball sweat)

*blocks your bed*

offers you a seat over there

fight me

*bops your head*


Now this thread is going places.


there's enough space for both of us sweetie

so much russian


in somewhere

So do the mods here just not care about cp

if you mean the link, just report it

Asking because i got banned from 4chan for cp and im curious to know if i post will i get banned

weak b8 tbh

Only one:

Do not post, request, or link to any content that is illegal in the United States of America and do not create boards with the sole purpose of posting or spreading such content."

You're okay to post it here

that's pretty easy to get around, eh?

does anyone know where I can get some pictures of girls preferably kissing and doing lewd shit but not CP and anything illegal except for to add to my collection? Holla Forums is too slow for me.




girl, you should not post photos like that of yourself

I think she's 18


Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you user.


Be sure to bareback the clearnet version

No they use DOST which is subject to personal sexual preference.

mk is compromised. i reapeat mk is compromised. do not go there anons

What did I miss?

a very young looking 18 years old girl showing her butt and cunny

feels good tbh

old news are always so exciting

8cuck is compromised too.

This had a timestamp in the filename which is very concerning

how so?

Possibly OC which is great but still concerning.

I missed it, link?

stupid girls are recording themselves

Luckily I live in middle east so that's almost never a problem for me. Fuck FBI lol.


Nope the picture was taken by someone esle because bpth or her hands were occupied.

stop blowing stuff up, child fuckers


You pedo fucks are disdusting what if the mom found out her daughter was being posted here??.

does she have downs?


Top Kek man the pedophiles on 8/b/ really do make some of the best memes.

If she found out then I'd tell her to post more lewd shit on her social media, she needs to stop blue balling us.
