It's 2017. Shouldn't we just be using the Atom text editor now? Emacs/Vim have had a good run...

It's 2017. Shouldn't we just be using the Atom text editor now? Emacs/Vim have had a good run, but they're from a different era.

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Something isn't automatically better because it's new. Emacs might be "from a different era", but it's very actively developed, does everything I ask it to, and is a pleasure to use. What can Atom offer me that Emacs can't?

I prefer my customized emacs config, but if you want to be "2017", spacemacs is pretty nice option.

Github are SJW fags, and their shitty editor is a laggy and error prone imitation of SublimeText. I just downloaded the .app come at me, and its 276.3 MB. I almost sent it straight to the trash, but decided to give it a go on a project I'm working on. Lags horribly as it opens the files, no wonder, it's built with coffeescript and a fucking web browser. (Electron garbage). I think it lasted no more than 1 minute on my system. At least sublime text is fast.


It's 2017. Shouldn't we be using the Edge internet browser now? Mozilla/KHTML had a good run, but they're from a different era.

Emacs just got to version 25.2 the other day
I haven't looked at what's new yet, but looking at what was proposed in the mailing list, it is getting quite the modern features, at least regarding elisp, so I'd say emacs is far from being "from a different era"

It's 2017. Shouldn't we be using Microsoft Office 365 now? LibreOffice and OpenOffice had a good run, but they're from a different era.

I don't use Vim or Emacs but kys OP.

mcedit best :^)

What is this, GIMP?

Jesus fucking christ this bait.


What, don't you want your text editor to have a built in VNC server, SSL/TLS stack, JIT compiler and a full separate IDE for debugging its own GUI?

Stop, you'll make some office manager believe those buzzwords are selling points.

I'll never understand these text editor debates. In particular looks bad, but generally I just don't see why people get so attached to certain editors.

VSCode is better than Atom

Emacs and vi are from a better era, before hardware was botnet, bofore Windows took over every damn thing (even Linux wants to be Windows clone now).

People get attached to everything.
As soon as there's choice between two things, one of them becomes shit.

"Those other editors are obsolete" is not a good marketing approach. Tell me, shill, what am I gaining by using Atom instead of vim? I will seriously consider your arguments.

OP might be baiting really hard but I feel like there's some truth to their statement.
Emacs really feels retarded sometimes thanks to Stallman developing it on a fucking space-cadet keyboard.
But on the other hand, we don't need more useless editors. The perfect solution would be to rework the existing ones. But it's really fucking hard. Both Vim and Emacs are giant monstrosities.

Which firewall is that? Doesn't look like SubgraphOS. Is it Douane?

Neovim is refactoring Vim into something smaller, more modern and sane while keeping backwards compatibility with Vim's plugins.

People get attached to one thing and invest a lot of time into it, so they don't want to be told that they wasted all their time. It's like with how console fanboys will defend their console when they can only afford one and don't want to be told they wasted money on the wrong one.

Personally I don't give a shit about what editor other people use. I will shill neovim when given the opportunity, but I'm not an idiot to think that everyone should use it. Some people just want to change the occasional line of text and Nano is good enough for that without requiring people to learn a command language.

Little Snitch / OSX

I stopped using vim when they added shit like spell checking and other crap. Using nvi since then, and it does what I need.

I like Sublime more. It has better linters and plugins, like the one to track line changes against your git head.

Linux has ALWAYS wanted to be a fucking Windows clone. They've done nothing but try as hard as they can to emulate Windows for the past 15 fucking years because they think

Yep. It's a sad delusion they have. To truly take over, you have to do things significantly better than the competition rather than just make a degraded copy.

People think they are their opinions.

I installed Slackware in 1995 (kernel 1.2.8, can't remember Slackware release number) and the scene was very different. People were trying to emulate Unix, not Microsoft junk. Anyway Windows didn't even work for shit back then, so who would want that? Also you were lucky if you could even run X at all, given the price of RAM. I only had 4 MB, and later maxed-out my mobo to 8 (1-meg 30-pin SIMMs on 486 board).

Is it still slow as fuck?

Using browser technologies to build a text editor

Just upgrade your computer. You can get a nice Retina Macbook with touch keyboard, which is what me and my fellow coders use to build next-generation IoT smart-devices. Let's change the world together with our ideas.

Slackware is totally uber cool, and makes me think of dank 90s hacker movies. That is a bygone era though. Now we have to code for a more diverse, welcoming and globally connected computer space. I'm excited to see what you'll share.

We're the internet generation gramps, a terminal emulator is a quaint relic of the past, like a polaroid photo snapchat filter. It only makes sense that our tools are reflective of the people who build them. Now we have an inherent harmony between the development and production environments.

They are totally cool, but nowadays you want an editor you can just hack on, and really make it your own. Sure you might be able to do that with emacs, but doing so with languages from the 1950s isn't really everyone's cup of tea. Times change.


It's 2017. Shouldn't we be using squares now? Round wheels have had a good run, but they're from a different era.

While certain distros, such as Ubuntu, try to get normalfags into linux, often by attempting to make their DE's look and feel similar to windows, that doesn't describe most distros.

ebin, have up my upboat XD


Almost had me fooled, I feel a strong 8 to a weak 9 on this one.

Does it do that shit even if you opt out? I tried Atom recently and it asked if I wanted to be a botnet when I first ran it.

You guys got me

ironic shilling for modern web cancer is still cancer

Got into Vim a couple years ago. Haven't learned all it can do. I got complacent being able to do more than any other text editor I ever used, but I'd like to learn more on free time. I've never seen an editor that can ctrl+v like Vim can. I use ctrl+v, select a column of text, use s to replace the first row, escape, and it replaces every row in the selection. I like using ctrl+A to increment numbers too.

Got anymore tips?

I already use Retina™ Macbook™ and last time I remember, Atom was slow as fuck and also ugly and buggy.

It's 2017. Shouldn't we just be using Facebook now? Imageboards have had a good run, but they're from a different era.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but 1995 was over 21 years ago, not 15.

Well I ended up switching to OpenBSD later on. I mostly just share memes though.


I think Atom is more of a replacement for Emacs than Vim:

Both Atom and Emacs are slow to start and taxing on hardware.

Atom embeds a web browser, Emacs embeds an Operating System.

But Vim will live as long as we still program with keyboards. And with Neovim you can embed Vim itself into any other editor.

When it will get ergonomic and sane default keybindings?
When will it get sane keyboard layout switching support across all major OS's? (right now it reinvents layout switching inside itself, and if I switch layout outside it (in OS), keybindings with letters stop working until I switch back.
This is beyond stupid, these things must be sane out of the box.

Until this happened, I will not even consider working on it.

Why? At least emacs makes sense in an autistic lisp gnu way, why should atom exist?

you get vi and mg in base with OpenBSD, bretty comfy.

mg is nice, but a little bare for me. qemacs is the perfect balance.

Notepad++ is best choice for editing if the language is supported. You can also do selections in the middle of text or replace with running number visually, without needing to know the regexp to do replacement.

ed > vim > anything else > emacs with footpedal > emacs without footpedal

wincuck detected

"Ergonomic" keybinding is subjective, it depends ob one's training
I've got used to emac's keys and I find "ergonomics" to be uncomfortable to use
I know it's not the case for the majority of the people but it's hardly an argument too
I'm not sure what you mean by layout switching, so I'm not commenting, but know that it's supposed to work everywhere with any configuration so it had to avoid dealing with stuff that is too much bound to the specific system
"Sane" is even more subjective than keys
For someone used to the emacs's or the vim's way for many years, doing it differently is insane, not the opposite


~$ atom
atom: not an editor. pic related.

If that wasn't 1200baud b8 you must go back.

Cheaper rates on your car insurance user.
"It's 2017" now.



New copypasta?

Atom got popular because the Sublime Text developer hibernates like a bear.

Yes, it's literally an editor built into a web browser. It's not ideal, but it's a little more convenient than installing/configuring your preferred terminal and fucking about with config files. Most terminals are not even really good/well-rounded terminals.
If you run Atom on a good machine though, the bloat is barely noticeable.

It's like you are retarded or something

Because it's damn near perfection. It doesn't need anything else.


I hate hipsters that code everything in fucking vi because I'm the one that ends up having to fix their missing semi-colons, improperly closed brackets/parenthesis, double declared variables, and undeclared variables because it's 2017 and proper linters exist.

Call me when I can use atom from a terminal. NeoVim does everything I need for now.

Guess what? I even bought a license.

Maybe you should write some angry emails instead of blaming it on text editors

Why not? I'm rich. I'll use open source when it suits me best, but an ideological devotion to avoiding proprietary is for zealots and their plebeian camp followers. It's fine to pirate if you're a kid.


The problem is the programmer, not the text editor.

Everyone should just build things for free, screw economics let's just all share maaaaan.

copyright maximalist pls go and stay go

A mentality fit for a 15 year old. Once you grow up, and start earning your own way, it's expected of you to compensate others for their time in developing useful software. That goes for opensource software too by the way, if you're not contributing code, you should donate to projects you wish to support. The end product may be infinitely copiable, but human developers still have to be compensated for their labor.

and other useless things like war and natalism while we're at it

oh wait, you were serious... your expectations are unjustifiable, and neither is your ego.

go kys copyright maximalist scum

The eternal hippie rears its head. T-t-true freeganism hasn't been tried!


It's like you're poor or something.

No it's not. Updating packages is broken. If you have a custom theme, you have to reset the config file every time.
He has completely ignored requests for integrating a terminal into the editor.
If you're on Linux, the header menu doesn't integrate with the existing desktop environment, and is clunky to hide/show.

The only reason I still have it is that it's reasonably quick for opening large files. Even text highlighting and editor themes are tedious to configure.

This. Sublime text is quite annoying in that it is almost very good, but due to developer negligence he let everything stagnate. I've pretty much stopped using it for most things, half of the syntax files are just ones people created back in the textmate days.

this person is correct

If it had been free software anyone using it could have done these things.

Sure. Now fuck off back to /g/

And this is why I am having less and less patience for proprietary software. OK fine, you don't feel like maintaining your old shit anymore, I get that. But for fuck's sake, let someone else do it if you are not willing to, don't hold the program hostage.

Sometimes this is true, but most open source projects, even some popular ones, have a very few major contributors. There is an open source clone of sublime for instance, but like the original, it stagnated and remains unfinished. Vim stagnated for quite sometime too, and it took a complete rewrite for the grievances to be addressed. So I do not see non-proprietary as a panacea.

Yeah it's disappointing knowing what may be wasted

It's no panacea, the distinguishing value is that it's not a destructive prison. Persons are not restricted from working on vim etc.

Privation strangles growth.

hands without repetitive strain injury.

Again it comes back to the points raised earlier about compensation. Developer time is a premium, and giving your software away for free is not an option or most programmers.

I seem to have missed those, it doesn't seem relevant to this thread.

Eh, no one's pointing a gun at anyone's head telling them not to, and plenty already do. It's a choice.


I use it for Elm development, because it has the best plugin.

As an editor it sucks.

atom has shitty keybinds too

or :color peaksea is you have superior taste
your coworker is mentally retarded

Atom is shit because it is made by SJWHug.


Maybe he gives a reason why it's shit, and not an argument.

Anyway, longtime geany user, just switched to emacs-25 and it took me one day to configure all the irony/company/flycheck bullshit, but now it just werks.
Emacs still has horrible bugs on the tty; I use st-256color and I must change TERM to get more than 16. xterm-256color makes emacs-server buggy, but screen-256color doesn't. Wew.

you're doing it wrong, kys cuckboi

When editing config files or shit like this, it's perfectly normal. Or when composing a mail in mutt.

Emacs is tuned for being usable on keyboards which are not produced since decades ago. And newer keyboards wiped them from market for a reason.
Yeah it's possible to train yourself to do almost any things, even quite complicated like playing 12-string bass guitar in realtime. But let's see how is it ergonomic when you become at least 50 years old — what will happen to your hands.

I can tell you that at least on macOS this shit in Emacs is bretty much fucked up.
But if you live in English speaking country and only ever speak(type) English and never travel/learn new languages, then you could have totally escaped this shit, that's right.

killall: -9: no process killed
GNU and its users are a cancer on the world

Terminal emacs or emacs -nw is really handy for config files and all sorts of small edits. Vim is also really good for this, even a bit better since it's faster to install on headless machines. Nano is always an option but the keybinds aren't optimal.

yogapig detected

There he is again, that autistic fucking faggot who probably doesn't even have a job in engineering, and comes into every thread saying how we need copyright law and economy planning to make a fucking text editor, that one cannot simply make a text editor, it has to be backed by a corporation, otherwise it's communism. I don't think normies are even this fucking stupid.

You seem to have a pretty low reading comprehension ability. I don't see any argument here that copyright law and "economy planning" (whatever that is) is a necessary condition for building a text editor, that statement was simply not made. Despite believing that you're too dimwitted to follow a thread, I'll add the following.
Is that supposed to imply the text editors being discussed are simple pieces of software? Are you a nigger?
GPL is a legal document you absolute fucking imbecilic doltish dunce. Our entire society is governed by laws; personally I wish the one impeding me from gassing you on the spot could be lifted to help make the world or at least Holla Forums, a greater place. You are worthless and will accomplish nothing during your miserable existence, but that is stating the obvious. Have a nice day.

Yes, they are, and if you think otherwise you can fuck off. _You_ are the nigger. I wrote a text editor myself for several reasons which just uses plain framebuffer to avoid using these bullshit modern toolkits like GTK+, and it's much better than half the bullshit out there that crashes from a 10MB file, or takes 10 seconds to start up, and there was nothing hard about it. It's one of the most trivial applications in existence. You probably also think chat is hard. Fuck you. Just because there are tons of shitty chat programs and text editors it doesn't mean they are hard. They don't even require advanced algorithms to implement. I implemented a JPEG decoder and that alone was 10 times harder than a text editor. A text editor is just manipulating a bunch of buffers and shit. Do you even fucking program? How do I explain to your stupid ass how trivial the most trivial fucking application that can be implemented on a computer is?

If you're paying for a text editor you're a fucking _absolute moron_. It's an application that's so simple that even if you paid someone good to program it, it wouldn't make a difference. I've (regrettably) used fucking like 40 open source and commercial text editors and there's NO FUCKING DIFFERENCE. There are just a bunch that are slow and bloated and crash and have slow fucking startup times (like Atom or Gedit for example) because they're made by absolute morons, and some that seem alright, like Vim, leafpad, or notepad++. Like, what the fuck, will you also pay for breathing air if someone claims "commercial air is better than free air". Fucking goyim.

I don't see any point in GPL other than to ironically use copyright law against corporations the same way they use it against customers. Just as my projects have no CoC, they also have no license and they don't need one, we are merely posting some text files online that so happen to contain code we wrote. It's similar to if we drew some pictures and posted them online. There's no need for any fucking legal process for such things. We don't feel the need to LARP as if this is some serious business or some shit. We don't give a flying fuck how our code is used. If someone contributes back, so be it, maybe it will help us somehow, probably not.
good argument. you seem to literally think if Vim was maintained by some dudes and never had an official license, it would be anarchy or some kind of breach of federal law, and we need to call over some investigators to see if the act violates some kind of tax evasion law or constitutes money laundering. seriously fucking kill yourself. why are you even on this board? nobody here cares about LARP bullshit where you pretend some fucking small time software is some hot geopolitical object.

are you that same little faggot who derails every anti cloudflare thread by posting "CDNs are required for fast internet, you dunce", and disregards the issue of their practices that are completely abnormal for a CDN? holy fuck, kill yourself. people like you piss me off so much. why the fuck are you here


Yeah, you sound smart.
No. Words are not exclusive to one poster, you dunce.

It's really slow and memory consuming.
I use it but I'd jump to a good replacement in a heartbeat.
LimeText seems to be trying but apparently it's really unstable still.


=Holla Forums==


I imagine so, because you didn't even do it.
Was the DCT real in your mind too? How do I know you are LARping? A well adjusted individual wouldn't expend so much energy shamefully grasping to defend themselves.

"NUH UH!!!" dressed up in smug arrogant tone to make it look confident and right.

Nice autism buddy


Why not just use gedit?

At least SublimeText is actually quite good, unlike the shitty Atom™ editor.

What do you mean by the last point? I want to know about this, can you please explain?

Electron shite, what do you expect


Reminder for all Atom users:
Atom is cucked.

why not use vim?


It's written by a literal cuck.

I use vim on my home pc. At work I have to use Windows and Sublime Text is pretty good at what it does even if it's bloated as fuck.

Cuckolding is the natural way that male female relationships will go in the next 100 years. What you think of as a cuck? Is merely a man more evolved than you. I'm hoping that cuckolding enters our schools and churches soon, it really is the future.

Do you want to be stuck in the past?

rate my setup

poo in the loo