I guess having spam 24/7, and pedophile assholes shitting all over your board is really a small price to pay, since banning VPN/proxy/tor posters would be such a violation of our "human rights", and stuff.
Better leave the board to the spammers and child abusers because, you know… muh freedums, and shit.
This website is a fucking joke. Shoutout to the moderation for making 8/b/ a slightly shittier version of 4/b/, just because you don't want to discourage people from buying the shit you're advertising. You're really showing everyone how good you are at your own game by encouraging this VPN spam of pedophilia and whatever it is this bullshit going on now. Nice job on showing who wears the pants here, niggers.
Keep spamming. You're actually making my point even stronger, the more you spam, and post child abuse bullshit.
Keep it going, mate.
It's not like the moderation is willing to do anything about it anyway, since they WANT people to buy the VPN shit they advertise here.
Wyatt Davis
OP doesn't realize that pedophiles and spammers aren't the only ones who will leave if you remove vpn, proxy and tor posters. OP will always be a faggot, kys.
Thomas Jones
you're a fucking retard
Kayden Clark
I've been spamming every night this week, and the only thing mods have done is punish the normal user… Top kek
Leo Collins
Yes, because having a board dedicated to child pornography and mindless spam is SO MUCH BETTER, right?
I'm not even sure what exactly is this BO thinking. Why doesn't he just delete this retarded board, once and for all, if he really doesn't want to control all the bullshit that's going on here so often?
Is this guy a pedophile too? What's going on here really? Why is he encouraging people to post child pornography here and spam non-sense 24/7? What is his goal with this shit?
Dominic Roberts
Why are you spamming? I'm just curious to know the motive behind it, I don't care one bit that spam is happening because that's how this board works. :3
Adam Myers
I'm from the Westboro Baptist Church, trying to teach you guys a lesson
Nathan Cook
better than no board he doesn't think rationally his ego and pride he's borderline pedophilic since he said he likes 2d lolis he can't stop someone posting cp. if they want to post cp then they'll post cp regardless of which threads are active/up. datamining and honeypot
Tyler Jones
You DO know you need to fill out a captcha to make a thread right? What more do you want?
I literally responded to the BO's "challenge" by making a thread with the captcha I had to fill out! Just look at the catalog, it's LITERALLY so natural and organic
Anthony Collins
Aaron Rogers
He's probably another angry child abuser who is throwing a tantrum because his posts got deleted, or something.
Jonathan Collins
Nathaniel Turner
Pedos are welcome
Matthew Sullivan
Caleb Allen
Are they really going to spam child abuse if they're forced to use their own IP address to post? I doubt it.
Jack Allen
How so? He's making it harder, but I can beat him
Jason Wood
he's not because there were two pedo threads today and one recently got pruned and then 'nuked.' anyone know what happened to the earlier pedo thread or 'midget thread?'
Ian Reed
Mods go full retard these days, pedoshits crying and wining all the time about their "free speech" left this place not moderated. I say leave the VPN's, but disable picture uploading from them. Make it just like TOR. And another rule must be added when you create thread you must use a picture. If pedoshits wants to ruin this place then let them do it with bare IP's.
Hunter Cox
you realize some people post cp with their bare ip all the time. i'm barebacking rn since i have nothing to hide i'm not the same user you replied to
Matthew Howard
Lots of users will leave. You do realive that right?
Ryan Collins
i hope you realize its the moralfags spamming this board
Levi Torres
Well, that explains why he would be mad.
Pedophiles are doing all but running this board. I don't think there's another board so dedicated to pedophilia as this one, yet, the BO still welcomes and encourages these pieces of shit to keep posting here.
Really, if having your own board dedicated to make the lives of pedophiles as easy as possible where they can trade images and videos of child abuse at any given moment, through a VPN, or proxy, isn't a direct endorsement of pedophilia, I don't know what else this is.
It's getting to a point where no threads about ANYTHING here get bumps or replies from anyone who isn't a pedophile, and these niggers are still here posting the same images 24/7. I don't know why isn't this BO doing anything to hinder the ability of these people to keep shitting on this board, assuming that's his real intention here.
Michael Kelly
What are you talking about? This place is in much worse condition then cuckchans's Holla Forums and cuckchan is shit as it is. If we had some regulations here, maybe at once we could develop a culture. But since ban evading is easier then jerking off there will ALWAYS be abusers and nothing will improve. If anything more users will come here if more good content will be posted.
Dunno about that
Nolan Wood
Yeah, this board is a pretty good illustration of why imageboard anarchism is idiotic. Turns out there's a reason why 4chan has the rules and regulations it does…
Brayden Baker
they're certainly doing work to fuck it up ignorant and naive child but he really doesn't what is even the dark and deep forums? where have you been for the past 8 months?
Zachary Gomez
Leave VPN users free to post whatever the fuck they want, just forbid them from posting any type of media here.
The problem with child abuse would be solved instantly, even though the spam would continue, it's still at least demonstration that you're actively trying to combat pedophiles from spreading their bullshit here, and actively seeking new ways to make their lives harder.
It's not a complete solution, but it would certainly show that you CARE about it, but that doesn't seem to be something this guy is interested in doing at all, which only makes you wonder whether he wants the child abuse to stop, or if he's actually encouraging it, by showing people that they're free to do anything, as long as they use a VPN, which conveniently is being advertised at the bottom and top of the page in this very same website.
Caleb James
Charles Nguyen
This is a clever post. Please take it into account, mods.
Colton Evans
I don't think the word "random" really translates to 80% pedophilia and 20% spam so consistently, mate.
Dylan Young
Posting fully clothed children is considered child abuse to you. wew
Brody Cruz
you can't reason with them just accept it
Kevin Diaz
Matthew Morales
You don't know that. No one knows. No one EVER fucking knows. Personally, I think the 3rd guess is the most probable–just supremely, extraordinarily, unimaginably autistic individuals who have an inordinate amount of time on there hands. And if it's just one person, then I can comfortably say that he's one of the most autistic individuals to ever post on here. I have a feeling it's the same moron(s) who compulsively posted the kennedi bullshit.
Dominic James
Luis Miller
you might be right
Brandon Carter
I think it started of as one user using his script but the initial spam made other users join in. Now it's just a bunch of people running spam scripts or manually flooding the board. Either way it's pretty cool, idm them at all.
Nicholas Jones
except we have to all stay in this kind of bunker threads while they flood the rest of the board. Cool, but annoying.
Nicholas Nelson
Butthurt OP detected
Sebastian Ross
Not at all, but constantly posting the image of the same child to illustrate a rhetoric that tries to normalize pedophilia, without having their consent, or from their family, IS abusive in nature.
You need people's consent to use their images, and when you use their images to illustrate a positive attitude towards what's essentially a criminal offense, you're directly abusing the people you're associating with your action.
The problem with using their image is the association you're creating between their image and the normalization of pedophilia, which probably more than anything DOES qualify as an abusive use of their image.
Logan Turner
Back to freech, nigger
Parker Young
I'm not sure I have the consent of the President of the Comoros to publish this, yet it isn't a criminal offense. The association with pedophilia results in the wide legal gap here, as long as you authorise kids to wear sexy outfits, there will be kids in sexy outfits and you can't do anything about it.
You forgot where you are, retard.
Austin Cruz
A decent size proportion of the pictures posted are taken straight from the instagram's of these children and the instagram accounts are ran by their parents. Is that not consent? True but what is the difference between 'our pedophile' situation compared to (((JEW))) propaganda or the whole of Holla Forums for that matter?
James Watson
Then you're just as autistic as they are.
I've been here since day one, and at a certain point, I started to notice how many anons completely sperg out anytime serious discussions become more dominant. I think they're either insecure about being so dumb, or they're so literally autistic that they'd rather anons just posted meaningless nonsense 24/7. Just take a look at the websites/boards that they create/infest–they all end up looking like psych wards for anons with severe mental disabilities.
Brandon Harris
Using the image of a public person, in a public space, to prove that you can post pictures other of people online isn't the same thing as using the image of a child to promote pedophilia, mate.
You're comparing apples to oranges here. Why don't you use your own face to promote pedophilia, instead of someone who DEFINITELY would NEVER want to be associated with this subject in their lives?
Are you really THIS stupid that you genuinely think you can just use whatever picture of any person you want just to illustrate a point where you defend a criminal activity, because that's not doing any direct harm to anyone whatsoever? Really? Why do you think NAMBLA has no "poster child" for their association, mate?
What child in his right mind would ever want to be associated with pedophilia?
Are you really fucking serious right now?
Easton Morris
The question was "is it abusive", and yes, using the images of children,without their consent, or their parents' consent, to illustrate an argument for the normalization of a criminal activity IS abusive in nature.
How this relates to Holla Forums or whatever, is another topic entirely.
Logan Perry
Why are you talking to yourself?
Charles Nguyen
So many questions yet so few answers you provide. Because you have no idea, because no one has any idea because statistics on the matter are illegal. Also you have an idea in mind yet you don't write it the way you think you wrote it. Here you extrapolate your post like you said all this, but you didn't.
Well any child having a lustful pose is associated with pedophilia de facto when she/he fucks a guy/girl older, whether you want it or not.
Jose Smith
Holla Forums was created on the basis of free speech. Do you think you're witty?
Colton Perez
stopped reading after this buzzword :3
Gabriel Cox
I don't really agree with you but if you intend to push your agenda you could reference how laneya grace's IG was made private when her photos appeared on cunnychan
Jaxon Williams
It's not exactly good taste, and I can understand why it would disgust people, but whether it's "abusive" would be a matter of perspective. In fact, this assertion reminds me of feminists that like to arbitrarily attach the term "rape" to various things that have nothing to do with it.
Asher Lee
In this case, I'm not using it facetiously.
And let's be honest… you read the entire fucking post autist
Carter Roberts
There's only truth that hurts, mate.
Jace Moore
And you were mocking it. Back to freech.
Ayden Stewart
I'm not the OP, mate
Nicholas Nguyen
if you can find the pedophiles and the normal people sharing images of children then by all means sue them. try win a court battle with the entire internet, you dense fucking imbecile. no but are you? if you think whiteknighting this board will do anything then i have bad news for you yes i am
Levi Barnes
No such thing. Whether it's anons who spam the board, slide threads, become self-appointed mods, or rules and regulations put in place by the owners, there will always be restrictions and constraints. You should stop being such a self-entitled simpleton.
Christian Flores
i didn't but if you want to believe i did then sure. i'm not going to argue with a reddit spacing nigger trying to push his shitty 'morals' on a board known to be infested by pedophiles since the very beginning. can you guess what has stayed the same throughout all imageboards?
Camden Ward
I know there isn't any absolute free speech. But to limit free speech to everything except spam and pedophilia, I think we're pretty close to it.
Aiden Reyes
What? Who the fuck is saying anything about sex here, you fucking amoeba?
Children don't want to have their images associated with fucking balding assholes over the internet who say everyone under the age of 4 should be dating greasy fucks in their thirties. That's the whole point. Children worldwide DESPISE pedophiles, what the fuck are you even saying here? Teens/children having sex amongst themselves is associated with pedophilia, somehow?? WTF? Are you fucking high?
The law is in place to stop unfuckable assholes like yourself from using these absurd hops in logic to try and justify your inability to grow the fuck up, and get into a normal relationship with another adult, you fucking piece of shit. Not for you to try and twist the fact that teens/children experimenting sexually, as a clutch for you to push your retarded agenda.
Go fuck yourself with this bullshit, you fucking scumbag.
Jacob Nelson
I'm out
Connor Jones
Evan White
Somebody should take screenshot of the catalog and show it to the mods, also post it here
Charles Ward
I think they're just sleeping and they will nuke the board at some point. I'm bored and I don't really want to remember spam days, so no screeshot for you
Nathaniel Russell
Nope, everything is controlled by (((them))) so this is just another chapter in their book. You're not a lawyer nor are you intelligent. Please stop trying.
Jacob Harris
Can you take a screenshot of the catalog, please? I want to save it as keepsake
Chase Garcia
It's not an opinion, you literally CAN'T use the pictures of people at all, for anything, without their consent.
They could easily sue you, in case they think their image is being used improperly, or if it's against their will and is being used in a defamatory manner, which is certainly the case when you try to associate the image of a child with pedophilia. There's no discussion, or argument here, this is the fucking law.
Unless, of course, the child is a public figure, which is more of a gray area, but still probably protected since they're minors, I'm almost sure.
Tyler Moore
Do it yourself lazyass
Samuel Brooks
Are you familiar with the concept of irony?
The use of words and images?
Bentley Thompson
I'm on the phone
Brandon Richardson
What about images uploaded on a public website (instagram, tumblr)? You know these fall into public domain the moment they are uploaded and people have no right to sue on usage of the picture. So there is discussion here.
Not my problem
Ryan Gonzalez
Michael King
I'll need a source on this, m80m8. So, sharing facebook/instagram photos of other people is a crime? You're an idiot.
You can sue for practically anything these days, but then you have to prove your case.
Jack Smith
OP is a giant faggot
Jackson Bailey
[citation needed] I agree, children want their images associated with rich and attractive gentlemen.
It's not an opinion, you literally CAN'T use the pictures of people at all, for anything, without their consent. Do you know the definition of this word?
Kayden Young
kike spammer detected
Xavier Wright
thanks /bro/
Thomas Phillips
Levi Hill
Ryder Collins
Aaron Scott
Blake Campbell
Juan Myers
Uh oh, looks like someone was losing an argument.
Isaiah Gonzalez
spidey is a stupid moralfag. who would've known.
Bentley Walker
This! The (((anti-pedo))) kike is the spammer, I swear by the existence of the white race!
Jaxson Morales
Easton Nelson
Owen Anderson
Henry Collins
here, you're doing god's work 3Bear
Brandon Richardson
Easton Lee
Kayden Gutierrez
Jonathan Davis
Liam Ward
Jacob Sanders
literally who?
Mason White
Bentley Lopez
Kayden Wilson
Matthew Robinson
Austin Reed
Michael Cook
Dominic Brooks
Wow, these idiots really are a community of of morons who come to an irrelevant board on an irrelevant site to spam it 24/7
Ryder Taylor
just some random retard claiming to be the spammer
Colton Foster
this image breaks dost
Gavin Howard
Lucas Hughes
Jackson Price
Mason Lewis
i can see her bare skin please stop that user
Henry Rogers
Hunter Allen
Zachary Butler
James Myers
Adam Myers
Ethan Torres
Oliver Hill
Christian Scott
Camden Ross
Logan Johnson
Only about 45 more minutes to go, user
Jayden Hughes
Robert Edwards
Justin Sullivan
Evan Cruz
Easton Collins
Dylan Flores
Brandon Garcia
John Gray
Connor Ramirez
Austin Harris
wiw u mawwy me
Justin Sanders
Jason Rodriguez
I can only imagine how many old bald dudes penetrated him when he was a child
Jace Wright
Brayden Bailey
Matthew Gomez
Thomas Hernandez
Michael Campbell
Eli Martinez
Well since you have a legal basis then take the internet to court, sue them.
Levi Miller
Luis Wilson
Joshua Hall
Joseph Campbell
Jaxon Taylor
Spamming only makes you look weaker :3 Carry on
Jordan Butler
Cameron Thompson
Wyatt Brooks
But I guess you already know that :3
Jackson Taylor
You do realize Holla Forums is directly responsible for the shit that is posted here, right?
Joseph Sanchez
Xavier Gray
Aiden Moore
Grayson Martin
Jace Robinson
Aiden Green
Camden Richardson
Jaxon Thomas
Elijah Williams
Jason Carter
Robert Watson
Nathan Richardson
Josiah Jones
Bentley Thomas
Cameron Cooper
Jason Moore
Cooper Perry
Blake Smith
Daniel Lopez
I don't think posting a photo on an imageboard would qualify as "publication", m80m8m9.
Again, you'd have to prove this in court
Connor Gutierrez
Jordan Phillips
Parker Myers
are you always as virtuous or only when it suits you?
Austin Brown
I don't know, man, constantly encouraging pedophiles to use the imagery of children to promote pedophilia? Sounds a bit sketchy to me, and it could probably get someone in legal trouble, if you ask me. Especially when you are doing absolutely NOTHING to hinder the user's ability to keep the defamation of people who DID NOT consent under any circumstances to have their image associated with a criminal activity.
This really doesn't seem good, if you ask me, and that would certainly put some pressure on the owner of this website, if it gets any legal traction, if you know what I mean.
Blake Davis
Matthew Barnes
Bentley Morris
Samuel Scott
William Richardson
Grayson Rodriguez
wonder if this spider man guy got permission to use marvel's imaginary property
Jace Fisher
Juan Rivera
Landon Butler
Jackson Williams
You can't be this naive
Are the former owners of librechan registered felons? How about masterchan? 4chan? Is hotwheels in jail?
Caleb Kelly
Luke White
Justin Fisher
SUE HIM, user! According to lawyeranon, you'll definitely win the case and $$$$$$$
Ryan King
I just want pedophiles to stop shitting the board 24/7 with their inconsistent non-sense and abusive usage of children's images to promote their bullshit.
This spam, and constant flood of topics centered around child abuse happening 24/7 is absolutely out of hand, and the moderation is doing absolutely NOTHING to stop it.
Mason Jenkins
the owner of mchan is actually a teaching assistant at youk university
Joseph Garcia
then fuck off you can't apply laws selectively only to small group of people most pics here are posted without permissions
Oliver Long
All you need is an IP address and a log of what was posted.
The law is pretty straightforward when it comes to dealing with child abuse.
If only the board owner did SOMETHING to make it harder for abusers to hide their IP, maybe we could have a way to stop the bullshit that's going on here at its source.
Isaac Barnes
Most pictures posted here are NOT from minors in the context of promoting child abuse.
Different usages for different things.
Anthony Cook
No, you also need something connecting that IP to an individual. That is the hard part.
Noah Scott
Evan Lee
Matthew Sullivan
Jack Robinson
Lincoln Nguyen
That's the easy part, if the moderation actually DO SOMETHING about the constant abuse here, by forbidding users from posting shit using VPN, proxy, tor, or whatever other means they may try to use in order to hide their real IP.
Jack Hall
Caleb Powell
so? apply laws selectively based on how you like or hate them?
Evan Jones
Connor Cook
If we're talking about straght-up cp or shooped lewds of children, then I think you'd have a solid case, provided you could identify the individual–but the claim that posting a photo of a fully clothed child on Holla Forums could land you in jail is ridiculous. But hey, prove me wrong.
David Long
Joseph Ross
William Edwards
Juan Turner
I'm not making a case about anything, I'm just saying the moderation, and the website owner, are really walking on thin ice here.
Jonathan Mitchell
John Richardson
Ok let me put in in simple terms for you. Jim Watkins the owner of the domain 8ch.net lives in Manila, Philippines. Good luck getting any of his shekels.
Camden Hughes
Brandon Robinson
Ryan Turner
what does it even mean? you mean those meme pics? surely there are worse things than that but i agree it can be pretty tasteless
Luis Sanchez
Tyler Garcia
Well, you're at the 40 minute mark, user. What's it like being this butthurt?
David Lewis
Oliver Gomez
Aaron Russell
What's your motive?
Connor Jackson
Henry Lee
Julian Lee
Parker Ross
Lincoln Robinson
Connor Cooper
Brayden Mitchell
Robert Perry
Do you honestly think he'd engage in serious dialogue? His faculties are undoubtedly limited.
Samuel Morales
William Moore
Carter James
Zachary Wright
Liam Campbell
Jonathan Hall
On its own? It probably wouldn't happen, but that was simply me trying to explain to another amoeba that what they were doing here by posting images of children, in association with pedophiliac propaganda, is both morally reprehensible, and unlawful, thus consistent with the "abusive usage of their image".
Unless the defendant is the person who appears in those pictures themselves, or their legal representative, you're most likely right, but that doesn't make the action any less abusive in its nature, which is what the child abuser who posted here was trying to argue against.
Easton Moore
Bentley Perez
Jacob Garcia
Aaron Davis
Tyler Moore
there is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia
was that illegal pedo propaganda?
Grayson Flores
Ian Lee
Landon Perez
Brayden Ross
I don't know, I'm not a fucking lawyer, and I think it's safe to assume that you aren't either–so, there's really no point in bickering about it.
Henry Jenkins
some of them are quite funny tbh
Ryder Long
Asher Barnes
Gabriel Roberts
Kayden Gray
If it isn't why don't you post that same sentence and image using your real IP address?
Hunter Hall
Ethan Wood
File a complaint, try get the site flagged it already is or explain your 'narrative' to someone that matters, don't spew your garbage to a bunch of assholes myself included on a dead board. Do something productive, you fucking sperg.
Bentley Jackson
Brandon Hall
kike global detected
because hateful faggots like you
Evan Clark
Joseph Reyes
Lucas Lewis
Ian Smith
Carter Jones
ride the wave and report the site as pro alt right
Blake Jenkins
Sebastian Gutierrez
Leo Foster
Contempt ≠ Hatred.
Jordan Flores
Easton Sanchez
Jacob Butler
Christian Richardson
Joseph Robinson
Adam Walker
Joshua Morgan
I have a soft spot for spiderman raids. Regardless if it's a thread I like, I just can't help but find it funny.
Jose Reed
Nathaniel Martin
He everyone, 3Bear here. The REAL 3Bear. WTF is this shit?! Spammer spoofing my ID like I am some sort of joke? Well, the joke is on his stupid ass because I know who he is now. Which means I know why he is spamming the board. And how to stop him. But I won't. I want this spam to continue, frankly. Honestly I wish it happened 12 times a day instead of 2. What I will do is document the proof like I have been doing everything else that goes on here so that when it is all over the truth can be shown to everyone. I will say this much: the spammer is doing it not b/c of pedos or any other "cause", but rather to compensate for his own personal character deficiencies.
Sebastian Green
Brandon Price
even if it was only contempt for you we need to use internet condoms while speaking try to twist that somehow and say it's only in our heads
Ian King
Nice eyes :3
Wyatt Jenkins
Hunter Ward
Carter Jones
Bentley Thomas
Michael Clark
Henry Myers
This should be obvious to anyone who's frequented this cesspool for long enough
Justin Stewart
Tyler Hernandez
Jaxon Watson
Here's a suggestion: Stop using the images of children to promote your shitty propaganda.
Then people like me might consider taking scumbags like you a little bit more seriously.
Henry Davis
Sebastian Baker
Alexander Sanders
Chase Morris
fuck off 3bear tbh
Gavin Wright
Nicholas Bennett
Carson Clark
Levi Long
Easton Butler
Jace Torres
Juan Brooks
James Anderson
Carson Parker
tbh this is best board ever and you're just a butthurt newfag, go back to cuckchan, faggot
Levi James
people take scumbags like us always seriously sometimes you don't even need to be pedophile
Judging by your attitude, and insistence in keep your abuse of innocent children to push your disturbing propaganda, I'd want to burn you alive as well myself, if I had the chance.
Jose Gonzalez
Christopher Hughes
well thats why you dont go to post third world countries.
Luke Wright
Andrew Johnson
Anthony Hall
Mason Harris
Blake Robinson
fyi i don't abuse children
what propaganda?
Chase Turner
Gavin Brown
Christian Robinson
Carter Jenkins
Levi Hernandez
Jackson Wood
Zachary Jenkins
James Reed
Isaac Jones
Levi Foster
Austin Rodriguez
Blake Miller
Chase Hill
this is now a midget thread, post your cutest midgets
Charles Jenkins
Jaxon Scott
Joseph Collins
Daniel Walker
Oliver Howard
If you're using the images of children, without their consent or their legal representatives, in association with pedophiliac propaganda, you are ABSOLUTELY abusing the usage of stolen images, acquired illegally.
I'm really not the one trying to twist anything to prove myself right here pal, YOU are. The only scumbag here is you, and pretty much anyone who isn't a pedophile asshole KNOWS that, and they KNOW what you're doing to the children you're using to illustrate your pseudo-rationalization is absolutely disgusting, and despicable at best.
Jaxson Walker
Caleb Wright
forgot to post midget
Ian Smith
not yet moralfag is getting btfo
Xavier Lee
Juan Scott
Brandon Ward
Robert Nelson
Samuel White
Leo Wilson
You're a broken record. If you're going to ignore facts and spew your garbage that's been proven 'wrong' then I think we're done here.
Jace Miller
Kevin Fisher
Josiah Brown
Are you on drugs?
Daniel Baker
Noah White
Reaching the hour mark, user. You should try rocking back and forth for a while; I hear it helps.
Michael Wright
Connor Brown
i only enjoy pics that have already been posted on internet publicly to see so "damage" is already done still, what pedophiliac propaganda? i was only talking about the attraction and the love of children whici i can't help anyway fyi im not advocating for adult-child sex
so fuck off
John Smith
Most images on Holla Forums are posted without permission. The person who takes the photo automatically own the copyright and can send a DMCA takedown.
Josiah Richardson
what did he mean by this?
Austin Lee
Easton Murphy
Eli Taylor
he is a third worlder, thinks cameras steal the souls of people
Lincoln Miller
Jack Hall
John Bailey
No but are you on drugs? You've been saying the same shit regardless of what other anons have said in their reply. You need to think about what you do with your time because this isn't going to help 'stop' the normalization of pedophilia. If anything you're just wanting to stir shit up even more. Actually now that I think of it please continue whatever you think you're doing. :3
Tyler Long
Carter Nguyen
Jaxson White
remember not to steal music from publishers
watching youtube is stealing too!
Landon Cooper
Andrew Perry
if you're consuming cp it can act as incentive for people to begin "publishing" that content; i.e. they abuse children for the specific purpose of putting it online. if you continue consuming it, it strengthens the industry.
Matthew Bennett
Christian Lopez
If that's the case then contact the parents of the children being abused and make yourself useful instead of sitting in this thread crying about 'my safespace.'
Jace Mitchell
so in order to help music industry is should copy music as much as possible?
Jayden Martin
Thanks for warning me! I shall cease listening to music on Jewtube right this instance!
Jack Ross
I guess censoring some people's only line of communication, and blaming it all on some assholes who can't act like fucking adults is really a small price to pay, since censoring them is so much easier then calling for more board volunteers to watch for illegal trash.
Better close an entire lane of communication and censor people who can't communicate otherwise because, you know… my easy way out, and shit.
You are a fucking joke. Shoutout to you for bitching and doing nothing about it, like volunteering or asking the mods to put a notice up asking for volunteers, just because you demean free speech to those who bring it down to it's lowest common denominator. You're really showing how good you are at complaining and wanting to silence a way of communicating instead of having real moderation. Nice job on showing who wears the skirt here, faggot.
Juan Mitchell
PFffffff, yeah that's logical…
Luke Taylor
It's how women on slut shaming / stolen photos boards deal with it on Holla Forums. Jim gives out permabans for DMCA too.
Nathan Collins
Do you think before you type?
Jacob Ramirez
Perhaps you should try another form of communication other than sarcasm
William Perry
In what world do you live where posting a picture of a child to promote pedophilia is "okay" just because it was posted elsewhere previously? What the fucking mental gymnastics do you have to go through to actually believe it's okay to use an image in an abusive manner, just because someone, somewhere, published it before you? Do you really believe you're justified to do something shitty to a person, just because someone did something shitty to this same person before you? Are you really THAT simple minded that you believe this shit sticks anywhere, or are you just pretending to be a moron?
Also, you seem very, very, very confused to what pedophilia is, and why is it so morally reprehensible and illegal. Besides, I couldn't care about what your beliefs are, as long as you don't use stolen images of non-consenting minors to illustrate your retarded point, by associating them with your disgusting bullshit.
Ian Fisher
this makes no sense. what are you saying? people enjoy the idea of abusing children and uploading that to the internet for their audience (you). if more people consume that, it will give more incentive, more content. that will widen his audience, and strengthen the industry. more people will start abusing children. your analogy is retarded. i upload a specific style of content, people enjoy that content, many are inspired, those people start producing it themselves, that type of content is now growing. simple
yes. does that seem far fetched? i abuse this child anyway, so now i have even more incentive. so ill abuse it more and more so people can consume that.
so are you going to tell me what i did wrong or? of course not.
Carson Johnson
Sweet, go make home on that board. Maybe then will people start to care about your white knighting and maybe even other there they'll think you're mildly intelligent.
Matthew Clark
This has to be a joke.
Landon King
What was sarcastic? I listed my arguments in the way you wrote your arguments. Someone's attacking tone instead of confronting what's being argued.
Grayson Hill
Also, is spam, and child abuse REALLY free speech?
Hmm… I wonder…
If straight up banning VPN/proxy is too "extreme" and would infringe on anyone's right to freely post child abuse and spam, then how about just banning them from posting images and videos, like we already do with tor users?????
Leo Rivera
Yes. It does. It may provide more incentive for the individual to post the images, but I doubt it. These people are not only pedophiles, but exhibitionists; they get off to the mere thought of people viewing their content.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending pedophilia, but simply viewing the material is about as victimless as it gets–sharing and dl'ing it is another story
Pedos are gonna pedo, dumbass
Jonathan Ross
You're right we should just censor children. We should go straight to the root of the cause, the parents. They're disgusting for sharing their children on social media. They're fucking vile.
Retard I guess that answers my question
Jonathan Nelson
Documenting evidence of crime increases the chances of them being busted by a fuckton :^)
Without posting the images, they would likely never be caught, and the abuse would continue since over 90% of CP victims are abused by family members or close friends.
Brayden Cruz
It's a fucked up job and Holla Forums isn't hiring, so either faggots volunteer to remove the illegal shit they don't like, or they admit freedom of speech can't handle shitposters and pedophiles with no fucking life behind a vpn.
Nicholas Barnes
Honestly, your post was mostly unintelligible. But hey, you can always say it was my lack of reading comprehension, right?
Adrian Nelson
Spidey keep going. I think another hour of spamming and maybe we'll understand why you're spamming in the first place.
Gavin Gray
Children use the internet without their parents supervision. Live streaming apps are full of unsupervised children doing stupid stuff.
Ayden Evans
Asking for pieces of shit to stop making abusive usage of children imagery to promote child abuse means I'm asking for a "safe-space" now?
You're saying denouncing pedophilia is a pledge for a "safe-space"? Is that really the idiotic message you're trying to send here, you fucking piece of shit?
Sebastian Williams
I call for the removal of illegal trash, read my post. Seriously, since when is a ten year old's butt shot freedom of speech? Has far has shitposting goes I'm for removing it but it's hard to tell what's shitposts or genuine effort posts anymore. Though the spammers are easy to spot and stop. I don't want to compromise lines of communication because some fuck can't stop being a creep or because some motherfucker likes spamming travis or banana memes.
Henry White
It's written like your post. If it's unintelligible, then that sounds like your personal problem.
Caleb Richardson
What do you think of this board?
Jackson Myers
Kevin Mitchell
Does that justify stealing their content and use it in association with pedophiliac propaganda to disseminate a disgusting notion that only resonates with other equally disturbed individuals, and making use of their image to illustrate this fucking bullshit knowing that they would NEVER agree to such disturbing practice?
You animals are completely out of your fucking minds.
Jace Howard
Still responding, huh?
Gabriel Gutierrez
I think this thread needs more candy.
John Evans
By posting this image of a dog I am promoting animal abuse and bestiality. I do not know the name of the dog or their owner.
John Martin
[citation needed]
Jaxson Watson
I was being sarcastic
David Roberts
Not user, but I think I'd cite common sense on this one
Jace Hall
Luis Lopez
Shut down Holla Forums
Leo Williams
Oh so you made up the statistic on the spot, that's just handy.
Hunter Stewart
Again… not user
Ayden Hernandez
Please see:
Leo Kelly
I disagree. I think the existence of an online audience does raise the likelihood of more children being abused. Even if it's by a little margin, you are still an accomplice.
No shit, but if it actively causes them to pedo even more, then that's an issue.
So if the people publishing the content didn't publish it, it would be significantly harder for people to bust them? I'm sure you have evidence. If them uploading it was a 100% chance that they'll be caught, that doesn't excuse the people being their audience. What, because the people consuming the illegal content indirectly helped the fbi they should be let off? Fuck off.
family member or acquaintance. NCMEC reports that 24 percent of identified victims were pubescent, and 76 percent were prepubescent. Ten percent of the prepubescent identified victims were infants or toddlers.
I have another PDF from the NCMEC with pie charts.
Connor Gonzalez
*whoosh* Why do you choose to visit this board?
Eli Foster
And? Doesn't change the fact the place is a wreck.
Jack Sanders
To be honest it seems fucking creepy and I worry what would happen if one of these kids were found by a pedo from these boards. I don't understand why that board exists in the first place, unless it's a fbi honeypot. I also think them merely being here compromises this site and puts it on shaky legal grounds. Having to censor everyone because a few assholes post shit like this - that's what bothers me. Since when is sexualized pictures of actual kids freedom of speech? I know people leak and post important information they wouldn't post otherwise, and have genuine freedom, when vpns are allowed, but these fuckers ruin it all because they want to get off to fucked up shit, and there's a thousand different places rather than on this site to do so. I know I can never stop them from enjoying shit that could make them hurt a child, but I can at least try to make sure they aren't the faggots that drown the rest of the site because they want to get off. It's so fucked up to be silenced because some other assholes fucked up for everyone. Why can't they go somewhere else instead of making anyone who actually cares about freedom of speech and expression be grouped with them?
Samuel Mitchell
australians can fk of tbh
John Sullivan
419 replies, 200 of them are spam. That's my Holla Forums
Adrian Jones
I can only see a slight difference tbh
Isaiah Bennett
Fine, you got me. I feared you were a troll, but you kept arguing so stupidly that if I didn't try to silence your autism I just wouldn't feel right.
Carson Wood
2016 and 2017 have broken records on the amount of CP produced in a year. All because of livestreaming apps. Where are the parents?
Eli Cruz
where else is he going to find tripfags that will circle jerk him off at a moments notice
Brody Moore
I'm pretty sure the law does not recognize merely viewing cp as illegal unless they can prove intent. And if they do, they certainly do a shit job of enforcing that law. In fact, in my countless bickering sessions with anons over this issue, I've made this request countless times: show me one single case of someone being convicted of a crime by simply viewing the material. One case.
Conjecture. And I doubt it.
Owen Thompson
You literally can't refrain from responding to this. I own you.
Ayden Richardson
Either parents don't care or don't understand the technology, usually both.
Adrian Wilson
Obviously the parents are too tech illiterate to explain or refrain their children to film themselves online.
Jackson Adams
o vey, one of us actually is a pedophile and it's not you pretty sure i know what it actually is
Lucas Clark
Little boys actually post on that board. With timestamps and everything. It's fucking scary.
Austin Lewis
You don't own me, but you sure annoyed me. Have a good one and know that you are an ass.
Josiah Carter
If they've been up that long with all of that happening, then that means it's almost certainly a honeypot.
Adam Parker
Keep em comin, slave
Blake Cooper
Because they use freedom of speech as a way of expressing their fucked up opinions. Where else in the web could they express their feelings to people that don't care or don't agree?
Sebastian Phillips
Or they are sleeping right behind them.
Justin Murphy
Cooper Martin
Not clicking that shit, but made me kek pretty hard
James Allen
You're too naive to understand.
Andrew Edwards
I really don't give a flying fuck about your board, or what you do with anyone else, my only concern is that people are spamming images of children 24/7 in association with pedophilia.
Unless you're okay with this type of shit, and if you think there's absolutely nothing wrong with having a bunch of half-educated pieces of garbage completely trashing children because they can't help themselves, but obsessing over them, you should do something about it.
These pieces of shit are not using images of pornstars, consenting adults, or general public figures, they're using REAL CHILDREN as if they were fucking baseball cards, trading their info, sharing private videos and image, and even sexualizing them 24/7 simply because they feel empowered to do so. If that's not a big red flag that indicates these scumbags are not really here to have a healthy discussion, and promote a reasonable debate about whatever it is that concerns them, then at what point exactly do you think this shit will be "crossing the line"? When they start doxxing real children? Real question, what will be "too much" for someone to decide to actually do something about these pets infecting this board?
Josiah Wilson
Not a slave, and everything you say is wrong. good-bye
Juan Flores
Too late now. You have to click it plus it's tame.
Tyler Ward
viewing cp is illegal, but i guarantee intent matters. im fairly certain you wouldnt be convicted for 2 years because you merely happened to browse Holla Forums while cp dropped. if they can prove you're there for the cp, then you're fucked.
i really dont see the point. viewing cp is illegal. why does this matter? why are you concerned about that?
Dominic Davis
I'm jerking off to your posts right now. Feed me
Asher Thomas
The illegal part has been censored.
That's interesting to know how bad parenting can be these days.
Tyler Smith
Kys animal abuser tbh
Anthony Reed
2 years? 5 year mandatory miniunium in the US for access with intent to view. They can prove intent with search terms, etc.
Jace Peterson
So, if someone decided to flood facebook with cp, then everyone who witnessed it would be subject to criminal charges? Viewing a video/pic of a girl under the age of 18 on a popular streaming site is a criminal act? You really don't know what you're talking about, do you?
Because it reinforces my point, dumbfuck. Most anons would be registered sex offenders if that were the case.
Nathan Gutierrez
I could understand expressing opinions, we'll just laugh at them when they express fucked up opinions. But when they post nudes or almost nudes of children is when they cross a line. Seriously, since when did a kids with it's butt in the air qualify has freedom of speech or expression?
Owen Lewis
if viewing cp was illegal then a big proportion of school kids would be in juvi and that's not even factoring the shit they see online.
Juan Price
Stupidity or neglect on parents part, seems pretty straightforward. Also a lack of caution on the kids part. Seriously safety software and phone setting limits can be placed on phones.
Juan Turner
Stop trying to use children to justify your fucking perversion, you piece of shit.
Children also shit their pants, does that make it okay for you to shit your own pants too?
Fucking grow up you miserable cunt.
Wyatt Cooper
Asher Thompson
in aus im pretty sure its 2 years for downloading/viewing and 5 years for publishing, at least in nsw.
what the fuck are you saying, i literally just mentioned intent matters, and used browsing Holla Forums as an example. did you even read what i said?
i think you need to back track and read my previous comments, cause you seem a little lost.
Kevin Thomas
Don't lie to yourself, friend because it really isn't healthy.
Landon Edwards
Not him, but what he said is right. The judges could avoid suing the viewers of cp online if intent isn't proven, but viewing cp still is, per se, illegal.
Why not? Freedom of speech means liberty of showing, expressing any kind of opinion. Nudism is allowed and there's boys butts everywhere. It's more the context that hurt many people's feeling - for a reason -. People drawing swatiskas is also a form of freedom of speech, yet it is illegal in many European countries.
Actually, some US minors went to jail by taking a picture/video of themselves naked and keeping it on their phones. Yes, that's retarded.
Carson Evans
Do you really, really think I give a fuck about what happen to Holla Forums tomorrow?
My beef is with the assholes who feel empowered to be constantly trashing REAL IDENTIFIABLE CHILDREN, by using their pictures to promote their fucking sickness. That's the problem here that the moderation really appears to be 'on-board', if not encouraging, at first glance.
Joshua Rivera
To me, that seems like you're saying, "viewing cp is illegal in itself, but intent matters regarding whether or not they'd be able to prove the case"
Jaxon Adams
Hey, it's yet another user making this argument who can't provide a single fucking source, nor case, to back up his claims.
Jacob Anderson
Adrian Bell
Ok, watched it. Like I said in another comment, software and computer settings exist to stop this shit, but so many don't know how to set it up. One thing to add is that many hope their kids are smarter than this kid, but sadly most are either untaught about online dangers or are too foolish to realize how this could effect them.
Jackson Wood
Your point is that you think it's completely okay for an adult to collect, distribute, and produce child pornography simply because children might do it too amongst themselves.
You're a fucking piece of garbage, if you really think this type of reasoning justifies some greasy balding fuck to use the images of real children to promote some sick political bullshit propaganda about abusing them.
Luis Evans
Yes, why do you think you're still here trying to make this place 'less shitty.' You do care and like I said earlier: stop lying to yourself. If you didn't care at all you'd simply leave and move on with this shit show but no you choose to stay and 'prove your point.' You're cute tbh.
Alexander Miller
is that my quote? i said it's guaranteed that intent matters.
so you're delusional. you sound like a hysterical female. i'm saying intent matters in deciding whether you were considered to be viewing cp; i.e. if you happened to merely see cp by accident when browsing a site, you weren't actively viewing it; you aren't guilty.
Lucas Bailey
AGREED! We should get rich and attractive politicians to promote our 'agenda.' Good thinking, user!
Kevin Hill
javascript again wew
William Ward
Fuck you user. I'm not specialized in US law, but I'm a European lawyer and if you wanna translate the French penal code, go for it, please.
that's true and the only way to fight it is to educate the parents and not the children. The children that want to disobey will disobey, but you can tell him the consequences of their acts, even if they don't risk much since they won't go to jail for exposing themselves, but someone else could.
Lucas Peterson
Quints checked, auhw shit.
Eli Collins
I'd still interpret it that way, but whatever.
You either viewed it or you didn't.
Ok, so inadvertently streaming something illegal on facebook or pornhub is not ""active viewing""? Just stop, you're embarrassing yourself.
Zachary Howard
I couldn't give a flying fuck if this place is trashed to pieces by spammers, or by any other kind of loser with too much time in his hands.
My problem is these fucking disturbing assholes posting pictures of children here to promote their twisted ideology, as if ANY of these children were in agreement with this shit.
What the fuck exactly are these pieces of trash expecting to accomplish with this shit? Why are they so constantly posting their social media info here, and spreading their personal files in threads dedicated to pedophilia? Since when is this type of shit acceptable? Also, is this really the official stances of the board owner, and site admin? Are they really trying to protect real pedophiles who are constantly making use of the images of identifiable children to promote a child abuse here? Where exactly are they making those stances transparent? Are they making those stances transparent at all?
What is going on here, really? Is child abuse being promoted and celebrated by the site admin?
Colton Morales
Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from my Liberal Studies lecture notes hurr durr…
John Young
Nigger, you're not specialized in ANY law stfu
Jonathan Hill
Words can do fine instead of a picture, and they are posting pictures/video to fap to it, and aren't expressing anything besides their lust. When visual erotica of real children exists, then they jeopardize the child. People can express themselves without child porn, so their freedom of expression isn't stopped, it's merely mitigated to text based discussion. They can still speak and express themselves without a kid's nudes.
Jason Lee
Colton Wright
This. Some of them are balding and they aren't even 30 yet.
Aiden Gray
>Same copy and pasted 'argument' statement Are you even trying?
James Thompson
It's weird, I have noticed a lot of high profile cases lately in which the pedo is chad-tier.
Luis Jackson
I don't think you're really willing to provide much to those children, if you can't even respect their privacy, mate.
Don't try to pull this shit by pretending that you care about anyone other than yourself here, you fucking pile of trash.
Brayden Ward
yeah, yeah, stop projecting.
No it's true I can't cite any, because judges in France dismiss theses cases and the police isn't interested in mere viewers.
Luke Phillips
I bet you have this exact post saved on a text file on your desktop somewhere. It's actually really sad but you do you do, user.
Stop virtue signalling and stop telling yourself you don't care when it's obvious you do.
Liam Taylor
okay, i think you might have autism so i need to be a little specific here. if the person viewing the cp did merely by accident, he happened to come by it, he wasnt actively putting in effort to view the cp, then he shouldnt be found guilty, because his intent wasnt to view cp, it was out of his control. understand? you either viewed cp with intent to view it, or viewed it by accident. what? who is streaming what? what are you saying? what meds are you on?
Josiah Nelson
I agree with you user, I just say that if people are scared, it's because they tend to censor what they don't like. If pedos get off to pictures of little boys instead of raping them, all I say is that's a lesser evil. But that's still strange from my, and your, point of view.
Gabriel Perez
I really don't, I'm legitimately pissed off by the inconsistency, and evasiveness, of the admin, board owner, and moderation of this website.
If I didn't know better I'd say their behavior is indicative of people trying their best to protect pedophiles, rather than chastise them, or at least stop them from spreading REAL child abuse, but that doesn't seem to be the case at all.
Sorry it's my fault their pictures are up on their public social media accounts. I am also a tall, rich and attractive gentlemen who has recently decided to run for governor. Surely my position and appearance would 'get me off the hook,' right? Because pedophiles are all creepy, balding middle aged men and I'm exactly the opposite of that! You should be glad I'm rich and handsome because if I were the opposite I would be actively trying to abuse children by sharing their public pictures online. The thought of someone doing such a heinous act makes me grimace and I feel 'dirty' just thinking about it. Good work, user!
Tyler Turner
I've seen autistic shit but that's high level
William Evans
It's from when Zuljin or whatever became board owner and made Holla Forums text only.
Samuel Peterson
Sure… I agree. But we're not talking about "should vs. shouldn't" here. You're making assertions about things you don't know much about.
Not true. There are people who lurk boards and sites till cp pops up. It's about what they can prove.
You're either pretty fucking dense, or you're making a weak attempt at feigning confusion to discredit my arguments.
Jacob Robinson
So you do care? Oh what a surprise.
Owen Stewart
What, when? On Holla Forums?
Dominic Torres
Is that Lera?
Nathan Murphy
December 2015. Around that time.
Blake Sanchez
I couldn't give less of a fuck about what you are, what you do, or what you think, as long as you're not using real children to promote your bullshit.
Your opinion is worth less than dog shit to me, and probably to the rest of the civilized world as well.
Now, on the other hand, if you genuinely think I'm wrong, and if you're willing to have a real discussion as to why child abuse is so objectionable, and by extension illegal, I'm all ears, as long as you're willing to be honest, and as long as you're ready to compromise that you're wrong about most of the shit you spew in regards to the use of their image, and direct interactions.
Adrian Roberts
I remember being here then, but I don't remember that episode. Did that last long?
Jayden Perez
A few days. Lowcard kicked him out and became BO.
Logan Phillips
im aware, so their intent is to view cp yes, what there is to prove is intent. were they browsing Holla Forums specifically for cp? lets. find. out. oh, that was an argument? sorry, i couldnt fucking tell. instead of wasting time being a dickhead, why dont you just clarify what you meant? there's insults, then there's insults with substance. you're the former.
Camden Wilson
You're really too spastic to offend.
Josiah Mitchell
Oh I remember Lowcard, but not Zuljin. Strange. Thanks for the history class.
Grayson White
Ethan Cox
The end of the golden era of Holla Forums in 2 words
Julian Howard
Jack Edwards
I can't be in the wrong because I'm not a pedophile. Pedophiles are creepy, balding middle aged men who don't care about children and just want to use them. I on the other hand am rich, attractive and charming. I can't be a pedophile because I'm the exact opposite of a pedophile. Yes I want to fuck children but I want to have a genuine and caring reltionship with them. Think about what you type before clicking 'New Reply,' pseudo lawyer.
Daniel Evans
Are you even trying? Do you care? Does anyone?
Xavier Davis
You do care :3
Angel Brown
So, show me a case that bolsters your argument. One case, user.
Ok, now we're getting somewhere, junior. How can they prove intent if the person made no overt requests? Go ahead and make some more shit up kek
What I meant was for you to actually answer the question.
Hudson Rivera
I'm the lawyer, and I'm not that user you replied to.
James Morris
Lowcard was a bro tbh
Ethan Carter
Do you think Hotwheels, Lowcard, Zuljin and co still browse 8ch/b/? What happened to 4chan's WTsnacks? So many answers I need
Isaac Foster
Keep beating that strawman up. Maybe you'll get somewhere… eventually.
Brandon Gray
Like you niggers begging for no vpns or tor are so fucking 4chan its not even funny.
I would highly doubt they'd comeback to this shit hole. Still fapping over cp probably
Liam Young
I'll give you 100 imaginary internet tokens if you can prove this
Aaron Richardson
Robert Miller
what argument? that anons lingering for cp have the intent to view cp? i dont know, i guess it would be rather difficult. maybe they could gather their history. if their time is primarily spent on sites or threads that pertain to cp, that could be an argument. it seems you think i have some sort of agenda? why would you think i would try and make shit up? settle down. just to deal with the fact that there is someone as retarded as you in this world, im going to assume you're a troll. itll make me less depressed.
Asher Green
What, do you think I fool around with my diploma everywhere? I can't take a picture of me in the lawyer's dress because privacy. Plus, I don't see what would it change for you, or for me.
Jace Thompson
*based entirely on whether they let me jerk my little penis to cp*
Ryder Reyes
Bentley Harris
Hotwheels must be passing by sometimes. I hope. I always hoped he's reading our shit and facepalms the best he can.
Xavier Martin
What the fuck is wrong with you people who sit around writting essays about imageboard meta here? Like seriously I see these giant walls of text here about it all the time what the fuck possesses you to complain that fucking much? Holy shit get a hobby kiddos.
Jaxson Barnes
Pretty ironic to write a text about how we are writing texts and why we shouldn't.
Adrian Russell
I think there's a lot of misconception about what qualifies as cp in a courtroom. Wheras a fully nude child playing innocently at the beach might not be considered cp, a clothed child in a lewd position involving the genital area that is intended to be sexually provocative (in a judge's opinion) *can* qualify as cp, and people have been convicted for it.
David Kelly
If that were true, lowcard would be #1, he stickied and cycled the daily pedo thread.
Isaiah Davis
you're here too redditor.
Anthony Russell
I'm not sure all the discussion is about the legal aspects of cp, half of the discussion is also about the moral aspect.
Samuel Roberts
A few sentences can't be called a wall of text not when you've got a ton of posts 5X longer in the same thread to compare it to retard.
Grayson Cooper
Why are you so afraid of me?
Jacob Fisher
Yes. Show me a case that displays a similar set of circumstances.
Does Holla Forums "primarily pertain to cp"? What about a site like Motherless? I mean, if you're talking about deep web shit, then I might lean in your direction, but even then, they have to prove intent; e.g. clicking on a link that says "10yo sucking dick" or some shit, or lurking sites that are filled with nothing but cp.
Because that's pretty much all you've been doing.
Do you actually think this tactic works? low energy, junior
Adrian Johnson
You can still use VPNs or tor, if you want, I'm willing to accept that, as long as they're unable to post pictures and videos with VPNs, proxys, or tor.
They're already unable to post pictures and videos with tor, so why are they still allowed to post using VPNs and proxys? Is this really such a big "hit" on the average user, who doesn't posts any type of illegal material, that they won't be able to post images anymore if they're using a VPN or a proxy? Really? What kind of pictures are they posting now that is so VITAL and important to their freedom of expression, that will be completely trampled upon, once measures are taken to discourage spammers and pedophiles from abusing the rules?
Serious question, where exactly are all those "quality posters", who post so many pictures that are so VITAL to their "freedom of expression" here, that I can't find any? Are their rights REALLY such an important matter, and their right to post those important pictures REALLY SO FUCKING CRUCIAL TO THIS BOARD that they can't use their own IP to do so? Even if that means stopping child porn, child abuse, and child DOXXING from keep happening by almost 99%?
Really? I'm now legit curious to know some of these high quality members of this board, who post so many quality pictures, and videos, that are SO IMPORTANT to our freedom, that they MUST keep the ability to freely post this shit using VPNs and proxy, even if it's at the cost of allowing child abusers posting illegal, and abusive, material.
I'm already excited to meet these stellar individuals.
William Turner
Pedophiles are worse than society displays them, this is what Holla Forums taught me. I'm thankful for that, I say let them spread their bullshit so everyone can see.
Ethan Williams
The single fact that you're participating in the debate makes your post ironic, wall of text or not.
Lincoln Cruz
Just by creating your initial message and replying means you're one of us. You obviously cared enough to click on this obvious pedophile thread then you choose to create a message which was ironic telling people to 'get a hobby.' Fucking look at yourself, kiddo.
Josiah Morgan
It would satisfy my curiosity, faggot. Now DO IT!
Christian Garcia
t. kike
Isaiah Anderson
I'd take a kike over a pedophile every time, mate.
Joshua Martinez
why? why should i bother wasting my time? what is your point, here? what are you trying to prove? not Holla Forums. but if they visit threads that primarily pertain to cp, then that's reasonable intent. what the fuck are you on about, you crazy cunt?
the only pedophiles that get to me are the delusional ones. a pedo can tell me he likes the idea of dominating a child and ill shrug it off, but if one thinks 6 yos can consent, can receive anal, and they wont at all in general be traumatised, then it starts to bother me. society doesnt know what to think of pedos because they are too fucking frigid to ever be exposed to what they truly are and think.
Jace Edwards
I'm both. Go ahead ask me anything.
Juan Bell
What kind of proof do you want? I have no mean of taking a picture right now, so I can show you obscure law-related French websites, but that's all I can do. Or teach you about it.
Lucas Evans
why are you here :3
Ryan Ramirez
Logan Sanders
I'll probably make a sermon about this thread. There are a lot of lessons that it can teach the kids. And I definitely am worried about the kids for sure :D
Michael Hernandez
Lowcard is probably on Krautchan or Girltime
Jackson Rogers
Holla Forums and Holla Forums isnt merely for pedophile content. this thread specifically is about the site. are you that faggot tor user?
Hunter Thompson
4chan bans all VPNs/proxies/tor and Holla Forums has been spammed with the same images and "walk in wat do" variation every day since about 2011. All by the same "cunny" posters.
John Hill
you guys can't even decide wether you should larp as Holla Forums or Holla Forums, this is ridiculous
Parker Green
wew are we on the same board?
Jeremiah Baker
Because it would shed light on what we've been discussing for the past hour, you absolute dumbfuck.
There you go, makin shit up again.
See: above
Kevin Foster
Because obnoxious assholes keep using pictures of real children to promote pedophilia with the unspoken approval of this board's moderation, and the site's admin.
So, unless they make a clear statement that they accept, promote, and encourage real pedophiles, child abusers, etc., to freely use here the images of non-consenting minors to promote the abuse of children, doxxing of children, and sharing children's personal information, with the intent of promoting the normalization of pedophilia, and the free acceptance of child abuse, then I'll have to assume they're against it, and acting inconsistently towards their own imposed rules.
It's really a matter of consistency, rather than any particular problem in specific with them.
Austin Perez
Julian Morales
I'm on halfchan/b/, then Holla Forums Holla Forums since 2010 and 2014, I've never been here for the cp.
Jackson Long
Yeah, but it's not as noticeable. the posts per hour is probably more than all Holla Forums boards combined.
Cameron Torres
Read the 7th word of OP's post
Kayden Ross
So you're a consistency whiteknight? That's a new one
Josiah Jones
yeah, we're on Holla Forums and it has many other types of content available.
i'm done with you.
Asher Davis
yes, the only way you pedophiles feel justified is calling everyone else in the universe a pedophile. i know.
Jose Sanders
Most of the pedos are nazis. You can trigger them by posting black children on their spinoff chans.
Thomas Ortiz
Liam Bennett
If only you could be done being a dumbass…
Brody Thompson
black children aren't "cute'
Nicholas Barnes
If lingering on Holla Forums Holla Forums makes a user a pedofile, then you're apparently a pedofile by that definition. If you claim not to be, then why can't others?
don't worry, he's an undercover Holla Forums goon here to fuck shit up
Evan Smith
Australian vol if you're reading this: fk off tbh
David Baker
Nolan Jackson
can't get much worse
Matthew Morris
David Watson
why have a disgusting, white loli when you can have a cute, white loli?
Nicholas Nguyen
avsman is a newfag
Thomas Russell
William Thomas
What about "midget" threads? kek
Will you just show your tits already?
Hunter Gray
but it is
Samuel Wilson
Hunter Ross
This picture is disgusting, the name doesn't fit, it's low res, the color of the flowers on the shirt is horrible, the floor tiles are ugly. Please delet
Anthony Hughes
sorry, fam, i dont have tits. im a manly boy.
im not gonna bother, friendo.
Andrew Turner
sounds good to me
Aaron Taylor
Sorry, your spectacular display of mental gymnastics threw me off
Alexander Jackson
Christian Richardson
keep on lowering the res
Jayden Perry
ah my ego is weak. pedo content is children. thats what i mean when i say pedo content. if you're too autistic, i could just say content that pertains to underage children with the purpose of pleasuring or entertain pedophiles sexually. or you can arbitrarily argue definitions, it wont prove my original argument false.
Logan Ward
The biggest anti-pedos turn out to be pedos. Like that mod on NeoGAF, Amir0x. He even thought anime should be illegal and banned discussion of video games with sexualized children.
He was busted a 2 months ago for torrenting CP.
Kayden Mitchell
Or you could just make arbitrary definitions for arbitrary terms that you arbitrarily made up.
Jacob Nguyen
Like prude feminists that turn out to be the most submissive whores?
Grayson Foster
who abuses children here?
Benjamin Thomas
no. any reasonable functioning human would understand what i mean. maybe i should expect this since im on the Internets most autistic site. the only reason i refer to it as pedo content is because ive seen numerous others do the same. sorry i wont cater to your mental defects.
i was gonna say the same.
Sebastian Ramirez
you're full of shit, he defended pedos all the time
Justin Butler
I've always maintained antis are borderline pedophilic.
So you admit its pedo content?
Eli Lee
im sure everyone will admit if they sexually abuse children so you can prove your retarded pro pedo argument. fucking die.
Daniel Williams
Wow, how haven't I heard about this? I hated that dude. Haha.
Benjamin Rogers
this thread? no
Anthony Miller
hivemind Holla Forumsro
Jaxson Reyes
according to some deluded user child abusers are people who post images of clothed children. they're apparently 'stealing' the images from their public social medias and using it as pro pedophile propaganda.
Carson Robinson
Well then we're back to square one. Read the first and second sentence of OPs post and tell me this thread isn't 'pedo content.'
Bentley Garcia
Samuel Jenkins
No he didn't, he was always going on about weeaboo pedos. one his last posts before getting busted was anti-pedo.
Levi Collins
do you think the parents of these children like the idea of pedophiles advocating for child sex along with the pictures of their children?
Benjamin Green
[citation needed]
Andrew Thompson
so u come here with no evidence, ass mad about posting publicly available pictures of kids and u call ppl here child abusers? Kill yourself, u fuckin retard. If god was real, even he wouldnt love u
Christopher Hall
Asher Johnson
You could, like, create interesting and engaging content instead of complaining about there being too much content you don't like. Crazy idea, could be worth exploring nonetheless.
Michael Jones
i dont know how to deal with your retardation and im not repeating myself.
Zachary Hall
and whos stupid here again? Why o parents post pics like that? What makes u think 14yo girls r not on the prowl for a dick regardless of the age of consent?
Owen Sanders
Jaxson Ward
Evan Thompson
im not that same user i just thought it would make me lol and it did
Jace Miller
The law does not operate according to common sense; you don't seem to understand this.
James Howard
Luis Gonzalez
your point being what? U have no evidence of any1 here abusing any1 and thats enough to guess what a nigggot autist u r
Nicholas Foster
We can just keep going through the rounds and maybe then you'll realize this thread is 'pedo content.' But let me ask you a question first, if this isn't pedo content then what is pedo content?
Liam Murphy
Evan Nguyen
No, but do you think they're going to go to war with the users how use their pictures that they made public? I'm not sure what you're trying to get at.
Wyatt Davis
If pedos and people who hate what this site has become weren't the majority of posters left in this shithole then maybe something could be done about it but unfortunately if you banned them all you'd be alone on a dead board and if thats what you really want then you can go ahead and make your own board to shout into the abyss at.
Isaiah Garcia
One of hist last posts before being busted with CP.
Jack Reed
wait, what are you saying? that by posting pictures of children, child abuse is being committed? I'm not on any side in this "debate" but damn you're one retarded motherfucker.
Aiden Cook
lol okay point for you
Gabriel Nelson
I can confirm. 5
Hunter Bell
spoken like a true MOSSADnigger!
Christian Jones
what the fuck does the law have to do with me referring to content of underage girls as pedo content, since it caters to pedos? what are you saying?
i simply told you no one is going to admit to be child fuckers so you can spread your propaganda, and you then assume my agenda; my character; my motives; everything about my existence on this thread, right after claiming i am unfounded. very nice. you are a hypocrite, to put it simply.
Isaac White
Tyler Smith
He's a CIAnigger goon here to fuck shit up.
Samuel Fisher
They have nigger in the CIA?
Anthony Roberts
i mean, there is a very distinct difference between viewing cp and actually participating in fucking a child. i think both types are degenerate, but he is referring to actual sex offenders.
Adrian Long
We've already established this but thanks for realizing how stupid his argument is.
again, theres literally no reason to assume any1 hurts any1 here and u try to pretend i need to know your entire life to be able to insult u. What u showed here is enough to know u r a motherfuckin, cocksuckin twat
Tyler Diaz
Nolan Reyes
Juan Russell
do you realize that a lot of the pictures posted here are of actual child abuse victims?
Joseph Campbell
Just concede buddy. We already know you're fucking retarded, throw me a fucking bone.
OP is a newfag of the worst degree. We are now following the same exact path that made 4/b/ so shit. Good job faggots. Normies will start flooding in.
Jeremiah Williams
Yes. Crystal. But that would be your PER.SPECT.IVE.
Jace Nguyen
Lucas Perry
All right you dumb fucking piece of shit. Let's say I look at this picture of a child abuse victim. Let's say I then go on to watch a rekt video of someone being murdered. Then I watch a video of a woman being raped by a sandnigger. On and on I go looking at all the fucked up shit humanity has to offer but if and only if it's a female under the age of 18 I am committing abuse?
Justin King
woops ok genuis What have we been 'discussing' for 6 hours?
Hudson Collins
So you want CP to be legal?
Zachary Sullivan
Dylan Nelson
They already have 4chan, this place has been entirely stagnant in terms of userbase ever since jim kicked out hotwheels. Its just a bunch of salty anons with nowhere else to go that hate what Holla Forums has become.
Samuel Nelson
so rape and murder already is legal?
Cameron Green
How you guys doing? Just hanging out.
Aaron Bailey
Dylan Murphy
congrats for supporting child abuse
Grayson Collins
oh, baby, dont be like that.
yes, you are correct. very intelligent, you are. my original point, im fairly certain, before you derailed it, was that Holla Forums isnt merely pedo content, and you would only be deemed a pedo if you browsed pedo content/threads. translation: Holla Forums isnt purely child content to cater to pedos, and you would only be deemed a pedo if you came specifically for pedo catering content. you mentioning that the term pedo content is my perspective just proves how lost you really are. you achieved nothing but got me to clarify that i, indeed, defined pedo content as underage children, pedo catering shit. congrats. what a waste of time.
okay, if thats what you got from it, you clearly have a learning deficiency.
Leo Fisher
Tyler White
all those children deprived of innocence because adults cannot control their primitive urges. tragic.
Nolan Carter
you are saying watching pictures isn't abuse, which I agree with, but it supports child abuse. and glorifying victims by posting pictures of them isn't any better in my opinion, it's intended to advertise child abuse.
Carter Gonzalez
I really don't give a fuck. All I've noticed is any type of fucked up shit is allowed, AS LONG AS IT'S NOT A CHILD WTF WTF WTF and as soon as we give in to this one demand everything else goes to shit.
Cooper Nguyen
222 respect
Tyler Gomez
Will someone please think of the children right :DDDDD?
Benjamin Stewart
Levi Clark
so why r u here, u twat, instead of bashing parents on facebook?
Jayden Evans
I have a learning deficiency for quoting you directly? Damn you truly are deluded. Just admit this is pedo content because everyone (even you) knows it is. It's cute how you always try to steer away from the main question. Just concede, you can't look any more stupid anyway. Juet concede :)
Camden Lewis
ok, well, as long as you acknowledge that you don't really know what the hell you're talking about
By who? You? hahaahaaha
James Cook
I don't think that's even true. Posting shit is just posting shit. By this cuck logic of yours posting videos of murder, torture and rape (of adults) is either somehow not supporting this behavior or it is but that's A-OK.
Mason Rogers
in other words, u have as much to support your claims, as those, who said video games increase violence and misogyny
Blake Rivera
>John (((GOLDBERG)))
Aaron Hill
false equivalence
Owen Miller
222 respect
Dylan Hall
I'm basic af so: 99 GET Gimme that mouse
Matthew Cox
by your logic child porn must be legal. would you at least take that standpoint clearly?
Jaxon Myers
Isaiah Young
20 off pretty far
Ayden Campbell
Julian Jackson
that is feral.
i elaborated in that post specifically for autistic people in case it didnt cement. you bit the first description. lazy, lazy boy.
no shit? was that not clear. i was initially responding to someone saying you should only be deemed a pedo for browsing pedo threads, not Holla Forums in general. no shit its based on my opinion, you fucking utter genius.
Bentley Mitchell
Why do you have that shit saved? Probably just an edgelord, but nevertheless…
Charles Brown
Pedo stuff is fine but get that nigger shit out of here. Nigger shit should be banned.
Asher Sullivan
Cooper Long
Justin Lopez
Freeze peach isn't just for what you like.
Jayden Nelson
At least your finally showing your true colors you fucking kike.
Michael Lopez
Anthony White
Fuck you motherfucker putting me on the spot. All right fine, you want to know my stance? Either we legalize child porn, or we criminalize possession of gore, torture and rape videos.
thanks for posting these they practically don't exist
Kevin Baker
Yeah, it's one of those rare opinions that manage to be incorrect tho
Dylan Gomez
He's okay right?
Wyatt Adams
Mason Jackson
Cooper Jones
those are usually just a byproduct of something that's happening either way, they aren't created with the intent to sexually arouse the viewers
Camden Gomez
I guess you could say he's pretty hung right?
Aaron Hughes
Dylan Brown
i dont see how, but whatever makes you happy.
what's your motive?
Alexander Lee
Jose Gomez
dw bro this isn't pedo content nor is it a pedo thread we're just discussing pedophilia and pedo related things.
It really isn't. Its fucking massive. Do you just want to ignore the fact that we've been 'discussing' pedophile and pedophilia related things for 6 hours now or should we go back to square one again because there's no angle you can get at that doesn't make this thread not 'pedo content.' Also:
Luis Ross
These aren't my glasses!
Dylan Gutierrez
Seriously, enough with this shit, man. I'm not even the faggot who's been accusing every person ever of participating in "pedo content". You've made your point.
Noah Flores
I think most of Holla Forums would be happier with a bbc than a little girl.
Caleb Allen
Don't listen to this user. You're better than the spiderman spammer tbh.
James Scott
Oh hello mr. FBI. Why yes of course I will not wear any clothes for the rest of my life. I sure hope get rid of the gunslingers this way. It's a great initiative that I and my husband and kids all support 110%.
Jaxon Martin
allow me to repeat: pedo content != pedo discussion or pedo related topics; pedo content = underage children that cater to pedophiles and their degenerate desires. is this clear?
apparently i keep ignoring it because i like how you call me cute.
Jonathan Smith
Why does this have almost 2 million views on youtube?
Bentley Baker
Michael Clark
Anthony Campbell
1. There are a lot of sick people in the world 2. Edgy kids who like to show their friends edgy stuff
Josiah Brown
Jason Richardson
Most of the best posters left within the last year Hell we lost a mod and immediately get hit with spam a few days ago Why am I still here?
Anthony Turner
Probably hex spamming then other people saw it and added on to it tbh.
Nathan White
Yes its clear you're dense as fuck. Now it all makes sense. You're a closet pedophile or what you call an 'anti.' This is how you rational being in this thread amd participating in these discussions. Welcome to the club, buddy and I hope the rabbit hole is nice and comfy for you.
Liam Cooper
Triggering moralfags and pedofags at the same time.
Liam Robinson
Oh and I think we're done here. You've outed yourself as a stupid anti, aka closet pedophile. Don't expect me to reply to your posts from now because I see through your facade. :]
Christopher Gonzalez
what about the hebes? don't get we some love too
Easton Ramirez
How to save a life?
Henry Russell
it comes full circle. the initial comment i replied to was someone implying anyone on Holla Forums is a pedo. you brought closure, or should i say the lack of it.
thats some talent.
very nice.
Asher Myers
Daniel Stewart
from this angle, her legs look mutated.
Dylan Long
Tyler Roberts
Lucas Sullivan
i'd fug 13/14 y/o daria tbh
Oliver Nguyen
Niggah, I'm doing this because I love wakening up and reading posts filled with confusion and anger.
Ayden Jones
That's the criteria?? I don't even know how to respond to this. You realize by this logic, rape videos of adults should be illegal? You can also find gore videos that clearly have sexual overtones.
Nathan Powell
Rape videos of adults are illegal.
Brandon Martin
Nathan Sanders
Jace Murphy
Brandon Gomez
good thread
Jacob White
one fucking hell a read that's for sure
Owen Butler
Baguette Pam Pom/10
Logan Garcia
Well spoken. This is the most clarity we have heard from our mods in weeks.