Despicable Me 3. Featuring Trey Parker as the villain.
Thoughts Holla Forums ?
Despicable Me 3. Featuring Trey Parker as the villain.
Thoughts Holla Forums ?
Well then, another franchise milked to death.
this franchise didn't deserve one sequel, let alone two
Looking good but a bit too damn long for a trailer. They can cut it when Gru and the 80s guy start fighting. Also do they really need to add that part where Lucy had to explain about Grucy?
At least this is not The Minions sequel.
Should of just been a standalone film.
And the spin off movie, don't forget that.
It's off to a good start already.
I feel like I saw everything the movie has to offer just by watching the trailer.
The first one was okay. The second one I really didn't like for various reasons. Really sideline the girls roles that was important in the first and it pretty much was a semi-prequel/ promotion for the Minions movie. I hear people like the second one but I didn't really care for it because of the things listed. Didn't see the Minions movie because I got the annoying gist of it in the second movie.
This might be okay if they tone down the minions role.
>O-oh, Minions is at least completely unrelated to despicable me other than the minions, and and on itself wasn't that bad. Ohshit, it's a sequel
Illumination Entertainment in the new Dreamworks Animations, and they milk everything they have. My problem is not even that, my problem is that the previous2 movies were pretty good and had a nice ending, one being a prequel, so it doesn't matter how good this one could be, it's unnecessary. but well, Iguess they had to do lemonade. At least Gru is still badass.
It wasn't an spin-off, it was a prequel.
Only 5 seconds and they're still annoying and not funny.
Same with Shrek, Madagascar, etc. Franchises are cancer.
The second one was ok too. Only complain is the girls role, but the characters introduced were nice. My actual complain is that Gru is technically not a villain anymore, but he is still an evil person.
Pirate Minions, at least, is worth a watch, there are only 3 protagonist minions and their origin and motivation is pretty neat. They aren't as annoying as they normally are either.
Isn't that every trailer nowadays?
you know the worst part is I do actually like the over the top reject Bond movie aesthetic and the stylized characters they have going for them in these movies, and Trey parkers guy doesn't seem that annoying and I see some potential for actual entertainment but I sat through Despicable Me 2 and the pacing was all over the fucking place and it was just trash, adn they're probably going to force more MINIONS hard in this one.
It still raises the question of why this needs to be a franchise, it would have been much better if it just ended at 1
I'm still mad because Megamind didn't got a sequel.
I'm still here for Margo r34
Gamefreak understands that there should always be pokemon that are single stage with no evolutions period. Why the fuck can't Hollywood appreciate such a concept even just a little bit. I've heard rumors of Goonies 2… I'd rather peak outside a window and see the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse approaching, than see Goonies 2.
I think the trailer didn't show enough. Everything was picked from basically the same scene. We have no idea what the movie is about except some guy and some diamond are relevant somehow, the former was "defeated" and the latter was captured and re-secured in the trailer so what's the point of even introducing them?
Villain looks fun, the animation looks excellent, minions are cancer as usual, but hard to judge the movie with this trailer.
Well…they're not wrong.
Being despicable doesn't necessarily mean you're evil.
Megamind, yeah that one need a sequel. Maybe the theme is a bit too heavy sometimes? Roxxane Ritchie was hot tho. Or maybe because I have a thing for short haired girl with slender neck running around in tank top.
Megamind had more of definitive ending to me
Nigger your shitposts are getting stale
Steve Carrel is still terrible
Kristen Wigg isn't much better
An 80s themed villain seems like an odd excuse for a bunch of sight gags and classic music.
These movies were never good. I don't know why they keep making them.
It's not shitposting if I'm legitimate
dreamworks smug, though
Looks charming, good for a pirate
This is a new low, Mel, but at least now you aren't pretending to be anything but the commie kike you really are. Makes it easier to report you to the mods.
Then it's decided
You're shitposting
It had better have the miranda cosgrove loli.
Thanks for at least giving yourself a name so non-retards can filter you.
I'm sick of seeing threads fall apart because of this Quentin tier shit.
We've long since passed that point
If I didn't know any better, I'd say you unironically believe the Russian hackers meme. That can't be right, no one on Holla Forums is that much of a sheep. I'm pretty sure even some of Holla Forums is skeptical about it.
They could have stopped at one, but they kept milking this shit because those yellow turds got popular.
Illumination Entertainment really is that cancer that is killing all creativity in animated movies.
The evidence point to the fact that he did indeed.
You know, I used to think the constant trolling you do here and on Holla Forums was pretty funny, but it's starting to get stale.
I'm allowed to express myself in any way I want and if it doesn't allign with your so called world peace I have a twisted troll brain? wrong.
now let's talk about despicable me, stop derailing.
I think the Minions popularity derives from people's desire to laugh at foreigners. They're small, different looking and speak a "funny language". This being said it enables the average joe to laugh at them without offending any of his fellow comrades. For instance, who is the one that always post minion memes? white mothers. 'nuff said.
He's legitimately extremely butthurt actually.
Only a fool would mistake any of this for trolling.
That doesn't mean people are obliged to believe in anything you say. It's being rightful and full of evidence that writes the law. Not feelings or empathy. This is why Holla Forums has so much of the influence it posesses, which you despise so much.
but i thought steve carrell was the villain?
What the fuck with this fucking post that want to trap people to fall into Holla Forums or Holla Forums debate? I'm a fucking Singaporean, people literally stormed McDonalds for their Minions toys. There's not many whites here.
Go back to Holla Forums or Holla Forums and suck Gorbachev or Bush Sr's dick
Now who are you? Agent Provocateur, here to provoke people on both sides into attacking, so that the moderators may act upon them?
He's been an antihero since the end of 1, and even that movie pitted him against another villain
I want to talk about minions, I honestly think it's just a PC way of laughing at minorities. How is that derailing? I wanted to see if anyone picked up on it too.
You are a liar, a scoundrel and a mean man.
I agree with that though, you can spaz out but let me express myself too. Jeez. *rolls eyes*
Actually he's CIA
Said the faggot who use the words like "Foreigners" and "white mothers"
Whites can make mistakes too, user.
>>>Holla Forums
Sorry to trigger you but I genuinely think that - I'm not alone right? Others have picked up on this too right?
Get out of here.
Where are the fucking minions at?
I feel like the girls were also supposed to reflect aspects of Groo's personality if he WASN'T a villain and the childhood he missed out on.
Do you think they'll do Minions 2? If so, since we've had the past will it be set after Groo dies
You're a pretty big faggot.
Piss off.
I will never stop FAATHERRRR
>>>Holla Forums