Do they have a right of self defense against western imperialism?
Do they have a right of self defense against western imperialism?
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Yes, but everybody everywhere also deserves human rights and basic liberties.
by killing us ? and telling us that we are infidels that deserve to be killed ?
by burning my own religion on front of my face and use it to justify killing me ?
nah fuck them
ISIS needa to be destroyed by any means necessary.
Yes, even if it means using Western imperialist forces.
no, they're its creation against socialist and nationalist antiimperialist nations and movements
reporting from scene here :
that will fuck shit even more
the image of isis as the defenders of land against the west devil will grow even stronger leading even more idiots to join them
when fascism becomes anti-imperialism
fascism is part of imperialism
antiimperialist nations cannot be fascist by nature
unless you're using the vague petty bourgeoise "totalitarism" definition which is utterly shit but typical for anarchists to use
Fuck your idpol bullshit and fuck you in the eye.
fascism is part of imperialism
antiimperialist nations cannot be imperialist by nature
your strawman pseudo equations are pulled right out of your ass, you're either utterly retarded to believe them yourself or to think anyone would be intimidated by this "argument"
Cognitive dissonance anyone?
ISIS is created and maintained by western imperialism. It's a simulacrum of "Islamic terrorism/invasion", an injection of righteousness in west's own disguised terrorism.
oh, let me guess
you're an "antinationalist" anarchist
What word would you apply to the actions of ISIS and their treatment of minorities in their territory?
wait, didn't you just attempt to call me out for "idpol bullshit"?
what a moronic ironic fucking faggot you are
wow, i'm genuinly impressed
1. not the same guy
2. supporting minorities' rights isn't idpol, it's just regular western liberalism
3. chill
Keep it up you muzzie apologist prick. Or better yet, go join your freedom fighter friends that are the ISLAMIC state.
I actually fucking hope you do. I'd love to see your face split open by a barrel bomb on liveleak.
Oh and you didn't answer the question.
The Yazidi were their oppressors? The Kurds were?
daesh = imperialist organized terrorism, therefore it's not antiimperialist, you dumbfuck little cunt. nowhere did i talk about daesh, i am not OP.
you're kidding, right?
see first statement here you fucking retard
whoever linked this thread to tumblr
go kill yourself
Their 'imperialism' is intrinsically linked to their notion of islamic supremacy and infallibility.
Only if they were more ethical than the west.
I have no objections to the west imposing its values on less ethical societies.
My main objection to western foreign policy is that usually it fails to achieve its stated goals. They go in to "liberate" a country, but end up killing half the civilians and installing a puppet government which is even worse than what existed before.
they're more muslim than you are
I'd take issue with imposing. By all means, bully them into changing through sanctions, not trading with them and calling them mean names. But 'liberal interventionism' is fucking cancer.
Oh come on. Enough with this Western ethics superiority bullshit. It'a about time you realise the west is behind most atrocities against humanity (mass slavery, colonisation, capitalism, etc.)
There's no such thing as rights. You're either the present empire or the future empire. ISIS wants to be the future empire.
The middle east has been pretty successful in fucking itself for the past 100 years. Africans and arabs were taking africans and arabs as slaves long before the evil white man did. Hel;l they still do to this day.
sure thing following weak hadith and altering whole verses of Quran makes them more Islamic than me
all of their books have been debunked and all of their ideology came post 20th century reactionary arab nationalists
they are the product of 20th century
Communism is for the infidels, muslims want shariah law and a caliphate. You are probably some edgy white kid who thinks he knows shit about my people. Kill yourself.
Wut? The west has been in war with middle east for resources for the last half a century (at least). They are not fucking themselves and even if they did, leave them alone.
Dunno lad. They are kinda the true believers.
Quite an interesting article if pretty long.
Important parts, the place they killed the first American was Dabiq which according to their book is where the final battle will start.
Also this.
I don't think killing gays, men, infidels and enslaving women is the same as "self defence against the west".
Fucking racist.
Holla Forums plz
Holla Forums here, shut up you dumb nigger
I know you are highly sympathetic of ISIS, Holla Forumsyp, but we here are not.
Holla Forums here. ISIS need nuked.
I'm not sympathetic to mudslimes, I just think it's funny they throw fags off of buildings. Islam needs to die.
t. Chomsky
I don't disagree. The west are awful. It's just that ISIS somehow manage to be even worse. I'm as surprised as you are.
I'm not setting a particularly high bar when I say
ISIS isn't anti-imperialist, ISIS wants to be the imperialists. They are merely too stupid to do it, since they're a bunch of unhinged LARPing psychopaths. Even Saudi Arabia is a pit of decadence by their standards because all they care about is bloodshed.
Even when they aren't killing people wantonly, they're so fucking bad at running a state that black markets are flourishing despite the brutal punishments for getting caught–outside of Mosul, they're too incompetent to stop anyone. And even if they do catch someone, their rank and file are often not above taking a bribe.
The way the Kurdish fighters describe them, it almost sounds like they're babysitters for giant toddlers on meth.
They have a right to be forcibly secularized, or disposed of.
Religion is the opiate of the masses.
So….most of them?
Ethnic nationalists are some of the biggest fans of hierarchy you'll find.
To be fair, most of the people ISIS kills are Muslims because fundies consider anyone in their religion that isn't insane to be an apostate.
They only want to attack the West to agitate them into starting a war.
Good luck, Assad
They are a creation of western imperialism.
Pick one and only one. They're theocrats who shoot leftists, and half of them are foreign fighters from Europe themselves.
ISIS is imperialist, bruh.