How come almost every thread that is critical of Donald Trump gets deleted without explanation?
How come almost every thread that is critical of Donald Trump gets deleted without explanation?
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't stump the Trump.
Because it's obviosus D&C shilling.
Even if Trump has some faults, what are we going to do, vote for Hillary?
Because we are on a war footing.
Dont expect actual argumentation on that subject until after the election.
We now return to your regularly scheduled shill/shit thread.
direct linking without using
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ADL Calls Trump Plan to Ban Anti-Semites ‘Anti-Semitic’
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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!
The mods usually either lock the thread or edit. I've never seen a thread out right deleted for that alone.
Because you mods are like cult members. That's why you made that obvious false flag thread.
Take it to someone who cares gayboy.
someone needs to take the initiative to start /UncuckedfromTrumppol/
Because that would allow for real discussion.
Then you're new, which is obvious since you just posted a meta thread on Holla Forums. Now fuck off.
Because we're sick of you
and fuck your free speech
Thank you for correcting the record.
like what?
and that's it…
They tried. You can't have a board with 4 members.
Go start a thread about Jews in Hitler's cabinet and let me know how it turns out you contrarian dipshit.
If you didn't make these threads a year ago when it was much worse, don't make them now, you are only triggering the bots and M/JIDF to shit up the board. Just wait for the elections to be over and use the catalog for decent threads.
I see them do it all the time and ever just scrolling threw the catalog their are many posts made without archiving and aren't even locked despite having been up for hours
i just want to know how the consensus that voting is useless was changed to the election is the only thing that matters.
This is a wedge issue shills use to fracture the community so Holla Forums doesn't get anything done except argue about petty points for the lügenpresse.
Repeating the the media's lies only serves to propagate them.
we see it OP, relax.
Maybe because Holla Forums grew up
Like I said in the OP I was expecting this thread to be censored
fucking where? i'm interested
Because Trump is a real one this time.
I'm pretty fucking curious about this one myself. People use to ironically post "who else are you going to vote for" now anons treat it like a war cry
Don't you fucking say it!
Because the mods correct the record, just like $hillary mods would.
When will you people learn? There is no free speech, especially on pol.
Why do you think?
Because even though Holla Forums likes to pretend it's immune to the infiltration and useful idiocy, it isn't.
Every election this happens, the board gets subverted for some shitty candidate and all the summer fags gobble it up, then when it's over everything returns to normal.
Holla Forums is controlled opposition just like everyone else, think about it, a group of ebil nadsis that think they're 1 upping the Jew, when in reality they don't deviate from the strings on their backs.
Jews are craftier than you think.
Trips must be true
There is no discussion. Burgers are too pozed to be critical of anything they support.
Sums it up - Why either candidate? They are both garbage. The entire political system is fucking rigged and only the ones even capable of becoming potus must pay to play and get on board with the majority agenda.
Because even though Holla Forums likes to pretend it's immune to the infiltration and useful idiocy, it isn't.
Every election this happens, the board gets subverted for some shitty candidate and all the summer fags gobble it up, then when it's over everything returns to normal.
Holla Forums is controlled opposition just like everyone else, think about it, a group of ebil nadsis that think they're 1 upping the Jew, when in reality they don't deviate from the strings on their backs.
Jews are craftier than you think.
What the fuck? Why are people so paranoid that everyone is trying to get you vote for Hiillary? No one is presenting that as an option on fucking Holla Forums.
Not even Holla Forums wants to vote for Hillary. It's the absolute fanboyism over and apologetics for Trump that take even the slightest criticism of his campaign as though it's some personal affront that's the issue.
Like that thread that was deleted was about him wanting to increase the defense budget. Why can't we discuss whether that's a good thing? Why does every thread have to be about superficial shit like "omg look what some kike on twitter with 5 followers said about Trump!" Why can there never be discussion about the actual fucking substance behind the candidate?
Because Holla Forums (both cuck and kikechan) are group-think, echo chambers. Going against the group think is a highly bannable offense.
It's not that surprising, given the massive influx of redditor trumplets that have taken over both boards.
Yeah except your vote is worthless, Hillary has already won.
Its the "with us or against us mentality" that bothers me the most.
Tell me, where in my post did i mention Hillary? Oh that's right! I DIDN'T, YOU FUCKING KIKE
You can't guess why?
You're right user, I'll stay home and shitpost instead, waiting for Hitler to rise from the grave and save us all
Go back to Ropeculture useless LARPer
and fuck off
These trips beat your trips
Because most threads aren't critical, its weak bait used to be like a "HA, GOTCHA Holla Forums" instead of actual criticisms.
I dont know what that is.
You might as well.
If I was the one who made the thread there would be a (you) next to the ID.
Since you feel the need to interject, answer the question i posed to him. And while you're at it answer this as well>>7399419
Thought so
Huuur i wonder…. We have the choice of trump or shillery realistically.
No mater how bad trump is, hes still better then shillery…
Any other dumb questions?
Coincidentally, my outdated browser doesn't show (You) on replies or my own posts, so that's actually not a remotely foolproof test. pic related
Oh look, here's trump admitting that he'd be fine with his daughter getting fucked by a nigger.
So that's enough of a reason for the information to be suppressed?
You want free speech and no content filtering? Go on halfchan and tell me how well that's worked out.
If you let leftists subvert our site they will.
What information do you feel is being suppressed? Be specific.
This site has already been subverted. You've all been duped into thinking Trump is on your side and ever had any intention of winning.
This pic is something that usually sends his fanboys into a frenzy. That tells me its worth looking into
outlandish conjecture passes for "criticism" these days? fuck off commie scum.
this poster is jewish
Fuck off Ted Cruz you lost months ago. Go peddle your conspiracy shit on one of the cuckservtive news site.
And I can't fucking shake it.
Kill yourself
Are you fucking high?
This burger doesn't mind that kind of discussion. I want to like Trump but there just something not right. I can't quite put my finger on it.
Could you losers be anymore pathetic?
Time to wake up Goy. Realize you and 10s of millions of other people have been duped hard.
It's not about Trump. He's a means to an end.
DNC is in overdrive because the polls keep looking more and more like reality. i.e. decent folks of good stock prefer sovereignty to global feudalism.
What's pathetic is you Ted sitting at home in your brown underwear your large gut hanging out while you post your cuck bullshit on Holla Forums.
Surely you know of some websites that sold out you can post on.
i'm not jewish so yes. i could be more pathetic.
Can't prove your not a Holla Forums, CtR, ect, piece of shit, or just faggot.
If you really have to make a claim like that, at this hour, then you should be put to the blade for ignorance alone.
I thought you were claiming I was suppose to be Ted?
Did you even read?
See -
How is that an argument?
Trump and Hillary are both horrible people. The guy is literally selling his brand, expects fully to lose (since he's aware it's rigged and has mentioned it a few times)
Hillary is the worst choice for president, hands down, out of every single person who has run for potus this year. But guess what?
(((They))) don't give a fuck who you support or what you want. It's going to play out how they want it to.
Anyone who makes connections to Trump and jews, must be kosher kikes. This logic is the reason pol is full of mindless fanboys incapable of critical thought.
You're my kind of people.
That's how every republican feels.
Good goy alert
Finally, someone actually gets it.
Points to you sir for being able to think critically.
you spout verbatim the kike snaketongue that sloughs off liberal editorials.
grab a brain, fucktard. Trump doesn't plan for failure. neither do we.
When Trump loses, the Holla Forums tears will sustain me for weeks, maybe even months. I shall descend upon this board like a wolf upon a lamb, and bask in the unending impotent rage that this board will pump out. I will gaze upon the suicide threads and rage posts, and drink deep of their whining. When they actually start livestreaming their own suicides and self-mutilation, I'll know true ecstasy.
I don't think my penis will ever be harder than it will be when a million Holla Forums tards cry out in itty bitty white boi penis fury simultaneously.
They'll try to convince themselves it was a rigged election. They'll try to convince themselves that the Jews had pulled a fast one on them.
"We will riot!" They will say. "Race war!" "Day of the rope!" they will cry.
Time will pass, and they will do nothing because they only talk. They are too cowardly and weak to do anything
But best of all, none of their bitching will balm the pain of knowing that their God Emperor, their hero, will go down in history as an embarrassment, as an amusing footnote at best, as the loud obnoxious asshole who lost to the first WOMAN president. The entire nation KNOWS that Hillary is a literal criminal, that she's practically bathed in the blood of 4 dead Americans, intimidated Bill's rape victims into silence, and her administration will surely be mired in constant scandals and ethical breaches. But all this only drives home just how little the American people think of Trump. After all her bullshit, her crimes, her lies, they STILL see Hillary as being superior to Trump. When the denizens of Holla Forums come to this realization, they shall know true, soul-crushing, all-encompassing despair. Exquisite shall be their pain. I will look into their eyes and watch their spirit break, and won't reach my climax a moment sooner.
I need to fap.
See you in November.
return to 1/2 chan like the miserable faggot you are.
Get a brain! Moran!
Was meant for
telling me to get a brain.
make an argument worth considering.
Or he could win and will get to watch how fast it takes the personality cult to unravel, Obongo made it about 2 and a half years.
it's actually a pretty good site, which is why that kike was trying to poison the well:
lol you fucking idiot
you're literally too stupid to mock and insult.
hurr thinking for yourself is just jewish trickery :^)
Because the mods are paid Trump shills, responsible for the months-long cultivation of this new Holla Forums culture, aided by the influx of retarded refugees. This is a culture of blind, unequivocal, fanatical, cultish support of Donald J. Trump. Goodbye free thinking, goodbye sensible discussion, goodbye criticism, goodbye intellectualism: none can truly stump this Trump, and even Holla Forums falls to his imbecile charms. This is now an echo chamber of low-IQ parroting mongoloids, delusional idiots who pray to random digits in the form of their god Kek, while performing religious rituals of meme magick to boost the powers of their messiah, Trump. Truly, it's a den of lunacy where cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias reign in their most potent form. If you find no joy in analyzing a group's descent into madness, there's nothing here of value.
That would be juicy too but Hillary has already won.
Been a Holla Forumsack since /new/ was kill back in 2011. It's been disturbing how we fled here after the Cuckening and half/pol/ turned to heavily moderated shit to come here and watch the process happen over the past 2 years here; back when we migrated there was actually a plurality of opinions, but this board has just become a fucking Stormfront circlejerk since then.
Stickies of stupid shit which clearly have an agenda behind them are an everyday occurrence - remember when MH17 got shot down and the board owner decided to post a load of bullshit pro-Kremlin propaganda claiming the Ukrainians did it which was thoroughly debunked a few hundred posts later, or even now with every trite rumour or piece of shitnet conspiracy garbage getting headpage news. Pseudoscience is treat regularly as a reflection of reality. Bullshit conspiracy theories are circulated as axiomatic truths. The plain incoherent rage and hatred for niggers, kikes, fags, and whoever else is ridiculous and any attempt to question it is treat like you are with the Shillary camp. Threads criticising Trump as avaricious, ostentatious, whorish in his convictions, idiotic, or just plain incoherent are treat like you are trying to undermine the rekindling of civilisation or some shit.
Board has become a circlejerk. I've raised it a few times over the past year, but every time I post I usually have several permutations of the following post as a reply, and one time I got myself banned for a week just for saying it:
Ye, talking shit like the above was funny back when we were just shitposting and clearly were a jumble of people from all over the political spectrum - back when Holla Forums hadn't seceded and moderates weren't scared off by a monolithic board culture which shut down any dissent. Now Holla Forums have fucked off, moderates fuck off away at the levels of echo-chambering and circlejerking madness. So all we have are the Stormfronters who've been filtering into the place for years and have made the board culture utterly incapable of embracing any challenge to the existing narrative.
Congrats, lads, we're just as bad as those fucking Tumblr landwhales and scitzos who were so far up their own asses that they detached themselves from reality and actual debate entirely.
it doesn't matter really who wins in tge grand scheme. RWDS are rising across the West. the momentum is growing and no empty shilling (insulting intelligence with hilarious irony) will change that. in fact it just might accelerate things. so keep it up. keep being an ignorant slut.
your words indicate that you have done approximately zero thinking for yourself.
keep telling yourself you're smart.
im surprised the mods haven't shut us down yet
Yep. This pretty much says it all.
I don't actually mean you're Ted but you use his talking points then at the end throw in some anti kike rhetoric. It's extremely suspicious. It's obvious you're trying way to hard at this.
That's not suppressed. I see it all the time. What is it supposed to imply? Is that image the only vital information that's being suppressed? Please provide some more examples of things we need to know and why we need to know about them.
I dunno if people like libertarians have left, so much as realized that the race perspective is actually correct.
Good point.
While he has done wonders with the overton window, I get the feeling that he's being controlled more and more by the kikes around him. I could be just paranoid but that is the feeling I get. We might be able to work with it, but we do need a clear plan.
Lol no worries
does user prefer a Clinton? that is supposed to be reasonable? the laughs.
consider suicide lad
Pack it up boys, it's over. We had a good run.
Time will tell, in the meantime who cares? What supposed action does the leave us? Just telling me there's a problem without a solution literally changes nothing.
What does any of that have to do with "free speech on Holla Forums"? I'm not even talking about the election, I'm talking about moderating leftist content as a whole.
Sadly sums it up
not knowing an obscure reference to a random jpg….
bro you're failing HARD at life. keep trying maybe some day mom will let you move back upstairs.
Probably because some of the mods are trumpcucks as well.
Trump literally said he supports Israel 1000% and that there's no place for anti-semitism in US and yet there's this hugbox going on where you can't even point out this fact without riskins your thread being deleted.
This is very low for Holla Forums and makes the board's quality suffer.
Sometimes good threads get anchored while threads about Trump's tweet get untouched, making the catalog sometimes so boring that I'm wondering if I'm on r_thedonald 2.0.
Maybe this shit will stop when golden goy gets elected. On the plus side, I find myself spending more of my free time for other things, since there's not much to talk about here anymore.
If Hillary wins then the USA will just be on the road to splitiing into balkanized ethnostates, probably within our lifetime. Which is not too bad tbh.
only retards are emotionally invested in a civic nationalist. Holla Forums supports trump because he's moving the republican party further right, not because we actually think he's hitler 2.0 (although there seem to be actual idiots who do unironically believe that).
Looks like I touched a nerve.
friendly reminder concern shilling is real
gas this thread
Checked. Most of the people on pol are lurkers who sit back and laugh at the majority on here shitposting and mindlessly following any type of alternative agenda, as before stated, without any type of real investigation or critical thought involved of the subjects.
These anons get's it!
Investigate the guy. He is. Literally associated with conservative zionists aligned in indo/asia. Not so much with the NWO/Euro jews.
hardly. i'm trying to help you. but you really have to help yourself.
It genuinely makes me happy to see there are still intelligent people lurking/posting on this board.
Sounds like fun
evidence of critical thought?
where is it?
Geopolitics, user. Heck, when even your fellow historian-turned-lefty-communist agitator Webster G. Tarpley can figure this shit out, surely you could too.
Personally I see that as the only hope for whites to survive in North America
the majority of posters, who are on here shitposting*
My bad, attempting to watch $hillary lie on camera on
The only reason you don't like him is because Israel, which he has said about before: "They have to pay us", which I'm fine with. The problem as of now, is that we're giving Israel free shit without them giving us anything in return. Every other thing he has said lines up with Holla Forums, build a wall, deport them, get rid of NAFTA not sign TPP, bring back jobs, re industrialize the US, make the US military not pathetic, get china to stop flooding the US market with junk etc.
Tarpley. man, UFAA used to not be such a shit show. what happened?
because you're literally fucking paid to do it
you realize most people here are fascists, right?
yeah. but on the other hand the break up of the USA will be a significant loss of power for whites in general. just in terms of military/economic power.
Ideally, I'd like to keep it together, but white. that's not realistic though. at least, presently.
The analysis (published publicly) by the Dutch Air Accident Board and the evidence thus far is pretty conclusive against you. DPR shot down MH17 thinking it was a Ukrainian Army Transport Plane; the fragments embedded in the hull only could have come from a BUK, DPR forces were sighted multiple times with a BUK in the area, and some commanders released press statements in the minutes after (before quickly retracting them) claiming that they had shot down a Ukrainian Supply Plane in that area.
No observations by satellite have been made of Ukrainian fighters in that area, and no BUKs either (why would they, DPR have minimal air forces). Parsimony and the evidence push the conclusion that the plane was shot down by DPR.
In what way is that supposed to be bad?
Why? Do you realize we're the only one's who actually value the exchange of ideas? If there wasn't a deliberate concerted effort to destroy this community I imagine people would be much more tolerant. We've had to respond by becoming hyper-aggressive to any supposed attack because anything less might be considered an act of condoning or legitimizing, at least to the unknowing observer. Leftists have polarized the internet.
Hillary's talking points. i can see your nose from my house.
Right on. Makes me happy to see people actually understanding the geopolitical situation as a whole.
They are literally the super ZOG machine bub. Not the liberal crypo kikes in Burgerland/Europe. The supra kosher jews who are pretty open about using goys for their benefits. AKA Trump is best goodgoy
if trump gets elected, and stops the uncontrolled immigration from the 3rd world, then there's a chance to keep USA together.
he NEEDS to be elected. because his win will galvanise right wing parties in europe and elsewhere.
we NEED trump, even if he's milquetoast.
Really? I didn't know this board supports LGBTQWYZ, shitskins and kikes. And it's not just what he says, it's what he did and does, and he is constantly surrounded by kikes, his children are married or date kikes, lel, he even has good goy awards in his office.
But this isn't even the point of this thread or my post. The point is that there are threads getting deleted for criticing an obvious good goy whose fanboys are making plebbit-tier threads that usually don't even get anchored.
Campaign for Hillary Clinton elsewhere.
checkem Smedley Butler. "War is a Racket"
guess who profits?
Because allowing it only encourages shilling and sliding.
The same "drumph is a jew"/"don't vote goy"/"wait for hitler" weaksauce D&C has been spammed here since the primaries. Try something new or fuck off. This is boring.
I've been avoiding halfchan and fullchan Holla Forums lately for this very reason. If you step back from it, you can laugh at the board culture. I don't think people who spend all their time here and who are thoroughly soaked in Holla Forums's supposed redpills are capable of doing this.
Shit gets weird when it takes on too-serious "we gotta shitpost on Holla Forums to save Western Civilization" tone.
That's reality no one is going to come out against kikes and there will never be a race war. You take the small victory as you can get otherwise it's going to be more muds and we'll end up like South Africa.
No one is going to do shit as the white race dwindles and gets pissed on.
A lot of the older generation of marxist communists tend to cloak their true positions for a long time. I had tremendous respect for Tarpley and was a great source to follow the conflicts in Libya and Syria, with some excellent critique against Erdogan (Though naming him the real leader of ISIS rather than CIA/State Dept).
I noticed the biggest turnaround in his behavior, interestingly, when Trump came around. He pushed hard to support Bernie too while constantly attempting to discredit Trump but having no real proof to go along with it nor any interesting catchphrases or names that he usually was able to give people he had a great dislike for.
It's so strange though. He made sure to point out that the Russians and Germans were allied and friends with the USA before the turn of the 20th century came around, then the (((British Empire))) managed to remove both of them as the USA's ally before basically fusing the British Empire with what was left of the American Constitutional Republic.
In the end I can't figure it out. It really seems as though it was Trump, and the openly socialist-communist Sanders that made him de-cloak and show his true political leanings and endgoals.
No, they aren't. Conservative kikes in Israel are not on our side, but they like killing brown people. They're bad when they're allowed to handle our foreign policy - and Trump put together an all-gentile foreign policy team months ago.
Serious question lads, should we migrate? It worked out last time. If we cross posted for a while we could colonize one of the dead pols. I havenr had an intellegent or well thought out response to one of my posts in months.
Tell us what information is being ignored, in detail, and why we should care.
because you're not allowed to correct the record here
food for thought, thanks user. i appreciated his analyses up until … holy shit … the election. i guess the beauty of these times is that people's true colors can show. gives me hope that it can become a proper conflict that finally reaches a resolution. not this razor's edge nonsense that feeds into everyone's anxiety about the future.
Have you seen Chelsea Clinton shitpost with us? My feeling is that Eric Trump being here with us shifted a lot of millenishits into having some hope for their future.
If you don't like the moderating here, go to another board, this is 8ch :^)
No worries bruv lets go down to the chippie den the pub afterwards we'll hang around like the chav scum we are.
User error.
He can't, the 5 other people in his IRC channel wouldn't make the board active enough to use.
The bunker is still up im going to start making regular posts if you lads would like to join. Its not a long term solution but it will help escape poor moderation and shills so we can have a clear discussion on our next move
We should. But we can't. It took the Cuckening - a board wide event which made 4pol untenable and made everyone realise the problem - to get us to migrate to 8pol. There's no way we can garner attention for another Holla Forums migration, unless some people are willing to set up a new board and shitpost it frequently to make people aware of its existence.
how about no. let's fix what we got.
As a Dutchman myself, I can attest that not only is the Netherlands an extremely corrupt country, there have also been plenty of doubts and inquiries and new ongoing investigations into the biases and political influences on the investigation.
It's hard to even know if the BUKs can even reach such an altitude, though. It's also very strange why the plane was daily 'inching' closer to fly over the active warzone at that exact day and time.
The trouble is that this kind of event is both so politically loaded and possibly an assasination attempt on Putin, which would have pushed more warlike factions in Russia to go ahead with a full-scale war in Ukraine or even worse. As such, there's no way we're going to see a fair and honest, impartial and neutral report coming out publically in the very least.
With so many events buried or even known false flags, this muddies the water even further.
If a thread generates substantially two-sided discussion (by making a claim that less than 51% of Holla Forums agrees with), it gets deleted. Trump-critical is one subset of this.
But most of the anti-Trump threads are very obvious bait-threads anyway so that's a topic I don't care as much about the censoring of.
It's too bad no other pol will pick up traction until this is 4chan 2.0.
I prefer their to endchan
r/thedonald seems like a better place for you
If we just cross post for a bit it shouldnt be that bad it will be slow no doubt but board quality will be great
This is actually a good point. Shit was fun when there was a fuller spectrum of political outsider opinions represented on Holla Forums. There used to be the libertarians, communists, Nazis, fence-sitters, etc. all debating. The value of Holla Forums was that it WASN'T an echo-chamber. Preaching to the choir and recycling Pepes gets fucking old fast, people lose will inevitably lose interest.
A middle class family would have been a better place for you, instead of that low rent single mother shit you got exposed to.
Yeah I mean think about it, there's no historical precedent for such a thing.
There's no way "one man militia" tactics of hit and run on (((key))) individuals would ever happen. Nobody with a gun would consider it. I mean all TPTB have the same level of protection as the president so those tactics would be pointless anyway.
You belong on cuckchan if you think migrating is bad. The original anons who came to this fertile land understood that someday we would have to flee yet again
No denying where I am now. I'm in Holla Forums country.
Nice try Moishe, but we stay here.
One of goals of this blatant shillspam is to chase away anyone with a trace of brain, so they can completely hijack the site with their idiotic subversion.
They want you isolated on small boards no one visits, not communicating with other anons, and as far away from the normies as possible. If anything, we need to take other anons back here as well.
That's what I used to enjoy as well, and I'd agree there seems to have been a definite change in the attitude of the moderators, but also some demographics have left almost completely, and we've gotten a lot of newfags. Also the election will invariably generate a lot of threads related to it, like a greatly inflated version of the time around the British election.
As mentions, this gives more time for other things.
Kek, who is this 'we'? Trumpcucks?
I guess you just can't comprehend the simple point I'm making, which is that the overall quality of this board is really low lately due to dumb fanboys like you making plebbit tier threads and mods being obviously biased here.
There's at least one thread right now about kek supposedly showing up behind hillary. That's beyond retarded, adds no value to the board and offers no serious discussion whatsoever.
Then there are threads that are based on one single tweet and they don't even get anchored, but when Trump is criticised, it gets deleted. I think I can't explain it simpler than that.
"Not surprised" is what I'd say, but then I'd get permabanned as well.
you're pretty clearly an outsider trying to exploit a fracture point to get anons to split up into mutually hostile echo chambers.
no, we stay here and we sort out our differences through discussion.
like i said in the deleted thread, we can criticize trump AFTER he wins, IF he wins. it is understandable that Holla Forums should be seen to be unanimously behind it's candidate until he gets elected.
oy gevalt
You are talking to literally 2-3 autists sitting in a IRC channel and jumping proxies to pretend they are many people.,
Who ever saw that one coming
meh, this is like the religion threads. just endless shitposting and d+c.
i'm out.
I can understand the benefit of that, but the "should" is tenuous.
Anyway, I think Holla Forums would naturally be mostly for Trump even without mod interference. Most of the threads they bumplock are clearly bait, but ideally threads like that would just get saged to the tenth page and the shills would eventually be less active.
I didn't know they were handing out so many bans. Impressive!
The whole point of this board is that you're able to properly criticize everything if you have valid sources to back your claims. What you explained is basically "lets have a hugbox until ZOG trials are over".
Maybe the board should be renamed to /trumpol/ for the time being? Because the way you explained it sure as hell doesn't look like Holla Forums to me.
Well at least they left the thread up this time.
Add it to the list.
Ideologies win or die. I think that Libertarianism died in 2012 after Ron Paul failed to play the political game ruthlessly enough to be seen as the true next president. From there, it took a few years for most Libertarians to both realize this and to move to other ideologies.
Speaking for myself, I was a Ron Paul fan in 2008 and 2012 and would've absolutely considered myself Libertarian. Since that ideology fails to address the growing obviousness of white ethnic genocide and destruction of European values, it's no surprise that people like me would gravitate to Uncle Adolf for guidance.
Furthermore, in debates it can absolutely become clear that one ideology is superior and/or more befitting to combat the needs of our current time.
The trouble with discussing things openly with Communists, especially if the other side represents fascist or National Socialist ideals is that there is already such a bloody and genocidal history between these two, in particular from the Communist side. To normalfags, Communists promise a utopia that is quite literally an impossibility that has already led to incredible suffering and the destruction of nations, which Jewish bankers then happily bought up pennies-on-the-dollar.
It also doesn't help that Communism has a clear history of Jewish Bolsheviks that were fully in charge. If a board reaches unanymity about the JQ, let's call it, it shouldn't be surprising that those who remain Communists will either be in perpetual struggle against this unanimity (I suppose it fits Marxist ideals of struggle) which leads to strife and the building up of such amounts of energy and displeasure that, like in real life, Communists either end up in control of the board in question or they get removed.
Thus, Communists have been segregated to leftypol, while many ex-gommies are now Natsocs.
Fence sitters notice these developments and join the winning party.
TL;DR: Natsocs basically won the ideological and cultural discussion. Libertarianism is dead and its remains sinking fast into further degeneracy and Communists segregated to leftypol.
This is why Holla Forums may now be an "echo-chamber".
This is fucking insanity, and the sad thing is you probably realize it.
You don't understand for you the kek posts are annoying for everyone else your stupid bullshit about Trump being an undercover agent and screaming about kikes is even more annoying.
It's not that you're surrounded by morons it's that you, yourself are the moron. We know Trump panders to kikes dipshit but compared to the last 2 GOP Presidential candidate and the last GOP president it's like night and day,
Why don't you want to listen and believe?
This board is compromised for a while, but it's still the best thing we got at the moment, at least when it comes to public discourse.
Also this. I'm not a fan of Trump either (i could go as far as to seriously undermine his campaign), but there is no point dividing Holla Forums about it, especially since the shills were courteous enough to tone down the spam at least a little so we can have at least some threads that are not about US goylections.
If you don't like it, ignore it, and use the catalog for threads that interest you, or make ones. Threads like this one are completely pointless at this point.
Jesus, Jesus Christ almighty…
I hope the DoD abandons Holla Forums after the election.
There were some fine discussions in the religion threads a couple years ago. Easily enough to warrant keeping the thread alive for them, if you trusted users to ID filter the one or two spammers.
Another change in 8/pol/ over the past couple years is the appearance and significant post count of users who think differing opinions constitute "d&c". Among the mods as well.
What information is being suppressed that you want to get out there? Be specific. :^)
Good. :^)
This shit is really annoying I feel like it stared back during spring time. Now we are at the point where any disagreement is considered D&C
What would you like to disagree about? What don't you like about Trump? Or are you just astroturfing dissent to get people to abandon the board?
So, what do you consider yourself now, out of curiosity?
I think there's value in constantly rechecking your ideology, and that's why I liked Holla Forums in the first place. Not too interested in any echo-chamber tbh, and I think people who are (only) interested in WN or NatSoc ideology can easily find more informative forums.
It could be about anything but they mainly whine about religion. The perception is anyone with a different opinion then yours is a shill
Why did the thread get locked?
this is a trump hug box, stop making anti trump threads here until after the election
I see it all the time. What is it supposed to imply? Is that image the only vital information that's being suppressed? Please provide some more examples of things we need to know and why we need to know about them.
It didn't, it got bumplocked. You can't post in locked threads. But here's your answer:
Too many people emigrate from 4chan directly to, thinking it's the fabled fullchan. Not necessarily a sufficient reason not to use .pl, but certainly an annoyance..
Where did that use mention Trump? Some of us (I support Trump (over anyone else fielded this year)) dislike the "d&c"-complaint spam in general.
Two-party discussion about drugs, "degeneracy", the political tendencies of anime, marriage, and a variety of other topics, all get automatically stamped as "d&c" and bumplocked. Often there's a couple spam users but the rest is reasonable (by online standards) discussion. These are topics which had excellent discussion a couple years ago.
Also, nice strawman, where did I imply that Trump is an undercover agent? If there's a thread with OP that is well sourced it shouldn't get deleted no matter what it's about.
If there's a retarded thread of no value, it should get anchored.
Read my posts again, maybe you'll get it then.
Do you realize we're the only one's who actually value the exchange of ideas? If there wasn't a deliberate concerted effort to destroy this community I imagine people would be much more tolerant. We've had to respond by becoming hyper-aggressive to any supposed attack because anything less might be considered an act of condoning or legitimizing, at least to the unknowing observer. Leftists have polarized us, but that's because this isn't the usual shilling. It's BECAUSE this election is so important that they're not pulling any punches, so why should we? They'll leave when it's over but until then why should we give them the ground they wouldn't give us? Fuck that.
So you're saying that the only potentially non-ZOG candidate may actually be ZOG, therefore… what? If what you're implying is true then the election doesn't matter anyway so why are you complaining instead of filtering election threads?
Mods sure shoahed that link pretty quick.
Banning links to competitors is not uncommon practice on forums. If there's no rule like that on Holla Forums, then kek.
I'm leaning towards the WN side because my country is getting all the more flooded with open borders while my taxes keep rising to take care of them all. The sheer idea of walls and actual borders is not only refreshing, it seems to be crucial for long-term survival.
If WNs and Natsocs decide to find 'more informative forums' you'll probably see two things occurring:
1) 8/pol/'s dominant culture and ideology gets replaced, rather than a bazaar of curiousities and open discussions. In a way one could look at it like city-states versus nations, or just the classical "This town ain't big enough for the two of us!" effect. If two ideologies are dominant enough, they will split the board and eventually retreat into their own safe spaces, defusing any cultural and, well, 'memetic' power that Holla Forums currently has due to years of building momentum.
A video game, Metal Gear Solid 2, describes this phenomenon as 'creating context rather than content' as the alternative would be the retreat into their own little 'safe spaces', divided further and further in even more tiny chunks.
You realize you contradict yourself at least twice in this single paragraph right?
You're not nearly as smart as you think you are.
There was a thread on it last night. Some "no don't touch it le Trump" false flagging but it failed to derail.
talked about constantly
If you're going to bitch about anime, an imageboard is not the place to do it. Try the Forward comments.
frequent threads
false; shitty threads get bumplocked, but you know that.
What information is being suppressed that you want to get out there? Be specific. :^)
What an odd non-sequitur. Am I wrong? Do you disagree that that user contradicts himself?
Free exchange of political ideas does not imply free exchange of insincere shitposts.
Stop using the word 'we', it's fucking pathetic and you're either retarded or just came here recently.
I don't care if there are pro Trump threads, I care when there is an obvious push by mods to transform this board into r_thedonald 2.0.
I come to Holla Forums for discussing shit and critical thinking, not some retarded Trump fanboyism.
Sure, but regarding anyone with whom you disagree as being "insincere" isn't a good starting place.
Stay high energy, user. It's appreciated.
To counter the very blatant propaganda everywhere trying so hard to blame Russia for it.
You sound like you need to listen to the No Agenda podcast more often.
Not the point I'm making :^)
In any thread there are usually at most 2 people exchanging shitposts. Surely that's not a reason to ban topics? Can't you trust users to use the filter if they don't want a longer scroll-distance due to shitposts?
Yes, yes, I realize that if you trigger the weebs you get about 8 users all shitposting simultaneously, but that's an exceptional case. Usually it's just a couple.
Read his post more carefully, user. It's a shill.
Except I never said that, I said we value ideas when most don't. I'm using gross generalizations to make a point, one being that for the most part Holla Forums is concerned with learning greater truths. It seems as though anything less than what is considered "baseline" truth is deemed superfluous to in-depth discussion. You don't come to Holla Forums preaching the merits of communism.
Nice argument.
anyone who presents a counterpoint is a shill
You're a real brain trust.
was meant for
This will help you understand yourself better.
Good luck with that.
Better than your dumb blabbering, what has anything that I was posting got to do with this elections being super duper special and there's a need for biased
What, you don't like communities? Weird.
That statement is irrelevant.
There's nothing more amusing than someone who has recently learned about Dunning Kruger effect and thinks they're more intelligent than others for that.
What's your point, then? That you want to break the consensus? Tough.
There's such thing as a bad OP, believe it or not.
Any organization that is not explicitly right-wing will inevitably become left-wing.
high energy dude :) see you on the_donald
Too bad the mods categorize serious Trump criticism as "free exchange of insincere shitposts", but actual shitposting in said threads as "free exchange of political ideas". From a high enough position of power, any rule can be bent to fit an agenda.
The irony burns.
Come now, no need to project further.
Provide some.
What an incredibly pretentious way of saying "you overestimate your intelligence", making the post still meaningless overall.
Meets both criteria for reddit gold!
It seems to me that your against the idea of having any sense of common purpose on Holla Forums. That there should be no consistency of thought, no objective truth. If that were were actually the case then the existence of Holla Forums wouldn't make any sense.
And hate speech isn't free speech I know I know.
>>>Holla Forums
All political beliefs are opinions