This was the greatest and most perfect government that has ever existed.
Prove me wrong
pro tip. You cant
This was the greatest and most perfect government that has ever existed.
Prove me wrong
pro tip. You cant
define perfect tbh
God chose the Jews anyway
can't prove you right, either, user. anybody still alive who was a part of it can get v& for speaking its praises. although, i will say, i have always loved that picture. the magnitude, the majesty, the scope of effect it had on people's lives to gather such an immense crowd is awe-inspiring
It was more like a grassroots movement that gained some momentum and then ultimately fizzled out because it bit off more than it could chew. Don't know why you idolize Hitler so much, he was a faggot who bit a bullet the moment he realized that there was no way out and he'd actually have to answer for his actions. You really want a leader who will abandon you the very second that he realizes there's no more profit to be made? Sounds pretty Jewish tbh
Nice Shill/10
Jews worship Satan, not God. Nice try troll.
kike shill, you're banned from Holla Forums already. that's why you post here
Not good if you're not white
So Hitler was right
Good thing the Holocaust happened!
tip jej, faggot
Everybody knows this you fucking dumb nigger faggot shitty-ass retard
Not good if you're not human being.
Hitler is dead but not his ideas.
Sieg Heil! and gas the kikes.
Good logic faggot.
Not good if you are a incarnation of satan in the mortal realm.
History is written by victors my friend, if the Nazis won then the US democracy would be the most perfect government for you now.
They only lasted 12 years, they got the shit kicked out of them, and their leader an heroed. Other than that, yeah, perfect.
bump for justice
OP is right
If you think they weren't just as fucked as any other government you are delusional and I say this as a national socialist.