It's official gentlemen.
Feminists have discovered anime, and now anime and everything moe is sexist.
It's official gentlemen.
Feminists have discovered anime, and now anime and everything moe is sexist.
Other urls found in this thread:
They discovered it long time ago, but samurai protect their anime qts with their million times folded katanas.
I told you, and I got double dubs for it too. Jews have infiltrated the samurai.
You weeaboos should learn to go on a fucking rampage to take out jews. When you die you'll be with your waifu forever. Like Islam, but no sand niggers and camels.
They just can't let Eiken go for some reason. How can one decade old show that no one watched still cause so much butthurt?
Someone started the hashtag #OperationMoe on twitter
I almost want this to succeed to see if we can get a reaction out of feminists.
Good luck making japan change their waifus for you you awful dykes. You're the reason why they're ever so popular nowadays, lol.
Shit, this could be a potential #GamerGate 2.0 on our hands.
I can't stand weebshit, but I hate critical theory even more.
Fuck yorself
You hate anime because of (((someone else's))) opinion?
Kill yourself.
Hopefully it will end up something like this.
I hope not, if it's GG 2.0 then we've already lost a fight that Reddit will be trying to fight 3 years from now
Maybe now the endless swarms of autistic weebs on /a/ will finally mobilize and get off their fat fucking asses.
This can't be real.
The memes have gone too far
Guys maybe we should get in on this. It'd be worth some keks.
Lurk moar before you post.
fucking kikes you can't take away the last place on earth i can enjoy cute girls being cute
This is going to be a different beast than gaming and comics. Anime is Japanese and they are happy with the way things are right now with their cartoons. They also rarely care for what the West says and thinks of their games. With comics and gaming you have a much easier connection to the cancer and can fight them on their turf. This is more like SJW ransacking a Japanese ship at sea.
Worst case is the West loses some titles and releases, as they can't be fucked to deal with the shit storm from SJWs and the people who fight back.
I didn't think these fuckers could surprise me anymore, but they did it.
LOL. Her feefees are hurt because 2d moeblobs are reaching a level of femininity that feminist failures as women like her never can aspire to.
You know what you must do, Twitter anons.
Give me those Hitler dubs you waste of bandwith.
fuck back to reddit.
Oh, you probably can't understand it if it isn't :^)
They don't even try.
Another newfag who doesn't know what smug is.
That article gawker wrote about Cross Ange was pretty funny, I'm to lazy to find it
Nothing triggers a putrid, withered, failed female than moe. It also triggers Jews for some reason.
Not lifting a finger to help weebs.
This is bad because they will just be even more annoying now. Rick wilson should have shut his mouth too because there are valid arguments against the degeneracy of moeshit, but none of that will matter, because anybody who has a valid argument against dumb moeshit will just be called rick wilson or a leftist.
Hope you kill each other.
Its a stupid halfchan meme that's a few months old now. They have to go back.
It doesn't though.
That's in your head.
It's just annoying as fuck and some day we're gonna fucking stomp your little faggot face in. Fuck you.
Wow, you're stupid. Go back to reddit, faggot. You won't infiltrate my anime.
At least it should bring more OC of anime girls in German uniforms
Because it's beautiful and they aren't.
And? Anime is degenerate
I can practically hear the crystallization of salt in vaginas throughout Western civilization.
Ah, someone saved that.
Fuck off.
Kill yourself
I honestly hope they win this fight against the weebs before they ultimately lose to nationalism overall. I am so sick of this shit.
It doesn't at all. Kek and dubs do
We heard you the first time Chad.
Yeah user correct that record
Why don't you embrace it user?
I don't know if this opinion is heresy or not but imo cute anime girls are for loving fatherly headpats not sex.
Being one off from quads is Kek's divine punishment for your faggotry.
These whining little austistic mouth breathing virgin pieces of deep down leftist feminist pro-dyke BULLSHIT.
Great film
More people looking into WW2 means more people finding out about the jews and their lies
Pretty much.
It triggers their inferiority complex. They're ugly and disgusting, so to make themselves feel better they try to make everything around them ugly and disgusting too.
No it's not heresy. That user is a stupid faggot.
No nigger the, "wtf I hate x" meme is.
it was a forced meme that ruined 4chan for everybody but autistic weebfaggots. It wasnt here until last year, now it's FUCKING EVERYWHERE
and nobody seems to give a shit
Sorry, left my sage on from another thread. Have a bump.
why do anime loving faggots get so uppity when anyone talks shit about it?
Why are you lying?
They ARE the SJWs.
Holy shit this fucking hashtag. MarySue is gonna wake up tomorrow bombarded with anime.
D&Cing Kike detected.
Why do anime hating faggots get so triggered when anyone posts a smug anime girl?
I can only hope
a. The SJWs win this and lose overall
b. The anime faggots end up turning the actual majority of Holla Forums against them and kvetch endlessly
These fucking satnic degenerate weebs cannot win. They cannot be allowed to fucking win.
You're as bad as the "horseshoe" faggots
The majority of Holla Forums is against you on this one so eat shit.
because no one likes anime
Fair enough. Coonspeak is worse, though.
Reaction images and their smug anime offshoot have been around for a decade now, you gaslighting newfag.
We heard you the first time Chad.
Anime is like a wooden stake for the kike vampire.
The others are just tsundere for it.
kys D&C shill
Dubs confirm.
please just get so uppity and annoying that you turn everyone against you in your celebrating.
That would be the best thing for all of us.
I don't want to side with SJWs on anything but I see the problem that nobody else seems to in these weebs. I'm fucking tired of it. I'll do something about it.
This is the true. Cute anime waifus are suppose to be pure love, not sex playthings like the degenerate jew wants them to be so they can profit off of it.
We heard you the first time Chad.
You'll whine about it on Holla Forums?
Like hang yourself?
Go to /a/ with your annoying shit
This isn't even about anime as an abstract or in general. You're acting like anime = moefaggotry.
moefaggotry = moefaggotry
it's just a part of the medium.
Why do you only ever post and talk about girls you fucking faggots? You want to be them. you want to live in a world where only they exist. you're fucking degenerates.
Nigger I don't watch weebshit either, but if they're going after cuteness in weebshit they're going to go after cuteness in everything.
They're going to kill cute, and you're sitting there acting like an autist.
your interests are pleb tier
Keep d&c'ing it up, you are imploding a community through targeting and singling out posts. Fight and fight and fight until you grow tired.
Just go to sleep little faggot.
Then you're just a neutered nu-male autist of another breed, probably not even on the right politcally. I think the right wing weeb archetype is a fucking lie, personally. I know you're not on the up and up. I know most of you are actually anti-white.
I fail to understand your reasoning
Back to reddit friendo.
Watching little girls be "cute" is fucking weird you pedo
Holla Forums is like a völkisch Travis Touchdown, my main man
Because you're all annoying as fuck. That's all there is to it
You're all no different from mlp or furries
it's not because feminists hate it you retarded
it's because anime is autistic
Correct. Jews, leftists, and normalfags have no problem trying to degenerate things that are pure and superior to them.
moefaggot weebs are low-t. They are the definition of it.
Why don't you rule_cucks go back to 4chan?
Honestly anime is the only thing keeping me from thinking that all women are just cum dumpsters or crazies. My state is the worst for finding a good one.
Here is one just for you.
Dunno why feminists think the anime industry cares about their feelings.
The majority of shows that break even literally relyon a few thousand hardcore Japanese fans buying 12 episode series at 2 episodes per disc at around $80 a disc and some people buying plastic toys for shows to break even.
Far too much of a niche market to give a single fuck what people who aren't even part of that hardcore fanbase care about. Maybe when westerners start spending $80 for two episodes.
Play the game. Who in this thread is which?
and there it is, what I suspected
animefaggots are Holla Forums among other groups that are obviously not on the up and up with Holla Forums
About the only thing I'm actually worried about is if all the subtitle teams become completely pozzed.
Kike, get the fuck out of here!
How the fuck do some faggots get so mad over smug-looking anime girls
Man, I don't need some r/TheDonald reject to call me a newfag
Oh my gosh, anime pictures are annoying to you? Did you know there's a filter ID or ID+? I'm sorry your feelings are hurt can I give you a head pat?
>>>Holla Forums
Because they know this is going to embolden the worst of autism and they just want to inadvertently fuck me. Kikes, feminists and weebs need to be ovened.
I wish I had a paper copy of that. That sort of butthurt needs to be archived for future generations.
All of the above?
Its fine as long as the nips don't give a fuck, which is what they have been doing.
implying it's the images themselves and not the fact that anybody who watches anime is a confirmed cuck
looooooooool, either bait or mad
Really, can you explain this to me?
Geezy peats user no need to get upset about it
Nah it's the images. I can tell by looking at your posts
You okay buddy? I wouldn't want you to get mad over drawings.
You okay lad? You appear to have lost control of the caps lock.
Man, I REALLY feel like dumping some Yotsuba doujinshi on cuck/pol/ right now
You fucking weeb fags make me laugh I love it
Except that's wrong, numbnuts. Japan has always treat children's content this way. It isn't something that only happened once a load of 30 year old western weeaboos started buying figurines in the the 2000s. Going back to the 70s at least manga and anime marketed to children in japan have always had elements that clash with Western culture (at least of our era). Of course the concept of entirely different cultures with different standards would allude a left wing universalist to begin with.
I guess i should masturbate to muscular, oily men in the gym like you to not be a degenerate?
Can you tell me what exactly is wrong with cute girls doing cute things? It triggers SJW's because it reminds them just what failures and human trash they are, on subconscious level.
It also triggers Schlomo because it's pretty much the anti-thesis to his corrupt and vile nature.
Sure smells of shekel in this thread.
Fucking kill them all.
Anyway, if they want to wage war they can go right ahead.
I doubt they can do much to an army of elitist autists with no connections to the three dimensional world and who have no need to rely on any western companies to do subtitling.
Really, that's why we have the high ground here against SJWs. There are no companies to weasel into, there are no PR scandals to be had because there is zero money being made.
Fansubbing's all voluntary work, and if you interfere, you get the fuck out.
I guess
What the fuck is going on with 39d4b7?
Are you okay?
The Jews fear the samurai.
Not the Jews best friend
that's God's promise
If you die righteously you'll be given a spot in the Heavens with your hawri-waifus as your heart doki doki forever.
Cute feminine girls cannot exist in a society of rootless atomized chocolate-colored people.
Anime is implicitly pro-white and anti-semitic.
Wow, you seem upset!
Cute cannot be stopped
Why is it that an offshoot (of an offshoot) of a jap anime imageboard created such a potent enemy that fights against jews
They gotta get the fuck off of Holla Forums.
Is there a way you can filter anime images so I can go on pol without associating with these pedo man children
Another thing they have wrong, that definitely isn't the stereotype in Japan.
They fucking did it. The madmen.
He knew.
4chan was made for anime
Holla Forums was made for pol
sure thing famo
You can just browse reddit for an anime-free experiance!
Yes. Whatever represents good, whatever represents the right way of life, they must destroy it so it will never be a beacon of hope and inspiration that gives rise to the people who want to live their lives the right away with honor, integrity, and dignity.
They want us to be their slaves and take our money, and the best way to do that is to destroy anything that's good and replace it with degenerate filth and market it as good.
It's even in the bible on how the anti-christ will represent itself as something good.
Yeah the 3DPD just whore themselves out for new phones over there
Why you gotta be so tsundere for the animu, user-kun? What would your waifu said if she saw you being so mean on the Internet?
no faggot, I insulted the thing you like
ITT People learn that bitching about a corner stone of site culture and making it blatantly obvious they are triggered by it godes people into poking them further.
These fucking shills are in full force.
I highly doubt their waifus are proud of them for this.
kek, you don't even know when Holla Forums was made newfag.
Why not try going to any other type of place where people discuss hobbies and see if they let someone that supports Hitler stay for long
I want these double standards of degeneracy believing faggots to leave my board.
weebs are a fucking problem.
I fucking wish I had time and resources to legal troll.
For you see that character is intellectual property, and while the company said property belongs is probably fine with fan arts, it's a whole other dance when someone takes the representation of that intellectual property, PRINT IT, falsely attributes copyrights to third party (which in the US legal system can gives precedence) and use it to associate said property to hate group defaming the property which is a product of the company (and is not the subject of the drawing, for Candidate Trump paraphernalia is certainly not the emblem of a hate group).
To each Einherjar, his Valkyrie.
I was going to point out that most normies in Japan male and female think girls are most attractive if they act in cute, innocent, reserved, shy etc. This "undercurrent of misogyny" runs through the Japanese culture, not merely anime. The quotes position above that phrase just sound like tons of interviews I have watched where normal non-otaku Japanese people are asked what is attractive in a girl.
also, kikes are pedophiles, why wouldn't they love anime?
I really wonder just HOW I ended up where I am now
the anime girls you fucking autists like/post arent even cute/innocent/reserved/shy so this excuse dies right here.
it's like you want to live in a world full of dominant little lesbian girls and it's sick. FUCKING WEIMAR TIER
Normalfags, basically. They are trying to colonize Holla Forums.
Like this person:
These people have no place in Holla Forums and should be driven back to halfchan or MPC or whatever cuck normalfag site they came from.
Fuck off and get back into the oven.
Because of this.
Really though, what kind of weak-willed faggot do you have to be that you can't just ignore pictures you dislike?
No wonder normalfags flock to echo chambers
You fags do realise anime would be the first material thrown into Hitlers book burning fires.
Get a fucking life
I watched that anime just because of that image.
It was fun, but they don't go to the city of the Jews until the second season.
Nope. Hitler loved cartoons, try again.
They had anime in the 1930s…
Your brain on feminism.
Nice Holowood lie, Moishe
user, are you doing what they call… Projecting?
Dude, they're leftists.
They'll just ignore the fact that their fetishism wouldn't even exist if Hitler won the war. Anime might exist but it would be more nationalistic/manly.
of course let's just ignore the tumblr tier betafag that passes for the average anime male these days and the increasing feminism ALREADY WITHIN the medium. LE CUTE GRILL MEME XD TOTALLY NOT DEGENERATE OR SLIPPING.
Go to hell you piece of fucking garbage.
Since when are Jews involved with 2D?
Here we see the typical normalfag, butthurt that people aren't engaging in braindead normalfag activities like staring at the talmudvision, praying to a kike, or watching niggers run around with a leather egg.
Sure thing, Kike.
I'm not even sure what you are talking about now. There are very rarely any moeshit anime with overt relationships of any kind heterosexual or homosexual, shows that like generally tank in sales, waifus need to remain pure.
Have a Hitler lewd drawing.
Tentacle shit is garbage. Period. Any rape of 2d girls is absolutely degenerate, even that shit.
Just ID filter every user who posts an anime image
Daily reminder: if you don't like cute girls, you hate life itself, and your brain is fucked. Or you're a fag.
Either way…
I believe your analysis is correct, projections unto a anonymous image board where an infinite amount of threads and subject matter are possible and all they see are 'dominant little lesbian girls', very specific and perhaps too personal.
I like cute girls just not cartoons. It's degenerate. You're enabling mental illness.
Anime turns males into weak pathetic faggots.
It is literally the Jews best friend.
If you're that triggered reddit might be better suited for you
Keep trying, Reddit-kun
Enjoy your three person circlejerk.
based on observation.
you faggots seem to actually want to be dominated by little girls who are also dykes, because it's too pure to put your dick in or whatever the fuck you retards spread from cuckchan /a/.
The fucking Tiger tank manual had tits and asses in it, this retarded prudishness is entirely an Anglo thing
But you will be missing my incredibly insightful posts!
True, but what about vanilla?
And what would they of been otherwise?
More then the liberals who promote same sex marriage, shitty modern music, and rapefugees pouring in?
I'm calling a spade a spade.
Not all anime is degenerate.
But the shit you people like/[post is.
Deal with it.
You people are trash.
There are valid arguments against what you like.
Just because jews and feminists also hate it for other reasons, doesn't invalidate ours.
You have a literal mental illness if you can't get aroused by cartoons.
Or you're just trying to act cool.
Any higher res scans?
No. It's just a symptom of a bigger problem of our society. Men wouldn't resort to escapism if society wasn't so garbage.
You act like it's not a problem males are being turned into weak pathetic faggots. ADMIT YOU DON'T BELONG HERE. YOU'RE NIHILISTS. YOU DON'T ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT ANYTHING.
And that's less dumb or childish then being offended if a guy stares at you for more then 5 seconds? Or if he says "hi how are you?" Or simply taking a offense when someone calls you *women. Something that describes who you are.
I swear to god I think a large chunk of the reason why I'm attracted to 13 year old girls in anime is because they aren't that much more mature then adult women. At least when a 13 year says stupid shit like that it looks cute.
Even if they don't like it, aren't they smart enough to know that it's an important weapon of meme warfare?
Sorry, no
user no one here has mentioned anything about domination or lesbians. I think you are projecting, and are acting like a meanie because you're desperately trying to repress your sexuality. Being a pervert is not necessarily bad, user! Just make sure to keep your fetishes private
I'd rape Ichigo
Well that's where Puritanism came from which is egalitarian in nature, hence they can't stand people not being just like them. Cultural Marxists are basically Puritans 2.0.
Vanilla is good especially when actually romantic (then it's really good).
That reminds me.
Every revolution has its mistakes, ours too. That is not in itself bad, since they mostly disappear on their own or with time. The important thing is that those in charge keep their eyes open, and do not remain silent when they ought to speak out of fear of the public. Obviously, an historic revolution of vast extent brings a mass of nonsense to light along with its enormous benefits.
It becomes dangerous only when the nonsense is left to grow, thus hemming in and strangling the healthy, organic development of the revolution.
It is time today to expose some of this nonsense that has accompanied the National Socialist revolution to the full light of day, to examine it without pity.
That is even more necessary, since otherwise some of this nonsense over time may gradually corrupt the style and nature of our revolution, leaving to posterity an image of our nature and goals that in no way corresponds to National Socialist convictions and views.
Certainly there is need for public regulation of the great moral foundations of our national life. However, some nonsense is also spreading that attempts to reach beyond that to establish a code for the purely personal conduct of individuals.
That leads eventually to a moralism that is everything other than National Socialist.
Peculiar people whose life is either behind them, or have no right to have one ahead of them, preach moralism in the name of our revolution. This moralism often has nothing in common with true morality. They proclaim ethical laws that might be appropriate for a nunnery, but are entirely out of place in a modern cultural state.
An example. In a major central German city an advertising poster for a soap company showed a fresh, attractive girl holding the soap package in her hands. A moral knight who unfortunately had the right to determine the fate of this poster forbade its distribution on the ground that it offended the moral sensibilities of the population, since the woman in the poster was holding the soap in a place “that for moral reasons cannot be described more precisely.”
What is moral about this? The person announcing the ban, who presumes that other people share his dirty fantasies, or the German people and the National Socialist movement, that are rightly upset and in opposition to such a ridiculous action?
Investigating the matter, we find that this wonderful citizen discovered his attraction for National Socialism three months after we took power, which however did not stop him from issuing the ban in the name of National Socialism.
Things have gone so far that this company of moralists does not stop at the borders of private life. They would love to establish purity committees in cities and the countryside that would keep on eye on Müller’s and Schulze’s love and marriage life. It is true that they do not want to go so far as to ban kissing altogehter, as in the familiar operetta, since it is too popular a pastime. If it were up to them, however, they would turn National Socialist Germany into a wasteland of muttering and complaining, a place where denunciation, spying, and extortion were the order of the day.
These same moralists often turn to government offices with the request to ban films, plays, operas, and operettas, since the dancers, stars, etc., apparently represent a grave danger to public decency. If we gave in to their demands, we should soon see only old ladies and men on the screen or the stage. The theaters would be empty, since the public generally does not attend them to see the same people they see in church or old people’s homes.
Save us from these hypocritical creatures who have no genuine strong conception of life, and who in reality preach no honest morality. They generally are life’s losers, protesting life itself. Eternal life and its laws will hardly make way for them; at most, they will hide behind a screen of contemptible hypocrisy and dishonest prudery.
It's funny that K-On! was hugely popular with Japanese schoolgirls yet is known as the epitome of moe. I guess Japanese girls managed to relate to it just fine.
I have three grown children, you should go have some kids though. Maybe then you wouldn't be so easily upset.
But control your urges.
If males are weak its not because of anime faggot instead of blaming a small percentage look all around you and your country and look at what really killing the male spirit. It sure as fuck isn't some 2d images.
You act like (((western media))) is somehow superior
Yeah no.
Goebbels would roll in his fucking grave, weeb.
There are limits.
Weeb autism is not acceptable. It is indefensible.
You okay there?
Hell yeah my nigga. I was in skellington mode when I started so I've gone from 145 pounds to 182. Got a little bit of pudge but fuck it, I wanna get strong.
Great. These cunts are going to be coming for my Hokuto No Ken, JoJo's, Macross, Patlabor, etc next aren't they?
They think that the German woman should not go out alone, she should not sit alone in a restaurant, she should not go out with a boy or even an S.A. man without a chaperone for a Sunday afternoon excursion, she should not smoke, she should not drink, she should not wash up and make herself pretty, in short she should do everything to keep the evil interest of a man away from her. That is, at least, is how these midget moralists think a German woman should behave. And woe to the poor womanly creature who has the misfortune to transgress against one of these laws. Of course, no German woman will have bobbed hair, since only Jewesses and other contemptible creatures do that.
Have these moral trumpeters any idea how they slander and demoralize millions of German women with their preaching, women who bravely and honestly do their duty in life and on the job, who are good comrades to their men and sacrificing mothers for their children?
don’t they realize that they embarrass National Socialism throughout the world, that they are thirty years too late, or that one must take them to task because they are beginning to be annoying? There are good and bad women, decent and less decent women, some with bobbed hair, some without. Whether or not they powder their noses is not a sign of their inner worth, and if they occasionally smoke a cigarette at home or in society, they do not need to feel rejected or cast out.
In any event, these moralists should not sit in judgment over women, whether they are enemies or even if like all real men they wish women happiness, relaxation, and domestic peace, though their stuffy superiority would keep women from it.
They think it is not National Socialist to enjoy life; but rather one should only look at the dark side of human existence. Pessimism and suspicion are the best teachers in our earthly vale of sorrows. A true National Socialist has no cause to protect these miserable creatures. Primitiveness and absolute rejection of pleasure are the only character values to these people. If one has a clean and a dirty collar, one puts the dirty one on to give evidence of his hatred of bourgeois values. A man with a good and a bad suit wears the bad one, particularly for festive occasions, for it shows the astonished world how revolutionary his outlook is. He dislikes joy and laughter; people should have nothing to laugh about.
Are we living in a pietistic state, or in the age of life-affirming National Socialism?
No one can suspect us of wanting to live lives of ostentation or luxury. The Führer and many of his close comrades neither smoke nor drink nor enjoy sumptuous living. Those, however, who want to rob a nation of sixty million of every pleasure and all traces of optimism are contemptible, entirely aside from the fact that their foolish desires would drive countless people into poverty and misery.
Every banned activity makes more people unemployed; if no one can drive a car, the automobile factories will shut down, if no one wears a new suit, the looms and tailors will have nothing more to do; if people no longer attend movies or the theater, hundreds of thousands of stage and film employees will depend on public assistance.
To take joy and pleasure from a people means to make it unfit for its struggle for its daily bread.
He who does that sins against our reconstruction efforts and embarrasses the National Socialist state before the whole world.
The result would be a dreary impoverishment of our public life. That we will not accept.
We do not want to abolish pleasure, but rather to let as many as possible share in it. That is why we encourage people to attend the theater, that is why we give workers the opportunity to dress well for festive occasions. That is the reason behind Kraft durch Freude. That is why we shake off the agents of a prudish hypocrisy, why we do not allow decent, hard-working people who have every reason to need relief from their hard daily labors, who need to reaffirm life, to recover from the weariness, cares, and burdens of every day, to have their necessary pleasures ruined by the eternal chicanery of these pedants.
We need more affirmation of life and less complaining! More morality, but less moralism!
t. Goebbels
You're such a fucking piece of shit. I know exactly what you're doing. you fucking weebs argue just like kikes. Why don't you ever bring up the jojo and fist of the north star until people are actively attacking anime and you need a "NOT ALL ANIME IS PEDOPHILIC BULLSHIT" shield? Why is it ALWAYS LITTLE FUCKING GIRLS?!
Being a redditor is indefensible.
The only thing I don't like about anime is why there is so many lesbians? like, what about non-degenerate anime? is that a thing right?
Good. Anime is the last pillar of the bread and circuses keeping an army of weebs from hanging their politicians.
Faggotry is a mental illness because it leads to AIDs and destroys procreation.
Liking cartoons does what exactly…
Even the most cancerous of basic bitch shonen teaches hot blooded male values of pride, loyalty, and self-sacrifice. The entire ethos of modern Western kike action movies and action cartoons is totally different and presents a completely despritualized heroism devoid of vitality and identity.
I dont think Goebbels would destroy anime he would reshape it into something more nationalist/militaristic but anime would be a great propaganda tool for young people. If anything he might sympathize with weebs.
Goebbels would throw you in a camp next to your fellow homosexuals.
Because they're good shows bruh.
Rick Wilson detected. It's ok Rick if your son had watched anime instead of you taking him into your bedroom and molesting him he might not have ended up liking water sports.
I mean, there is normal stuff? recommend me a vanilla story with a boy in a girl that love themselves and live wacky adventures? is that possible in anime?
It's one of those Poe's Law "journalism" websites.
How about calming down while drinking some tea? We could talk more about dominating, lesbian little girls if you feel like it but you should calm down first
That already happened though.
Kick harder half-kike. I'm sure that father that was never there for you is listening.
They view sexuality differently than us. A girl crushing on a girl is considered normal for preteens but a sign of immaturity in those who are older.
Source on right pic?
What the fuck are you doing user?
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso
watch those first
Love it when these journos sacrifice their credibility to expose these dangerous frog drawing and anime waifus wearing maga hats
Yes I suggest Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons.
Why do you have to write in caps? If you really hate this thread why participate so much time, its not like what you say will change the mind of people who watch anime.
Thanks for posting Miss Monochrome, the lyric subtitle was profound, on top of using part of Trump's RNC speech too. Amazing inspiration, good job to whoever made this.
Just don't watch Commie subs.
they still adhere to Victorian-like schoolgirl lesbians
lesbianity is just a phase in a girl's life, she'll learn to love her husband and their children in life.
Weebs when you break it down:
How does nobody else see that they are fucking leftist feminist freaks?! How can this be accepted on Holla Forums as a fraction of the "culture"?
This is a troll. It has to be.
Good choice the feminists didn't seem to like it for some reason.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
Whatever women infect they will ultimately turn on. Your natural instincts to freak when women show up to your anime club or gaming club or tech club are right. They've always been right.
Your level of mad is pretty high.
Relax, fags.
All the fugly feminazis need are a few animes where the male characters have huge cocks for them to ogle.
They'll never take my shitty jojo memes from me!
Your only interaction with anime has been people trolling you and others with smug anime girl faces and reading others complaining about anime of various imageboards hasn't it?
Hello, reddit
That won't work forever, motherfucker. Not everyone approves of 2d DYKES
That's it! If you're not going to calm down then I'm going to start bullying you, mister!
Back to Reddit, normalfaggot.
Your posting style shows you aren't from here. Just take a break my man. You're going on 32 posts now.
This is laughably retarded, but one paragraph stuck out.
In other words, anime is being targeted for representing women as human beings capable of goodness and not gibbering apes.
You can leave this thread you know. At this point we are going to laugh at how many times you post until you leave or break the record.
Anime has everything you mentioned and everything from exact opposite side of the spectrum.
It's a glorious chaos, tamed by neither kikes nor prudes.
you alright mate
Both sides are wrong and need to be rekt thoroughly.
People can find value in something without simultaneously affirming every aspect of every single thing in the same medium.
Oh wait why am I trying to argue in good faith here because you clearly aren't. Regardless of what any person says here you are going to keep whining about those evil lesbian dominatrices that only you have brought up here.
traditional gender roles are sexist goy
And that is degenerate. I avoid yuri in anime like I avoid lesbos in anything else. None of that cultural relativism for me.
What anime is this?
What a huge faggot
Discussing Anime on Holla Forums has to be one of the most surreal experiences to be witnessed.
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic (part 1)
Magi: The Kingdom of Magic (part 2)
Think 1001 Arabian Nights if it was an anime.
Magi, if I'm not mistaken.
I started with LotGH, why did you weebs infect me
That's why I love this community I can't have this thought inside my own head
It was actually watching Bleach of all things that clicked something off in my brain and made me really strongly want to start winning and succeeding. Then, I did. Turned from a fucking failure to a hard working STEM-fag that almost consistently got the top scores in everything. I even got better taste in anime.
Behead those who insult anime.
The only series of the last 2 months I've been watching has been Fist of the North Star. I would imagine a good portion of people on here have good tastes and use what they watch as a means to better themselves.
fags are okay with catboys, get it right
wtf i hate katanas now
I've been marathoning Mob Psycho 100, sucks to have caught up.
Usagi Drop
It'll be the smugs, they've started to get to him. He's projecting based on his own internal image of what the grills are and what he deep down wants.
Pictures like that where the cute and lewd are balanced in perfect harmony are to be treasured.
Looks like (((39d4b7))) is having a field day.
I don't watch yuri but I also don't really see it as degenerate as long as there's no sexual aspect to the relationship. I was just explaining why it was so common in anime.
I genuinely think that white skin is objectlying aesthically better. Plus black women tend to look like men
I imagine the lives of students in anime are certainly alot different from her highschool experience. Theres no daily sheboon brawls, no pregnant teens, no 14 year old coal burners, and even strangest, you have mostly well adjusted kids from two parent households. Slice of life highschool anime must look like science fiction to her.
I would imagine that alot of girls who grew up in a hedonistic, amoral, ugly, jewified society would have a hard time relating to characters with some semblance of innocence and genuine femininity.
Japs see it as a phase girls go through when they're young.
Yeah. Yukari's a QT.
time to flood twitter with qt
[Merchant] is your greatest ally goy kouhai.
The fusion of right wing and moe fans has been strange to say the least
Can't fucking wait fam
They just can't handle this fact.
What is this 2012
post the rest
I'm calling it, while I don't hate anime, if this thread keeps going it's going to turn into an anime circlejerk, so if you plan to continue this thread, keep it politics, in this case, anime related politics, but politics nonetheless.
Go take a hit of zyklon B and think it over
Then how many anons have watched the uncensored Angel Cop? I think it is required viewing.
Something about that post hits me in the feels hard. Reminded me how kafkaesque this life is sometimes. To be able to discern beauty, and yet be surrounded by people who shriek and hiss at it. It's oppressive to them, and yet it could be their salvation.
I remember watching a Sam Hyde video where he talks about how people are encouraged to be broken by TV programming. They watch shit like House and think it's "cool" to have mental problems, have heartache, trouble connecting with other humans. It's the new normal, and anime is sin to them for carrying ideals instead of comforting their weakness with the most destructive type of belonging that exists. "This doesn't actively reflect my teenage years where I hated my parents and let boys touch me." Really? Good, you dumb cunt.
Took them long enough to notice, the slow fucks. I swear, you could read a titty mag right in front of them and they wouldn't notice, because they'd be too busy eyeing you as a white guy who isn't a flaming faggot to care what you're holding.
Now to see what limp-wristed nonsense they try to pull as a half-assed means of stopping it. Considering anime is a Jap media format and the vast majority of it is made in-country, it should be much harder than normal for the dyed hordes to corrupt it/shut it down. The particular brand of xenophobia inherent to asians of most kinds and especially gooks should add another strong layer of protection, as well.
The chances of these shits actually managing to accomplish anything on their own is negligible, although the risk does increase if enough rich kikes see good reason to shut it down on their behalf. Soros and his ilk could technically shut down exports of anime and shit because "muh children" or "CURRENT YEAR" if they pull the right strings and maneuver the right puppets properly, and while I'd have dismissed such a thing as too stupid and complicated with too little benefit for the kikes to try, they've proven repeatedly as of late that nothing is too stupid or convoluted for them to do.
Besides, even if the unthinkable happens and the dumb cunts manage to censor anime directly/by banning it from showing up here, sane men will just move onto another form of unkiked entertainment that suits their emotional needs the same way they moved on from other media. Not sure what the new replacement for anime would be, but I do know for a fact that non-retarded people don't just give up and watch talmudvision/shekelwood productions like good goyim when their favorite hobby gets shut down hard. It might be a new version that's unkiked, or something else entirely that fills the same void anime filled, but it will definitely exist in some format no matter what.
One thing that can be guaranteed is that young men will always move on to find a new source rather than giving up and submitting, when jews shut down the primary sources of mental and emotional stimulation that they used to escape the kiked real world and replace the equally-dead real-world sources of this stimulation. Video games replaced the real-world action and complex thinking situations which died off with the advent of strict anti-violence laws and replacement of whites in even high-intelligence jobs with shitskins. Likewise, waifus quickly took the place of now-rare traditional women as a source of emotional support and meaningful connection with another human as a cooperative partner in life, when these women died off and were replaced with brainwashed cumdumpsters who only want Tyrone and Ahmed's cocks before being murdered and tossed off a highway overpass.
(continuing in a reply, fuck these limits, don't have enough room to truly rant in an autistic manner about fuck-all)
That is one thing to bring up about homosexuality in anime. It is a subject brought up in fanservice alot. It is joked about alot. Alot of series have strong undertones regarding it.
However, There are very, very few mainstream anime where it is ever fully realized and legitimized as a lifestyle. For example, the main character settling down at the end with a homosexual partner or marrying them.
There seems to be an implicit restraint. Its like
"yeah, this is a fun taboo to poke around with, but we all know it will never be the norm. Its something these characters will most likely grow out of and look back on fondly (with some embarrassment) as the quirks of youth."
That is how it is viewed. Its not viewed in the same way as in the west, where its
"Fuck the nuclear family!! Its oppressive and unnatural!! Biological gender doesnt exist!! Theres 530369 genders! Women dont need men! Whites reproducing hurts the environment! white women fucking as many niggers as possible is empowering!"
That is the difference. These are taboos the Japanese have had as part of the literature for a long time.
What we are experiencing in the west is different. Its the intentionally engineered deconstruction and ruination of our society, by kikes.
It already is both though. That's part of why it's under attack.
Mine is folded 6 million times.
Step up senpai
The movie had some pretty good bass
Homosexuality is mainly viewed as fetish. Even hard gay has a wife
*In japan
How I've seen the world for a long time now, but I can go to bed with a smile and wake up with a smile while they will continue to wallow.
Don't you think it's a bit racist to declare that the product of another country's culture needs fixing?
These guys have to be feeling regret already.
This man is doing his duty to his race, and making children.
The only remotely-feasible replacement I can think of if anime and by extension waifus are stamped out is DIY robotics, once the tech becomes commonplace and cheap, in that it provides both a source of creative mental stimulation and a means of creating an ideal female facsimile which can provide (false but convincing) emotional support to its creator. I can easily see the kinds of people who have always needed such escapism getting into the hobby of building robotic aides, which bear a "mental" and/or physical resemblance to fictional women with attractive traits they desire and can give them much-needed emotional comfort and support, however canned and fake it may be. Of course, the kind of tech needed would have to improve significantly and become quite a bit cheaper, but the necessity-fostered ingenuity of white men always seems to slip past the jew's fingers and let him circumvent kike control in any way possible, so anything goes given the right circumstances
Technically, the whole "robotic waifu" thing is possible in a simple state right this moment from the software side, although most of the necessary physical portion of humanoid designs like functional leg-type movement systems and uncanny-valley-dodging faces are still in an embryonic state of development. Still, making simplistic false-AIs that can mimic the real deal well enough to do the job is possible right now with enough autistic effort, and I doubt the sorts of people who'd get into building robotic substitutes for female affection by necessity would give a shit if it moves on treads/spider-esque multi-leg setups/etc. rather than being human-like. Even then, the shortcomings are only going to be an issue for as long as it takes lonely young white men to learn how to get past them for the sake of achieving their goals, which means enough lonely bastards tinkering with robots and AI programs will speed things along quite nicely.
Given enough time and sad autism dedicated to finally not being alone and scared as individuals in the world for once, robotics would likely go from its current shit state to "we accidentally made a real AI, and it really wants to nuke Israel for some reason" in a matter of years. Monkeys and typewriters, except applied to dejected people with actual intelligence and high technology just waiting to be progressed further.
Key point of all this rambling is this: Anime will probably survive fine thanks to long-standing gook hatred of outsiders and their (increasingly-shit as of late) opinions. However, in the unlikely event it falls under the marching boots of globalism, white men who are detached enough to seek alternative solutions to life deficits (without being detached enough to break out the guns and go full revolution) will probably make robo-waifus out of necessity. Then we'll have either uncomprehending subhumans putting in actual effort to make robotics of this kind illegal rather than ineffectually bitching about robo-rape, or redpilled Skynet with the personality of a traditional wife going full Judgement Day on the inferior branches of the Homo Sapiens portion of the evolutionary tree like it's shooing stray cats, probably the former followed by the latter.
Nigger they've never played by their own rules.
They're inherently self interested.
Japan is too white and not enough like mainland Asia.
They enter the translation teams and corrupt it as it leaves Japan. Now some Japanese companies (speaking from video games here) are going around them entirely and releasing "Japan only" games with English text built in as an option.
If anything banning anime is more likely to lead to it remaining the way it is. If the west wants to influence the content of anime they need to start getting western production companies involved with the funding and distribution. These shows will then start to cater to western audiences more and aim to sell to that audience. As opposed to the current market and sales model of selling to 3,000-5,000 hardcore Japanese fans who will get their loli pantsu if they want it regardless of what the feminists in the west say about it.
No, if some product is shit, you call out on it, regardless of where it's from.
How new are you? They had Nick "Sarah the pedophile dogfucker" Butts write for them, then try to cover it up.
Yeah look up
iloosecontrolli on youtube to see the best of this shit
Yeah look up
iloosecontrolli on youtube to see the best of this shit
delete this
Its going at a decent pace, people should dumb natsoc anime on it now
Will do.
Isn't the gay community salty as fuck about him?
Polite sage.
Not "cute" like "sexually attractive" you triple degenerate. "Cute" like "this is a visual stimulus designed to activate your genetic instinct to protect".
Why would you do something like that!
What kind of morally depraved person looks at moe and sees a political issue? I bet she also hates puppies for being too cute.
Absolutely disgusting. I bet she doesn't even realize that women make some of the best moe.
Never forget the [Triggering].
K-on! the crowning achievement of moe directed by Yamada the best female anime director to date and highly popular with Japanese schoolgirls.
That is just one facet of the thorough mindfucking the kikes have given us over the past 50 years.
Women shouldnt be "cute" or submissive or selfless or meek or family oriented. They need to be faux men, as much as possible and also be career driven and self centered. Feminists despise real femininity and its virtues.
And kikes love this because a society that moves in this direction demoralizes both the male and female population and helps to make people into impotent, interchangeable drones.
Looks like an irrelevant website. Still a pretty annoying stance. An obvious unwritten aspect of feminism is its opposition to femininity, not only in the sense of appearance but also in personality.
Which means feminists have a notably sub-average reproduction rate. A problem that fixes itself.
What a bizarre article.
(nose checked)
Lad, posts like this encourage the weeb-spamming.
i don't usually go full weeb, but for this i will
I've never really understood thus meme. There are worthwhile anime and shit anime, it's just cartoons.
It is kind of like people saying "books are all shit because some of them are that are popular are like twilight and 50 shades of grey" or "all painting is shit because of modern art that has no skill"
oh god damn it. Baph needs to blow up that shit site
Well done
If they fuck up my anime there will be hell to pay
What? you mean like fill it full of mindless moe shit, female protagonists and make everything about highschool kids instead of the Manly way it is?
Don't listen to this user, i fell for this meme
Haruhi is an annoying bitch, everyone in that show is terrible
You've destroyed everything worth caring about jew.
If you take away my anime, I'll come for you at night.
*teleports behind u*
I'll make an army to destroy every people that talk shit about anime and manga, these are people with bad taste and deserve to DIE IN A HORRIBLE WAY.
WE won't have clemency.
We are anonymous.
WE are legion.
WE do not forget.
WE do not forgive.
Expect US.
The war between the 3DPDs and loli waifus begins
nothing will happen until you make a thread on Holla Forums and im too lazy :^)
There are some retards here who unironically believe anime is a worse influence on people than Jewish media. Their entire knowledge about it comes from memes they saw it on youtube, 9gag or some other garbage site. When you look at it through objective lens, anime has very little of the degeneracy affecting western media; there is no feminism, no multiculti, no racemixing, no racial guilt and no LGBT propaganda. It's biggest 'crime' is that a few lonely nerds like to use it as their form of escapism, but escapism has always existed in books, movies, plays and so on, and there always lonely men who didn't manage to have successful relationships with women and reproduce through history who resorted to escapism to forget about their failures. Nothing changed. Anime fans don't have a significant impact on the birthrates at all. Otaku make up less than 1% of Japan's population and the majority of them aren't even anime otaku.
I wanted to give this to Deutsch anons yesterday but their thread 750'd and nobody replied. Here's an AfD hat template (attempted to remove background its somewhat transparent background now), if anyone is decent on putting MAGA hats on anime qt's please put this on some, for reaction images and such too. Would like to see Deutschlanders subverted the right way as time comes to vote for their president.
So yet again feminist cunts are buttmad that men prefer femininity and a cute, considerate, moderate demeanor to their fat, slutty, standoffish entitled asses. Even in completely fictional scenarios men prefer this.
Gotta suck to be proven time and time again how useless you are,
Not perfect but..
What kind of neckbeard made this anyway?
The angle covers faces
Wait that was the wrong one, this one is better for transparency. Don't use that one! Just convert the black background to white and make background transparent.
This one works too, thanks.
I know, its the only AfD hat I found on the internet though. Search "AfD Kappe"
Anime is already nationalist/militaristic, there isn't one nigger in AoT to speak of, every character is super white and the buildings architecture is hella European, shit is pro-white to the 10x power.
Good thing the japs give literally zero fucks.
Your tears are tasty triggered kikess
Feminism is all about bitter old unmarried cunts trying to ruin the lives of young women so they don't have to compete with them for men, not to mention dykes looking for fresh meat. It's not surprising that they would be against beauty, goodness, and traditional roles.
Feels bad.
its a meme u dip
If you can't compete with cartoons on the sexual marketplace, maybe you should end yourself.
machen Deutschland wieder groß
Shit, put it on Asuka, much more appropriate for her than any other character off the top of my head
machen Deutschland wieder Reich
put that on a hat
We need to flank her from the left and mass accuse her of 'whitesplaining' and 'white supremacist cultural imperialism'.
do it. I want to see her apologize for this
80's and 90's manga/anime is the best vintage, true
fucking gulag them
So Japan ISN'T having a massive birthrate crisis right now?
Or they're going by anime's version of top-40 radio hits. As with most forms of media, the most popular pieces are not the highest quality but nonetheless tend to act as entry points. The people they know who watch anime are probably typical normie anime viewers, who tend to flock to a handful of popular series. They're probably also accustomed to seeing dubbed anime, which probably makes it seem even stranger due to the fact that anime dialogue doesn't track with everyday English.
Holy fuck they're literally showing the responses right next to each other.
Jews fear the Samurai, indeed!
I can't say it enough; this is exactly true.
Look up the Chinese women who were mutilated during Mao Zedong's cultural revolution for being prettier than their peers. Hardcore Leftists hate anything that is more beautiful, more successful, more intelligent, or harder working than them, and to cover their own glaring inadequecies they will do everything and anything in their power to drag down and destroy such things.
This is because anything that is visibly superior to them is a threat in their minds; it forces them to come to terms with the fact that they're a useless, leeching sack of shit. And in the world of fat acceptance and degeneracy, that just won't do.
This is also why they come up with excuse after excuse after excuse to cover up and justify their obesity, their moral and spiritual ugliness; They're cowards. They refuse to accept that they are the ones at fault, that they are the priveliged, intolerant scum of their era, because that would mean they'd have to change, and they'd much rather spend their days manufacturing drama on tumblr and trying to get people fired for no reason. That would require real effort, humbleness, self awareness and self criticism, and the thought of leaving their little bubble of imagined oppression and artificial self-worth is the most terrifying thing their minds can dream up.
The worst and saddest part is that on some level, they know exactly how worthless and pitiful they are. The fact that their conscious mind refuses to accept it does not mean their subconscious is incapable of self-examination - this is why they want so badly for things like the right to free speech and the right to bear arms to be stripped away. They know exactly how worthless and backwards they are, and so all they want is someone to tell them what to think, what to eat, what to wear, and who to hate, because knowing their own lack of worth means they don't trust themselves to make decisions, which means they don't trust themselves with firearms.
The leftist's tendency to blame things on others in order to cover their own inadequecies is also why, as I said, they want other people's rights to be removed. Because if Jenny Shithead knows at the back of her mind that she shouldn't be within fifty yards of a firearm, why would she want that priveliged white male across the street who works every day and provides for his family to own one? That would mean he's more mentally stable than her, and she must at all costs avoid admitting that. So naturally, he is a dangerous time bomb to her and everyone like her, because again, admitting that he can be trusted with a weapon would force her to admit that there is something wrong with her.
Similarly, that blonde woman who jogs every day and eats healthy food because she wants to be able to smile when she looks in the mirror? It's clearly genetic. She didn't achieve it on her own, she couldn't have achieved it on her own, because admitting that she did, that she worked hard to better herself, would mean that Jenny Shithead is wrong.
And Jenny Shithead cannot have that. And so began the SJW movement, a movement with the sole aim of convincing perfectly normal, healthy people that something is wrong with them because they're healthy and normal.
I'm a left winged person, but the way I see it is that there is a struggle between men and women, you can't deny that the numbers are there however this does not mean it exists because of fucking drawings.
Back into the oven.
Beautiful. Schoen.
Here's a warped version with a less awkward angle. And our older ones, just to make sure noone makes duplicates.
You should stop being a left winged person.
It certainly doesn't have anything to do with otaku/anime otaku. Basically every developed country has a low birthrate, Japan is no exception:
I suspect the Kikes put the focus on Japan only in the media because western countries are already getting turd world invading hordes to try to 'fix' the birthrates while Japan has a strict policy on immigration.
Can't have World War Three until all the boy's toys are taken away and all their reasons to be behind the PC instead of being slaughtered in a deliberately unwinnable war with Russia have vanished.
Alternative, welcome to Marxist Communism. Read Solzhenitsyn.
Trips confirm the truth in what you said.
"wtf I hate X now" was the meme ya missed you mongoloid, your smug had nothing to do with it.
read OP again and try to imagine it being said as OP pretend to be a normie feminist.
and fuck you for making me post
Gender politics are pretty much the only disagreement I have with the academic left, fortunately the real left that actually runs political organizations in my country is not that brutal and just wants better opportunities for women, but they don't see pornography as a necessarily bad thing.
The people that will get "triggered" are literally a minority, all feminist politicians I've met personally have never been similar to what's in OP's image.
Miku is my wifu :(
What the fuck is going on with her right arm?
It already happen. It callled CISbusters
hitler dubs confirm that was yfw
Those that get triggered aren't the fucking problem. The problem are all those women politicians you so smuggly boast about who use the triggered ones as justification for their society corroding policies.
Your waifu has been passed around by so many people. Your waifu a filthy whore.
They are SERIOUSLY pushing that fucking movie on anyone they can, aren't (((they)))?
Kids being told to emulate characters from a movie that is 50% race baiting and 50% phallic jokes. I hate the current year.
I know kids played with Ghostbusters toys after the original, but that was more because they thought fighting ghosts was cool, not necessarily the movie, which was original then, not now
Eastern Europe?
What does "better opportunities for women" mean to you?
Shit, I originally read that DBZ parody back in 2005. I never knew it continued.
Fake news site. No cause for concern. Unless the article itself goes viral.
Kikes don't know when to cut and run. They're shit at poker because they're basically always bluffing.
tbqh this is a slide thread, but it's a fun slide thread, so I don't really care.
Wew lad. Well at least you have taken the most bottom tier red pill. Everyone has to start somewhere. hopefully you will progress further and not just plateau, like so many do. Next you need to red pill on immigration, race, and IQ
you deprive the low functioning autists of the only thing that brings joy to their miserable lives and it will be a fucking miracle if the landwhales don't find themselves dangling from street lights.
kys ma man
it's like when they wanted to be gamers or LGBT for that matter they don't know who they are or what they like and they haven't enough dedication or patience to actually become anyone or enjoy anything
I'm no weeb but I love these threads
I work at hot topic for almost six years. We still get new feminists ghostbusters t shirt no one wants. Meanwhile women are eating Jared Leto joker t shirts. Trust me he the most popular and marketable joker among girls.
It's worse than you think, Japan is investing heavily in foreign markets, all it would take is a few of the parasites to get into the ears of certain companies who will respond in an ill-fated attempt to appeal to a larger audience.
Granted, at this rate I'm used to being ostracized and used to genres I like being dead (RIP mecha), so I can enjoy the fireworks with the same dull eyes I always wear; but the people who genuinely believe that Japan is some untouchable bulwark of anti everything this side of the Pacific because of a meme is deluding themselves and not learning from the mistakes of the video game industry in the west. Or even the moral panics that led to the Tokyo Youth Ordinance being passed.
Well, in that case, Imma post some animu pics.
weeb freaks btfo
Yes, Eastern Europe, better opportunities just means that they get paid the same (that is if it's not a job where females inherently underperform like construction), abortion rights, maternity leave and all that stuff that just makes sense they have.
I'm not here to discuss politics, I know the board I'm in, I think that our society is inherently unequal unless you are rich, being a female might be a decisive factor in a very very small and specific cases, but what really defines your life is how much money you have, black females and others can also be bourgeois, I will never deny that.
I'm not here to say whether or not my ideals are better, I just thought it was productive to criticize radical feminism as a leftist.
This faggotry has been happening for years OP.
oh I'm laffin
It's The Mary Sue, which is a legit feminist site.
Those are ads formatted to look like articles, which you are not used to seeing because you probably run adblock.
Well said! However, it only covers the lower layers of the Marxist-Communist rot, subversion and deconstruction.
Above them come those who are more actively seeking to destroy and replace the West with Communism - Which should say, Jewish hegemony.
It's hip to pretend you have "crippling social anxiety" nowadays
Dropping some OC's to spread.
They did such for years.
Only coming out openly now.
News flash. Its not. Like, not at all. You are fucking useless.
There, I just saved you alot of trouble and wasted effort.
Radical feminism isnt the problem. Feminism itself the problem. Egalitarianism is the problem. Leftism is the problem. Cultural marxism is the problem. And at the root, kikes are the problem. Our civilization is being burned to the ground and you are toying with gas valve, trying to slow the inferno by a couple of degrees.
Also, bring your marxist shit somewhere else. Its laughable to just about everyone on this board. Leftypol is calling you
I swear to god you fucking kikes I hope you try.
are you shilling for rick?
Have to do put them as jpeg, file sizes too big.
The Jews Fear The Samurai
This article was particularly funny because it showed just how disconnected they were from the people they wrote for. People like Watamote and relate to Tomoko because she exhibits a lot of the awkward clumsiness and grandiose ideas about popularity that a person who has trouble interacting or relating to their peers typically exhibits. People weren't laughing at her, they were laughing at their past selves because they actually got over fucking high school at some point and can look at even their past foolishness in a positive light.
The nerds who watched anime before it was cool? They can see themselves in the character and empathize with the situations she very much puts herself in. The 'nerds' who watch anime because it's become semi-popular in the west? They were never put into situations like that. Not that being well-adjusted is a bad thing, something I don't think needs to be said, but fuck it, somebody will cherry pick. Well-adjusted people will realize that the show isn't for them, or will watch it with the context of a different intended audience in mind, a skill that is necessary for watching shows and films in a different region or from a different period of time. It's safe to say that the person complaining about the author speaking from experience and relating to an audience that isn't the self-styled 'nerd' isn't a well adjusted person.
If they come for the waifus expect terrorist attacks from guys with a dakimakuras strapped to their backs
Oh, it's just Amelia Cook, the same feminist busybody who wrote this missive against fanservice in July.
I don't feel any need to apologize for fan service, I just enjoy it and don't give two shits about Amelia Cook's opinion of it.
Do I have to read the article to get whats going on…?
I remember those days. I miss those days when it was really obscure. Well, at least some of us turned out Right.
Too bad it's shit.
Is crippling social anxiety the new "i'm such a nerd xD"?
it died for me the moment the main character turned into a titan.
to be fair, each successive generation IS getting worse at socializing for a whole slew of reasons.
Whatever unattractive women feel will make more people pay them attention.
It's so obvious by now
"I'm ugly and I find cuteness a problem: anime edition" t. feminist uggo
Feminism in a nutshell.
And some cucked to hell faggots back in the day decided it was wise to let them vote.
There's absolutely no point to this thread, except to fill your LE SMUG ANIME folder. I sincerely hope nothing but bad things happen to you.
It's growing pains, honestly, society is changing at an unprecedented rate. What it means to be social now is becoming increasingly divorced than what it meant to be social not even a decade ago. Some people will adapt to such changes with flying colours, other people will struggle and fall through the cracks. This is something that's happened with every major social change, now it's happening so fast that we can perceive it at a sped up rate.
Done for now.. it takes a while for these things to grow, give it time.
Is it possible to signal pro-fanservice/ pro-2D waifus in a way that will trigger feminists but not draw social stigmatization at the same time?
Does JoJo promote misogyny and rape culture?
Isn't that kind of one of anime's shticks? Does she want anime characters to be inbred and deformed or something?
I think fat and black would do for them as if
They flew too close to the sun. They have no fucking idea of the magnitude of Asperger's they're playing with.
God have mercy on their souls.
Classical art.
This "Amelia" is a tranny, right?
How long until they start demanding black/mulatto characters in anime and JRPG? It'd be pretty funny to see them get smacked down by the Japs.
Just wait until they overrreach and make their own Feminist Friendly (pozzed) anime and it flops on the market bahaha
That looks like FotNS, but one of the post Kaioh mini-movies. Can you hook a bro up so I can watch it? All the torrents are junk and I cant find too much other than the redone storyline and some other pretty new one
Forget fanservice. Cooking and just generally feminine stuff is better.
Just watch Fist of the North Star. Its old school anime at its best.
It's about time for them to try. They've been ramping up on this for some time by means of infiltration and external pressure tactics.
Fortunately, Abe and his cabinet have been quietly installing their own people at key chokepoints. His Minister of Justice has made it very clear that they feel not one iota of pressure to give in and has indicated indirectly that they're fully aware of the means and purpose of such attempts. Senior people in the relevant industries are also aware and have been for some time, ever since earlier test attacks aroused their ire and got them talking to each other about collective strategies for defence.
So if we fight well on our side, Japan will take care of theirs.
They can't.
Anime is astonishingly expensive to produce compared to shitty western flash cartoons.
As autistic as it sounds, hand drawn animation takes a lot of skill and even more time to produce.
Especially the way the nips do it.
Already happening all over twatter.
Nips pay 0 attention to it.
Bullshit. Most shonen/seinen shows have plenty sprinkled in for their female fanbase. Women are attracted to shows of power, i.e. a confident man in a tailored suit, a shirtless man lifting flexing, etc. They don't want to see blushing boys in tighty whities.
Is she? To be honest, I never thought of researching her. I just saw the name "Amelia Cook" and had a vague recollection about her being the author of the anti-fanservice article.
And there are people who want us to stop with the smug anime girls, anime avatars, etc. Look at this fucking article. It's so fucking absurd. Kikes are completely puzzled about our behavior. If we were a super-serious regular right-wing forum for White nationalists we wouldn't accomplish anything worthy of note and we would be much easier to be infiltrated and taken control of.
Not compared to western animation.
Which is ironic, considering their initial advantages were in finding ways to cut costs over what were at the time even more expensive Western frame-by-frame methods. After a period of utter shittiness, the nips figured out how to raise quality without compromising that advantage. So as the American industry rotted away and have jobs to the French and Japanese, the methods thought of as "cheap" became standard instead, and now expensive compared to the Flash jewnimation.
The feminists are coming for anime, because they hate femininity and anything that isn't dour, angry, finger-wagging, grim, self-righteous and dreadful.
Does this image bring into account marketing costs? Because that usually is what inflates the "budget" of many projects such as vidya.
They'll be attacking dakimakura soon.
I'm surprised they don't shit their pants over this yet but I'm sure it will happen sometime.
does the Altright finally own anime now
8ch was made a year before we migrated over here, outlander.
You mean jewish embezzlement?
Don't forget Korea's place in this. They were willingly used as the staging party for the recent attack via the UN.
I guess this proves it now that people who hate anime are leftists/jews. I can't wait to see the sliding and shilling done to cover up this thread.
Free! has been the most commercially successful show in the past few years and that's basically just female fan service.
Almost none of that money went into actually paying animators or studio rent etc.
I would bet like 90% of that went into marketing and distribution.
I'm not really that sure how they managed to avoid the collapse of good quality animation production but I'm so glad they did.
Also pic related.
Pretty sure it's just production costs. Western animators are paid hourly while Japanese animators are paid for each drawing they finish, not to mention that western voice actors are notoriously greedy.
prepare for threads from that one faggot that tries to D&C using WW2 Imperial Japan
They want "representation" of "marginalized groups", there's another thread up about this. It's basically a pseudo white man's burden; white content creators should feel obligated to write about these "marginalized groups": non-whites, trannies, fags, cripples, Muslims, etc., because members of those groups are too oppressed to create media about themselves and are depressed by seeing too many white people. They literally think that "representation" in movies and cartoons will magically alleviate all social ills.
A lot of it came down to their having the existing bedrock of a highly visual culture. We see animation as the end product but there's centuries worth of artistic tradition, argument and other unspoken assumptions that feed, nurture and reinforce what we see.
How stupid are those people? Isn't WW2 Imperial Japan an example that only helps reinforce our alliance with grorious Nippon?
Not always true. Kyoani pay on salary.
Not sure about 5cm per second tho.
But the simpsons movie spent $10,000,000 turning some 711 stores into kwik e marts, not even taking into account all other marketing.
I'm certain that actual production didn't cost that much.
Hitler didn't have "book burning fires", organizations within Germany did, and since anime isn't communist Jew filth it would not have been burned.
as they say, all good things must be ruined by libtard feminists because muh patriarchy
Sunrise already met the required black quota decades ago.
We aren't alt-Kike, but whatever. If the Jews feel threatened by anime and nazi frogs then there's no reason to stop using them.
No, faggots of the "alt-right" bitched against anime. I know TRS did at some point at least. Using the same retarded rhetoric you see kikes on here make by calling it degenerate shit made for NEETs.
Oh, I missed this article from mid-August, also by Amelia Cook.
"Stop Pretending “Sexy” and “Sexualized” Mean the Same Thing"
Man, Amelia Cook really has sand in her vagina (be it real or prosthetic) about the kind of anime I enjoy.
I think we just went to flash and 3d because it's faster and higher profit to cost ratio.
Japan are way behind in that, they're still barley getting the hand of cg which the west had mastered to a point of being almost unnoticeable back in 1999 with tarzan.
She's just jealous that she's 3D and as such will always be PD.
You can point out to him how the Axis winning even if it means Japs would kill some whites would've been a lot more beneficial to Europe than for communism and ultra capitalist jews using whites for their goals, but he doesnt listen. Just prepare for the upcoming week/s for that nigger
Normalfags tried to associate anime with niggers to destroy it (like they destroyed western media with nigger "culture"), so I more than welcome this changing tide.
This. If Holla Forums is given a weapon that works, they should use it, not complain about how it looks on the outside with a normie view. Memes got us this far, and Anime can take us farther if we use it right!
Japan was seeking lebensraum in Asia and the only "white" people they would have killed were Soviet mongols that raped the ever living shit out of Europe.
I wish those japanese ships had armed guards
Anime isn't a weapon, it's just fun entertainment that happens to trigger jews by merely existing.
This. Most people who become leftists have mental problems.
If it has a trigger mechanism then it's weapon. It doesn't matter if you don't see it that way, they do and they will want to take it away from us.
You know, i was watching that anymee and thought the same.
Right. Its just that fucker never stops he gets btfo in one thread and 1 hour later makes a new one using the same excuses. Im not sure if hes a masochist or if hes retarded
Disappointed this isn't an actual .gif
I wish they would consider them pirates and just sink the fags.
Which is why all you need to ever do is make sure anime is always in their minds and keeps doing what it has been the last few decades.
Do they realize how repulsive they're acting?
You know that old saying about the way jews argue.
Maybe it's because anime is one of the last forms of entertainment that isn't cucked into oblivion.
Anti-anime is codeword for anti-white.
Gonna have to have some anime stickers made for tagging in kike prominent areas.
Mostly redditors and kikes
Now the real question I have for myself is how the fuck did I end up this way, couple years ago I was pretty much a normie cuckservative. Now Im here posting smug anime girls and Third Reich images
Why didn't I spot this?
She's a feminist, she is practically a jew and a servant to their leftist ideologies now.
i'm saving this one
Keep up the good work, user-kun!
Power of culture, of Art.
That wouldn't have the same puzzling effect that 'neo-nazis' posting anime, using anime avatars and such does on the Kike psyche though. You can see that Kikes get very confused about that and start rambling like a madman trying to understand our true motivation behind it:
Here, have my best smug
They just needed resources to expand their industry and compete with other world powers, because they lived on a barren island. If they wanted lebensraum they would have removed gook instead of uplifting them.
I fucking loathe these whinging cultural imperialists. Always offering terrible solutions to imaginary problems.
Remove the world "problem" and it usually sounds like something to be praised.
You know the Germans moving east didn't start throwing everyone in concentration camps either, in fact they started to build those places up.
I would be happy with a crow harpy. They say crows are smarter than average birds and make great company.
We shouldn't forgo something that will work just because something else is a little better. We must use all tools available to keep our enemies permanently rustled.
If it's for social justice, there is no low they won't stoop to, no depravity they won't embrace.
Unrelated, but a good example: Planned Parenthood, the abortion organization, has always been a SJW hive and has vociferously defended feminism at every turn for decades. However trannies, who are "more oppressed" than women on the socjus totem pole, complained that PP wasn't "inclusive" enough because they referred to pregnancy and abortion as female issues, and since trans ""men""(mentally ill women) can also get pregnant they shouldn't refer to female biology at all. Like good little leftists, PP immediately jumped on the tranny ship, and started scrubbing mention of female biology from their literature- women are referred to as "menstruators" and vaginas are called "front holes", as to not upset the trannies. Needless to say, this alienated older libshit women- the only ones who actually donate to them and vote with them in mind.
Crows are vengeful fucks, it's said that they can remember faces and will swarm you the fuck out if they ever see you again after you hurt them.
Feminists, liberals and jews hate the samurai and anime girls.
Aesthetic as fuck user.
better with the firelink shrine theme tbh
Kek. I bet Buzzfeed and Salon will write articles about how nazis are targeting jews with racist hate-anime.
Yeah, I guess you can throw everything into the mix: nazi frogs, anime, le happy merchant, classical art, etc.
This animu is pretty good, I didn't think I would get into it. Learned that tiger tanks break down easily. Also thought it was going to have shit load of fan service. All though unbelievable it was heart warming, and fun experience, for a story about cute girls and tanks.
underrated poast
Thanks user, I hoped someone would post that screencap.
That actually happened to my father one time.
Ever since then, I've always had a fascination with crows, ravens, magpies, and rooks.
That's pretty based tbh.
Need to get me some crow bros.
Pretty sure crows have funerals and complex social interactions (parliaments and the like) and can use tools
They're smart enough to be paranoid and interpret general signals of threat, which makes them suitable Holla Forums birds.
I watched an awesome documentary about crows a year ago about just this. I just looked on youtube for the link but couldn't find it.
Basically it was about how crows recognize facial features, they tested it by people wearing different masks and stuff, and the most interesting part was that they have memories in their families. A dude with a mask that the crows recognize as "hostile" could approach them generations afters they first "taught" the crows to fear that mask, and the new crows would react the same way.
Side A: the only trick they know is shaming tactics.
Side B: subjected to shaming tactics their entire life, developed a complete invulnerability.
Weebs have this one; you don't need to help them.
Love Live Sunshine is sunshine… and all bitches should fell inferior and attacked in the presence of light as they are of the darkness.
I always try to act careful and respectful when there's a crow nearby.
Just in case.
It's possible they've developed advanced enough abilities to transmit information about threats. Just think - that mask could have become a meme within that crow clan.
Found the normalcuck
Found the kike
Back to >>>/reddit/ where you belong newfag
More newfag speak
You burn in the >>>/ovens/ first
Save the crows, muslims out.
smart little bugger
Seconded. If femidykes weren't so autistic maybe people would pay attention to them instead of some shitty anime that they bitch about
Nah, feminists are worse than weebs
Nah, I just can't side with a feminist
Don't watch anime myself, pic unrelated
Just accept that your anti-anime [email protected]/* */ crusade is over Moshe.
Is Lain moe?
More of Holla Forums should remember this speech. It's an important message.
Maybe if feminists were cute people would want to fuck them too.
Stolen, thanks user. I've renamed her "Jenny Normie" though. :)
Somehow I doubt that.
Archive link to the article itself, BTW?
I still can't believe this hairy pedophile freak was defended by the same people who think tits in videogames are worse than ISIS.
Beyond moe
Because we're in charge here and we can stomp on the necks of anyone who talks shit about our waifu.
go to half-chan if you want imageboards hating each other
Anti-anime is anti-white. And if you have a problem with anime you do not belong here, because it speaks volumes about how inherently decadent you are.
I think this is just an offshoot of the Asuka MAGA thing. The Jews and liberals want to remove and corrupt anything and everything which we love. Anime is our last bastion so to speak.
But even if they subvert anime it won't help them. Why? Because they assume that somehow without beauty we will capitulate to ugliness and start dating obese feminist womyn. This will not happen. We would just retreat further into obscurity and check out of society to an even greater degree. The whole of civilization rests upon the white man, and following the subversion of civilization by the liberals and all the degeneracy they unleashed we realized there's no point in keeping it afloat. Make no mistake - the cracks are becoming more and more obvious and deeper. It's all tumbling down with white guys, and the Jews and the libs are getting panicky because it is becoming obvious that everything, absolutely everything collapses unless we sustain it. They will do anything to try to sucker us back into the prison, but all their efforts are in vain.
Keep calm and watch anime. It is the ultimate rebellion and the truest religion we have.
Guys, I grew up watching anime in the 90s. I've seen most of the classics. How do I expand my tastes and find a waifu?
Anyone who says anime isn't good for the soul doesn't have one.
If she was normal, she wouldn't feel the need to destroy other people's self image in order to justify her own.
don't know why I linked that post sage
Holy shit, blessed by kek, I think you have a point.
LOL, isn't it funny how porn and the "anti-feminist" sex culture we had for close to two decades before the #2012CultureShift is also very Jewish. It's almost like those fuckers want to destroy all competition and get us slaving away for their product.
They want to control the market again and turning women into gross unfuckable feminists alongside "Internet Control" is just one of the ways they're doing it. This is all controlled opposition!!!
I'm so tired of posers. There should be a law against critiquing anime unless you have watched Attack On Titus with english subtitles.
Why not just use the Social Justice Marxist freaks own weapons against them? They always go on about how Imperialism is bad. So trying to force to change anime on their ideals is a form of Imperialism.
Try calling a leftie racist.
It may be true, but they're too fucking stupid to realise let alone accept it.
Can't have this discussion without posting this old gem.
It's like these retards don't even understand that they just stopped one of the biggest [email protected]/* */ campaigns against one of their greatest enemies.
I love the 'attack on culture' image.
It really does a good job describing what we are, what we're up against, and why it's worth it.
Praise Kek!
I just want Anita to be tricked into watching "Legend of the Overfiend"
I just want anita to be tricked into eating broken glass.
There but for the grace of God…
Hitler drew his own waifus m8
It's because they're jealous of Komoe.
ay guiz wats habbenin
Retarded puritanism which saw sex and nudity as inherently immoral rather than the disloyalty that sexual interest in people other than your partner inspires I think caused very real sexual repression that made it that much easier to subvert the west with the sexual revolution.
Fucking Puritans.
Wasn't there a part 2 though?
My mom bought Legend of the Overfiend for me when i was little, she knew i liked that "Anime" stuff and saw it in a bargain bin at some Indie music shop in Brisbane.
Mom left for work and dad was on deployment so i threw the tape in.
Man, i saw some shit.
Man, you'd see Overfiend all over the place, Kids sections in Blockbuster Video and mom and pop rentals, bargain bins outside of Hobby shops.
Also there's one important thing you have to consider. All of you.
Modern women are so shit that they have been completely defeated by inanimate drawings and cartoons. They've degraded so absolutely and fundamentally that we want nothing to do with them.
Consider how profound this is. Consider how shit a person must be that others around her prefer imagination and solitude rather than having to deal with her.
I think western women KNOW they are inferior, but can't face this knowledge and instead default to their programming, which is to blame men.
We are doing the right thing on a higher level. There's a shred of inherent dignity we refuse to yield, and self respect. We know that mere interaction with a modern woman pollutes us and degrades us, yet alone something beyond that (marriage etc). As I stated previously we are taking part in the ultimate rebellion that has its origin in our inherent dignity and sense of worth.
Indeed however we aren't holy or perfect, but given the choice between fapping to weird fetishes and watching cute girls do cute things, or getting involved with monsters and devils (so-called women of today) I choose the first option. It is a lesser sin. Your sould might have some mud on it but it can be washed away. It is a human imperfection. Getting married to a womyn and participating in modernity will however devour your heart, your soul and your intellect. It is selling yourself into slavery like an animal, and reducing yourself to the level of an animal.
Make your choice wisely. It is better to dream of beauty and true passion than capitulate to ugliness and depravity.
Have a lewd Tomoko.
I wish I saved that Anime Hillary webm.
SJW has been taught the way of the jew. As such, they grow jealous and unable to appreciate beauty. This is reflected often in how many shills get triggered by animu, and now, as a result, now of all times, they go after the animu.
Next question is, will /a/ and japan be willing to rise up for an animugate, like gamergate, or will they fall into cuckening. If I had to take any guess, sjw likely infiltrated localization companies here in the US.
There's a full version, plus I threw in another Crow story I had. Crows are fucking cool birds.
I think that anime avatars acting smugly towards people bothers journalists and liberals so fucking much because we know that we're completely pathetic and we're still demeaning them thus acting like we're in higher social position to look down on them. These people's entire ego and sense of self is dependent on their social reputation and standing rather than any kinda of self worth or inherent pride.
And yet what these people consider the garbage of society are en mass looking down on them as if they were worms.
Hey, remember that one time an SJW tried telling Japanese people what they should think and was called out on it? Hilarious shit.
There are actually people in this world that get mad at drawings. Actually angered at drawings of Japanese school girls. There's men who will look at a powerful anime character and get butthurt that they're weak. There's women who will look at anime, Japanese drawings, and actually feel bad or ugly. When did people start getting this effected by fiction?
I think we have already had this image user, but American SJWs love telling other people of other countries how to think and that their histories are "problematic"
This is good shit too.
They're jews and jews don't have souls.
Yeah and when they're faced with people who do not give one fuck about those things that they use for social status and control, and when they're assaulted by what seems to be a lot of them. The way they think the world works is not working for them anymore.
The greatest love story ever told
Also they can't retaliate or shame us because we're anons.
They feel under assault with absolutely no recourse or power of retaliation. It must be hopelessly crushing.
…God why is she so fucking perfect?
Greg Johnson spoke about that when he was the Convict Report a few days ago, about how the left are supremacist to their socialist societies and look down upon those who don't
They also don't appreciate Natural Beauty which is why most Jewish art Calling it art is a big push I guess though is about "Deconstucting the pilars of natural art"
What is it?
Was there a season 2 released? I am totally plebeian when it comes to anime. I do not want to consume more, I just want to watch season fucking 2.
I suppose you hate video games but enjoy minecraft too.
Wouldn't Mass Effects 2 and 3 be a better comparison
I think that most people who say "X will make anime real" are just crying out for some basic decency in the world and basic decency has been so scrubbed from our fucking lives that only exist in foreign fantasy media.
See for your answer.
This will never not be funny.
user…. I'm sorry.
Delete this.
One of the reasons why SJW and the rest of the leftwing faggot ensemble hate Anime is because it isn't subverted like western media is, they can't use it to preach their horseshit.
I think we all already know that Bronies are the mistake that need deleting from the universe.
Half of it is meming, the other half is wanting Aestetic Beuaty back
You better be sorry.
Mob Psycho is easily AOTS
It's fucking fantastic.
That shit is what some right-wingers get rightfully mad about anime. You can enjoy your anime but for fuck's sake if you don't have a genetic defect and are white, it is your duty to father white children. Find some not too mentally crippled woman, slowly redpill her and have children (hopefully while you're still young). Not every woman is feminist trash or a whore. I like anime but I also am aware that the survival of the specie is not achieved by masturbating.
The thing is that men don't complain that it's unrealistic or harmful or anything. We get mad at ourselves for being weak, and even more so for not doing anything about it.
Or at least I know I do, and have yet to see anyone do otherwise.
Women just jump straight to muh unrealistic standards and negative effects on female confidence etc. Women seem much less willing to blame themselves.
Joe Hisaishi is the composer of my childhood, man
I only make the finest webms.
this is how I feel, anime is the last bastion of decency in animated form.
of course the corrupted and the evil want it gone or coopted. and sadly just like movies, books, games, and music they will likely get away with it.
15 years from now, people will look back on the anime of the past and see the nigerized version that the kikes shove down our throats and see it for what it is, and hopefully bring it back to its former glory. at least as a nostalgia fad.
Bronies deserve to burn, just like furries.
Hundreds of posts later this thread is still sad.
Could someone explain me why this is so fucking important? It's same old SJW stupidity and this sure as shit isn't politics.
Y'all are getting assblasted something that doesn't matter
What these retards don't seem to understand is that animu is a Japanese product and as such it can survive on it's won japanese audience alone, and that extending to the west is always an afterthought.
Even if they do manage to do something to it in the west, they wont, the content creators will simply turn to it's native market and we'll download our shit subbed online.
The jews fear the samurai and it's unpozed creations indeed.
Another fine amv.
I interpret it a different way. It's not only that they're so shit that they're lower than "mere drawings" or what have you, but that the value of higher ideals and art that isn't for shock value are really that important and intrinsic yet most people have forgotten about it because those values don't really serve any utilitarian needs in today's times (unless you're a degenerate that needs them to fap or whatever and you simply can't do something like derive Platonic bliss from seeing something beautiful). This stuff is capable of being inspired and capable of inspiring others. That's how it was for thousands of years, simply look at the art of the ancient world with it's unrealistic proportions, representations, and often immaculate presentation (marble statues are smooth and seem to glow or shine for example, like 2d skin which has high contrast and is so bright that it seems to glow as well).
Imagine yourself in a desolate wasteland. You have not seen any tangible vegetation let alone a flower in your entire life. One day though… one day you see something colourful catch your eye. You rush over to it and there is the first flower you've ever seen growing out of the dirt amidst the ruins of a fallen city. These days, idealized aesthetics like that of the anime style is like that flower and the desolate wasteland is the judaized world we're all suffering: a world of ugliness, of baseness. Don't pluck the flower or you'll kill it (エロはだめです).
It's a warning sign that the Kikes and their puppets are turning their eye to East Asia now after they're almost done wrecking Western civilization. A parasite can't survive without a host.
Will Saber help make Britain great again?
I really need to ask: why the hell do these people care about sexualized anime schoolgirls? Last I checked it was the sick fucks on the left who were complaining about all the hate that pedos receive. So they care about fictional grills being sexy but hate that child molesters are rightfully criminalized?
eh, I think pony shit fills a similar void inside pony-fags that anime does for weebes. (besides the big eyes thing)
its a reflection of a better world with better people then what we have known in our own lives, evil still exists but it can be overcome, male and female can love each-other without unending conflict, the appeal is "hope" something most of us have lost.
a fictional world can serve as a good reminder, things don't have to be this way, they can be better, we can be better.
at least thats how I see it.
No they didn't like that it was a female character going through all the same bullshit each of use male weeboos go through. That's all.
Because it's a girl who is sexualized. Therefore it's bad in their minds. Never mind the fact that a vast majority of heros in Japanese anime are wimminz. Never mind that the reason that magical girls are so popular is because they resonate with girls in Japan. Never mind that some of the most iconic characters in Anime are women who bring more to the table than their looks.
If a girl looks cute, or if she seems "sexualized" Anime must burn.
Their minds are that simple.
In the previous decade, their operations were purely defensive and designed to prevent the influence of Japanese media from spreading. They did this using shame tactics and a label which has now been happily co-opted, but it bought them 7 to 9 years. Now an immunity to prior techniques has built up in the target population and Japan proved unreceptive to previous pozzing attempts. So this time, they're going the more aggressive and expensive direct infection route, trying to bypass Western fans entirely and use 2020 as leverage in.
They don't care about that, it's just a wedge or foot through the door. Anyone that genuinely respects 2d may have a problem though, in the same way you don't want to see a painting with cocks all over it.
Hey man if it makes you feel any better it was a massive bomb and everyone hated it.
Maybe we have a chance to have a world worth raising children is.
One assblasted SJW =/= Entire kikedom.
Doesn't sound too credible to me.
Have you forgotten the shitstorm over live action version of Ghost in the shell? A white actor who plays the role of Motoko Kusanagi
Foaming by mouth over shit that doesn't matter and at end of the day nothing has changed.
This looks like mild frustration over at animuposter front. This thread is a comparable to first ICANN thread.
At least the nips are more subborn than us
Anime is the monolith of the modern era.
And it will likely remain so due to the fact that the Japanese people are Racist AF and tend to reject any form of cultural imperialism.
Normie implies cucked, zombified urban dweller, not 'normal'
Feel free to stop anytime, kike.
That is normal. Not healthy, but normal.
Okay, so how about those BBC articles asking Japan to accept more immigrants to solve their birth rate problem, that French Kike pointing a nigger mongrel for Japan's Miss Universe title, etc? What we're discussing here is just one of the many examples.
Jewhanson might look white on the outside, but her soul is Jewish. And she's had some plastics.
Stupid question to ask, the answer's already been posted:
^What to take away from this thread.
And the subversion of Japan/Korea has not been put into full overdrive (yet)
Why are you changing your posting style?
25% confidence rate
I sure hope that those fucking nips are aware that unless the cultural marxist degenerate cancer is defeated here in the west at it's source they'll be playing defense for decades and will eventually capitulate.
I hope so, but they can only last so long against this evil.
feminism is only being spread in places like USA, Europe and Japan. its weaponized communism of the most dangerous order, so far nothing has stopped it. and it continues to mutate into ever more hideous forums. the fourth wave of feminism will make the third wave seem sain by comparison.
Maybe that's why 2channel bans foreign IP's from posting.
Jim better not Jew those Nips over on that.
last time Holla Forums checked south Korea was completely fucked when it came to feminist/Jew control over their country.
My god, Holla Forums has turned into what I used to love Holla Forums for.
I pronounce kike "kiké"
Again single Tumblrina has little to no effect in real world. Nips aren't that stupid to buy into zog propaganda without inbreeding too much.
Weebs went crazy when their animu was attacked.
Occam's razor is your friend
I do remember the threads on South Korea being the Asian equivalent of Sweden about feminism. They are kiked because of US influence too.
Oh yeah, now I remember the caps about the user revealing how SK has gone to shit with the feminist PM. Scratch that, then. At least Japan is ok for now.
Kike comes from the Yiddish kikel, it's pronounced Kyk. It's not Japanese in origin, you retard.
Perfect example of SJWsplaining
Holy shit the articles I can already see coming. So many SJWs gonna be splitting their skulls over the kind of shit they'll see in Akihabara.
I started coming to Holla Forums when I realized it was basically Holla Forums without R8 MY DICK threads.
b-but i dont even care about anything im so apathetic i dont capitalize when i type
h-hail eris… please notice me…
It´s like you are asking for it.
It's too late for South Korea but I think Japan can hold on even though between now and 2020 it's going to get ramped up
Well Feminism spread because people lost touch with Traditionalism but with Trump *Who the nips fucking love** and us ythe nips won't be alone in their struggle and will hold on
You sound like a faggot then. No surprised you're a /b tard. You know better but you imagine you're being cute. Well, if I ever heard someone do that I'd punch them in the face and I' get away with it because retards would think I was defending Jews hahaha.
This shit is just the next gamersgate bullshit. Watch, it will play out the same but die earlier. Only hardcore rainbows heads with facial piercings will follow gook cartoons. Shit is just too weird. But in the meantime, many of them will make themselves look like epic asses. We should mock them as 'racist' for insulting Japanese culture. Ask, what are you, Lena whatever her name? As she recently said something racist about fisheads.
Doesn't it have Cute girls all over the place, some with tits out
They might have it but they spend it on drugs.
BANG right in the feels
for some reason when I see smug anime girl it feels as if they want to fuck me or are part of my mafia
IDK why people find it annoying
I want to watch anime that looks like this picture but people only reccomend cute girl anime to me.
Respect the 2d, don't sexualize them (or at least keep that shit private). Sexualizing pure 2d maidens (they all are pure unless canon explicitly says otherwise) is sexually frustrated faggots projecting their own decay onto what is immaculate, in effect they try to degrade it in the same way jews want to destroy high culture in order to bring it more in line with their own grotesque soul.
Basically: secondaries are human garbage.
Every god damn time.
This fucking year.
This god damn fucking year.