Android without GAPPS

Anyone else running Android without GAPPS?
What apps are you using?

My setup:
Adaway - ad blocker
AFWall+ - firewall
Amaze - file manager
Clover - 4chan
FDroid - FOSS apps store
K9 mail (can't get my school's gmail working)
mpv-android - video player
Open Link With - lets you 'share' to a certain app
OsmAnd~ - Maps (really fucking laggy)
Telegram - Messenger
Terminal Emulator

Proprietary (use AFWall to block most of them):
CamScanner - make PDFs from your camera
GPS Status - GPS/sensor info
Pocket Casts - podcast app (paid)
Reddit is fun
Whatsapp - Messenger
Weather Timeline - Weather app with notification (paid)
Titanium Backup

Device: OnePlus 2 with LineageOS 14.1

I've been running it for a day and it's OK. I use the AOSP browser much more. My concerns are the maps (OsmAnd is very laggy, and can barely find my location).

Other urls found in this thread:

Is it something like [email protected]/* */, using Gmail's paid service?

If it is, all you need to do is add it as a regular gmail address ([email protected]/* */) and let K9 configure it automatically.

Then, go into the account's settings (in K9) and change the address to the proper one ([email protected]/* */) in Account Settings > Fetching Mail > Incoming Server > Username and also in Account Settings > Sending Mail > Outgoing Server > Username.

Don't change anything else, as it uses the same settings as a regular Gmail account.



Hm, I tried that and I got the same issue (authentication fails). I read that turning on weak logins in Google settings works, but it did not for me.

I have a family

There is literally nothing wrong with using Reddit.
Decent place for finding wallpapers.


And no principles.
Aka and attentionwhoring central.

Have some taste you fucking philistine

I need Whatsapp.
I can't find a good alternative to Pocket Casts.

You got me there. Waste of $1.

Again, I am not going to convince my 70 year old grandmother she needs to switch to Telegram.

I literally just use stock Android and Xfce.

Also there is literally nothing wrong with the Stasi.

Thank you good sir for the link, but I do not think the insult was necessary.

I just switched from Google Maps and its a lot less leggy for me. Great project, I also started contributing to it

For podcast there is AntennaPod and SoudWaves, free as in freedom

Do you use the version from FDroid or from the Play Store? I noticed the FDroid version is from late 2016.

On second thought, the UI of this looks promising. Thanks.

You should spend a little more time lurking and integrating before posting.
I honestly don't mind if people use 4chan or reddit, but if I can tell then they're probably doing something wrong. You shouldn't be offended by jokey insults. You should be aware of what people think about reddit and 4chan around here. If you bring them up like that it means that you're either clueless or being edgy.

Have you tried Waze? It's proprietary, but doesn't use GAPPS and it's surprisingly accurate.

Also, check out HERE maps. Again, no GAPPS and IIRC it's mostly open source.

how the fuck do you get OsmAnd to do in-app search? gives me the shits something fierce.

Install Wifi/GSM Nlp Providers from fdroid. It can get a GPS fix in 10 seconds for me from a cold start.

The only thing I miss from GAPPS is all the themes I could download there that exist nowhere else.

If you have a cellphone please fuck off, grow up and kill yourself.

Yalp store

Did you enable SMPT on the account?
That'll also give you directions on how to manually configure it.

Reporting in. Nothing to complain about. You can't have most apps that normalfags are signalling about though.

You say that like its a disadvantage

I have that setup for years now. Was just thinking about OP, as he sounds like a normie in disguise

Let me guess, you'd do it yourself, but you don't want to leave the basement?


back to reddit with this faggotry

whats your setup

You can download raccoon for Linux or windows which downloads apks direct from google play store using a new unique phone identifier and a gmail account (create a throwaway one)

Your welcome

stop spoonfeeding

Go back to your cancerous hellhole you irredeemable faggot

I use a refurb droid 4 with stock software and GAPPS

I like apolo music player
I think there was a decent text editor for F-droid too but thats about all I know

termux is pretty nice, because it comes with a package manager and their own repo with cli applications. They are not on f-droid because they use reproducible builds.
how good does it work?

compared to mx player it's useless. it plays video back but that's it, while with mx you also have swipe controls that imo are a game changer when it comes to media playback on android


How does one "enjoy" the bash shell?

My bad. I even installed it from f-droid. I must have confused it with another free app.

Go away.

My shartphone is completely default since I hardly even use the little shit other than when my parents or advertisers want to call me.

What steps would I need to take to make my moto x pure(?) free from proprietary software?

OP you don't really care about your privacy which makes me think you are an fag, here is what you can install to make your NonGo(v)ogleAndroidDevice (NGAD) complete:

You're the cancer, since you use sage as a downvote

Gmail blocks most "third party" email applications, and forces you to enable access to your email account from them through a browser. I forgot how though, fucking look it up you nigger.