Even more mainstream salt


Starts the current pile of lugenpresse tripe.





Ive been here since time eternal, but my eyes always glaze over when someone explains how to archive properly.

Other urls found in this thread:



You really are a retard because its simple as can be, go to archive.is, paste url into the box, hit save page.
Out comes archive link:archive.is/HSIyL

sage in all fields

We were into Republics before they became mainstream.
Ethnocentric Nationalism too.

I hope you guys are archiving the names of the people writing this shit.

Don't insult him, he at least did archive his shit. That's like ten steps above cancer that can't archive.

Good job captain nigger.

Here, have a Hitler.

what do you think nationalism means.

Check out the companion piece goyim!
Not even going to archive it. Just check the image.

Something at least somewhat like this.

That isn't an answer to my question
Nationalism is ethnocentric adding it is retarded.

But I thought the leftists media spent the last five decades painting the Republicans as racist, so by their own metric, Trump would be Republican, since they also label him the R word.

Helps to differentiate versus "civic" nationalism, which is neither of the two terms in its title.

How new are you?

Running around just promoting 'nationalism' is the path to civic nationalism cuckoldry accusations or implications.


America is a racial nationalist nation, not ethnic nationalist

Racial nationalism, ethnic nationalism are real and viable, while civic nationalism is a perversion of the concept of nationhood and based on false assumptions. A nation cannot exist without a single racial element at its core.

Ethnocentricism encapsulates both racial and ethnic nationalism.

Ethnicity is a derivative of race, thus any sort of ethnic nationalism is, by definition, racial nationalism.

Hence, ethnocentric nationalism.

wew lad

Why are you this stupid and keep repeating the same shit Nationalism is based on ethnicity/race

Adding that you want ethnocentric Nationalism is accepting Civic nationalism as a legitimate position.

Not entirely true. America is a nation founded on white racialism, which is different from ethnonationalism since an entire race is not an individual ethnicity. A German nationalist would be an ethnonationalist, since German is an ethnicity, while an American White Nationalist would be a racial nationalist, since he advocates for the entire racial community and an identity based on it.

A German nationalist could also technically be a white nationalist if he promoted pan-European interests, but only if he didn't endanger his ethnicity's own national identity.


'civic nationalism' is literally patriotism.
Nationalism and patriotism are two separate things.

No it's not. A non-white cannot be patriotic for a country he has no racial connection to. "Civic nationalism" is self-contradictory in its very terminology. It's basically state-worship of a set of economic and social policies based on liberal egalitarianism.

There are two real types of nationalism - racial nationalism and ethnic nationalism. Anything beyond the race is self-defeating and basically doesn't exist

Op here, Thank you.

They could, but it would require them to be naive.

then that isn't true patriotism - just blind state-worship

Civic Nationalism exists, though illegitimately.
Deal with it.

Ethnicity is derivative from race.
Hence, promotion of racial nationalism inherently implies absence or response on the issue of ethnonationalism.

Ethnocentric nationalism encompasses both racially- and ethnically-derived nationalism in terms of conceptual promotion.

So I take it you're a civic nationalist then.

Modern patriotism is state-worship according to the individuals belief of what the proper nature of that state is. Effectively blind state-worship through the mechanism of self deceit.

I'll admit you're right according to the true the origins of the word 'patriotism' but from what I've seen it's been well over a century since that has been it's usage. What patriotism meant has become synonymous with nationalism while ethnicity has become synonymous with both culture and the nationalist's interpretation of nationality.

Thus civic nationalism = patriotism. At least until that paradigm can be corrected.

Never am.

So then what are you?

You say you're a nationalist, but not a civic nationalist, so what kind of nationalist are you?
Don't tell me you're some sort of libertarian nationalist…. ;^)

true, but advocating ones ethnic interests does not always equate to advocating ones racial interests. A German nationalist state could happily go to war with a British nationalist state, even if such a war would be to the detriment of the great European racial community.
Promotion of racial nationalism implies promoting a pan-racial identity and advocating interests of the race as a whole instead of specifically a single cultural/ethnic group.
Not necessarily. I could be a German and promote exclusively what I perceive to be German interests even if it where to the detriment of the entire racial community, regardless of how ultimately self-defeating that may be.

ayo hol up. Neo Cohens are post-Vietnam war only

Point being, a preferable terminology would espouse capacity for support in both racial and ethnic capacities.

Ethnocentric Nationalism fulfills this intent much more effectively, IMHO, than either Racial Nationalism, Ethnic Nationalism, or presentation of the conceptual dichotomy itself.

Ethnocentricity - with ethnicity at a central position; and, as ethnicity is a derivation of race, with race in a similarly foundational position.

Not perfect, but my preferred terminology - I'm sure you can see what I'm suggesting.

I kind of understand, but I still feel it's lacking. It would be impossible for America to become ethno-nationalist because the European people living here are mixed between many different European ethnicities. We can and do, however, draw strength and our identity from racial nationalism, which forgoes individual ethnic identities for a grander and larger pan-European sense of self and belonging.

Again, racial nationalism implies forming an a pan-racial identity and advocating the interests of the racial group as a whole, while ethnic nationalism implies promoting ones own ethnic identity and advocating the interests of that ethnic group specifically. Ethnic nationalism can be a subset of racial nationalism if the ethnic nationalist both looks out for their individual ethnic interests and the greater racial community, however the two are not interchangeable.

there go their subscriptions