This still a thing?
What are some good channels you are on?
Which client do you use?
Other urls found in this thread:
Rizon is apparently the network of choice for the board ppl.
Rizon is a garbage network. Stop clinging to that tumor just because #4chan is there.
google chrome and discord!
It's great for solving shit; if the program/language/library/OS/tool has enough users, it's the fastest way to get help.
Also irssi.
Yeah. I hang out on Rizon because that's where all the chans are, plus a few other websites I visit have channels there, too. Back in the day I was always on undernet.
Also, I use WeeChat
but #Holla Forums is also there
Undernet is still worth going to for #bookz tbh.
Haven't needed anything else since libgen came on the scene.
those are some hot arguments user
I want to call you retarded for using a chat program that loses entire sessions of scrollback if you restart it "wrong", but utox corrupted/deleted my profile for like the 5th time just now
irssi never does this to me
On Rizon
Yeah, because #4chan is there.
Is there anything modern that renders IRC obsolete?
You just don't get it, you old dumb fart!
It's `date +%Y`! You absolutely MUST reinvent the wheel with cool features and powered by Chromiumâ„¢.
Forgot the image.
#troll @
I started using it because it hogs far less memory and I can customize its appearance more than the modern chat clients I got dragged into (Discord, Telegram).
I only really go in QuakeNet's because Holla Forums's Xonotic server has IRC integration.
Based MikeeUSA
Yeah, although recently some faggots seem to be way into discord. That shit is like proprietary and shit IRC. Fuck that.
but muh gameu integration and hoodies and dark is cool and edgy
It's basically just a platform for contacting maintainers of FLOSS projects.
What makes you say that?
(I just know him as the guy who spams the forums sometimes and spergs out hard in the game servers about women if he gets triggered.)
Line on wine64.
ah yes
He has an Encyclopedia Dramatica article about him. He's one of those lolcow weirdos that tries too hard to fit in and he did that by becoming a literal gay-tier woman-hater who wants women to be genocided or something. Github banned him because of it and ESR (not knowing shit about the issue) made some liberterian argument on why that was wrong after Mikee contacted him.
IRC people are horrible, no good dicsussions
What the fuck is a good discussion? We have rationality and logic. What's left for conversation is obvious statements and shitposting.
Googling doesn't help you.
Because emacs is love, emacs is life
If you use hexchat, does it reveal IP? Would you need vpn/proxy?
Are you retarded?
Ever heard of CTCP FINGER? Shut the fuck up you inbred lobotomite, and stop acting like you know anything.
There's usermode +x so your ip is hidden and instead displayed as or so. I'm usually on QuakeNet, and I'm not entirely sure if that's the case for every other server.
IRC is long dead, literally only muh nostalgia fat larpers use it for sys admin shit.
so what is group text chat dead or are you just some faggot who uses discord
IRCnet !anonymous is pretty fun
What's that?
He made some anti-feminist/SJW game mods for Crossfire (MMO type game). The SJW tried to ban them and also smear his name.
Only use it when I have a problem (#gentoo, #mpv).
Grampa, is that you?
telling the world about my comfy channels would destroy their comfiness
No. This is Holla Forums.
>>>Holla Forums12603555
Discord, Slack and Twitter.
no thanks
I'm actually kinda happy, tbh
my friends never used IRC in the first place, aat least I am not forced to use archaic slow pieces of shit like MicroSkype or Whatsbook anymore