It always seems like their content is much more diverse, of higher quality and more energy. Are we just a bunch of boring pedo loser rejects now or watsup?
Why is 4chan so much better than Holla Forums?
go back to halfchan faggot
classic 8ch oc nigger
take his advice because that's the only thing we need to say to you.
also this is b8
stop shilling your shitty ib
is mewchan a person or a place?
tbh if you still think halfchan is a "great place" you're either a redditor or an edgy teen because the real 4chan died a long time ago. now its just a very regulated porn forum for horny teenagers and its full of reddit shit such as /r/imgoingtohellforthis tier shitty low quality "EDGY" memes full of ifunny and 9gag watermarks
which one? i know there's the website but they always post that girl that looks like she's always high. is she mewchan and they named the place after her?
So no answers for op, just ignorant rebuking? Basic tbh. No wonder this site is dead af. Enjoy your not cp and slow crawling pph haha.
Goldberg pls
go back to halfchan already. dick rate, gay, trap, furry, banana, milf, and pony threads are waiting for you
Moot (Chris) sold them to the Conde Naste media network for 10 million dollars years ago. They have professional posters, mods, janitors and a legion of bots to push agenda's.
What program did you use to generate that?
As for 4chan, I used to go there for >>>/s/, but that was 100 years ago. I read about the great troll migration following GamerGate, when m00t sided with feminist SJWs, but that was 50 years ago.
Kelly is a Brazilian girl who is friends with Mega Milk. She became the site mascot.
I thought she was Russian, her name is always written in Cyrillic on there.
Lookup sis magic eye
No such thing as pedo, "children" don't exist
LMAO at the Insecure OP, 4chan is just as shitty as this place
this is you right now.
nigger pls go
Remember when 4chan was first created? Christ, we had some good times back in the day. It's all over now, though.