Well lets see what Holla Forums is.
Also no cheating and sharing this shit I want to know what Holla Forums really is since everyone says their 6'8 blonde, blue eyed, millionaire Aryan.
Also bump thread once your done with voting we need everyone to see this.
God Bless and MAGA
What race are you? Poll!
datamining thread
Why would FBI want peoples race>?
If you open that link then the Jew will name you.
Iberian, reporting in!
Possible, but who gives a fuck anymore? Privacy is (sadly) a dead issue in .
Numbers thread.
I'm ethnic eskimo/aborignal mix with 3/65ths mongolian nose flute tuner on my mother's side.
Tradition dictates that you vote Jew in these, but there is no suitable choice. Fuck you OP.
No kikes here
Holla Forums, I'm FBI.
German + spanish mix
at this point if you're not using tor and a vpn you're compromised
I'm a 7'4, platinum-haired, violet eyed, Billionaire Aryan, you mongrel faggot.
Everyone answer Indian. Stuff that damn thing with poo-in-the-loos
This is OP's wallpaper.
Fellow Iberian here
I don't post on proxies so if the ATF or FBI wants to take me down they could.
Wow really makes me THINK
yes goy
Race is abolished un my country
why even bother?
slavohibernian master race reporting in
Come on, where's the Jew option?
US born
Mom is German and Irish with some native indian. Dad is black and Italian.
How will I able to vote then?
Half Bavarian, Half Scot. 5'10"
Uh, you don't get to collect my friends' data.
It's not a datamining thread. Datamining threads ask for a whole lot more than race.
No Ayyy option.
I don't understand all of this opposition to data collecting.
Like I am pretty public health with my opinions, and a person with my Twitter or jewtube accounts can find out my info pretty easily.
I mean imagine if they got data and surveyed Amren or the RNC, "oh it is mostly white Americans!"
So fucking what?
Why didn't you just answer "filth", it's so much shorter.
This list is complete bullshit. Many of these aren't even races, but sub-ethnicities, and there's no logical reason for why you distinguished some of these and not others.
you have nice digits and a great race, but you're weak af only 7'4
I'm a 9'9 ayylium btw
I see some value in this thread. We need to set aside differences for ling enough to tag team the jew. Admitting my being a mutt will hopefully break the ice.
Assuming this is true, Holla Forums is surprisingly more diverse than I thought. I mean, I knew we'd have a huge mix of asians and even a few negros, but thats a fucking lot.
Die in a fire.
Mostly white though, some whites with some Native blood.
We got some other shit like half breeds and Asians.
Many people are joking, though
Iberians just have bigger balls.
only 12 poles? What a shoah
sweet animated pepe. wish i could save it :(
The kikes dont care about us, so why bother.
You totally suck at this, You are not tricking anyone, fuck off
Fuck off with your datamining. The fact that there is no Jew option enables them to go crypto too. OP is most likely a kike who wants to report his data to the ADL.
Refer to
Internet gives the FBI all kinds of information, except WHAT COLOR YOUR ARE!
You might be too stupid to use the internet. But good news, I can help, just give me the last four digits of your social security number and your mother's maiden name. With this info, I'll be able to determine your race without looking at you. :)
What a retard group of outsiders
"Assuming this is true". I'm only taking it with a grain of salt.
itt: over 9k aryan overlords
Not even employed, gov or otherwise. I am just a political scientist major who enjoys the statistical and data surveying of politics.
a lot of us are burger mutts. I am German / Russian / scottish so am really none of them.
sage for shit thread, hai fbi fags.
Stop being a retard outsider, go now and stay away
this was posted on 4cuck's /cuckpol/
get out and stay out
Don't worry user, I still like you.
__You still have to go, though.__
I thought so, the number of people falling for that datamining is too big for it being only posted here.
half black?
I am so sorry for you loss
Where's the option for Jewish?
Again, I gotta ask. What is the issue with people knowing a group of white nationalists are mostly white?
Voted Germanic, but being a Canadian, I'm actually a European shitmix. My father's side is more pure than my mothers, hence the Germanic vote. Apparently my great grandfather was a Nazi, captured by the Russians, who then managed to escape, and then fucked off to Canada after grabbing a Slav wife.
God forbid we realize our true collective power of influence over a variety of cultures.
No mate.
This is the number of Kikes on the website…
Roughly 10-20 kikes
tfw didn't sage properly…
Pure ashkenazi jew ;^)
This poll is fucking retarded, you don't even know the difference between European subraces and linguistic groups.
Sage because OP is a clueless amerifat.
Primarily germanic. However, there are elements of Native American (Yakima and Miami) as well as Celt on my moms side.
i'm cia