Yaoi Thread
Yaoi Thread
what's wrong with girls?
That's cheeky
I like it
alluring boys
boys are best
Does that include traps?
Asking for a friend.
You're all a bunch of fuckin' fags!
Kill all the gays and the fujos
Looking for a pic similar to this. It's not furry, though. Femboy in the bathroom, with a cut out in his jean shorts. He had ginger hair I think.
Sauce on 4th picture mating press shota is my biggest diamond maker
2 seconds on shitbooru
*pedo thread
you know OP there's a board called >>>/cuteboys/
Good thing we're on a random board called
>>>Holla Forums
I don't have that one, I have some similiar though
did you just cum?
These are kids. not proper yaoi, they look like girls
post more of your gay shit then
Do you infer there are elements of homosexual activity portrayed in this thread? Because I find that quite surprising.
I'm doing neither of those things.
former shota here.
i used to make one of you degenerates very very happy when i was young. i mean, i didnt really know what the fuck was going on and would only engage in the conduct because of gifts and money and shit, but its funny…. how I never told.
i was never told not to tell either, but somehow I knew I couldnt, or shouldnt or something and till this day I dont think anybody besides me and him know.
anyways, just something id thought id share. even though nobody asked me to. (yes i know).
They prefer 3D
Society has been declining for several millennia. Civilization in the west will never be saved until we hearken back to the very foundation of Western culture, classical antiquity, where diddling little boys to give them valuable experience with sexuality and relationships signified high status and masculinity, instead of in this backwards, liberal SJW world we live in today where all it signifies is a sex offender registry.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for slim, sexy, young white boys. Especially blonds.