Who here has an interest in combining certain elements of esoteric though with Nationalism to find an ideology better than the Abrahamic programs fora White society? Pic related.
Esoteric White Nationalism
I already have.
Solar activity controls human behavior.
On days when cmes and flares are hitting, people are euphoric and happy.
There isn't much flaring anymore. You may have to wait another 4 years until the cycle begins again.
The stockmarket tends to rise during the active flaring years, and falls during the quiet years.
Although inflation is mostly in control of the market.
When there is little to no flaring, there is stability.
When there is excess flaring, people are idiotic.
The Two pictures Show the Sunspot Number over the past 400 years.
Each solar cycle is 11 years, but there larger cycles about every 110 years.
There are even larger cycles, That last 1000-1100 years. You must see the carbon 14 number to see it.
Study the 110 year cycle, in relation to historical events.
You'll notice that bad things happen at the end of the High solar activity, and good things happen at the end of the low solar activity.
Moreover, that 1000 year cycle, of high solar activity, is topping out.
At the end of this high solar activity, everything goes to shit. The Apocalypse will start in 30 years, according to these cycles.
Once the 1000 year cycle begins descending, everything will begin stabilizing.
Notice the last time the 1000 year cycle began descending, from 1000-1200 AD…
The Jews were expelled from Europe,
& we entered the Reformation, Renaissance, and Age of Enlightenment.
Think about it. Study events relative to that 80 year cycle, and the c14 cycle. Everything will begin to make sense.
in b4 tldr
It already exists, lurk more faggot.
Interesting. I'll bump for this.
This is actually very interesting, as the effect of various waves on our psyche is still unknown, or undisclosed.
Then why sage? I want an user that knows more to see this.
So much red and black, what are you, some kind of satanist, oh wait 666 never mind.
Forgot to remove it, have a bump
We are the Premier. Twin gauntlets of Race and Truth.
There are solid, rational reasons for wanting to be an ethno-nationalist.
I don't get why people need religion so fucking much.
There are solid, rational religions out there too. You just don't know about them.
I didn't mention this before, but solar flaring causes the ionosphere / Oceans to heat.
The more flaring, the hotter. the less flaring, the colder.
This Is why I am closely following the next next mini ice age. I'm praying for winter chan.
If you want to look at solar activity going back before Carbon 14. See pic related
If you want to learn about the man who first discovered this.
See this man: Alexander Chizhevsky
Also very interesting. That Hitler and the Nazis worshipped the black sun.
The name makes me think of the sun during low solar activity.
Lucifer, in the Bible (fuck christ cucks) is named the "Bringer of Light"
This name makes me think of the Sun.
& When the Sun is active, Lucifer is active.
We are now entering a new solar minimum. the longer the minimum, the better for us all.
Most people say it will end by 2035. Others say 2050.
Silly pleb
No, Black Sun is something completely different, it has nothing to do with the physical sun, nor the solar eclipse, nor the "cold" sun.
But these cycles could coincidence with the Yugas of Hinduism. We just need to determine the exact patterns.
There are indeed connections behind the scenes. The Temple of Set's reading list positions its section on fascism as Chapter 14. Some of the same kind of influence can be seen in Wulf Grimsson's books. Kerry Bolton in New Zealand travels in this sphere as well. The mysteries of the North and the Left Hand Path often intersect with white nationalism. Funny thing is at lower levels neither the occult practitioners nor the WNs know this connection exists. It's a secret society within a secret society.
Gas all Satanic anti-Christian kikes, starting with OP.
nice poison the well attempt
It's clear you have no clue what National Socialism is and are merely jumping on board because le edgy nahtzis. I bet you think the holocaust happened too. NatSoc is an ideology driven by love and compassion, not hatred and evil.
Satanism is completely opposed to NatSoc and is something we would fight against.
Good ol' Joy of Satan.
I remember high school well.
I want to read about this now.
Atlantis is real though, it's a Greek Island that "sunk" due to a volcano most likely
Perhaps you mean Hyperborea / Ultima thule?
fuck off joy of satan alien cult garbage.
even hitler himself stated the occult as nonsense and wouldnt be tolerated.
read a fucking book.
and thats how he cucked germany.
hitler was just a false führer.
dr. rudolf steiner was and is the true savior of germany
it's all hypothetical at this point
the semitic sects of islam judaism and christianity run the planet (into the ground) so unless there's a massive war nothing will change
It goes nowhere. Going down this path is just like tires spinning in the mud.
If you want to see how artificial culture creations end up, read up on Esperanto.
This, Hitler promoted Christianity and traditional European pagan spirituality. Some Nazis were occultists and such but we also have flat earthers and other weird fringe elements among us. For whatever reason our ideology attracts people interested in the some of the more obscure conspiracy theories. This doesn't make it part of our ideology.
Fuck forgot sage
Thank you for being one of the only Holla Forumsacks left who acknowledge he did both.
What does the revival of the ancient aryan esoteric wisdom have to do with a jew plot to control language?
and that's why he lost the war
Does the thing the National socialists built still exist?
Christianity is for the pleb-tier faggot masses
Occultism is for the Waffen Bros
Both have an important place in European society and are central aspects to our culture. There is no reason not to embrace both of them.
Because it is based on the same foundation,
" I know people benefit from __, but none of them are good enough, so I will make my own!"
Creating an endless fantasy world and diving deeper and deeper into it yields no results.
Your nose is showing
The occult is not one thing you Niger loving Jew worshipper. Even Christianity consists of occultism.
He has a school named after him in Finland.
Bumping for curiosity
Hitler promoted Christianity just because majority of Germans were Christian. A lot of NSDAP members like Goebbels, Himmler and Rosenberg were far from Christian.
Christianity is a foreign religion of Semitic origins and has nothing to do with anything European. There's your reason.
keep that himmler shit out of here. if you need your pseudo-religious fix this is the wrong place.
Like it or not, Christianity is a pillar of western civilization. Which Semites are Christian? Christiandom is synonymous with the West. We infused it with our character over the millennia and it is as much a part of our heritage as paganism.
actually,, there was a special unit of SS tasked with occult research.
It was more of heinrich himmlers idea but hitler was also involved
On July 1, 1935, at SS headquarters in Berlin, Himmler met with five racial experts representing Darré and with Herman Wirth, one of Germany’s most famous but also most controversial prehistorians. Together they established an organization called the "German Ancestral Heritage—Society for the Study of the History of Primeval Ideas" (Deutsches Ahnenerbe—Studiengesellschaft für Geistesurgeschichte), shortened to its better-known form in 1937. At the meeting they designated its official goal, “to promote the science of ancient intellectual history,” and appointed Himmler as its superintendent, with Wirth serving as its president. Himmler appointed Wolfram Sievers Generalsekretär (General Secretary) of the Ahnenerbe.
Through 1937, the Ahnenerbe was essentially engaged in amateur völkisch research. Financial and academical pressure caused Himmler to start looking for an alternative to Wirth as early as the spring of 1936. In September, Hitler negatively referred to Wirth's beliefs regarding Atlantis and their influence on "Böttcherstrasse architecture" in a speech at the Reichsparteitag.
Die Gruft (vault) in basement of North Tower at Wewelsburg Castle - Himmler's SS Castle
Actually western civilisation is a pillar of christianity. Christianity depends upon us, not the other way around. Have some pride in your race for fuck's sake.
You expect to much from these semit lovers.
By Western civilisation you mean European civilisation? Again, there's nothing European in Christianity, it is of Semitic origins and based on Jewish mythology, that's a fact.
Do you not understand what the word 'origins' mean? Everyone can be Christian, majority of Christians are shitskins btw.
Yes and that doesn't change the fact that Christianity is in any way European.
How can a desert religion that is based on Jewish mythology as much a part of our heritage as European ancestral religions? You're delusional.
Is Communism a part of our heritage as well? Would you call Islam a part of our heritage if Islam prevailed in Europe instead of Christianity?
Native European faiths were a central part of European identity for thousands of years. There are cultural artifacts of these faiths that are still everywhere in European tradition. If a semitic religion hadn't forcibly destroyed them all you still probably wouldn't be a very religious person, but (if Germanic) you would probably recognize and be influenced by stories of the wisdom of Wotan as a folk figure as a child, for instance.
I don't care what your religion (or lack of) is as long as you do the right thing for your race in the coming years. Christianity is a foreign influence though, and the necessary violence to save our future stands in direct opposition to its gospel.
OP is a faggot for the "666" shit, that has nothing to do with European faith nor the Sonnenrad which is a symbol associated with the SS and just derived from native European swastika symbols. Such cognitive dissonance can only be explained by this being a shill thread or the OP being a mental midget who knows not of what he speaks.
fuck off
Black Sun has everything to do with European religions and wasn't just derived from swastika. OP is a faggot but you don't know much as well. It has a very interesting shape and existed way before the Waffen SS formed.
Unfortunately a lot of the knowledge about its meaning was lost, however there are clues that imply it's symbolising constancy and order of mind - ones journey to becoming a higher man based on your ideals.
Its outer ring is connected to the centre with Sowilo runes which represent success, achieved goals - victory, contact betweeen higher self and the uncounscious.
Continuing for anyone is interested.
Runes literally means 'secrets', You were taught these secrets if you have proven to be worthy.
So behind every rune there's a riddle:
She saw a hall stand
decorated on the Sun
covered with gold
on the sea of gems;
there the capable
kings should build
and in the days of life
This one is linked to Sowilo and Sun (the black sun symbol is made up of sowilo runes being connected to the centre(sun).
It is suppose to mean power returned to the sun - the victorious one (probably the one who passed the challenge with best results) should rule the world/tribe.
I challenge you to find an exact representation of the Sonnenrad from a date before it appeared on the floor of Wewelsburg Castle.
In its exact form it is a symbol inspired by other European swastika-type symbols but does not have a very extensive history.
I have no problem with anyone using it as a rallying point symbol for a revival of European faith or identity.
Like any other European symbols, there are many versions of it. The one on the floor of Wewelsburg Castle is just a late and better looking depiction of it.
Its history is very extensive my friend, look at my previous post about sawilo rune, you have other similarly constructed symbols where runes are used in them, why would this one with sawilo be any different?
There is a clear distinction between swastika and the dark sun, the same goes for triskelion.
Everything in nature is cyclical, our ancestors understood that, it was the basis for their religion. Do you think triskelion is a rip off of swastika as well?
Pic related is one from the bronze age. It is absurd to think that this symbol has the same meaning as swastika, which represents the cycle of life.
Esoteric is the lowest level of any kind of deeper understanding. Only useful when hiding things from maniac Christians. It's way lower than psychiatry, and that's why you need one.
Naturalism > hoo doo voo doo esoterics
An interesting point about the Black Sun is also its similarity to the alchemical symbol (and an ancient hieroglyph) of the Sun. According to Evola in "Introduction to Hermetic Magic", it symbolizes the Gold principle, the Soul and the key to immortality. The outer circle symbolizes the All, while the inner center symbolizes the One - and the Black Sun would then show the rigid interconnection of the two. Depending on the stage of the alchemical process, it could be used both in blackening and then whitening (the All pressing upon the One) and later in reddening (the One gaining power over the All and changing it in turn), thus unleashing the true potential within.
Of course, it is much more complex as I write here and one would do well studying the book for themselves. These are merely my observations from my own search.
I say bring christianity back to its true form, Kek can even be a prophet once he fully memes himself into our dimension. he would probably end up pulling a Judas for the lulz though
That's also a hydrogen atom.
That's heresy, O.P.
I found this and thought of you.
Magic square of the Sun from Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa’s “De Occulta Philosophia”
Black Sun is the symbol of the Vandal Tribes during Barbarian Invasions.
Christianity is for the self sacrificing heroes of Eastern Front, who got defectors from USSR for their conduct and religion.
Esoterism is for Thule Society tier, roleplaying elitist part who can't accept freemasonry as it is too kiked
Very interesting indeed and makes a lot of sense, especially when looking at the riddle that shows power returned to the sun, it's really sad that we don't have a clear definition or explanation for pretty much any European symbol.
One thing is certain though, our ancestors knew a lot more about the universe and how things work than we think they did.
A lot of what we know about the Vandal tribes is based on speculations and biased Christian Roman sources. There's not even a definitive proof from where exactly they originated, the word Vandali actually means blond/fair.
Pic of the black sun I posted earlier is from the Bronze Age, it predates everything we know about the Vandals, they did use this symbol though, but there's no proof of it being exclusive to them.
electrons don't travel in a perfect circle fam
Fair enough. I can't disagree with that.
The origins are (mostly) irrelevant. The point I'm trying to make is that we made it ours over the millennia since it came to Europe. Scholars spent lifetimes developing theological frameworks around it, our greatest art was inspired by it, and millions died for it. Some of the greatest periods in western history were full of Christian belief. If Islam had become dominant in Europe rather than Christianity the story would be the same. After thousands of years, it is as much a part of our culture as more ancient traditions.
I should point out to avoid suspicion of shilling that I have nothing against paganism and I recognise that our achievements were largely due to the acts of great men rather than their religious ideology (since many shitskins are Christian but still live as savages).
Christianity isn't Semitic.
Do only comparative theologists know Christianity isn't Semitic in the slightest? Don't polacks know the Ogdoad got syncretized with Jesus, and there was a Decad that was syncretized with the Father?
Have any of you Holla Forums shills ever read comparative theology?
Christianity is very much semitic.
So tell me this, should Ex-Soviets accept USSR as part of their culture because it has obviously brought them victory, many works of art, and many accomplishments? (if we ignore all the bad things, like Christians are doing) Should communism be something that's defining their national spirit?
It's just a hypothetical example.
Actually true Kristianity is not Semitic, but the one that spread around Europe and exists to this day is, in every possible way. It's a corrupt, misleading copy brought to you by Rabbi Jeshua.
All that info will be out of our reach. A shame I wish I did not have to bear.
Could someone be so kind as to explain the… Hindus I think, veneration of Hitler and Trump?
This is something worth digging into. Are we the modern "witches"? When you think about is, there are some things linking us together … Some things that even certain gov agencies tried to detect and suppress.
we are the shadows - in every crack of this society. We are flying this plane now.
Nu Sorvivers
Care to prove it? I'm studying comparative theology and the consensus it's not.
The "x" in the Greek term for an attribute of a king was an aspirated k.
Jesus - his Aramaic name was reconstructed and never revealed - was never a rabbi. The Sanhedrin hated him.
The church got corrupt, so we basically need to do away with the Freemason-infested Vatican and Protestant congegations.
The Christianity that spread throughout Europe is a heavily syncretized one; various mythological figures and gods were made to saints or became icons. For example, the Christian god, being exactly the Father aspect of the Hermetic deity the ALL, was syncretized with the Roman god Janus ("the beginning and the end", primordial creator god, comparable to Egyptian Atum-Ra of the decad, while Jesus was syncretized with the Ogdoad; the Hebdomad was for the gods, the plurality og deities and pantheons), who had absolutely no equivalence in Greek or any other pagan European mythology, but was compared to a personified chaos. Other religions had similar connections between creative chaos, primordial chaos and a spreme non-immanent and transcendent deity (e.g. Shangdi).
The Christian god is, comparatively, personified chaos.
Hinduism, like most Indo-European religions, consider spirits (the dead), humans, deities and gods (the big guys) to be made of the same material, but of differing quality and amount. People fulfilling the hihger Karmic levels are thus closer to the One God, who made Brahman.
It was corrupt from the day one. But even if we assume that the original fellowship of Jesus had good intentions, it got changed beyond recognition later. Modern Christianity has symbols of many ancient religions, many pagan symbols, but none the content.
It's a political tool that got shaped by the ruling elites. And they have stretched it so much that it basically represents nothing anymore.
This. Syncretism is intellectually satisfying, but for true spiritual liberation (not liberals) religious purity is needed for the context.
This so much. The word in the original Bible was ekklesia, meaning community, but also formed a noun of the verb for excluding, as in exclusionary communitarianism (not communism; socialism is heretical in the book). In this case, the Christian triune god which deemed community extended family, and nation extended community. By caring for your community - in quality (this is what love means in traditional religious terminology) - you show love for whatever deity you praise.
Except Satan, who is Saturn, who is Molech. Fuck that guy.
It already is, have you not seen the USSR symbolism throughout the former eastern bloc? It is a part of their national identity and even their nationalists use symbolism from the regime despite HATING communism.
The key in the case of Christianity is the time frame. It existed for a large portion of European history and has had a heavy, mostly positive influence on Europe's historical culture. Many people today get disgusted with Pope Current Year and the poz of the Protestant churches but fail to realize that this is simply a reflection of our diseased society. Every ideology is only as good as its practitioners. Liberia's government is an exact copy of America's but ours has functioned well enough to become the most powerful organization on the planet while theirs has yet to even get off the ground. Our people are simply better and the system and ideology we follow is only secondary. You could have a perfect system and it would still be prone to corruption due to the innate corruptibility of Man.
The spiritual health of a nation is extremely important and to throw out two thousand years of tradition and culture because yet another institution was subverted by kikes is silly.
I'm the same poster as above, my id just changes daily on my phone and I'm using PC now that I'm not at work
I'd really love to see a Jesus with a Black Sun for a halo.
That'd be so rad.
You need religious purity, but the purity that can withstand. Christianity was inherently flawed, that's why it was endangered by so many competing religions, interest groups, ideologies, and science.
And since it was linked to the rule over the masses, it had to be constantly redefined, stretched and adjusted for practical purposes. And at certain point it fell into the pit of the overall religious relativism (like most other overt religions), so even liberals (SJW crowd) could take it over. It was not some kind of grand conspiracy, they are simply vultures feeding on a corpse.
I am not denying it's effect on European civilization, but it was not Christianity that made Europe great, but the inherent quality of Europeans. If they stayed true to their ancestors instead of accepting Semitic poison (that didn't manage to kill Europe as intended), they would become even more superior!
I like this image, it shows Jewish sorcerer blocking your path to enlightenment.
I can't say in that regard because I don't study history or Christian theology, but what I've gathered was that Christendom (the totality of the followers, including the nominal shits) are to be differentiated from Christianity as the dogmas of the book. By theory, that is, what's written in the books, it seems to be some sort of hermeti(ci)sm, latter of which existed prior to the birth of the historical Jesus of Nazareth and basically united Ancient Hellenic (Greek) and Egyptian thought. Some Indians who stylize themselves "Brahmans" tell a tale of him going on a pilgrimage in India and showing miracles the mythological Aryan brahmans were capable of. Interestingly, according to the self-declared wizards, hermetism is the way to go and other types of magick are specializations.
Whether pagans would've been able to effectively unite Europe like the Christian faith did is something we only, sadly, will have to theorize, if not hypothesize, about
By now Sweden is a corpse. But was it always one? Who caused this?
Or better, (((who))) caused this? :^)
The Kristos myth is Aryan in origin, later plagiarized and poisoned by the Jews with their Bible and Vatican.
Christianity a shit. You worship a kike, who is not only the son of god but god himself. God, a kike. Christianity among european people the world over is at an all time low. This is a good thing for something else will takes it's place. Something better. Something that puts european peoples fates in their own hands instead of waiting for some kike in the sky to save them. Christianity has failed european peoples. It's time to move on.
Care to explain? Jew is a term coined to name the apostates from the southern lands of Israel who did not, I repeat, not believe Jesus to be the Messiah. They wanted a warlord, but instead got a man who claimed he was God in flesh - something completely unthinkable and contradictory to Semitic culture. This incarnated god then proceeded to call kikes a shit. Also, only in one occurence has the Christian god be syncretized a sky father deity, being Perun of the Slavs, who is comparable to Odin. Otherwise He was syncretized with Atum-Re, Ptah, or Janus. Cuckery only happens in saecularized Western nations which have a declining Christendom; in Eastern Europe (inb4 Slavs aren't white) this faith is on the rise and the fundamental base for their opposition to non-Whites.
On my other computer I had a cap which explained Christianity to be an Aryan religion, which actually made sense after reading the original Aryan mythology according to the Vedas in Sanskrit.
Well yes, we are going in the same direction, just within a different context.
I think that Jesus and Christ should be separated. Jesus was a person of the "book" , Christ is a title, or a state of mind if you wish. Now, i'm also pretty certain that Jesus was not a Christ, just pretending to be (a Jew copying and corrupting the Aryan knowledge, or getting some dark powers from his "father" and selling them as Kristian powers), but i'll give you the benefit of doubt.
True Christianity was about becoming a Christ yourself, not worshiping some semitic demon as the creator, and his emissary/high priest as an extension of divinity.
It's literally from a semitic country/people. If you want something about the message it self being semitiv i can post something tomorrow.
Aye. Upon his death, resurrection in the new world was promised by Odin to Baldr, his most beloved son.
My point is most Christians are under the impression that Jesus is a yid and then proceed to worship him. If eastern european countries do this, I want no part of their christianity. I will not worship a deity that is considered by a majority of its followers, as it is now, to be a jew, king of jews. Until that is firmly separated from the religion, I want no part of it.
And even if it was, I'd rather still Christianity be abandoned all together in place of something less tainted by kikes. Whites have recreated their religion more than once. We can do it again.
I say less tainted but I mean rid of all kikery entirely.
There are zero reasons to keep Christianity in it's current form, but i understand that people have a very hard time parting with something that they got brainwashed with since birth.
We need a new, Aryan, superior religion. (That's actually discovering the knowledge of our pre-ancestors)
I've read about this, too. Gnostics claim the god in the OT was a completely different one from the one in the NT. The call the former Yaldabaoth, the faulty and jealous god, and the latter Abraxas, the light from beyond the darkness. But for the prophecy of choosing the white) Christians as the chosen race - there was no word of Hebrews ever being a chosen race in the OT - he had to be the 14th descendant of Noah, if I recall correctly. For Orthodox, Joseph was the physical father, which may be true in the Dead Sea scrolls.
I'm fairly certain, by reading Buddhist texts, that he was a Christ, if there were more. For Christians there's only one and the others approach but don't reach to him. Siddharta Gautamata, the first Buddha, or simply the Buddha, has so many attributes characteristics for Indo-European people you would be surprised.
The Semites were a minority in a predominantly white MENA region. The Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Anatolians, the Judeans, and especially the Galileans were white. Galilee derives from the Hebrew term "district of the gentiles".
Excuse me? Most people I've met wouldn't even call him a human, much less a proto-Satanist.
Good luck. I'm serious. Cancer subverts all. It will only be a matter of time until they'll be where you are.
This sounds eerily like redefining. I hope you're not implying we should "redefine" something.
Why not both? Become a christ, and buddha, discover ancient Aryan knowledge and wisom at the same time. And be a wizard with lots of kids.
Except ost people don't think of kikes as proto-satanist. I don't know what region of the world you are from but most modern churches preach that Jesus is a kike. You can not simply dismiss this common theme in Christianity today.
Black pill bullshit.
Oh, I'm implying much more than that. Bibles go directly into the dumpster fire.
Well, in the end it's not that important, since i see that your approach is quite inquisitive, and not dogmatic. You will find out the truth eventually.
I heard that from some Protestants in the USA, my home. American Portestants are notorious for being rejected by the major nominations and some are even seen as heretics.
If Freemasons can get into Vatican, but, for some reason, abhor Orthodox churches, we'll need the something the Orthobros have.
Niggers burn books.
Good going making us look like niggers.
Hitler's regime burned books. Who's the nigger now?
It would be a lot easier if you just showed me that truth of which you speak.
I once had a discussion on halfchan about whether I'd find the truth that emotions aren't actually real.
This is some weird argument, to be honest.
Niggers burn books.
They did it before Hitler's regime did it.
Good going making them look like niggers.
Bloody hell.
He was an enemy of the state. His biggest accomplishment was to lose support for his ideas as he embraced anarchists. He denied ethnic interests at every turn. He was attacked personally by Hitler in his speeches on multiple occassions. He died from poor health as the NDSAP assumed power.
There is plenty of trash that needs to be burned.
By being against the burning of certain books you reveal yourself as someone who has not read very many of them.
You're basically calling the NSGWP and Hitler niggers. You can fuck off now.
Who did that?
I read the ones they burned. Some were shit.
To be honest, I'm more of a fan of discourse and explaining why they're shit, not banning and burning them because people might not understand.
Like letting gays live to show people these shits exist.
Is this why Hitler left some for us? :^)
Are you fucking dense? You implied that niggers were actually capable of understanding what they were burning and that only niggers burned books. This is to imply that you think Hitler and the volkish movement were a bunch of niggers.
Then watch and learn why Christianity is shit.
This is not a subject that i can spoonfeed you on, nor would i want to. First of all, it's something that you need to find out for yourself, and secondly, some knowledge is not for everyone.
This is the same argument that SJW's use when they call for censorship. Only those who are afraid of certain books burn them. If your memes are superior, you have nothing to fear.
Which books did they burn? Are you sure it's not just kike propaganda?
We are not for everyone.
This sounds like some Cthulhu-style retort.
You don't need to understand the book to burn it. I'd even propose that you burn it because you don't understand it or can't argue against it. This is something the atheists claim Christians have done. Are you implying nigs are able to read and understand these books?
Already seen it. I liked it.
There are many books that should be considered harmful. There removal is like that of Kebab. If you let ideas that are harmful roam free, don't be surprised when noble ideas of truth and virtue get raped by the stupid and ugly.
Anyway, be not afraid of clearing down on the clutter of bad books, we have too many bad books
This sounds like "harmful ideas". Remember, we all were subjected to indoctrination and what Hitler's regime considered harmful material, and what have we become?
Aye. I'd do away with all the bibles of the world for just one of the books in
Faggots like you would defend even the Talmud. You're for the oven.
How do you think we argue against them? With their filthy book, of course.
Without it we would have one useful tool less.
But you can't kill ideas by burning books. The only way to prevent them to be harmful is to forge superior ideas, until you reach perfection. Why is Holla Forums so resistant to subversion despite being exposed to it all the time? Because our memes are superior.
Censorship is for kikes
Overcoming is for Aryans
I didn't mean they are not for you, nor did i want to sound cryptic, it's just that there are other (((people))) reading this. You will be able to figure out all of it entirely on your own if you are determined enough.
Without it, they wouldn't have the dogmatic belief in the first place you god damn idiot. I'm done with you.
All you can expect of perfection is a moment. Everything else is waxing and waning. Censorship nothing. Outright destroy it as they are trying to outright destroy you.
This. This so much.
I have forgotten about that. Thanks for reminding me.
Do you even know who we're talking about? They made one once, and they'll make another one, even if we could hope to destroy all exemplaries.
ESOTERIC = Anti-National Socialism
Relativism is a Jewish lie. Perfection is for the Aryans.
Ever heard of "use their tools against them"?
And then, when you have aquired the upperhand, outright destroy them completely.
If you have the truth, you don't need censorship. Only those who know that their memes are false need to censor, afraid to be found out.
Those are both anti-Esoteric… Esoterics is nigger/kike magic
Now we're talking.
Good. We're in agreement. Now grab the bibles, the torrahs, the korans, the talmuds and thrown them on the fire.
Here he comes …
Yeah no. Esoterics is pretty much the hidden meaning of religions, the commonly known stuff is then called exoterics.
Just don't contract demons like the yids do and don't sacrifice human blood on an altar and you're good. Christianity has some verses about fighting against higher principalities. Some ayylmaoists believe aliens to be demons and vice-versa.
Nah. Keep them in case something similar happens.
Then you have wasted your struggle.
Yeah no.
Oh shush. It's good to take time off.
Religions are traps for slaves. You're in a double layer trap. You are in the second movie of the Matrix. You're a fucking slave doing kike magic which is religion.
There is nothing hidden!
Esoterics = nigger jew arab magic scam
The vast majority are not capable of rational thought. They are sheeple, to be led. Even now, the colleges and universities pump out legions of Marxists despite "the truth" being readily available. Facts are suppressed. Scientists who mention anything of race realism are discredited.
Letting inferior ideas run rampant is like letting in millions of Muslims into Europe. When there is one good book on the shelve with one hundred vile books, will you be so confident that some young kid will find that 1/100 book, let alone have the intellect to interpret it properly? With a mind poisoned by a sea of false ideas, is the truth going to be accepted as such? Ask an American child what they think of a Kamikaze, it is alien to them. The truth is alien to the leftist mind, it is rejected.
This is why I say that we should not be afraid to look at the biger picture and burn a few books, or even 99% of them. Save a copy for The Ministry of Truth if you like, but the masses have no need of poisoned thought.
Religion is myth, myth is a program to tell humans how to live in society
I get you, and I agree a couple(literally a couple, in trusted hands, deep underground) of these books should be kept in archives never to be seen again. I don't know why these faggots would want to keep the yiddish rubbish in circulation for the masses to be influenced by.
Remiber: Kabbalah is kike magick and was stolen from the Egyptians.
Whites are the most magical race and have their own spiritualism, which trumps all others.
Praying ("useless" spending of mental energy) and huge numbers (we wuz orkz) and memes (we wuz eldarz) can alter reality.
Or so the wizards claim.
Then make them capable of rational thought.
Right now Europeans are getting redpilled without having to censor books. Ironically (not really) the nations with the most staunch Christian conservatism are the most anti-immigrant ones. They didn't even need to read the Talmud to dislike yids. One good mate, a Pole with green eyes (kind of common, aside of grey eyes) quoted the Bible on his dislike of yids.
Religion is tradition under another name. And remember, tradition isn't the veneration of ashes, but keeping the fire alive.
Yeah no. They should be in libraries with commentaries surrounding them.
"Circulating degenerate content." Pff.
Yeah, keep in libraries so it can be scanned and posted on anonymous image boards on the internet. And don't shut that down because that would be censorship.
You what, mate?
The fire comes from within, the myth or religion activates what you already have.
Remove family, tradition, religion, and or myth and you end up where we are now, 30 year olds who act like they are 12 with daddy government their to take care of them.
Yeah that has amused me for some time too. Not to mention the kabbala connection to those mysteries.
Fuck off jdf.
Well said.
The fire within is the black sun, as I understand it. It is light that comes from absolute darkness.
How could we unblock our racial Tradition today? Without reading talmuds of written letters. (" for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.")
Ours are: the Moon, the black sun and the hermetic axioms of nature.
So first you say that people cant know the truth because it's suppressed
And then you promote suppression to "protect" the truth.
This kind of doublethink is typical for kikes. Normies being exposed to subversive content means nothing if they are also exposed to the truth, and if subversive content is challenged and defeated.
If you are so afraid of that, that means your "truth" might be subversive and misleading on it's own.