ITT: We share lefty phone wallpapers
ITT: We share lefty phone wallpapers
this is a cancerous idea
Hey man, nice meme my boy. I rate this meme post 9/11 meme points.
Nothing gets past this guy.
Pic related, its your laptop
Anyone got any more?
Just use a regular wallpaper.
I like my "Free" as in "Freedom".
Its not lifestylist, its aesthetic. My phone wallpaper doesn't effect my lifestyle in any way. Its just a dorky aesthetic preference, grow down and have some fun
Noone in leftypol uses apple, you fagget.
…it's literally not. Do you even know what lifestylism means? My phone background is not my lifestyle, it's simply an aesthetic choice. We are allowed aesthetic choices.
You're the one being the lifestylist right now. It's part of a bourgeois ideology to feel guilty about consumption.
It is not lifestylist you dumb nigger holy shit read a fucking book
It is something as equally bad though: Fetishization of communism, or left consumerism.
"In the USSR, Leonid Kupriyanovich, an engineer from Moscow, in 1957-1961 developed and presented a number of experimental models of handheld mobile phones. The weight of one model, presented in 1961, was only 70 g and could fit on a palm"
Fetishisation isn't necessarily bad - moralism is bourgeois after all.
Can anyone make a mobile wallpaper with this pic?